Chapter 450 Forming the Gendarmerie
When Zhang Tiande took Li Chaoyang to the prison, Li Xiaosan was still standing outside the prison and did not leave.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Li Xiaosan looked at Li Chaoyang who had been dragged back, and asked suspiciously.

Zhang Tiande replied: "My lord, the Chief Soldier has an order, let us take him back and hand him over to the Lord for interrogation. By the way, the Chief Soldier also said..."

Zhang Tiande told him everything that Zhao Wen had told him.

"Hehe, since Lord Chief Soldier entrusted this matter to me, then I have to hand over this matter to Lord Chief Soldier. Take him in first, by the way, set up a separate cell for him After taking him in, you go to arrest his family members.

Since he doesn't know etiquette, justice, and shame, and dares to betray Lord Zongbing, he will have to bear the price of betrayal, otherwise, how would they know how many eyes Lord Ma has. "

Li Xiaosan spoke very calmly, but his tone was full of murderous intent.

If it weren't for Zhao Wen, Li Xiaosan wouldn't have known which ravine he died in.Now he is loyal to Zhao Wen and does not allow anyone to betray Zhao Wen.

"Obey!" Zhang Tiande clasped his fists at Li Xiaosan, and then escorted Li Chaoyang towards the prison.

Li Chaoyang's face was covered with blood, his mouth was gagged, and he couldn't speak. He looked extremely pitiful, but he asked for all of this.

When Li Chaoyang was pulled down, Zhao Wen pointed to Li Chaoyang's brochure on the table, and said to the guard standing beside the hall: "Burn his documents!"

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he walked towards the study, thinking about the problem while walking.

"In any case, there must be no problems with the army. Judging from this incident, a mere counselor system is not enough.

It seems that the military police system must be brought up, otherwise, who knows if there will be people like Li Chaoyang in the future. "

Zhao Wen walked towards the study while thinking.

Not long after, Zhao Wen sat in the study.

He took out a piece of rice paper, picked up a charcoal pencil, and began to write various regulations on the military police on the rice paper.

In Zhao Wen's plan, the gendarmerie system he established is not the kind of gendarmerie that only manages the discipline of military soldiers in later generations.

Zhao Wen's plan is to set up a spy organization similar to Jinyiwei that specializes in dealing with military officers.

The main duty is to secretly monitor officers, generals and soldiers at all levels in the army.

If anyone has the heart of disobedience, they can investigate secretly. If the situation is true, they can kill them first and then arrest them directly.

After all, the army is different from civil servants. No matter how disobedient a civil servant is, the destructive power he can cause is very limited.But military officers are different, they have guns in their hands, and if there is any disobedience, the chaos caused is not comparable to that of civil servants.

This spy organization Zhao Wen is going to put Li Xiaosan in charge and be directly responsible for himself.

From this assassination incident, Zhao Wen saw many things from Li Xiaosan.

Needless to say loyalty, Li Xiaosan, Song Hu, Zhao Daniu, Liu Wu and Wang Qi were the first to follow Zhao Wen, and they must be extremely loyal to Zhao Wen.

It can be said that Li Xiaosan grew up under Zhao Wen's watch. When Zhao Wen first came to Daming, Li Xiaosan was just a kid in his teens. Now seven years have passed, and Li Xiaosan has become a big boy up.

After all, he is a young man. Although he looks a little careless on weekdays, he is still very delicate when doing things.

Especially in this assassination incident, it didn't take long before and after to get things almost done.

If this matter is handed over to others, it is estimated that Li Xiaosan's speed will not be there.

Thoughtful, quick to do things, coupled with youthful energy, and a passion, this is simply the best candidate.

Although there are Wang Qi's secret guards now, but Wang Qi's secret guards are mainly aimed at the outside world, and their main duties are to spy on news and monitor internal civil servants.

For the army, there are not many places for the dark guard to intervene.Especially after Zhao Wen raised his troops, and with Wang Qi's departure, the monitoring of the army by the hidden guards became less and less effective.

If Zhao Wen had a team dedicated to monitoring military officers, would the assassination still happen?
Even if there was, he would not be assassinated again and again like this time, and he would still be betrayed by his own people.

Besides, some of the functions of the secret guards set up by Zhao Wen were somewhat vague, which led to low efficiency.

In this way, many things will be missed.This is not acceptable for Zhao Wen. If he cannot hold the military power firmly in his hands, reforming the Ming Dynasty in the future will be just empty talk.

