Chapter 452 Testing Weapons
Not long after Zhao Wen fell asleep, there was a knock on the door.

Zhao Wen sat up from the bed, looked outside the door, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"My lord, Mr. Li Xiaosan is here. He said he has something important to report, and he seems to be in a hurry." A soldier who came to report stood outside the door and shouted at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wendao: "You tell him to wait for me in the study, and I will come right away."

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he jumped off the bed and began to put on his clothes. Li Xiaosan also led the soldiers to the study.

After Li Xiaosan waited for a long time, Zhao Wen came outside the study.

"My lord, there is something new!" Li Xiaosan looked at Zhao Wen who rushed over, and hurriedly took out a stack of testimonies from his arms.

Zhao Wen took the testimony and pushed open the door of the study, "Go in first and then we'll talk."

After sitting down, Zhao Wen looked at it seriously.

It didn't take long for Zhao Wen to read all the testimony.

"Damn it, you've gotten to such an extent that you actually resell weapons. The military has issued repeated orders to strictly prohibit reselling weapons. Fortunately, he not only resells weapons, but also sells them to Jin Yiwei. Fortunately, Jin Yiwei didn't use these weapons against me. Hmph, this Li Chaoyang really deserves to die. "

Zhao Wen slammed the testimony in his hand on the table, and said angrily.

Li Xiaosan said: "My lord, I feel that all the troops should be checked now to see if there is anyone reselling weapons.

We have been out of Xuan Town for a while, and I am afraid that there is more than one person reselling weapons. "

"You're right. The entire Xuan Town needs to be reviewed. These weapons are very important to us. We can't let these weapons fall into the hands of the imperial court, and we can't let these weapons turn around to deal with us.

I will entrust this matter to you. By the way, not only this matter, I will entrust you with a big matter. "

As Zhao Wen said that, he took out the gendarmerie system document that he had formulated before.

"I plan to set up an organization similar to Jinyiwei, except that the main responsibility of this organization is to monitor military officers and arrest those who harbor evil intentions in the military.

I think you will be the commander of this organization. You are directly responsible to me. I plan to select 3000 troops from the Guards Battalion and hand them over to you. I need you to place all of these troops in all the troops.

The 3000 people are only the current number, and the number will increase in the future.In addition to these personnel, I will allocate another 20 silver dollars to you. "

Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan and said expressionlessly.

Li Xiaosan looked at the document Zhao Wen handed him, his face was full of excitement.

"I will live up to my lord's entrustment!" After reading it, Li Xiaosan put the document in his hand on the table, and bowed to Zhao Wen.

"From now on, you are the commander of the military police, and you must take responsibility in the future. Remember, if you find someone with malicious intentions, you can directly arrest them." Zhao Wen said.

"I will definitely remember your lord's order and live up to your lord's entrustment!" Li Xiaosan roared loudly at Zhao Wen.

"I trust you, otherwise I wouldn't entrust such an important matter to you."


Just after dawn the next day, Chongzhen brought a group of officials to the school grounds of the Beijing Camp.

The campus of the Beijing Camp is very large. Although the current combat effectiveness of the Beijing Camp is worrying, the foundation of the Beijing Camp is still there.

Today is the time to inspect the weapons brought back from Xuanzhen, so Chongzhen and others came earlier.

A huge high platform has been set up in the school grounds of the Beijing camp. Chongzhen sits on the dragon arranged on the high platform and looks at the soldiers holding Xuanzhen weapons under the high platform.

Dragon flags fluttered in the middle of the school grounds, and soldiers from the Beijing camp in bright armor were everywhere.

The armor on these soldiers only looked good on the surface, but the inside was already rotten.

It's okay to pretend, but if you want to fight, it's absolutely impossible.

There was a row of soldiers standing a hundred steps ahead of the high platform, and under the feet of these soldiers were the weapons Jin Yiwei got from Li Chaoyang.

When Jin Yiwei obtained weapons from Li Chaoyang, he also obtained the methods of using these weapons, and taught these methods to the soldiers of the Beijing camp when they sent them to the capital.

Not far in front of this row of soldiers stood some wooden targets, which were used to test the power and range of weapons.

On both sides of Chongzhen stood the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and Gao Qiqian stood beside Chongzhen.

