Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 454 Official Zheng received the order

Chapter 454 Zheng Yiguan received the order

Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen standing at the door, and listening to what Zhao Wen said, for some reason, his emotions gradually became agitated with Zhao Wen's words.

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving only Liu Wenzhong sitting in the classroom blankly.

After a long time, Liu Wenzhong withdrew his mind, hurriedly took out a piece of rice paper, and recorded Zhao Wen's words.

Zhao Wen walked out of the classroom and returned to the study of the General Military Mansion.

He sat behind the desk in the study and began to write the orders to Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan.

Not long after, Li Xiaosan reappeared outside the study.

Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan who appeared outside the study, sealed the written order, stood up, and walked towards Li Xiaosan.

"This is an order for Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan, send someone to deliver it now." Zhao Wen handed the order to Li Xiaosan.

Li Xiaosan nodded, took the order and ran outside again.

Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan who left, and walked towards the backyard.

Before he reached the backyard, Zhao Wen heard a few barking of the milk dog.

Hearing the barking of the dog, Zhao Wen walked forward with a puzzled expression.

As soon as he walked into the backyard, Zhao Wen saw a little white milk dog running towards him.

When he saw himself, he stopped suddenly, and kept calling towards himself.

Behind the puppy, Hai Lanzhu bent over and chased after it.

Li Xiaoying sat under a big tree in the yard with the child in her arms, watching Hai Lanzhu and smiling nonstop.

"Oh, why are you here!" Hai Lanzhu looked at the milk dog barking in front of her, and hurriedly raised her head, seeing that it was Zhao Wen, she smiled awkwardly.

Li Xiaoying also hurried over with the child in her arms, and said with embarrassment: "Ahem, this dog was picked up by Zhao Xiaoni outside this morning. She saw it was pitiful, so she brought it back. If you don't like it, I'll send it out."

"No, what are you giving away? This dog is so beautiful, why should I give it away? I used to like raising dogs when I was on the grassland, but unfortunately I haven't raised any more since I came to Xuan Town."

Hai Lanzhu was born in the grasslands, and people on the grasslands like to keep dogs. After all, dogs have sensitive hearing and smell, can sense the existence of wolves, and can warn the herdsmen before the wolves arrive.

Zhao Wen squatted down, looked at the little milk dog who kept barking at him, and pulled it over.

Just when Zhao Wen was about to touch the little milk dog, the little milk dog grinned hoarsely at Zhao Wen.

"Hehe, this dog is quite vicious!" Zhao Wen chuckled lightly, pinching the little milk dog's neck quickly.

This time, the little milk dog became completely quiet.

"Let's keep it, the mansion doesn't miss a meal for it!" Zhao Wen stroked the puppy's hair for a long time, and then put it on the ground.

Strange to say, when Zhao Wen put it down again, it didn't even yell at Zhao Wen, but kept sniffing at Zhao Wen's feet.

"What's the name of this dog?" Zhao Wen pointed to the little milk dog under his feet, and looked at Hai Lanzhu.

Hai Lanzhu said: "There is no name, I plan to call it Wangcai. The name Wangcai is good, and the wealth is abundant."

The little milk dog seemed to be able to understand human speech, and kept wagging its tail at Hai Lanzhu.

The little milk dog is just an ordinary dog. In this era, there is no distinction between native dogs and foreign dogs.

The fur on the little milk dog's body is all white, without any stray hairs, its ears drooping, its black eyes reflecting the figure, and its nose like a small black spot, it looks really cute.

"Is this dog male or female?" Zhao Wen pointed to the little milk dog circling around him, and looked at Li Xiaoying.

Li Xiaoying shook her head, "I don't know, Hai Lanzhu said it was her mother's!"

"That's right, it's the mother's. I saw it just now, and it's the mother's." Hai Lanzhu bent down, lifted the little puppy over, and then walked towards the nurse who was holding her son and daughter.

"Madam, children are not allowed to touch animals with fur." ​​Before Hai Lanzhu came to the front, the nanny holding her child hastily persuaded her.

Hai Lanzhu said disapprovingly: "What can't be touched? Which of those children on the grassland didn't grow up in a flock of sheep, and they didn't see anything? It's bullshit to say that they can't touch fur. Besides, this dog After I got the baby back, I asked someone to give it a bath, what are you afraid of?"