With an organization similar to the gendarmerie, plus Wang Qi's secret guards, when the time comes, all the personnel can be closely monitored with one piece of paper and one weapon.

It didn't take long for Zhao Wen to write almost the thoughts in his heart.

After finishing writing, Zhao Wen did not ask Li Xiaosan to be found. After all, this is just a first draft, and there are still many rules and regulations that have not been clarified. In addition, Li Xiaosan should still be interrogating prisoners. It's not appropriate for Xiaosan to call me.

Zhao Wen folded what he wrote and put it on his body, and then began to draw the blueprint of the generator.

Before that, Zhao Wen had drawn more than half of the blueprints. If there were no troubles from those assassins, the drawing would have been finished long ago.

Zhao Wen took the ruler and drawings, and lay down on the table to draw seriously.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sun also set on the western mountain.

Although it is already February, the days are still very short.

At the same time, Song Yingxing walked out of the train station. He looked at the night sky that had just darkened, and said to the followers following him: "Go directly to the General Military Mansion. I guess the General Military is still awake at this time. Lord Zongbing is in such a hurry to find me, I'm afraid he has something important to entrust to me."

"I'm afraid the commander-in-chief is already asleep at this time?" A follower looked at Song Yingxing and asked.

Song Yingxing shook his head, "Not necessarily, let's go and have a look first. If the Chief Soldier is really asleep, then let's go back to our residence first."

Song Yingxing arrived at Xuanzhen Railway Station relatively early, and arrived in the afternoon, but the blockade of the railway station had not yet ended at this time, so Song Yingxing waited on the train for a while.

Before Zhao Wen asked Liu Wenzhong to send a message to Song Yingxing to let him come back, so Song Yingxing got on the train after getting the news.

If it wasn't for the blockade of the train station, Song Yingxing would have left the train station long ago.

Not long after, Song Yingxing came to the gate of the General Military Mansion.

As soon as they approached, the guards in front of the gate of the General Military Mansion took off the 56 behind them, looked at Song Yingxing warily, and shouted: "Who is here?"

Zhao Wen experienced two assassinations, and these guards had to be more vigilant.

Song Yingxing said: "This is Song Yingxing, come here to see Mr. Chief Soldier!"

Song Yingxing walked forward as he spoke, and when the guard at the door saw Song Yingxing's face clearly, he suddenly realized: "So it's Mr. Song, I thought who it was!"

Song Yingxing was a frequent visitor to the General Military Mansion before, and these soldiers naturally knew Song Yingxing.

"My lord is in the study right now, and I haven't slept yet. My lord said, as long as it's Mr. Song, you can go in directly!" A guard pointed to the door and looked at Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing said: "If that's the case, then I'll go in!"

Song Yingxing looked at his followers before leaving, "You guys just stay here!"

After Song Yingxing finished speaking, he walked in under the leadership of the guards.

Not long after, Song Yingxing followed the guards to the outside of the study.

"Lord Chief Soldier!" Song Yingxing stood outside the study, knocked on the door, and called softly.

"The door is unlocked, come in." Zhao Wen knew it was Song Yingxing when he heard the voice. He looked at the door with a smile on his face.

Song Yingxing pushed open the door and walked in.

Looking at Song Yingxing who walked in, Zhao Wen said with a smile on his face, "Did you just arrive? Why did you come here at this time?"

"Returning to my lord, I arrived at the train station this afternoon, but because of the assassination of my lord, the blockade of the train station had not been lifted when I arrived, so it was delayed for some time." Song Yingxing first bowed to Zhao Wen , and then explained in detail why he came so late.

"I see, no wonder you came at this time. You too, why don't you take out your identity card, if you take out your identity card, you don't have to wait so long." Zhao Wen pretended He looked at Song Yingxing complaining.

Song Yingxing said: "It's okay to wait for a while, after all, your business is the most important thing. I don't know what happened to your lord? Was there any injury? Has the thief been brought to justice?"

Although Song Yingxing was in Yangyuan and was in charge of building the railway from Yangyuan to Shanxi, Liu Wenzhong also told him about Zhao Wen's assassination when he sent someone to pass the news to him.

Zhao Wen smiled and said: "The thief has been caught, I'm fine, the person who can kill me in this world hasn't been born yet.

The reason why I came all the way to find you is because there are some things I want to entrust to you. "

Zhao Wen pointed to the chair in front of the desk, and looked at Song Yingxing with a smile on his face, "Sit down and we'll talk."

