Chapter 447 Another assassination
"Hehe, they are really a bitch. Is there anyone else in the train station besides these three people?" Zhao Wen looked at the testimony in his hand, and his mood fell to the bottom.

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he put down the testimony in his hand and focused his attention on the imperial decree on the table.

Zhao Wen picked up the imperial edicts on the table and looked at them one by one.

Imperial edicts are no strangers to Zhao Wen, and Zhao Wen has received several imperial edicts before.

"I really didn't expect the imperial court to be so generous. In order to get rid of me, they were willing to throw out three marquises. I made so many contributions back then, and I was the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen. I didn't even see the shadow of a marquis." Zhao Wen put down the imperial decree in his hand and kept sneering.

"The current train station is undergoing screening, and the results should be available tomorrow, but according to the current situation and the testimony of Qiao Li and the three people, there should be no other defectors in the train station." Li Xiaosan said.

Zhao Wen nodded, "If there are no defectors in the railway station, let the railway station start construction quickly. After all, the supplies to Shanxi cannot be stopped. Especially the railways built from Yangyuan to Datong and Shanxi , It is already February now, and the railway from Yangyuan to Datong is about to be completed, which is very important to us.

By the way, have you checked now who actually let these Jinyiwei men and horses in?I don't believe that these Jinyiwei men and horses can fly in directly. "

A trace of hesitation appeared on Li Xiaosan's face, "My lord, the prisoners who were captured are very stubborn, we haven't interrogated them yet. And Qiao Li and the others don't know how Jin Yiwei and the others got in, they only know that they are Jin Yiwei.

When we were interrogating Qiao Li, the people who were inspecting the inn in the streets of Xuanzhen sent us some people. These people are related to those Jinyiwei. Our people are interrogating them strictly. Everything was interrogated. "

"Since that's the case, then you should interrogate them quickly. Jinyiwei and these people must be strictly monitored. These people are not easy to save fuel. Don't let them run away." Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan with a cold light in his eyes.

Li Xiaosan stood up, saluted Zhao Wen, and then backed out.

After Li Xiaosan withdrew, Zhao Wen sealed up all these things on the table, then stood up and stretched himself.

He walked out of the study, looked at the black night sky outside the study, and wondered in his heart, "Is it time to get the electricity out, there was no time before, and the conditions were not suitable, but now it is almost the same.

To get electricity, you must have plastic or rubber. Things like plastic are somewhat impossible in this life, but rubber is possible.After all, rubber trees in the Americas are fine, and rubber trees can be planted in Southeast Asia and the southeast coast.

Generators are easy to solve, but the most advanced ones cannot be manufactured now, but the most basic ones can be manufactured, but things like transformers and substations are not easy to realize.

Even if the power plant is built in the future, it may be impossible to realize long-distance transmission of electricity.

With electricity, the factory can be remodeled to increase the production capacity of the factory, and at that time, electric lights can be produced to light up the entire Xuan Town. "

Generators and transformers are covered in high school physics. In high school physics, the structure of generators and transformers is also very clearly introduced.

However, the transformers used in high-voltage transmission are more difficult to manufacture than generators, especially the transformers used in UHV transmission.

With Zhao Wen's current level, it is not realistic to manufacture generators of the kind used in thermal power plants or hydropower plants and transformers used in UHV transmission, but it is still possible to manufacture the Gordon generator invented in 1882.

The output power of the Gordon generator is 440 kilowatts. This kilowatt may not be a big deal in later generations, but it is a big deal in the present.

The Gordon generator is three meters high and weighs 22 tons. It is a two-phase generator. The structure is relatively not difficult. According to Zhao Wen's current industrial capabilities, the generator can almost be manufactured.

Although the output power of the Gordon generator is nearly ten times that of the generator invented by Tesla, there are not many places where electricity is used in Xuan Town, and the power requirement is not great.

If the demand for electricity increases in the future, Tesla generators can be remanufactured.

"Looks like I'll be going to bed late tonight!" Zhao Wen shook his head and walked into the study again.

After sitting on the desk, Zhao Wen took out some rice paper, spread it on the table, and started drawing.

What Zhao Wen first drew was not the manufacturing diagram of the generator, but the manufacturing diagram of ammeters and voltmeters.

