Chapter 448 Traitor Li Chaoyang

When the sun rose the next day, Zhao Wen sat in the lobby of the General Military Mansion with a gloomy expression.

"What's the situation? Have you found out? How did these assassins know the room where I slept? And they went directly to the room where I slept?" Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan who was standing in front of him, and asked in a deep voice .

Since Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu had a child, Zhao Wen put his sleeping room in another place.

Except for Li Xiaoying, Hai Lanzhu and the servants who lived in the mansion, no one else knew about the room where I slept, even Li Xiaosan and the others didn't know about it.

This group of people went directly to the room where they slept. If there were no ghosts in it, Zhao Wen would not believe it at all.

The assassins last night were very clear about the room they slept in. They first attracted firepower in the front yard, used the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, and then launched a surprise attack on the yard where they lived.

It's also fortunate that I was in the study last night, otherwise I would really capsize in the gutter.

"My lord, this matter is hard to say. When we were investigating in the mansion last night, we found that a maid named Xiaoyuan had disappeared. After we investigated, we found that this Xiaoyuan went out to buy things yesterday afternoon. Since then After that, I never came back.

This morning, our soldiers patrolling outside the mansion found Xiaoyuan's body in a stinky ditch in an alley.According to our estimates, this group of people should have kidnapped Madoka, then forced them to find out about the situation in the General Military Mansion, and finally killed Madoka! Li Xiaosan stood in front of Zhao Wen, and explained the results of last night's investigation in detail.

Zhao Wen frowned tightly, "Aside from Xiaoyuan, are there any other suspicious people?"

"My lord, apart from Guo Xiaoyuan, there are no other suspicious people. The assassination last night should be regarded as an accident." Li Xiaosan replied.

"From today, the entire Xuan Town will be searched, and at the same time, an order will be sent to the entire Xuan Town. If you find a strange face and behave suspiciously, you can report it directly. If after investigation, the person reported is indeed guilty, then the whistleblower will be rewarded. "

Zhao Wen sat on the chair, frowned, and said.

No one wants to sit on the crater of a volcano that is about to erupt, and Zhao Wen is no exception.

"You should also pay attention to the interrogation of these prisoners. I don't care what method you use, in a word, you must take out everything in the shortest possible time."

"Obey!" Li Xiaosan shouted loudly at Zhao Wen, and then walked out.

After Li Xiaosan walked out, Liu Wenzhong, who was sitting next to the hall, stood up, "My lord, I think the guards in the General Military Mansion should be strengthened now, and all personnel in the mansion should be checked. Those who want to take it directly."

Zhao Wen is the leader of Xuan Town, Zhao Wen's safety is more important than the whole Xuan Town to some extent.

"What you said is also very reasonable. I will start to deal with this matter. During the recent period, you must not relax, and you must keep your spirits up. These assassins will assassinate me. It is possible to assassinate you. You can’t relax your vigilance either, by the way, I’m planning to assign thirty well-trained guard soldiers to each of you, what do you think?” Zhao Wen looked at the officials in the hall, not knowing what to do. The way of traces.

Zhao Wen's move seems to be for the sake of these people, but in fact, he also intends to monitor them.

From the beginning of the assassination to the present, before the real incident has been revealed, the officials present are all suspects, and they would rather believe it than believe it, so these officials must be monitored.

Of course, Liu Wenzhong and Zhao Wen believed that these officials would have different priorities. After all, he followed him earlier.For those who follow themselves earlier and are loyal to themselves, you can relax appropriately.

Officials like Liu Wenzhong are smart people, how could they fail to see the meaning of Zhao Wen's move?
However, they didn't reject it either. After all, they walked upright, sat upright, and were not afraid of surveillance.

Besides, Zhao Wen can't be blamed for this, after all, it is hard for anyone to experience such a thing, let alone Zhao Wen.

Liu Wenzhong was the first to react. He clasped his fists at Zhao Wen and saluted, and said, "Thank you, my lord!"

