Chapter 455
Zheng Yiguan walked into the cabin with the order Zhao Wen gave him.

Zhao Wen's order was very simple, that is to ask him to gather all the troops he could muster and start marching towards Liaodong in a month.

"Master Chief Soldier is preparing to attack Liaodong." Zheng Yiguan put the order in his hand on the table with his eyes wide open.

Not long after, Zheng Zhihu walked in, "Brother, the arrangements have been made."

Zheng Yiguan sat behind the table and handed over the orders on the table to Zheng Zhihu.

"Look, this is an order from the Chief Soldier."

Zheng Zhihu took the order and looked at it at a glance.

Not long after reading it, Zheng Zhihu yelled at Zheng Yiguan excitedly, "Brother, this is a great opportunity for our Zheng family, as long as we can make contributions in Liaodong this time, then we will Our family's status can never be lowered."

Zheng Yiguan nodded, "I think so too, now you order to go down, let the unloading person hurry up and finish unloading the goods quickly, after unloading, let's go back to our hometown first, and pull all the brothers out , we must seize this opportunity this time.”

Zheng Yiguan also looked excited. Although Zheng Yiguan was born as a pirate, Zheng Yiguan didn't intend to be a pirate for the rest of his life.

The same is true of Zheng Yiguan in history, who had defected to the imperial court early on. If Zheng Yiguan hadn't had this thought, then with the strength in Zheng Yiguan's hands in history, the imperial court at that time could not do anything to him at all.

"Understood!" Zheng Zhihu clasped his fists at Zheng Yiguan and said excitedly.

After resting at Zheng Yiguan's place for a few days, the soldiers who delivered the order boarded a boat and headed towards Phi Island.

With the support of Zhao Wen, the current Phi Island has changed a lot. The buildings on Phi Island are basically made of cement.

There are many businessmen on Phi Island who come here to do business, and many of these businessmen come from Xuan Town.

There are also quite a few merchants along the southeast coast, and those who can come to Phi Island to do business are basically members of the Maritime Merchants Association established by Zhao Wen.

When the Maritime Association was established, Zhao Wen only put forward an idea and formulated a general framework.

At that time, Zhao Wen was in a hurry to return to Xuanzhen because of something, so he handed over the Maritime Association to Zheng Yiguan.

Zheng Yiguan is a genius in business. According to the framework formulated by Zhao Wen, he established the Maritime Association in a very short period of time.

At the beginning, the number of merchants who joined the Maritime Association was not too many, after all, they had to pay a large sum of money.

However, when those businessmen who did not join the Maritime Association saw that the merchants who joined the Maritime Association went to Java and other places to do business and made a lot of money, one by one hurriedly joined in.

Now Java has completely fallen into Zhao Wen's hands, and now Java is a place that is left to be ruined, and you can earn a lot of money by doing whatever you want.

In the past, these maritime merchants wanted to go to Java to do business, but at that time the sea was full of fleets of Hongyi and Frangji.

For this reason, there are fewer and fewer sea merchants going to Java.However, now the Hongyi on Java have been wiped out, and the Flangji on Luzon only dare to hide on the island, and when they go to Java for business, Zheng Yiguan will send a fleet to escort them. conditions, why not go?

Although joining the Maritime Association requires paying a large amount of money and obeying the instructions of the Maritime Association, compared with the money earned in Java, the money paid is not even a dime.

Not only people from the Maritime Association went to Java to do business one after another, but even the people on the southeast coast kept running towards Java.

The southeast coast is mountainous, and you can't make much money by growing crops. Now, Java is full of opportunities to make money, and you can make money by doing anything there. Faced with this temptation, many young and strong people ride Ships of the Maritime Association head to Java.

Mao Chengzuo is the governor of Java, and he has the weapons and troops left by Zhao Wen in his hands.

Mao Chengzuo is a Ming people through and through. He hated the western-style buildings in Java, so he mobilized the people to demolish all the western-style buildings and rebuild houses with a very Ming style.

When many Ming people who came to Java saw the buildings on Java, they even thought that they had never left Daming at all.

The shipyards in Phi Island are also constantly producing ships, and six more treasure ships are about to be completed.

In addition to the treasure ships, there are also some blessing ships, and even sailing battleships from Western countries.

Although the sailing battleship is not as big as the treasure ship, the speed of the sailing battleship is not comparable to that of the treasure ship.

