Chapter 456 Urad Tribe

"That's right, that's what it means. As long as we follow closely behind Xuanzhen, Horqin's good days are waiting behind." The shaman said with a smile on his face.

"That's right. Hai Lanzhu has now given birth to a son and a daughter to my son-in-law, and her position with my son-in-law is becoming more and more stable. With this kind of relationship, can our Horqin Department still be worse off?

I haven't seen my grandson for a long time. After the matter in Liaodong is over, I will go to Xuanzhen to see my grandson no matter what. " Buhe looked at the enthusiastic soldiers training in front of him, his face was full of hope.

Just when Bu He was in a daze, a soldier came behind Bu He on a horse, "Great Khan, the Khan from Urad is here, and he said he wants to see him."

Bu He turned around, looked at the soldier, and said contemptuously: "What is he doing here? He didn't work hard for Huang Taiji, why did he come to me? Drive him away, tell him, I don't see him."

After Buhe finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the soldiers practicing on the pasture.

Ombu, the Great Khan of the Urad tribe, led a large group of people to stop outside the east gate of Horqin City, looking at Horqin City anxiously.

Although the Urad tribe is also a tribe on the grassland, the Urad tribe and the Horqin tribe have always been at odds.

The Urad tribe still has some connections with the Horqin tribe.

In the third year of Zhengtong and in the 13th year of Zhengtong, the Oala tribe broke through the Horqin tribe attached to the Wuliangha tribe twice in succession.

During this period, the two younger brothers of the Great Khan of the Horqin tribe led their subordinates to hide between the Ergun River and the Shilka River in order to avoid the wars brought about by Oara's conquest of the East, and they were renamed Urad from then on.

Horqin is one of the largest tribes on the grassland. Although the Urad tribe is not as small as the Horqin tribe, it is not too small.

Originally, the relationship between the two tribes was not bad, but after the Jiajing Year, Daming's blockade of the grassland became more and more serious, and the supplies on the grassland became more and more scarce.

Coupled with the increase in population on the grassland and the advent of the Little Ice Age, some frictions inevitably occurred between the two tribes in order to survive.

Relations between the two tribes also plummeted.

"Great Khan, do you think the Horqin Khan will see us?" An officer standing behind Omubu looked at Omubu suspiciously.

Omboo shook his head, "I don't know, but our Urad and Horqin tribes are still from the same line. Borzigit Khan should not be so stingy."

While the two were talking, a dozen cavalry rushed out of the city gate and stopped in front of Ombu.

"Ulat Khan, our Khan said, don't see him!" one of the soldiers walked up to Ombu and shouted loudly.

Ombu's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "How can we not see you? Now that the Urad tribe is in danger, I really don't know what to do. If Borzigit Khan doesn't help us, I'm afraid the Urad tribe will die." Gone.

In view of the fact that our Urad and Horqin tribes are of the same lineage, I would like to ask you to inform again that if the Horqin tribe ignores us, we will really be gone. "

What Omubu said was full of emotion, and even shed a few tears.

Seeing Omubu's appearance, the soldiers who came to convey the order had no choice but to say, "In this case, let's report again, but we can't guarantee success."

Emubu turned his tears into joy, and hurriedly said: "Thank you very much."

"You wait for me here, we will come as soon as we go." These soldiers said, turned around, controlled the horses and headed in the direction of Buhe.

Buhe was located outside the west city gate, so passing through the city became the fastest option.

Seeing the backs of these soldiers leaving, Omubu's face was full of melancholy.

"Bu He gave birth to a good daughter. When Huang Taiji saw Hai Lanzhu, he tried his best to get Hai Lanzhu. The general soldier of the town gave birth to a pair of sons and daughters, and the general soldier of the town Xuan was also righteous, and directly built a city for Buhe that was even more luxurious than Dabansheng City. If I had a daughter like Hai Lanzhu, it would be great. "

Omubu looked at Horqin City in front of him, his eyes were full of envy.

