Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 453 I want to conquer a vast territory

Chapter 453 I want to lay down a vast territory
With the passage of time, the sun has risen to the sky.

Zhang Zhiji, who had screamed all morning, walked a dozen steps away from the last soldier.

"Testing 40 fires now, the front personnel quickly evacuate, and all personnel within [-] steps behind quickly leave!" Zhang Zhiji licked his dry lips and shouted again.

Not long after, the people within fifty steps in front and behind quickly ran towards the two sides.

The soldiers carrying 40 firearms squatted on the ground and began to load the warheads according to the method given to them by Jin Yiwei.

It didn't take long for the warhead to be loaded.

"My lord, you can start now." The soldier shouted at Zhang Zhiji.

Zhang Zhiji nodded, and ran to the side, about a hundred steps away. He looked ahead and shouted: "Set fifty targets in one hundred steps ahead."

As soon as Zhang Zhiji finished speaking, dozens of soldiers rushed forward carrying targets.

Soon, these targets were erected.

After the target was erected, these soldiers hurriedly ran towards the surroundings.

When everything was ready, Zhang Zhiji waved the small flag in his hand and shouted: "Fire!"

Following Zhang Zhiji's order, the soldiers carrying 40 fires pulled the trigger.

A huge flame emerged from the tail of the 40 fire, and the dust on the ground was rushed up.

The warhead of the rocket flew towards the fifty targets with an orange light and a shrill cry.

When Zhang Zhiji yelled to fire, Chongzhen stood up from the dragon and came to the edge of the high platform, his eyes fixed on the rockets flying forward.

In an instant, the rocket fell into the target.

Immediately afterwards, an explosion sounded from the landing point of the rocket's warhead.

The targets at the center of the rocket landing were instantly engulfed by the explosion, and around the landing point, these targets also became staggered due to the explosion of the rocket.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared, the targets set around became shaky, and the target at the center of the landing point was blown into sawdust.

Chongzhen watched this scene, speechless for a long time.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and after a long time, he sighed, and said with a gray face: "Zhao thief has this kind of weapon in his hand, how can the court be his opponent? Want to kill my Daming?"

"My lord, although Bandit Zhao is powerful, it doesn't mean that the imperial court is no match. No matter how powerful Bandit Zhao is, it is only in Xuanzhen and Shanxi. The imperial court imitates Bandit Zhao's weapons at this time, and will put down Bandit Zhao in the future. It's just a matter of time." Gao Qiqian looked at the dejected Chongzhen, and hurried up to comfort him.

However, when Gao Qiqian said these words, he lacked confidence.

"This is like thunder from the sky. How is this possible? How could there be such a weapon? Even a red-clothed cannon weighing several thousand catties doesn't have such power. How did Bandit Zhao make this kind of weapon?"

"The divine thunder descends from the sky, it is simply the divine thunder descending from the sky. This thing is light to carry, easy to operate, and powerful. If Zhao thief popularizes this weapon in the army, the court may be wiped out in an instant."

Not only Chongzhen, but the officials standing on the high platform also looked in horror at the ground that had been bombed by 40 fires.

"Shut up, do you mean that the court is not Zhao's opponent? Do you mean that the court is about to perish? What do you mean by these words? Are you trying to spoil others' ambitions or destroy your prestige? Are you going to surrender to the enemy? What is your intention in saying these words? What is your intention?" Gao Qiqian turned around, staring coldly at the official who spoke just now like a vulture, and kept being shaken by the official flattery.

This official just said it carelessly, how could he have thought that Gao Qiqian would use the loopholes in his language to attack himself.

He was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtowing to Chongzhen non-stop.

If these charges are really carried out, then I really can't live.

"Your Majesty, I was just careless for a while, please forgive me." He knocked his head on the frame and kept replying.

Chongzhen turned around and gave him a cold look.

"Hmph, I'll spare you for now, if you dare to say such a thing in the future, I will never forgive you lightly." Chongzhen snorted coldly and scolded.

In fact, Chongzhen didn't know that what this person said was not bad, but at this time, in this situation, even if the court is not Zhao Wen's opponent, it must be said that the court is Zhao Wen's opponent.Otherwise, before Zhao Wen called, the entire court officials would have run away.

"Okay, let's stop here today. After the test, hand over all these weapons to the Ministry of Industry, and let the Ministry of Industry try to imitate them. If the imitation can be successful, I will reward you a lot." Chongzhen pointed at the high platform with some disinterestedness The soldiers pointed to a high-ranking official standing next to them, and said.

Gao Qiqian hurriedly rushed to the front of the high platform, and repeated Chongzhen's order just now with a cocked voice.

After finishing speaking, Gao Qiqian hurriedly followed Chongzhen towards the imperial palace.