Of course, these two instruments are also the simplest mechanical ammeters and voltmeters.Mechanical current and voltage meters may not be accurate, but the structure is simple and easy to manufacture.

Electricity is much more delicate than a steam engine, and ammeters and voltmeters are essential.

The structure of these two things is not too difficult, and Zhao Wen finished drawing the drawings of these two things in about two hours.

After drawing these two things, Zhao Wen began to draw the manufacturing diagram of the Gordon generator.

All of a sudden, the workload increased.Although the structure of the Gordon generator is simple, it is also a big guy with a height of three meters and 22 tons. Although the drawing is simpler than that of the Tesla generator, it is not much simpler.

As the time passed by every minute and every second, Zhao Wen took a charcoal pencil and a ruler to draw a picture on the rice paper seriously.

At this moment, several gunshots suddenly sounded outside, followed by a burst of loud shouts and shouts of killing.

Zhao Wen quickly put down the charcoal pencil in his hand, his eyes froze, and he looked outside.

"Could it be that you are here to assassinate me?" Zhao Wen took out a 56 Chong from under the table, and walked outside with the 56 Chong in hand.

As soon as he walked out of the study, the sound of shouts and gunshots became denser.

Zhao Wen stood outside the study, listening to the direction of the voice, "The direction is coming from the front yard!"

At this moment, nearly a hundred personal guards rushed over from the front yard with weapons, "My lord, there are assassins!"

They looked at Zhao Wen standing outside the study, and hurriedly protected Zhao Wen.

"Leave me alone, go to the backyard first, and guard the backyard tightly, especially the yard of Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu." Zhao Wen pointed in the direction of the backyard and shouted at the guards.

For Zhao Wen, the safety of Li Xiaoying, Hai Lanzhu and his son is more important than himself.

I have a warehouse in my body, as long as I don't beat myself to death all at once, then I have a way to recover.But Li Xiaoying and the others are different. After all, they don't have such a heaven-defying treasure.

"But my lord, what do you do?" The leading guard Baihu looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen held the 56 Chong and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and go to the backyard, by the way, the study must also be guarded by me, there are important things in the study, these things are extremely important to Xuanzhen, and there is no room for loss , no one is allowed to enter."

"Hurry up!" Zhao Wen shouted, looking at Baihu who hadn't moved yet.

The hundred household officials had no choice but to lead fifty soldiers and rushed towards the backyard.

After the fifty soldiers left, Zhao Wen led the rest of the troops and rushed towards the front yard.

"Hmph, the assassination failed once, and now I want to assassinate the second time." Zhao Wen snorted coldly, and led the troops to the front yard.

As soon as he rushed to the front yard, a dozen or so palace guards escorted three assassins dressed in black with blood on their faces in front of him.

"My lord, there are five assassins tonight. We killed two of them. These three wanted to commit suicide. Fortunately, we were quick enough to remove their jaws." A leading soldier said to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen held the 56 and looked coldly at the men in black kneeling in front of him, "Put the three of them in prison and ask Li Xiaosan to interrogate them."

"Obey!" The soldier saluted Zhao Wen, and then led the troops to pull the three prisoners outside.

Just then, there were a few more gunshots from the backyard.

Zhao Wen hurriedly turned his head and looked in the direction of the backyard, "Tune the tiger away from the mountain, leave ten people in the front yard, and the rest will follow me."

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he rushed towards the backyard in the first place.


In Li Xiaoying's room, Zhao Wen's eldest son, Zhao Mingyu, was frightened by the gunshots and shouts of killing, crying loudly.

Li Xiaoying held Zhao Mingyu in her arms in her pajamas, comforting her non-stop.

"Ma'am, don't worry, with us here, these thieves don't want to come in." Seven or eight big men holding 56 punches stood outside the door, and a bearded man shouted at the door.

"You should also pay attention to your safety." Li Xiaoying kept coaxing Zhao Mingyu in her arms, and at the same time shouted to the outside.

The courtyard where Li Xiaoying lived was next door to Hai Lanzhu's courtyard. At this time, Hai Lanzhu's courtyard also had a dozen or so men armed with live ammunition guarding the courtyard.

Hai Lanzhu put Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan, who were crying out of fright in the cradle by the bed, on her bed. She took out a handful of big black stars from under the pillow, and sat on the side of the bed with a vigilant expression.