After Song Yingxing sat down, Zhao Wen said with a smile: "What do you think of the house I gave you? If it's not suitable, I can change it for you."

After Song Yingxing's family came to Xuanzhen, Zhao Wen asked someone to pick a set of five yards and gave it to Song Yingxing.

Although Wujin's yard can be sold for a lot of money in Xuan Town, in Zhao Wen's eyes, even ten houses for a talent like Song Yingxing can't compare.

"You don't need it, my lord. This set of five yards is a bit too extravagant for me. I won't be able to use such a nice yard in the next family." Song Yingxing said sincerely.

Although Song Yingxing was born in Juren, but in this era when everything is low-grade but high-study, his things that are useless to the imperial examination will inevitably be regarded as heresy and looked down upon by others.

Although Daming's atmosphere is very open, there are still many stubborn people.

Before Song Yingxing came to Xuanzhen, although he was well-known, no one had ever respected him from the bottom of his heart like Zhao Wen.

"In my heart, Mr. Song can match my [-] troops." Zhao Wen praised without hesitation.

As soon as Song Yingxing heard Zhao Wen praise him so much, he hurriedly said: "I can't praise him like this, I really can't."

"Okay, what should I do? In my eyes, you deserve everything. You and Mr. Sun Yuanhua and Sun are my right-hand men. I am happier to have you two than to have a hundred thousand troops." Zhao Wenxuan Said a few times angrily, then pointed to the blueprint on the table and said to Song Yingxing: "Mr. Song, that's why I came here today."

Song Yingxing looked at the drawings on the table following the direction of Zhao Wen's finger.

"This should be a manufacturing drawing of something. I've never seen such a thing." Song Yingxing looked at it for a long time, but couldn't figure out what it was.

"This is called a generator!" Zhao Wen explained.

"Generator? What is this?" Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen in confusion.

Song Yingxing had never heard of the term generator, nor did he know what this generator was.

Looking at Song Yingxing's confused face, Zhao Wen patiently explained, "Do you know the lightning in the sky? Do you know where it comes from?"

"Lightning? Legend has it that Thunder God and Lightning Mother made it, but I don't believe it at all.

Wang Chong of the Han Dynasty mentioned how lightning was produced in "Lunheng Leixu Pian".

The book says that in midsummer, the sun is at work, and the yin is taking advantage of it.When yin and yang are in conflict, they will collide with each other.Xiao Zhen shoots.

It means that in summer, yang qi dominates, and yin qi competes with it, so collisions, frictions, explosions and lasings occur, thus forming thunder and lightning.

And Mr. Zong Bing once said in his university books that lightning is formed because water molecules will generate two kinds of static electricity during the process of decomposition and friction at high altitudes, one is the positive charge at the upper end of the cloud layer, and the other is the negative charge at the lower end of the cloud layer. , and the ground will naturally have a positive charge, and the three attract each other. When the charge reaches a certain level, a strong current will be generated. This is also the reason why lightning will strike the ground.

Although I don't quite understand what the electric charges and water molecules mentioned in the book are, I can still understand them in general. "

After all, Song Yingxing is a Juren, and he also likes to study craftsman, so he has read many books that have nothing to do with the imperial examination.

In addition to these books, he also read the college textbook written by Zhao Wen, which explained the cause of lightning in detail at that time.

"You are right. The formation of lightning is what is said in college textbooks. Although the thing I drew cannot produce lightning, it can produce something similar to lightning.

Generators produce steady currents that have a very strong effect..."

Zhao Wen pointed to the drawing of the generator on the table, and explained to Song Yingxing in detail the use of the generator and the use of electricity.

Zhao Wen spoke for a long time, almost half an hour.

Song Yingxing listened to Zhao Wen's voice as if he was listening to a scripture from heaven. He never imagined that electricity would be so useful and powerful.

"My lord, do you mean that electricity will be able to replace steam engines in the future? This is impossible, right? Steam engines are already ingenious things. If steam engines are really replaced by electricity, doesn't that mean that electricity is more powerful than steam engines? How is this possible?" Listening to Zhao Wen's explanation, Song Yingxing's scalp felt numb, the steam engine was already the most powerful thing in the world in Song Yingxing's eyes, and now Zhao Wen suddenly said that there is something more powerful than the steam engine in the world How could Song Yingxing not be surprised by this?

 Thank you for being too lazy to think of a new name, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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