Chapter 449
"Take me down? What qualifications do you have to take me down? Don't forget, I am a counselor, and you are on the same level. We are equal, and you have no right to take me down!" Liu Haiqing did not back down. He looked at Li Chaoyang.

In Zhao Wen's army, the ranks of counselors and officers were not divided into the higher and lower ranks. They were both at the same rank, and there was no such thing as who governed the other.

Li Chaoyang put his right hand on the big black star on his waist, looked at Liu Haiqing, and said again: "Can you open the city gate? This is the order of the commander-in-chief. If you don't open the city gate, Then don’t blame me for being rude.”

Liu Haiqing sneered, "You're welcome? I want to see how you're being rude? There's no basis for what you say, and I, Liu Haiqing, won't recognize it unless you want to rebel if you don't have an order from the commander-in-chief to stamp your seal. "

The viciousness on Li Chaoyang's face became more and more serious. Looking at Liu Haiqing's provocative face, he directly pulled out the big black star from his waist, and pulled the trigger on Liu Haiqing without saying a word.

The speed was so fast that Liu Haiqing couldn't react at all.Liu Haiqing never thought that Li Chaoyang would actually dare to shoot himself.


There was a gunshot, and the bullet hit Liu Haiqing's chest accurately. Liu Haiqing's body suddenly fell back, and then he watched Li Chaoyang limp on the ground with an incredulous expression.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Haiqing never thought that Li Chaoyang would actually dare to shoot himself.

Watching this scene, the soldiers led by Liu Haiqing hurriedly raised their weapons and pointed them at Li Chaoyang.

At the same time, hurriedly surrounded Liu Haiqing's body, a soldier ran to Liu Haiqing and put his hand on his neck to check his pulse.

"It's not good. The Counselor has been killed. Li Chaoyang is going to rebel. Everyone listens to the order, raises their guns, and takes aim. If he dares to charge the city gate, shoot and kill him!"

The soldiers guarding the city gate suddenly became nervous. They never thought that Li Chaoyang would actually dare to shoot Liu Haiqing and beat Liu Haiqing to death.

"What are you going to do? You dare to shoot and kill the Counselor, you are rebelling." A chief banner officer at the city gate raised a 56 and a half in his hand and shouted at Li Chaoyang.

Looking at the people who were aiming at him, Li Chaoyang didn't panic at all. The guards behind him also took off their weapons and aimed at the soldiers at the gate of the city.

The two sides immediately confronted each other.

These personal guards behind Li Chaoyang are his confidantes. A long time ago, Li Chaoyang transferred the general's light machine gun and 40 firepower to his personal guards, while ordinary soldiers only had 56 and a half.

Therefore, although it seems that there is a relatively large difference in the number of people between the two sides, the firepower is not much different.

These soldiers are left behind soldiers, and their weapons and equipment are quite different from Zhao Wen's personal guard battalion.

Li Chaoyang looked at the soldiers who were aiming at him, and shouted: "I am a hundred household officer, now the counselor is dead, you must obey my order, now I order you to open the gate of the city."

"Don't even think about it, you traitor!" A soldier in his early 20s raised his 56 half and shouted coldly at Li Chaoyang.

Li Chaoyang looked along where the sound came from, aimed the big black star in his hand at the soldier, and pulled the trigger.

The soldier's body also fell to the ground in response to the gunfire of the big black star.

The soldiers at the gate of the city watched this scene and became excited instantly.Holding up the weapons in their hands, they kept pressing towards Li Chaoyang.

"What are you going to do? Do you really want to rebel?" A chief banner officer at the gate of the city looked at Li Chaoyang and roared loudly.

After all, Li Chaoyang was from a hundred households, and he had accumulated prestige in the hearts of these soldiers for a long time. Although the current situation was obvious, these soldiers still dared not shoot directly on the spot.

"What am I going to do? Let me tell you the truth. Now that the court has named me the Duke of An, as long as you follow me out, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth. Why do you want to work here for a rebel leader?
I order you to open the city gate now, or don't blame me for being cruel. "Li Chaoyang comforted these soldiers first, but when he said the second half of the sentence, he narrowed his eyes, stared at these soldiers, and yelled loudly.

However, the soldiers at the gate of the city still did not respond, and now they kept thinking about whether they should shoot or not.

"Then don't blame me!" Li Chaoyang looked at the unresponsive soldiers in front of him, and couldn't care less.

"Don't blame anyone? I don't think any of you dare to move?" At this moment, Wang Chuyang and Zhang Tiande led the soldiers and horses and appeared behind Li Chaoyang.

Those words just now were also heard by Zhang Tiande and Wang Chuyang.

Li Chaoyang's body trembled suddenly. He looked at the guards behind him wearing new military uniforms, and panicked instantly.