"My lord, Jin Yiwei has put in a lot of effort in this matter. If it weren't for Jin Yiwei, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to get Xuanzhen's weapons." Gao Qiqian said to Chongzhen proudly.

Chongzhen nodded, "You're right, Jin Yiwei contributed a lot to this incident, but it's a pity that he didn't take off Bandit Zhao's head."

"Your Majesty, it doesn't matter to the imperial court whether to pick off Bandit Zhao's head or not. Now that the court has Zhao Wen's weapon in its hands, as long as Bandit Zhao's weapon is cracked, Bandit Zhao will be put down sooner or later." " Gao Qiqian chattered.

"You're right. That's fine. Let's not talk about this matter. Hurry up and start testing Zhao thief's weapons." Chongzhen waited a little impatiently.

Gao Qiqian replied respectfully to Chongzhen, then stood on the edge of the high platform with a cocked voice, and shouted at the soldiers who had already prepared below: "The emperor has an order to start testing Zhao thief's weapons. "

As the sound of high diving fell, the soldiers in front of the high platform began to move.

Beside this row of soldiers, stood the admiral of the Beijing camp, the British public Zhang Zhiji.

Zhang Zhiji looked at these soldiers, held a small flag in his hand, and shouted, "Check 56 and a half now, check the range now, pass my order, and set the target fifty paces away!"

Zhang Zhiji waved a small flag and shouted at these soldiers.

As soon as Zhang Zhiji finished speaking, a soldier on a horse ran towards the target, shouting as he ran, "My lord has ordered that the target be placed fifty paces away!"

The soldiers standing at the target hastily moved the target back.

The soldiers with the 56 and a half under their feet also hurriedly picked up the 56 and a half under their feet, and began to load the bullets according to Jin Yiwei's instruction, opened the safety, and loaded the bullets.

After doing all this, the target has been fixed.

Zhang Zhiji looked at the fixed target, and then shouted: "Everyone in front of 56 and a half evacuates, and everyone in front of 56 and a half evacuates!"

After a dozen or so breaths, the people in front of 56 and a half were swept away.

Zhang Zhiji looked at the empty front, and suddenly waved down the small flag in his hand, "Fire!"

As soon as the order was issued, the soldier holding the 56 and a half pulled the trigger.

Ten 56 and a half gunshots rang out continuously, Chongzhen sat on the dragon, couldn't help but widen his eyes, looked in the direction of the target, and his whole body couldn't help but lean forward.

The 56 and a half is a semi-automatic rifle, but the soldiers holding the 56 and a half used to use matchlock guns.

The matchlock guns are loaded once and fired once, so after these soldiers pulled the trigger, they involuntarily released the trigger and did not pull the trigger again.

"This blunderbuss can shoot continuously, let me keep firing now!" Zhang Zhiji looked at the soldiers who had stopped, and shouted again hastily.

Under Zhang Zhiji's order, these soldiers hastily pulled the trigger again.

Hearing the continuous gunshots, Zhang Zhiji's face was full of disbelief.

Although he had long known that Zhao Wen's weapon was extraordinary, he had never experienced it up close.

Now after seeing this scene, he really can't believe that there is really such a powerful weapon in the world.

Compared with Zhao Wen's weapons, the imperial court's weapons were nothing more than scrap metal. No wonder Xuanzhen was able to conquer Shanxi in a short period of time with only one town.

The bullet hit the target made of wood, and sawdust flew all over the place.

Seeing the flying sawdust, everyone's eyes were full of disbelief.

Chongzhen stood up directly from Long Yu, his mouth opened wide, and he looked at the soldier who fired in disbelief.

"This firecracker is so powerful. It's incredible. It's incredible. If the imperial court had such a weapon, then they would be afraid of building slaves, thieves, and Zhao Wen." Chongzhen murmured.

Not only Chongzhen, but all the people on the high platform were horrified when they saw the 56 half of the fire.

"This firecracker can shoot continuously, and you can judge the power of this firecracker by listening to the sound, but I don't understand why Zhao thief would call it 56 and a half for such a powerful firecracker? What is the name of 56 and a half? I just don’t know what to say, don’t know what to say!”

A high-ranking official kept shaking his head. He really couldn't understand why such a powerful weapon had such an ugly and incomprehensible name.