The people sitting on both sides of the hall hurriedly saluted Zhao Wen, "Thank you, my lord!"

"Okay, you can go down now. By the way, tell Song Yingxing to come back. I have something to do for him." Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong.

Liu Wenzhong said: "Obey!"

Earlier, Zhao Wen had sent someone to pick up Song Yingxing's family members from Xuanzhen, but Song Yingxing was also brought here for convenience.

Before the new year, Song Yingxing returned to Xuanzhen.

After returning to Xuanzhen, Song Yingxing was arranged by Zhao Wen in Yangyuan, and began to build a railway to Shanxi.

But Sun Yuanhua is still in Datong now, and Song Yingxing is relatively close to Xuanzhen, so Zhao Wen thought about handing over the manufacturing of the generator to Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing is the master who wrote "Heavenly Creation of Things", and he has deep knowledge in manufacturing, so it is appropriate to entrust it to him.

After Li Xiaosan left the General Military Mansion, he entered the prison.

Song Ming was hung on the wall of a prison cell, and a big man with a big arm and a round waist was waving a leather whip and whipping Song Ming non-stop.

"Say it, say it, say it?" The interrogating man kept beating and asking.

But from the beginning to the end, Song Ming only wailed, and didn't say anything useful other than wailing.

"Did you say it?" Li Xiaosan walked into the cell where Song Ming was being held, and looked at the big man who was being interrogated.

The big man withdrew the whip in his hand, and cupped his hands at Li Xiaosan, "My lord, this guy is very stubborn. He has been interrogated for a whole night, but this guy still didn't say a word."

"Didn't say a word? This is not enough beating. I heard that during the Tianqi Dynasty, Wei Zhongxian came up with a punishment in order to torture those civil servants.

This kind of punishment is very cruel. People like Wei Zhongxian will first find a jar with a thin mouth about the size of the mouth, fill it with sesame oil, and then pour the sesame oil into the prisoner's mouth.

After the sesame oil is poured in, some mice will come over, they will put the mice into this jar, and then..."

When Li Xiaosan finished speaking, Song Ming's body began to tremble involuntarily.

Song Ming was also a member of Jinyiwei. He not only saw this punishment with his own eyes, but even used it on prisoners himself.

This kind of punishment is extremely cruel and extremely unbearable.

Prisoners who received this punishment would not die on the spot, but would die after struggling with pain for several days.

If some ginseng soup is poured on the prisoner before this punishment is executed, the prisoner will even struggle for seven or eight days or even ten days before he dies.

At that time, Song Ming was extremely scared when he imposed this punishment on the prisoner. Now when he heard that he was going to use this punishment for himself, he almost scared him to death.

"You should be from Jinyiwei, right? The Apocalypse Dynasty has only passed seven years. You must have been a member of Jinyiwei before. I don't think you don't know this kind of punishment? If you don't tell me, I will Let you try this punishment yourself." Li Xiaosan leaned in front of Song Ming, slapped Song Ming's face with his right hand, and said with a ferocious face.

Song Ming's face was wild, and he kept shrinking back, trying to avoid Li Xiaosan.

"Do you want to talk?" Li Xiaosan asked.

But Song Ming was still evasive and refused to speak.

"Okay, come here, bring the sesame oil, I still don't believe it, how hard your mouth can be!" Li Xiaosan shouted.

The soldier standing behind him who was interrogating hurriedly ran outside and got a jar of sesame oil in a short time.

Li Xiaosan took the sesame oil and walked in front of Song Ming.

"Do you want to say it? If you don't say it, I'll let you drink it now!" Li Xiaosan held the sesame oil in his right hand and kept shaking it. His eyes were like wild wolves, staring at Song Ming.

Listening to the sound of the sesame oil in the jar colliding with the jar, and Li Xiaosan's breathtaking eyes, Song Ming's body trembled like he was sifting chaff.