Minister of the Ministry of Industry led the officials of the Ministry of Industry to walk down from the high platform, and Zhang Zhiji gathered the soldiers who had just test-fired.

Zhang Zhiji took a handful of 56 and a half from a soldier and handed it to the Minister of Industry.

"Master Shangshu, this is Zhao thief's weapon. It's called 56 and a half. As for why this firecracker is called 56 and a half, I still can't figure it out." Zhang Zhiji looked at the 56 and a half in the hands of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, with a puzzled expression on his face .

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry held the 56 and a half and looked at it carefully.

After a while, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry sighed, his face was full of sadness, "The Ministry of Industry cannot imitate this kind of firecracker. can be produced."

"Master Shangshu, are you joking? The Ministry of Industry cannot imitate this kind of weapon? Impossible." Zhang Zhiji pointed at the weapon in Shangshu's hand, and said in disbelief.

Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry shook his head, and he handed the weapon in his hand to an official behind him, "Come and see!"

This official is from the Bureau of Military Warfare, in charge of the supervision of weapons manufacturing. Although he is a scholar, he also knows some methods of manufacturing weapons.

He took over 56 and a half from the Ministry of Industry Minister and watched it for a long time.

"No, it can't be manufactured. Even if it can be manufactured, I'm afraid the power will be greatly reduced. The barrel of this firecracker is made of fine steel. It seems that it should be drilled out of a fine iron rod. Very even.

Among other things, I can't make it out of just this gun barrel.

I really can't figure out how this kind of weapon can fire continuously. It's not that the Ministry of Industry has never thought about making the weapon fire continuously, but no matter what method, there is no way to achieve it. "He knocked on the barrel of the 56 and a half, squinted his eyes and looked inside the barrel, then shook his head and returned the 56 and a half to the Minister of Industry.

"So, it can't be copied?" Zhang Zhiji became anxious when he heard that it couldn't be copied.

If it can't be imitated, how can Xuanzhen be pacified?

Minister of the Ministry of Industry said: "I can only say try my best. By the way, let me see what kind of lead is used in this firecracker."

"In Xuanzhen, they call lead a bullet, and their bullets are different from ordinary firecrackers..."

Zhang Zhiji took out a bullet from the box on the ground, held it in his hand, and began to explain in detail.

When the weapons were delivered to the capital, Zhang Zhiji had a detailed conversation with the Jin Yiwei who delivered the weapons, so he knew some details about these weapons.

After Zhang Zhiji finished explaining, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry frowned tightly, "I have never seen such a way of filling lead, and I have never even heard of it."

Minister of the Ministry of Industry took the bullet from Zhang Zhiji's hand and looked at it in detail.

After a while, he shook his head and returned the bullet to Zhang Zhiji.

"This lead can't be manufactured by the Ministry of Industry. This lead seems to be made of copper. What is copper? Copper is money. Even if this lead can be made, the court doesn't have that much money."

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry said it well, relying on the current industrial capabilities of the Ming Dynasty, it is almost impossible to manufacture a qualified bullet.

"Then what about the imperial court?" Zhang Zhiji asked with a troubled expression.

Minister of the Ministry of Industry let out a long breath, "Let's take a look first, then I will take these weapons back to see if I can imitate them. If I can imitate them, I will imitate them. If I can't imitate them, I can only think of other ways." gone."


Zhao Wen walked out of the study room with a few order documents sealed in bamboo tubes and came out of the hall.

He stood in front of a guard and said, "Get me Li Xiaosan!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Wen walked towards the hall.

"Obey!" The guard cupped his hands towards Zhao Wengong, and then hurriedly ran outside.

Not long after, Li Xiaosan came to the hall.

Zhao Wen stood up from the main seat, and walked in front of Li Xiaosan, "There are three military orders here, you should immediately send someone to the defenders on the east defense line of Chang'an Station, and let them practice now."

"Are you ready to attack Liaodong?" Li Xiaosan instantly understood the meaning of Zhao Wen's move.

Zhao Wen nodded, "It's about a month or two. The matter of Liaodong can't be delayed any longer. When Zheng Yiguan delivers the food, I'm going to start attacking Liaodong from both sea and land directions."

"Aren't your lords going to call Brother Zhao and Brother Song back?" Li Xiaosan asked.

Zhao Wen shook his head, "It's just Liaodong. With our current strength, the soldiers on the defense line in the east of Xuanzhen plus Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan have enough troops. How can Song Hu and Zhao Daniu be needed? ?”

"Okay, hurry up and arrange for someone to send these things over. By the way, after the arrangement, you come over again. There will be two more orders, one for Mao Wenlong and one for Zheng Yiguan," Zhao Wen said. Li Xiaosan waved his hand and urged.