"That's right, this firecracker is powerful and can fire continuously. Even if it is called Shenwei Incomparable and Invincible Firecracker, it sounds better than this 56 and a half!" An official standing next to the official also echoed.

The soldiers who controlled 56 and a half were both surprised and frightened.

They were surprised that it was the first time they had seen a firecracker that could fire continuously, and they were afraid that the imperial court did not have this kind of firecracker.

These soldiers used to control matchlock guns, and they were good at dealing with recoil, but how could the recoil of matchlock guns be compared with 56 and a half?In addition, although the 56 semi is semi-automatic, if the trigger is pulled continuously, the rate of fire is very fast in this era.

Therefore, these soldiers who have never used 56 and a half can't control the 56 and a half in the continuous shooting.

When all the bullets in the magazine were emptied, these soldiers hurriedly put the 56 halves in their hands on the ground and kept rubbing their shoulders.

"Check the target!" Zhang Zhiji came back to his senses, and hurriedly pointed to the target in front of him and shouted.

In fact, what Zhang Zhiji said was nonsense at all. Just now, he could see the flying sawdust. Now it is unnecessary to check the target.

"All on target!"

As soon as Zhang Zhiji's voice fell, more than a dozen soldiers ran towards the target.

Looking at the battered target, they hurriedly shouted at Zhang Zhiji.

"Now replace the target with a new target, and place the target a hundred steps away. This time, only one shot is allowed when firing. We have a limited amount of lead, so we need to save some."

Although it looks cool when firing in bursts, there are only a thousand rounds of bullets in total, so you can't use it sparingly.

It didn't take long before the brand new target was placed a hundred paces away.

One step is about 150 meters, and one hundred steps is [-] meters.

This distance is completely within the range of 56 and a half.

When Zhang Zhiji gave the order to fire, the soldiers aimed ahead and pulled the trigger.

Because Zhang Zhiji said just now that he could only fire one shot this time, during the shooting this time, these soldiers did not shoot continuously, but only fired one shot in a proper manner.

After the gunshots, Zhang Zhiji sent another person to check the target.

The results this time were without exception, and they still hit the target.

In the following time, Zhang Zhiji asked people to move the target two hundred steps and three hundred steps farther away.

At two hundred steps, although he could hit the target, his accuracy was much worse.

At three hundred steps, only one target out of ten was hit.

Of course, this is not the accuracy of the weapon, but the accuracy of these soldiers.

Although the accuracy was far off, the target that was hit was still pierced by the bullet.

In other words, at [-] steps, it still has lethality.

As for the [-] steps up, Zhang Zhiji didn't test it, because it was unnecessary.

After all, a distance of [-] steps can kill a person, so it is meaningless to test again.

"Test the power now!" Zhang Zhiji shouted again.

The power test is similar to the range test, the only difference is that the target is replaced with iron armor.

It didn't take long for the test results to come out.

At a distance of fifty steps, a 56-half bullet can penetrate three iron armors.

The reason for breaking through the three armors is that Zhang Zhiji only had three armors installed.

It can still break through the defense of armor at a distance of one hundred steps, and it can still break through the defense of armor at a distance of two hundred steps.

In other words, 56 and a half still has a very powerful lethality at a distance of two hundred steps.

After Chongzhen heard Zhang Zhiji's report, he felt extremely bitter all of a sudden.

Judging from the results of the test, even if he sent the most elite troops, it would be of no avail. He was killed within two hundred steps. How can we fight this battle?
"Test 56 now!" Zhang Zhiji returned to the previous place after finishing his report.

The soldiers with the 56 rushed started the test under the command of Zhang Zhiji.


After comparison, the rate of fire of the 56 punch is higher than that of the 56 and a half, and the range is similar to that of the 56 and a half, except that the accuracy rate is lower than that of the 56 and a half.

But despite this, it is much stronger than ordinary firecrackers.

The test results of the Type 56 light machine gun are not much different from those of the Type 56 Dash. It is more powerful than the former two, and the rate of fire can be faster.

However, the 56-type light machine gun has a large ammunition load, and the bullets loaded in a magazine are far from comparable to the 56 punch and 56 semi-comparable.

(End of this chapter)

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