As Hai Lanzhu said, she put Wangcai on her hands and placed it in front of Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan.


The two children looked at the naive little milk dog and laughed from ear to ear.

Zhao Wen looked at Hai Lanzhu like this, shook his head with a smile, and followed Hai Lanzhu.

Zhao Wen walked up to Li Xiaoying, picked up Zhao Mingyu, and kissed Zhao Mingyu on the face.

Zhao Mingyu pouted from the beard on Zhao Wen's chin, looking unhappy.

"Come on, call Dad. Dad will take you to ride a horse and play with guns in the future." Zhao Wen hugged Zhao Mingyu and walked slowly in the yard, teasing Zhao Mingyu as he walked.

Li Xiaoying followed closely behind Zhao Wen, for fear that Zhao Mingyu would be made to cry by the careless Zhao Wen.

Zhao Mingyu had four teeth in his mouth, two pairs of upper and lower front teeth.

He kept smiling at Zhao Wen, and occasionally called out immature daddy immaturely.

"Hey! My precious son!" Zhao Wen heard Zhao Mingyu calling him father, and hurriedly dragged out a long ending sound, and answered.

After hugging for a while, Zhao Wen put Zhao Mingyu on the ground.

Zhao Wen squatted behind Zhao Mingyu, supported Zhao Mingyu's armpits with both hands, and walked slowly forward.

Zhao Mingyu's little feet in tiger-toed shoes kept kicking on the ground with a happy expression on his face.

Now Zhao Mingyu is more than one year old and has started to learn to walk, but because of his status, Zhao Mingyu's nanny usually doesn't dare to put Zhao Mingyu on the ground.

Hai Lanzhu put down Wang Cai in her hands, picked up Zhao Mingjing, and followed Zhao Wen's example and put it on the ground.

"Call Dad, hurry up!" Hai Lanzhu moved Zhao Mingjing in front of Zhao Wen with a little nervousness, and said to Zhao Mingjing.

Zhao Mingjing is a few months younger than Zhao Mingyu, and he is not very good at speaking.

Zhao Mingjing looked at Zhao Wen and just kept smiling.

At this moment, Wangcai kept sniffing the ground and came to Zhao Mingyu.

Zhao Mingyu looked at Wangcai who kept circling in front of him, pointed at Wangcai on the ground with a smile and said to Zhao Wen, "Dad, dad, dad!"

Zhao Wen said with a dark face: "This is a dog, not a father!"

Zhao Mingyu said thoughtfully: "Father, dog!"

"My silly son!" Zhao Wen kissed Zhao Mingyu on the face again.

Hai Lanzhu looked at Zhao Wen like this, and said a little jealously: "You only know how to kiss your eldest son, why don't you kiss your second son?"

"Why don't you kiss?" Zhao Wen said, handing Zhao Mingyu to Li Xiaoying, then picked up Zhao Mingjing from Hai Lanzhu's hands, and kissed Zhao Mingjing on the face.

Not only Zhao Mingjing, but even Zhao Mingxuan was held in Zhao Wen's arms and kept kissing.

"Madam, lunch is ready!" At this moment, Zhao Xiaoni appeared in the backyard wearing a red double-breasted skirt.

Zhao Xiaoni's hair bun is two ball heads, one on the left and one on the right, with some gold and silver jewelry hanging from them.

Some of these gold and silver jewelry were bought by Zhao Wen for her when they were shopping for Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu, and some were given to her by Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu.

Zhao Xiaoni was the girl Zhao Wen rescued from Zhangjiakou when Zhao Wen just became the guard of Longmen Castle.

When she was rescued, Zhao Xiaoni was just a little girl of seven or eight years old. Seven or eight years have passed, and now she has become a tall and graceful girl of fourteen or five years old.

If she were to be placed in an ordinary family, she might be married.

Although Zhao Xiaoni is only fourteen or fifteen years old, she is quite capable. She manages the entire backyard.

"What's your name? I watched you grow up, so what's your name? Just call me brother, it sounds kind." Zhao Wen said to Zhao Xiaoni, holding Zhao Mingjing in his left hand and Zhao Mingxuan in his right.