"Hmph, if you want to harm my child, I will beat you into a hornet's nest!" Hai Lanzhu's face was full of fierceness.

Hai Lanzhu is a prairie girl who grew up on the prairie. She has a pungent and strong personality.

The entire backyard is basically populated by female relatives, except for Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu, there are some maids who serve Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu, and the nanny of Zhao Wen's son and daughter.

"Which shot? Where did the gunshot come from?" Li Xiaosan, who was interrogating the prisoner in the prison, frowned tightly when he heard the sudden gunshot in the dark night.

"It seems to be in the direction of the General Military Mansion." A soldier standing in front of Li Xiaosan said solemnly.

Li Xiaosan's complexion changed drastically. He pulled out the big black star on his waist and roared, "20 people stay here, and the rest follow me. If you dare to harm Lord Chief Soldier, I will kill you!" !"

Li Xiaosan let out a roar, and led the men out of the cell.

In the office not far from the General Military Mansion, Liu Wenzhong and other officials are still busy inside.

Liu Wenzhong was sitting in his class and was dealing with matters. When he heard the gunshots from the General Military Mansion, he instantly became nervous.

"This is the sound of gunfire coming from the General Military Mansion!" Liu Wenzhong shouted, stood up from his chair, and hurriedly walked outside.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, Liu Wenzhong encountered a group of officials rushing out of their respective classrooms.

"It's the gunshots coming from the General Military Mansion, let's go over there quickly." Liu Wenzhong looked at these officials, smirked with a dark face, then rolled up his sleeves and walked outside.

Because Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu both have children now, the place where Zhao Wen sleeps at night is not in Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu's room, but in a yard not far from their two yards.

One thing special about this yard is that the east wall of the yard is connected to the outside world.

"Stop now, or I'm going to shoot!"

In this courtyard, three men in black were holding long knives and running around in the middle of the courtyard under the cover of night, heading for the room where Zhao Wen usually lived.

More than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition kept chasing behind.

The night is very dark tonight, and you can't see your fingers. In addition, the clothes on these people are all black, so it is difficult to tell them apart.

Because of the darkness, these chasing soldiers were afraid of accidentally injuring friendly troops, so they didn't dare to shoot indiscriminately.

"According to reliable information, Zhao Wen's room is in front of him. Brothers, rush in and kill Zhao Wen!" Lao Qi held a knife with a fierce look on his face.

This person is the old seven who lived in the Song Ming inn before.

The room where Zhao Wen lived was dark, and it was already late at night, so Lao Qi thought that Zhao Wen had already fallen asleep.

But just when he ran to the eaves, the two men in black who followed him were killed by the soldiers behind him, and he was the only one left.

He rushed in without even looking at the two of them.

"Zhao thief, die!" The man in black rushed to the bedside of the room, roared, raised the knife in his hand, and slashed at the bed.

However, he felt that something was wrong when he was hacking and chopping. There was no one on this bed at all.

"Damn it, no one!" Lao Qi uncovered the shattered quilt, only to see that there were no other things underneath except for some quilts that had been chopped into pieces.

"Damn it, what happened? Could it be that this place is not the place where thief Zhao lives? Impossible!" Lao Qi cursed secretly, then put away his knife and prepared to escape through the back window.

But at this moment, the soldiers behind had already rushed into the room, "Master Chief Soldier is in the study tonight, there is no one here, kill me!"

A high-pitched voice came, followed by intensive gunfire.

Because of the darkness, these soldiers didn't care about whether they were living or not, and pulling the trigger was a burst of shooting.

Lao Qi had just climbed onto the window and was about to jump down when he was hit by flying bullets and turned into a hornet's nest and fell out of the window.

"Stop fire, it sounds like he was killed!" A small flag officer hurriedly yelled at the soldiers who fired after hearing the puff puff puff into the flesh and the plop plop of heavy objects falling.

"Let's go and have a look!"

When these soldiers all released the triggers, the little flag officer led the people behind him and walked slowly towards the window.

A soldier was squatting on the window sill. He took out a torch from his body, blew on the torch, and poked it down.

I saw a dead body lying on the ground, motionless, with blood continuously flowing from its body.

"My lord, I'm dead!" The soldier jumped back to the window from the ledge and said to the little flag officer.

"You guys carry this corpse out, and the others follow me to search." The little banner officer pointed to several soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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