The troops of the personal guard battalion are Zhao Wen's most elite troops, and all the weapons in their hands are 56 punches. In terms of weapons and equipment, they are much better than the remaining troops like them.

"Hehe, traitor and running dog. Give me an order, except for Li Chaoyang, all those who participated in the rebellion will be killed without mercy!" Zhang Tiande's eyes were full of fierce light.

Those who can follow Li Chaoyang to attack the city gate must be Li Chaoyang's cronies, Zhang Tiande and the others will never be soft on these people.

In the eyes of people like Zhang Tiande, betraying Zhao Wen is a death penalty.

As soon as the words fell, the 56 rushed, and the gunfire of the light machine gun rang out.

The soldiers at the city gate looked at the scene in front of them, and kept retreating, and retreated directly to the city gate.

In about ten breaths, all the guards following Li Chaoyang were beaten to the ground.

Zhang Tiande and the others didn't give them any time to react, they opened fire as soon as they came up, beating up those who followed Li Chaoyang all at once.

"Cease fire!" Zhang Tiande roared when the troops following Li Chaoyang were wiped out, and then led the soldiers to surround Li Chaoyang.

Li Chaoyang looked at the place covered in blood, and his face instantly turned ashen.

"Your matter has been exposed, come with us." Zhang Tiande kicked the big black star in Li Chaoyang's hand away, and at the same time pressed him to the ground, saying with a cold face.

The moment Li Chaoyang was pinned to the ground, the soldiers beside Zhang Tiande pulled out ropes and tied Li Chaoyang tightly.

"My lord, he killed the Counselor!" At this moment, a soldier at the city gate ran up to Zhang Tiande and shouted at Zhang Tiande, pointing to Liu Haiqing's body on the ground.

Zhang Tiande looked at the corpse on the ground, and said, "You have contained his corpse properly, and someone will come over to deal with these matters later."

After Zhang Tiande finished speaking, he escorted Li Chaoyang towards the prison.

When they brought Li Chaoyang to the prison, Li Xiaosan had been waiting outside the prison for a long time.

"Master Zongbing asked you to take him to the Zongbing Mansion." Li Xiaosan pointed to Li Chaoyang who was being detained.

"Obey!" Zhang Tiande and Wang Chuyang cupped their hands at Li Xiaosan, then turned around and headed towards the General Military Mansion.

Not long after, Zhang Tiande and Wang Chuyang escorted Li Chaoyang to the hall of the General Military Mansion.

Zhao Wen sat on the main seat in the hall, holding a booklet in his hand. When Li Chaoyang was escorted into the hall, he raised his head to take a look, and then put his eyes on the booklet in his hand.

The booklet in Zhao Wen's hand is Li Chaoyang's yellow book information, which Zhao Wen specially asked to get it before.

"Kneel down!" Zhang Tiande kicked Li Chaoyang to his knees in front of Zhao Wen, and then said to Zhao Wen: "My lord, this man is Li Chaoyang. We originally went to his residence to arrest him, but when we When he came to the place where he lived, he had already headed towards the city gate with his men and horses.

When they arrived at the city gate, he was about to take his confidant out of the city, but was stopped by the counselor when he was leaving the city, and he was so angry that he beat the counselor to death. "

"Hehe, it's amazing, amazing. Killing one's own people is like eating and drinking. I really can't think of it. How can there be such a talent in Xuanzhen?" Zhao Wen put down the booklet in his hand and looked at Li Chaoyang.

Li Chaoyang knelt in front of Zhao Wen, his head lowered, his face ashen.

"I really can't figure it out. Did I treat you badly? Why did you betray me? Did I treat your family badly? Feel your conscience. How can I feel sorry for you?" Zhao Wen looked at Li Chaoyang , said heartbroken.

Li Chaoyang's mouth was tightly closed, and it took a long time before he raised his head, and said with a gray face: "Hehe, what's the point of saying this now? It's all about success and failure!"

"Win the king and lose the bandit?" Zhao Wen laughed out loud as if he had just heard the funniest joke when he heard this.

When Zhao Wen put away his smile, he said coldly: "Winner and loser? Are you worthy of saying this? Yes, it is winner and loser, but have you ever thought about it? I need your nine clans to be buried with you.

I read your yellow book just now, and it said that your family has been passed down through four generations. You are very good, and your lineage was finally cut off in your generation.It was you who betrayed me first, so don't blame me for being cruel.

Hehe, as the saying goes, I didn't really believe in the favor of the mistress before, but now I believe it. I believe it and I can't believe it anymore. "

"You can't do this. I did all of this. It has nothing to do with them. You can't do this, you can't do this." Li Chaoyang panicked when he heard that Zhao Wen wanted to kill his nine clans. He kept yelling, if it wasn't for the soldiers next to him pressing him to the ground, he would have struggled to get up and fight Zhao Wen desperately.

