Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 451 You Are Still Selling Weapons?

Chapter 451 You Are Still Selling Weapons?

"The steam engine is still the most basic and most useful thing in Xuanzhen, but electricity is also a very good thing. There is no conflict between the two. We can use the steam engine and electricity together.

With electricity, you can make lights.Electric light is a light source that is [-] times more usable than candles, but because there is no rubber, it cannot be officially implemented yet. Everything will have to wait until the rubber is available.

However, you can try to make some generators first, and when you are proficient in making them, you can add rubber to make generators on a large scale. "

In the next period of time, Zhao Wen explained the electricity to Song Yingxing in detail again. In addition to the generator, Zhao Wen also introduced various things related to electricity to Song Yingxing in detail.

Especially for electric motors, Zhao Wen introduced the application of electric motors to Song Yingxing in detail.

In fact, the basic principles of motors and generators are similar. Except for some differences in use and shape, the most basic structure and principle are the same.

"Electric light? Is this thing really better than candles?" Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen with some doubts.

Zhao Wen laughed, "Of course electric lights are better than candles. Once electric lights are manufactured and popularized, the entire Xuan Town will be equipped with electric lights, and then Xuan Town will become a real city that never sleeps.

At that time, the nights in Xuanzhen will become colorful, and the people will no longer have to live a monotonous life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Moreover, the processing of the factory will not stop at night. If the factory is filled with electric lights, the production efficiency of the factory will increase a lot.

A lot of equipment in the factory can also be replaced by electricity, which will increase the production capacity of the factory a lot.When smelting metals, electricity can also be used for smelting. This smelting method can smelt many metals, and the efficiency is very high. "

Zhao Wen explained the benefits of electricity to Song Yingxing in detail.

"This is a voltmeter and an ammeter, which are used to detect electricity and current. The structure of these two things is relatively simple. You can try to make this thing first." Zhao Wen said and took the drawings of the ammeter and voltmeter. He took it out and placed it in front of Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing looked at the blueprints on the table, and asked again: "Sir, what should I do with the railway if I'm doing this now?"

"Railway? Don't worry about the construction of the railway. You can study the generator with peace of mind. If you have a suitable candidate, you can also tell me." Although the construction of the railway to Shanxi is very important to Zhao Wen, the generator is more important. important.

Besides, anyone can supervise the construction of the railway, but Song Yingxing is probably the only one suitable for the manufacture of this generator in Xuan Town.

"By the way, the manufacture of this generator should be set up in the ironworks. I will have someone build a yard in the ironworks for you to use to study this generator.

However, Mr. Song, I hope you can remember that the generator is very important to us, and we must keep it secret when manufacturing it. Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing solemnly.

Song Yingxing said: "Don't worry, I will live up to the orders of the Chief Soldier!"

"Then I'll leave these things to you. It's getting late now, so I'll send someone to take you back."

Zhao Wen rolled up the drawings on the desk, handed them to Song Yingxing, and at the same time led Song Yingxing out of the study.

"I'll give you the drawing of the electric motor after you actually manufacture the generator." Zhao Wen led Song Yingxing out of the General Military Mansion. Outside the door, "You guys escort Mr. Song back to the house!"

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!" Song Yingxing held the blueprint in his hand and saluted Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen waved his hand, "Thank you for what? A trivial matter, nothing to worry about!"

"Then I will take my leave!" Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen and said.

Zhao Wen nodded, "Okay, then I won't give it away!"

As Song Yingxing said, he bowed his hands towards Zhao Wengong again, and then walked towards the distance under the protection of four or five personal guards.

Looking at Song Yingxing who was leaving, Zhao Wen secretly said: "Guessing the time, Zheng Yiguan should have delivered the food soon, and let him send someone to America by the time.

At this time, there are probably a lot of rubber trees in the Americas, so you can get some rubber first. "


The place where Song Yingxing lived was not too far from Zhao Wen's General Military Mansion, that is, a distance of about ten minutes.

When Song Yingxing came to his house, he looked at the guards escorting him and said, "Thank you all!"

"You are welcome, sir. This is the order of the commander-in-chief. We will leave first!" A guard said, and before Song Yingxing could speak, he turned around and led the troops towards the commander-in-chief's mansion.