Don't look at how many people scolded Buhe on the grassland, saying that he had no shame in marrying his daughter to a Han man, but secretly, everyone was envious of him.

Just in Horqin City, I don’t know how many tribes died of envy, not to mention that Xuan Town is still buying Horqin’s cattle and sheep.

Last winter, almost every tribe lost a lot, but Horqin has Horqin City, no matter how heavy the snow is, it has nothing to do with them, they stay in the city, relying on cattle and sheep from Xuan Town The large amount of supplies exchanged can survive the winter intact.

But for other tribes, they have no other choice but to hold on.

After Horqin fell to Xuanzhen, Huang Taiji hated the Horqin tribe, but he still had nothing to do with Horqin.

If other tribes who took refuge in Huang Taiji dared to do this, there would be only one end, which would be to be completely wiped from the grassland by Huang Taiji.

"Great Khan, Urad Khan said that he is from the same line, please see him." It didn't take long for these soldiers who conveyed the news to come to Buhe again.

Buhe smiled sarcastically, "Hehe, he didn't say such a thing when he and I were fighting for the pasture. Now that something happened, it's simply wishful thinking to say that I met him because of the same origin. Tell me He, I don't see him."

"Obey!" the soldiers said and were about to turn their horses around.

"and many more!"

Just then, the shaman stopped the soldiers.

"What's wrong?" Bu He looked at the Shaman suspiciously.

The shaman said: "The Wurat tribe is Huang Taiji's hardcore. He suddenly appeared outside our tribe. I feel something is wrong. Now that the commander-in-chief is going to conquer Liaodong, I think we should still meet them, maybe we can still see them." If we can get some news from them, if it is useful for the conquest of Liaodong, then we will make a great contribution."

Bu He thought for a moment, "You're right, if that's the case, let's meet him."

After Buhe finished speaking, he looked at the soldiers again, "Tell Omubu to wait for me in the palace."


These soldiers rode their horses in the direction of Ombu again.

It didn't take long for these soldiers to come to Ombu.

"The Great Khan has ordered you to wait in the palace!"

Ombu heard this voice, his eyes were full of excitement, "Thank you Borzigit Khan!"

"Now follow us, and we will lead you in. Remember, you can't run around after entering the city. There are not only our people in the city, but also Xuanzhen's garrison here. If you offend them, they will kill you , don’t blame me for not reminding you in advance.” The leading soldier looked at Ombu and the others and shouted.

"Understood, we will never run around." Omubu hurriedly replied.

Ombu looked at the arrogant soldiers in front of him, feeling extremely bitter in his heart.

No matter how I say it, I am a profuse sweat from the Urad Department. When have I been treated like this by a few soldiers?
Even if he went to Huang Taiji's place, Huang Taiji had to meet him in person.But when they arrived in Horqin, a few soldiers sent themselves away.

But there is no way out of all this. Who made Buhe have a good daughter, marry a good partner, and have a good son-in-law?
Omubu followed closely behind these soldiers and walked into the city gate.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Omubu's eyes couldn't see enough.

I saw a blue-gray broad road appearing in front of him, this road looked like a stone, extremely smooth.

The horseshoe on the horse's hoof hit it, making a crisp sound, and the whole street was extremely clean.

There are large and small houses on both sides of the street. The walls of these houses are also blue-gray, as if they are made of stone, and it can be felt from the outside, the walls are very thick.

"With such a thick wall, it won't be cold to live inside in winter." Omubu sighed, and looked around again.

As they kept walking into the city, there were more merchants on both sides of the street.

There are inns, restaurants, restaurants, and even blacksmith shops.

The streets are full of pedestrians coming and going, and many of them are businessmen wearing Mingren clothes.

If Ombu didn't know that this was Horqin City, he would have thought he had arrived in Daming.

"Prosperous, really prosperous!" Omubu sighed with emotion.