After Zhao Wen captured the sailing battleship, he sent it to Phi Island to let the craftsmen in Phi Island imitate the sailing battleship.

In Zhao Wen's plan, after recovering Liaodong this time, an outlet and a shipyard will be built in Liaodong, and then trial production of steam ironclad ships will begin.

After all, there are a lot of iron ore in the land of Liaodong, and the quality of the iron ore is not bad.

The era of great navigation has come, what is most needed at this time is strong ships and sharp guns. As long as the steam ironclad ships are manufactured, who else can stop them on the entire sea?

Within a few days, the soldiers who conveyed the order came to Phi Island.

They boarded the pier of Phi Island and looked at the ever-changing Phi Island, filled with emotion for a moment.

"I came to Phi Island with Mr. Zongbing back then. At that time, Phi Island was very poor, and the houses on it were all broken. I didn't expect it to be so long, and it has changed a lot." A soldier stood on Phi Island. Looking at the extremely busy pier, he said with emotion.

"I was a refugee who fled from Liaodong to Phi Island, and then was sent to Xuanzhen by Mao Zongbing, and finally served as a soldier.

When I arrived at Phi Island, Lord Zong Bing hadn’t arrived yet.At that time, people starved to death on Phi Island every day. The entire Phi Island looked better except for the General Military Mansion, and the rest were basically dilapidated. "The soldiers following him kept nodding.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, let's go to the General Military Mansion." The soldier standing in front retracted his thoughts and hurriedly walked forward.

Not long after, the two arrived outside the General Military Mansion.

After verifying their identity information, the two men took Zhao Wen's order and were led into the General Military Mansion by several soldiers.

It didn't take long for Mao Wenlong to get Zhao Wen's order.

He sat in the hall, holding the bamboo tube sealed with wax paint, facing the soldiers standing in front of him, "You two, go down and rest!"

After the two walked out, Mao Wenlong opened the bamboo tube in his hand and took out the order inside.

After a while, Mao Wenlong slapped the order on the table next to him with excitement.

"Haha, I'm finally going to attack Liaodong, haha!!!"

Mao Wenlong hated Jianu long ago, and he wished Zhao Wen could do something to Jianu.

"Haha, come on, pass the order down, find all the generals, I want to announce the order!" Mao Wenlong stood up from the chair, shouted at the guard standing at the door, and then walked excitedly in the hall Walking back and forth.

In a quarter of an hour, the hall was full of generals who rushed over.

Chen Jisheng, the deputy general of Dongjiang Town, stood at the front. He looked at Mao Wenlong, who was sitting on the main seat in the hall with a red face, and asked with a puzzled expression, "Why did your lord find us here?"

As soon as Chen Jisheng said this, everyone in the hall turned their attention to Mao Wenlong.

Mao Wenlong stroked the beard on his chin with a smile on his face, and picked up the order on the table, "Master Chief Soldier has sent a letter and decided to attack Liaodong."

As soon as the words fell, the generals in the hall began to get excited.

"Beating this group of animals to death, I can finally vent my anger." General Xu Fuzuo said viciously.

Not only Xu Fuzou, but almost all the generals in the hall clamored for revenge.

A large part of the generals on Phi Island escaped from Liaodong. These people hated Jiannu deeply and wanted to take revenge a long time ago. Now when Mao Wenlong said that Zhao Wen was going to attack Liaodong, how could they not excited?

"You're right, this time the commander-in-chief decided to completely recover Liaodong, not only Liaodong, but even the entire Nuer Gandu Division.

Now, give me an order to let all the soldiers drill for me. Besides, the war is about to start, and Liaodong has to keep an eye on me. From today on, you must be ready to fight, and you must not relax .

If anyone dares to mess around at this time, don't blame me for being rude. " Mao Wenlong looked around and said in a deep voice.

"I will obey your lord's order!" All the generals in the hall clasped their fists at Mao Wenlong and shouted loudly.

"I'm going to send 1000 people to Liaodong to find out the military situation. Who of you wants to go?"

As soon as Mao Wenlong finished speaking, a young general in black armor stood up.

"Father, I would like to go!"

This person is none other than Shang Kexi.

Shang Kexi in history surrendered to Huang Taiji because he was afraid of being implicated after Mao Wenlong was killed.