Song Yingxing looked at the backs of them leaving, turned around, and set his eyes on the gate.

He stretched out his right hand and knocked the brass ring on the gate.

Not long after, a hunched figure opened the door and leaned out with a puzzled expression.

He held up a lantern and kept shaking it, "Who is it?"

"It's me!" Song Yingxing looked at the hunched figure and said.

"So it's the third master!" This person is the housekeeper of the Song residence, and he is loyal to the Song residence, and Song Yingxing is the third eldest in the family, so the housekeeper called him the third master.

Song Yingxing is a total of four brothers, namely Song Yingsheng, Song Yingding, Song Yingxing and Song Yingjing.

And Song Yingding died of illness in the second year of Chongzhen, so there were only three brothers left.

Song Yingjing was born of Song Yingxing's father's concubine, and she had never gotten along with Song Yingsheng and Song Yingxing, so Song Yingjing had separated from Song Yingxing and Song Yingsheng before, but this time she came to Xuanzhen, Song Yingjing did not follow Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing and Song Yingsheng's mother passed away in the fifth year of Chongzhen, and their father also passed away a long time ago.

Song Yingsheng married two wives, one was Yu, who gave birth to a daughter named Song Yanwen, and a concubine named Xiao, who gave birth to a son named Song Shiying.

Because of Song Yingding's death, Song Yingding's son and daughter got married early and did not come to Xuanzhen with Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing also has two wives, one named Yu and one named Shu.

These two wives bore him two sons, the eldest, Song Shihui, and the second, Song Shiyi.In addition to these two sons, there are two daughters.

But the two daughters did not leave their names in history.

Song Yingxing's two sons did not do well in history, because Song Yingsheng and Song Yingxing were survivors of the Ming Dynasty, so Song Yingxing and Song Yingsheng's sons basically lived very poorly.

"Third Master, the Eldest Master has been waiting for you in the hall for a long time." The housekeeper opened the door and said in a calm tone.

When Song Yingxing left the train station, he had someone inform his family that he was coming back.

Song Yingxing walked into the door and asked: "But let me apply for a job with Mr. Zongbing?"

"That's exactly what happened!" The butler replied.

Song Yingxing sighed, and walked towards the hall with the blueprint in hand.

As soon as Song Yingxing entered the hall, Song Yingsheng hurriedly stood up and greeted him.

"Why did you come back at this time?" Song Yingsheng asked hastily.

Song Yingsheng was originally a small official, and the relationship between Song Yingsheng and Song Yingxing was very good, so when Song Yingxing was about to move to Xuanzhen, he followed Song Yingxing to Xuanzhen.

Song Yingxing said: "I was delayed for some time at the Chief Soldier's place, plus the blockade of the train station, so I came back a bit late."

"Sit down quickly!" Song Yingsheng pulled Song Yingxing's arm and hurriedly made him sit down.

After Song Yingxing sat down, he held the blueprint in his hands, "I understand the ability of my brother, but there are no vacancies for various positions in Xuan Town, so it may not be easy to do a certain job for my brother.

I was transferred back by the Chief Soldier this time, and the errand of supervising the construction of the railway was freed. If my brother can endure the bitter cold and tiredness on the construction site, then I can recommend it to the Chief Soldier, but I can’t promise if I can agree. . "

When Song Yingsheng heard Song Yingxing's words, he immediately became happy.

As the saying goes, if you learn literary and martial arts, you will be the emperor's family.

Although Zhao Wen is not an emperor now, he will become an emperor sooner or later.

Not to mention that I have been in Xuanzhen for a while, everyone is an official and doing things, and I am alone at home, which is not a problem.

"Third Brother, I'm bothering you!" Song Yingsheng said with a smile.

"What's bothering and not worrying, the eldest brother can follow me to Xuanzhen and resign the general, that's me. I should recommend the eldest brother. Now that Xuanzhen is booming, the commander-in-chief has already decided to recommend it. It's a dear rule. I'm not taking advantage of any loopholes in recommending my elder brother." Song Yingxing laughed.