The soldiers who walked in front of him and led the way couldn't help but sneered when they heard Omubu's voice, "Hehe, where did you get here? When you get to the palace, you will know what prosperity is."

Ombu smiled awkwardly, and immediately closed his mouth.

The place where the palace is located is located in the center of Horqin City. As Ombu gets closer to the palace, the streets become more and more prosperous.

When he came near the palace, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were round, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

I saw pedestrians coming and going everywhere on both sides of the street. The clothes on these pedestrians were extremely gorgeous, and even people wearing silk could be seen.

There are also various shops on both sides of the street. These shops are countless times more luxurious than what Omubu saw just now. Each of these shops is decorated with carved beams and pillars, and is decorated with silk.

The plaques of the shops are written in Chinese characters and Mongolian, and some plaques are even inlaid with gold.

Among these shops are teahouses, theaters, and even brothels.

The windows of the shop are all transparent glass, reflecting the dazzling light in the sunlight.

It's not that Ombu has never seen such things as glass. He has one side in his hand, but it's only the size of a palm, which was given to him by Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji told him at the time that this piece of glass was obtained with great difficulty by the people he placed in the capital, and it took him a lot of effort, so it was extremely precious.

After Omubu took the glass back, he hid it like a treasure.

Now, when he saw that the shops on both sides of the street used glass as windows, he was stunned.

Not only him, but even his followers looked at the shops on both sides of the street in horror.

Pedestrians on the street are basically all red-faced, and the clothes on their bodies are exquisitely crafted.

And the clothes on Ombu's body were cut out of a few pieces of cowhide with some sheepskin and some cloth, and they couldn't compare with these people at all.

Seeing this, Omubu only felt that he was a bumpkin, and he felt very inferior.

"No wonder Buhe wants to break with Huang Taiji. If this kind of thing happens to me, I will also break with Huang Taiji. This is a day like a god." Omubu was full of emotion in his heart.

Just then, he saw a shop with two glass doors.

He looked at the two sides of the glass that were taller than a person, and felt unnatural for a moment.

"Hey, what kind of store is this? Why is it so luxurious?" Omubu looked at the glass door and asked in a daze.

"This is a bank. Almost all banks have this kind of gate. As for what a bank is, I've told you about it, but you don't understand." The leading soldier also said proudly.

"The shops here are either opened by princes and ministers in the tribe, or by merchants in Xuan Town, and these people on the street are all nobles.

The expenses in these shops are not small. I don't think I can even eat a meal in them for a month's military salary. "The leading soldier looked at these shops and said longingly.

The leading soldier spoke casually, but Ombu was stunned when he heard it.

He yelled in extreme disbelief, "You still have military pay? How is this possible?"

The soldiers on the prairie are basically half shepherds and half soldiers. How could they be paid?If the tribe still pays these soldiers, even a powerful tribe can't bear it.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid to tell you that we in Horqin lack everything, but we don't lack money. For us, money is used to spend. We soldiers are not comparable to your herdsmen soldiers." The leading soldier's tone was full It means looking down on people.

But even so, Ombu could only endure it.

Not long after, Ombu came outside the palace.

Ombu, who was used to being frightened, was frightened again when he saw the palace.

"Is this the royal palace? I'm afraid this is not the Forbidden City where the Han emperors lived?"

Omubu pointed to the palace in front of him, and said with a look of disbelief.

The palace is located on a very high ground, facing south from the north. It is extremely spacious and solemn. There are tall palace walls around it, and there are city wall crenels on the city walls. There are soldiers patrolling back and forth with weapons on the city walls.

The specifications of the palace were built according to the specifications of the prince. There is a palace gate on the palace wall, and there are huge lions and tigers carved in stone on the left and right outside the palace gate.

Compared with Horqin's royal palace, Omubu only felt that his royal account was a doghouse.

"This Buhe is really lucky. I don't know what good things he did in his previous life. It would be great if I could meet this kind of thing."

 Thank you for the reward of the sunshine in summer, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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