Zhao Wen sneered, "Hehe, you blame me for being ruthless? Did I treat you badly? Ask yourself, when have I ever owed you?
The booklet on the table is your information, which shows various things related to you.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month in the sixth year of Chongzhen, you got married, and because you didn't have a new house, you wrote an application and applied for a new house.

When the approval documents were sent to me, I didn't think much about it at the time, and just approved a new house for you.

The new house approved for you is newly built in Xuan Town, and the living facilities inside are in good condition. If it is sold on the market, it can sell for a lot of money.

But I didn't sell it, because I think it's not easy for you people to follow me, and what you do is some brain-dead work, so I will build houses for you for free.

Every festival, the General Military Mansion will distribute various gifts to you, and the rewards for you are also very generous.Even, I was still in Xuanzhen Primary School, and the middle school reserved places for your children.

But what about you, how did you repay me?You betrayed me, knowing that it was Jin Yiwei, clearly knowing that they were here to assassinate me, not only did you not report the matter in advance, but you also let them in.

If it weren't for the counselors in the army, I guess you might bring soldiers and horses to deal with me directly.A scum like you, why should I keep you?It's also because I'm always too kind to you, so you think I'm easy to bully and don't take my orders seriously. "

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he stood up from his chair and looked at the soldiers who were holding Li Chaoyang, "detain him and torture him severely. At the same time, he ordered Li Xiaosan to lead his troops to arrest Li Chaoyang's nine clans and his immediate family members, who should be sentenced to prison." As for the sentence, what should be killed. As for the collateral, he will be exiled to the country of Wa. If Li Chaoyang is to be executed, he will be beheaded immediately after the interrogation."

"You can't do this, I have no credit and hard work. You can't do this, you can't do this!"

When being pulled down, Li Chaoyang kept screaming at Zhao Wen.

But Zhao Wen didn't respond to this. Since ancient times, rebels and rebels have always ended up killing the Nine Clans. Zhao Wen was fine, and he didn't kill all the Nine Clans.

Li Chaoyang looked at Zhao Wen who was unresponsive, changed his tone, and began to shout and curse, "You are a traitor, you are a traitor, sooner or later you will be like me, I will wait for you underground, wait Watching you, I will watch your nine clans be killed!"

Li Chaoyang looked mad, and was dragged and yelled in Zhao Wen's direction.

Looking at Li Chaoyang who was screaming, Zhang Tiande took off the 56 Chong he was carrying, and pointed a gun butt towards Li Chaoyang's mouth.

"Be honest with me, otherwise I don't mind losing your arm or leg first." Zhang Tiande looked at Li Chaoyang coldly.

"Bah!" Li Chaoyang spit out blood at Zhang Tiande, "What kind of shit are you? You are Bandit Zhao's accomplice. I am doing justice for the heavens. I let Jin Yiwei in for the sake of the court. Bandit Zhao is a rebel. You You are also rebels, you people will be wiped out by the court sooner or later.

I now regret that I didn't lead troops to assassinate Zhao thief. If I had gone, I would have killed Zhao thief, you bastard Zhao thief, you will die! "

"I told you to shut up, did you hear that?" Zhang Tiande's eyes burst into flames, and he hit Li Chaoyang's chin with the butt of his gun again.

But Li Chaoyang was a stubborn duck, still cursing and cursing.

"Stop!" Zhang Tiande looked at the soldiers dragging Li Chaoyang ahead, and said in a low voice.

"Hehe, what do you want to do?" Li Chaoyang looked at Zhang Tiande with blood on his face.

Zhang Tiande jokingly said: "What are you doing? I'm not doing anything, brothers, this bastard's mouth is too stinky, give me a hard hit, first off his leg."

As Zhang Tiande spoke, he swung the butt of the 56mm gun in his hand, and slammed it hard at Li Chaoyang's left leg.

The soldier next to him also raised the butt of his gun and threw it at Li Chaoyang's left leg.

"Let your mouth full of dung, let your mouth full of dung, you bastard, traitor, scum, I will let you spit your mouth full of dung again!" Zhang Tiande cursed loudly while smashing.

The surrounding soldiers also smashed Li Chaoyang's left leg vigorously, and it didn't take long for Li Chaoyang's left leg to be broken.

Li Chaoyang howled hysterically, Zhang Tiande tore off a strand of cloth from his body, and stuffed it into Li Chaoyang's mouth.

"Hehe, save your energy for now, where are you going now, dinner will be served later, and you will know when you go to the prison."

(End of this chapter)

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