"After these things are done, I will start to recruit people from the personal guard battalion for you, and strive to thoroughly check all the officers in the general before going out."

Li Xiaosan took Zhao Wen's order and turned to leave.

After Li Xiaosan left, Zhao Wen came to Liu Wenzhong's class.

Liu Wenzhong was sitting in the classroom and was dealing with matters. When he saw Zhao Wen coming in, he hurriedly greeted him: "My lord, why are you here?"

Zhao Wen randomly found a chair and sat opposite Liu Wenzhong, "Sit down, I'm looking for you today and I have some things for you to handle."

Liu Wenzhong saluted Zhao Wen, then sat opposite Zhao Wen, looked at Zhao Wen respectfully, "What do you want, sir?"

"I plan to attack Liaodong at the end of March or early April. In the past few days, various factories will increase production to prepare for the expedition."

Liu Wenzhong was shocked when he heard what Zhao Wen said. He really didn't expect that Zhao Wen would attack Liaodong at this juncture.

"What about Shanxi? Will the attack on Liaodong be too fast?"

Zhao Wen shook his head, "Not fast, not fast at all. Shanxi hasn't fully digested it yet, let's digest it for a while. When I handle the affairs of Liaodong to a certain extent, Shanxi should have almost digested it. At that time, strive to The railway from Xuanzhen to Shanxi will be completed."

"What are your plans after the Lord comes back?" From Liu Wenzhong's point of view, as long as Zhao Wen gets involved, it is only a matter of time before Liaodong is taken down, so Liu Wenzhong has to ask Zhao Wen's plan after taking Liaodong, after all You also have to make plans in advance.

Zhao Wen thought for a moment, and said: "Strike the Central Plains, then go west to Shaanxi, and then enter Sichuan from Shaanxi."

Liu Wenzhong hurriedly took out a piece of rice paper and wrote down the place names.

"Now you start to make a plan to attack Liaodong, and these things can be put aside for a while." Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong who was holding a brush, and said.

Liu Wenzhong nodded, "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely formulate a plan to attack Liaodong within five days."

The area of ​​Liaodong is very large. This time, Zhao Wen didn't just recover Liaodong. Zhao Wen also wanted to recover all the places of the former Nuer Gandusi at once.

In the land of Nuer Gandusi, I don't know how many heroes have shed blood.Zhao Wen in later generations has nothing to do with these lost lands, but now, Zhao Wen will never let anyone get involved in this land.

"This time I'm going to Liaodong, I plan to take back the entire Nuer Gandu Division, and you have to make clear arrangements for all aspects of it." Zhao Wen sat in front of Liu Wenzhong and said slowly.

When Liu Wenzhong heard that Zhao Wen wanted to take back the entire Nuergandusi, he was a little taken aback, "My lord, the entire Nuergandusi? This land is sparsely populated, and most of the people living there are aboriginal barbarians, and the place is bitterly cold. , Ordinary people go there, it can be said that there is no way out.

Even Jianu threw away many places. Isn't it a bit too wasteful for us to spend so much effort?These lands can't be cultivated for crops, so it doesn't do much for us. "

Although Liu Wenzhong followed Zhao Wen very early, in the final analysis, he is still a person of this era, and his vision is also limited by the era.

In this era, in the eyes of many people, Nuer Gandusi is just a barren and bitter cold place, just like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

In their eyes, as long as Liaodong can be recovered, it is enough. As for the entire Nuergandusi, what is the use of recovering or not?They can't grow crops, and taking back the slave Gandusi is just a waste of money and people.

"Waste? No waste at all. Not only do I want to recover Nuer Gandusi, I also want to recover Beihai. I also want to open up the Hexi Corridor and rebuild the Anxi Protectorate. I want to attack all the land as far as I can see. I want to build a majestic territory for future generations." Zhao Wen stood up when he said this, he walked to the door, turned sideways, and looked at Liu Wenzhong, "Chen Tang has a good saying, every day Wherever the moon shines and where the rivers and rivers go, they are all Han soil.

I, Zhao Wen, are not talented, and I am willing to make an oath to do my best.The world is so big, where can my Chinese descendants go?In the whole world, is it the land of the king, and the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers.

The grandfather of Sijue, exposed to frost and dew, cut thorns, and won thousands of miles of land with an inch of land.It's difficult, it's self-evident.Attack the Xiongnu in the vast sea in the north, and conquer the Baiyue in the wilderness in the south.With a tiny piece of land, tens of millions of fertile soil can be obtained.Our generation should inherit the ambition of our ancestors, expand the frontier and expand the land, even if we die, we will not regret it! "

(End of this chapter)

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