"The order of respect and inferiority, Xiaoni dare not surpass!" Zhao Xiaoni said respectfully.

Zhao Wendao: "What is the order of respect and inferiority, and what dare not go beyond it? It has been seven or eight years, and I have already regarded you as my sister, so what are you talking about?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoni laughed, a pair of shallow dimples appeared on her face, and she kept nodding at Zhao Wen, "Then I will call you brother from now on?"

"This is decent!" Zhao Wen said with a smile on his face.


At the same time, Zheng Yiguan commanded the fleet to keep moving in the direction of Dengzhou.

"Brother, there are still about five days to arrive in Dengzhou."

Zheng Yiguan stood on the deck of the treasure ship Yang Wei, holding up his binoculars and looking at the calm sea ahead.

Standing behind Zheng Yiguan, Zheng Zhihu spoke to Zheng Yiguan in a tone of voice.

Zheng Yiguan retracted the binoculars, "It's finally here."

Zheng Yiguan got a lot of food in Southeast Asia this time, and basically every ship was full.

Roughly calculated, these grains can feed a hundred thousand troops for three months.

In order to obtain these grains, Zheng Yiguan spent a lot of effort.

After all, Zheng Yiguan was a pirate, so when he got the food, he didn't even think about buying it with money, but robbed it directly.

With powerful weapons and an invincible fleet, there is no need to buy them.

From Zheng Yiguan's point of view, things that can be snatched should never be bought with money.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the urgency of the general soldier, I would like to lead the soldiers to loot the countries of Jiaozhi, as well as those Frangji people above Luzon. These people occupy Luzon. I would have never seen it I'm used to it." Zheng Zhihu stood behind Zheng Yiguan and said carelessly.

Zheng Yiguan turned his head and looked at Zheng Zhihu, "Do you think I don't want to? When we were criss-crossing the sea, these Fulang robots didn't look as arrogant and hateful as Hongyi, but they were treacherous behind the scenes. Back then, I didn’t know how many stumbling blocks I had in the dark, and when I have time, I must wipe out all the Fulang robots on Luzon.”

"Yes, they must be wiped out." Zheng Zhihu also echoed.

The fleet was sailing on the vast sea, and at the same time, several fast horses were also galloping non-stop in the direction of Dengzhou.

The two sides almost arrived in Dengzhou.

The top and bottom officials in Dengzhou have been bribed by Zhao Wen with money and completely turned to him, but they are still officials of the imperial court.

After all, Dengzhou is the gateway to Phi Island and Taiyuan Island, so Zhao Wen stayed here with a lot of people and built a lot of warehouses.

When Zheng Yiguan docked at the pier in Dengzhou, he sent someone to notify the left-behind personnel in Dengzhou.

After the left-behind personnel from Dengzhou rushed over, they began to move the grain on board to the warehouse in Dengzhou.

Because the amount of food is very large, it took seven or eight days to move all the food.

On the third day after carrying the grain, the troops sent by Li Xiaosan rushed to Dengzhou.

When these people knew that Zheng Yiguan had arrived in Dengzhou, they rushed towards the pier in a hurry.

"Brother, someone from Xuanzhen is here." Zheng Yiguan was sitting in the cabin of the treasure ship Yang Wei dealing with matters, when Zheng Zhihu suddenly shouted at the top of his voice outside the cabin.

Zheng Yiguan put down what he was doing and walked out of the cabin.

As soon as he stepped out of the cabin, Zheng Yiguan saw several soldiers standing behind Zheng Zhihu.

"This is my elder brother Zheng Yiguan!" Zheng Zhihu pointed to Zheng Yiguan and said to the soldiers.

One of the soldiers took out a bamboo tube sealed with wax paint from his arms and handed it to Zheng Yiguan, "This is the order of the commander-in-chief!"

Zheng Yiguan took the bamboo tube from the soldier, checked the seal on it, then opened the bamboo tube, and took out Zhao Wen's order.

After a while, Zheng Yiguan put the document with the order in his arms, looked at Zheng Zhihu, "Arrange these brothers to go down and rest first."

Zheng Zhihu nodded, and said to the soldiers, "Follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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