Just when Li Xiaosan lost his patience and was about to get someone to pour him, Song Ming hastily yelled loudly, "Ah, I recruited, I said everything, I said everything!"

"Come here, bring a pen and paper!" Li Xiaosan put the sesame oil in his hand on the ground and shouted.

An hour later, Li Xiaosan ran towards the General Military Mansion with a few testimonies.

At this time, Zhao Wen was comforting Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu in a courtyard in the backyard.

"My lord, General Li is here!" A soldier stood at the moon gate in the courtyard and shouted at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded, "Understood, you go down first, by the way, you ask him to wait for me in the study, and I will go there later."

Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu, "I have some things to deal with. You two should stay at home these few days and don't run around. I don't worry about you until the matter is really over."

"Don't worry, we will never run around, you can deal with your affairs quickly." Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu looked at each other and said in unison.

"In that case, I'll go first." Zhao Wen said, then turned and left.

When Zhao Wen came to the study, Li Xiaosan rushed to greet him, "My lord, the matter is almost clear."

"Come in and talk!" Zhao Wen pushed open the door of the study and walked in. Li Xiaosan hurriedly followed Zhao Wen.

After the two sat down, Li Xiaosan handed the testimony to Zhao Wen, and said at the same time: "My lord, this group of people came to Xuanzhen two months ago, that is, a few days before the Chinese New Year.

They bribed Li Chaoyang, a hundred households guarding the north gate of Xuanzhen Town, so they were able to bring swords and other weapons in.

Before I came, I had already sent people to arrest Li Chaoyang, and I believe he will be arrested and brought to justice in a short time.

This Li Chaoyang used to be a military household in Xuan Town, and his family was extremely poor. I guess it was for this reason that he was bribed by these people to let these assassins enter Xuan Town.

Those who came to Xuanzhen were Jinyiwei, a total of 23 people, adding up those who were killed and those who were captured, there were just 23 people.In other words, all the Jinyiwei troops in Xuan Town have been cleared out. "

"Damn Li Chaoyang, you really have the guts to eat my food and smash my pot. You are really shameless, especially shameless!" Zhao Wen slapped the testimony in his hand on the table and cursed sullenly. with.

"Catch Li Chaoyang and bring him directly to me."

At the same time, a guard battalion armed with live ammunition kept running towards the north city gate.

The number of these people is about 200, and the weapons they carry are more than a dozen 56-fire weapons in addition to the 40 punch.

These people were led by two Hundred Household Officers, one named Wang Chuyang and the other named Zhang Tiande.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we must arrive at the North City Gate within half a quarter of an hour!" Wang Chuyang ran at the front, shouting loudly as he ran.

Zhang Tiande ran beside him, and kept yelling, "Hurry up, hurry up, Li Chaoyang's betrayal of the commander-in-chief is an unforgivable crime, and he must be arrested and brought to justice."

These 200 people were running on the street very fast.

At the same time, Li Chaoyang appeared at the gate of the North City Gate with seven or eight personal guards. He looked at Counselor Liu Haiqing who was leading the troops guarding the gate, and said with a smile on his face: "Counselor Liu, Mr. General Soldier There is an order to let me go out of the city to search, and I also ask Counselor Liu to open the city gate."

Liu Haiqing squinted at Li Chaoyang, "Why didn't I receive such an order? I can't let you out!"

"I just received this order, and I think your order will come later. Please, Counselor Liu, open the city gate first and let me go out." Li Chaoyang said calmly.

Liu Haiqing shook his head, "From the assassination of the Chief Soldier until now, I have received orders to close the city gate and prohibit anyone from going out. Without the order of the Chief Soldier, I cannot open the city gate."

Li Chaoyang looked at Liu Haiqing who was not allowed to enter, and said angrily: "Can't you open the city gate today? If you don't open the city gate, you are despising the commander-in-chief. I have the right to take you down!"

(End of this chapter)

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