At this moment, Song Yingxing's son, He Zong, hurried to the hall after hearing about Song Yingxing's return, and paid his respects to Song Yingxing.


They saluted Song Yingxing respectfully.

"Get up!" Song Yingxing stroked the beard on his chin and looked at the two of them.

Several people thanked each other and hurriedly stood up.

"The two of you are old enough to stop fooling around like this. Don't you think about going to university?" Song Yingxing looked at his son.

Song Shihui and Song Shiying are now in their early 20s.

After all, the Song family is a scholarly family. There have been many Jinshi candidates in the family before, so the family education is very strict.

The two looked at each other, and then replied in unison: "Father, we are already ready to go to university. We are studying at home now. As long as the university takes the exam again, we are absolutely confident that we will be admitted to the university."

"Father! Both of us are going to college!"

Song Yingxing's two daughters also hurriedly shouted.

"Haha, it's very good that you two have this idea, but the university doesn't accept girls. How about this, if you two really like to study, then you can follow your elder brother to study." Song Yingxing looked at his two When she was a daughter, her face was full of tenderness.

"Okay, you guys go down, I want to talk to your uncle about something." Song Yingxing waved at his son and daughter.

After his son and daughter went out, Song Yingxing talked with Song Yingsheng again.

"What are you holding?" Song Yingsheng asked curiously as he saw that Song Yingxing was holding a roll of rice paper in his hands when he entered the door, and he never put it down.

Song Yingxing said: "This is given to me by the commander-in-chief. It is a secret. As for what it is, I can't say."

"Since it's a secret, then I won't ask. By the way, you must keep the things that the commander-in-chief entrusts to you, and don't let outsiders know." Song Yingsheng heard Song Yingxing say that the blueprint in his hand is a secret, so he didn't Ask again.


At the same time, Li Xiaosan tortured Li Chaoyang in the cell.

At the beginning, Li Chaoyang's mouth was still very hard, and he even kept cursing Zhao Wen.

But under Li Xiaosan's torture, Li Chaoyang quickly gave up.

"What? In addition to letting the Jinyiwei assassins into Xuan Town, you also sold weapons outside?" Li Xiaosan originally thought that the matter was completely clear, but he didn't expect to ask such a thing after asking. .

"I really admire you. You didn't even mention letting the assassins into the city, but you actually sold the weapons? Tell me, who did you sell the weapons to? How much did you sell them for?" Li Xiaosan stood in front of Li Chaoyang and asked with a vicious look on his face. road.

"I sold half a dozen of the 56, three of the 56, two of the light machine guns, and one of the 40. The bullets were a thousand rounds, and the 40 rounds were ten. The people who sold them were those Jin Yiwei." Li Chaoyang was hung on the wall , said dying.

"No, that's not right. You said you sold it to those Jinyiwei, but why didn't these Jinyiwei use it when he assassinated the Chief Soldier? Are you lying?" Li Xiaosan suddenly remembered that when he was arresting these Jinyiwei, these The weapons people use are just bows, crossbows, swords, and when they don't see any firearms, they can't help but become suspicious.

"The reselling time is very early. A month ago, these Jinyiwei sent the weapons directly to the capital. This is an order from the capital, and they dare not use it." Li Chaoyang told himself like a bamboo tube. It's all said.

When Li Xiaosan heard this, he almost died of anger.

"Well, you eat the inside and outside, I will beat you to death, you dare to sell this kind of thing, I will beat you to death, you bastard." Li Xiaosan waved the whip in his hand, and the court whipped it towards Li Chaoyang.

When Li Chaoyang passed out from the beating, Li Xiaosan looked at several counselors in the cell who were sitting behind the desk and recording their testimony.

"How's the record going?" Li Xiaosan asked.

"Go back to your lord, it's ready." These counselors sorted out the testimony in their hands and put it on the table.

Li Xiaosan nodded, walked to the desk and picked up the testimonies.

"Li Chaoyang needs to be taken care of, right, he can't be allowed to die." Li Xiaosan pointed at the people in the cell and shouted, then hurriedly walked towards the General Military Mansion with his testimony.

At this time, Zhao Wen had just finished making out with his son and daughter, and was just lying on his bed.

(End of this chapter)

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