However, in this era, because of the arrival of Zhao Wen, Mao Wenlong was not beheaded by Yuan Chonghuan, so Shang Kexi did not surrender and become a slave.

"The last general is also willing to go!" Geng Jingzhong also stood up.

Not only these two people, within a dozen or so breaths, more than a dozen generals stepped forward one after another.

Mao Wenlong looked at these generals and thought for a while, "Well, let Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong lead the troops to Liaodong this time."

These two are Mao Wenlong's adopted sons, and these two people are not small, so Mao Wenlong entrusted this job to them.

"For this thousand-man team, I will equip you with two hundred and fifty-six and a half, fifty light machine guns and ten 56 firearms. With these weapons in hand, I guarantee that you can walk sideways in Liaodong.

However, I also hope that the two of you can remember that when you go to Liaodong this time, you must find out the deployment of troops in Liaodong, or you will not come back to see me. "Mao Wenlong shouted at the two of them.

After all, Phi Island is not Zhao Wen's direct descendant, so Phi Island's weapon configuration is worse.

The number of 56 and a half accounted for only 20.00% of the entire army, and the number of 56 Chong was only about [-]%. Mao Wenlong armed his own guard battalion.As for other weapons, the proportion is relatively low.

However, even so, Jian Nu was still no match for him.

Monk Geng Jingzhong knelt down on one knee with excitement on his face, and gave a military salute of this era to Mao Wenlong, "The last general will remember your orders!"

"That's all for today, you all go down, remember, cheer me up, otherwise, the military law is ruthless!"

Early the next morning, more than a dozen Fu boats left the pier of Phi Island and headed for the border of Liaodong.


At the same time, in Horqin City, Buhe also left the palace that he was very unwilling to leave, and came to the pasture outside Horqin City.

The pasture outside Horqin City is very large, and there are more than 2 knights wearing fine steel armor and holding fine steel long swords practicing on the pasture.

Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili rode war horses and led their personal guards to shuttle non-stop among the trained cavalry.

Although the weather is still very cold now, these soldiers are very excited.

Except for the guard battalion in Buhe, the cavalry in Horqin basically used cold weapons such as long knives.

After all, these cavalrymen are not used to using firearms. For them, giving them a good knife will definitely exert greater combat effectiveness than a gun.

Bu He rode a war horse and led his personal guards, and stopped at the edge of the pasture. He looked at the hot pasture, and at the shaman parked next to him.

"Do you think my warrior is majestic?" Bu He asked proudly, pointing at the pasture with his horsewhip.

The shaman said: "The warriors of the Great Khan are the strongest eagles on the grassland. They can easily break through Huang Taiji's palace and kill Huang Taiji on the throne."

"Haha, what you said is right. My son-in-law did all of this. If it wasn't for my son-in-law, how many cattle, sheep and herdsmen would die in the tribe?" When Bu He mentioned his son-in-law, Just look excited.

"Didn't you say that Hai Lanzhu shouldn't marry my son-in-law? Didn't you say that my son-in-law is just a villain? Didn't you say that Changshengtian will take revenge on my son-in-law? What do you think now?" Bu He suddenly changed his tone, asked jokingly.

Shaman's face was full of embarrassment, and he said unnaturally: "This, this, this, how should I say this. I was wrong at the time, and I misunderstood the meaning of Changshengtian."

The shaman paused, and then continued: "Last night, I observed the sky again. Last night, in the east of the sky, there was a purple-gold star rising slowly from the ground level, and finally rose to the sky. .

When it rose to the sky, it emitted a golden light, and the direction of the golden light falling was Xuanzhen.

This star is Ziwei Emperor Star, behind this star, there are several white stars.

The Ziwei Emperor Star represents Zhao Zongbing in Xuanzhen, and among the white stars behind the Ziwei Emperor Star, I saw the stars representing the Horqin tribe. "

"What does this mean?" Bu He turned sideways and looked at Shaman solemnly.

People in this era attach great importance to God's will, especially the people on the grassland. They think that such a vision must represent something.

"Khan, can't you see this? This is Changshengtian telling us that as long as we follow Xuanzhen closely, we will get better and better and richer in the future."

As soon as the shaman finished speaking, Buhe laughed loudly, "Haha, Changshengtian has already pointed out the way for us, so we Horqin will follow my son-in-law relentlessly from now on."

 Thanks to the book friend 20181004103440919 for the reward, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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