Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 457 You said that Huang Taiji wants to annex you?

Chapter 457 You said that Huang Taiji wants to annex you?
"This is the forbidden area of ​​the royal palace. Dismount your horses. Except for the Great Khan, everyone in the forbidden area of ​​the royal palace has no right to ride horses here." The leading soldier jumped off the horse, holding the horse's rein with his left hand, and pointing at the horse with his right hand. Omboo et al.

Omubu and others had no other choice. Now that he was under the eaves, he had to bow his head, so he had no choice but to jump off his horse.

"We will take good care of these horses for you." The leading soldier said to Ombu and the others, and then pointed to the guards behind him, "Go and take all these horses down!"

Looking at the guards who came over, Omubu and others handed over the reins of the horses in their hands.

When all the horses were taken down, the leading soldier said: "You can go in now. Remember, you are not allowed to walk around in the palace. This is not your Urad tribe. There are strict levels in the palace. Even if you are the Khan of the Urad tribe , and don’t move around at will.”

The leading soldier walked towards the palace with Omubu and others as he said that.

The layout of the Horqin Palace is similar to that of the palaces of the princes of the Ming Dynasty. Just after entering the gate of the palace, there is a huge courtyard.

The ground of the yard is also made of cement. Omubu has never seen cement before. Although he heard about it, he doesn't know what cement looks like.

Pointing to the ground, he said to the leading soldier: "What kind of material is this? Why is it so flat? Each piece looks very big, could it be a stone?"

In order to prevent the concrete floors from cracking due to thermal expansion and contraction, these concrete floors are divided into pieces, so it looks like they are paved with huge cement blocks.

"It's called cement, and it's laid directly on it. I heard it's to prevent thermal expansion and contraction, so it's divided into this shape." The leading soldier explained.

"Is this cement? So, the grounds outside the palace are all paved with cement? I heard that the price of cement is not low. How much does it cost for so much cement?" Omubu looked helpless. confidence.

He really didn't expect that Horqin was already so rich that he treated the entire ground of the city with cement.

With so much silver, isn't it good to use it for other things?Why do you have to lay the ground?

"Money? How much does it cost? Our Horqin can make a lot of money just by selling cattle and sheep to Xuan Town. For us, Horqin, this cement is just a drop in the bucket.

My family has decided that after the spring of this year, we will increase the number of cattle and sheep. By that time, our city of Horqin will become a fortress in the south of the Yangtze River. "The leading soldier looked proud.

To be honest, he does have something to be proud of.Looking at the entire grassland, I am afraid that the life of the Horqin tribe is the best.

When Omubu heard that Horqin wanted to increase the number of cattle and sheep, he was not calm for a moment.

For Horqin, cattle and sheep are not cattle and sheep at all, cattle and sheep are money, which is silver. Who in this world does not like silver?

With money and a son-in-law of Xuanzhen's chief soldier, what a robbery.

If I have such good luck, I would be willing to melt the knife in my hand into an iron pot. Horqin's current abundance cannot be achieved by looting at all.

Emubu was envious of Buhe for a while, "Oh, I was really blind at the beginning, and I took refuge in Huang Taiji. If I had the luck of Buhe, I would not be the one who begged him for peace now."

"Okay, stop mumbling there, come with me. My Dahan told you to wait for him in the main hall of the palace, and he will come back later." The leading soldier looked at Omboo who kept mumbling. , said hastily.

Omubu let out an oh and followed.

The leading soldier led Omubu and others around the palace seven times and eight times and finally came to the main hall of the palace.

"This is the palace hall!" The leading soldier pointed to the luxuriously decorated palace hall with carved beams and painted buildings, said to Omubu, and then led Omubu into it.

Omubu looked at the gorgeous and ugly palace hall in front of him, and he became more and more envious in his heart.

"Compared with other people's palaces, my tent is a doghouse." Omboo shook his head, followed behind the leading soldier, and walked in.

As soon as he entered the palace hall, Omubu felt a wave of heat rushing towards his face.

"What's going on here? I don't think there is a fire in the hall, how can it be so warm?" Ombu saw that there were no heating tools such as braziers in the palace, and suddenly became curious.

"This is an earth dragon. There are seven or eight fire passages under the main hall of the palace. The whole hall must be warm because of the high-quality coal burning inside. I heard that the palace of the Han emperor is like this. This is Lord Xuanzhen. It was specially designed for our Horqin tribe." When the leading soldier mentioned Zhao Wen, he became excited.

In his opinion, if it weren't for Zhao Wen, it is estimated that the current Horqin would be like the Urad tribe, worrying about the livelihood of the tribe.

"You guys stay here first, I'll find some chairs for you." The leading soldier walked towards the side of the main hall as he spoke, and a chair was brought in after a while.

"Why is there only one chair?" Omubu looked at the entourage behind him, and then at the leading soldier, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"This is the palace hall, not Caishikou. Not everyone can sit here." The leading soldier put the chair in the center of the hall, said something to Ombu and the others, and then said: "Stay here, don't sit here." Walk around, the Khan will be there soon."

After speaking, the leading soldier led his men out and stood at the gate of the palace hall.

When the leading soldier walked out, the followers who followed Omubu became angry.

"Korqin is too deceitful, isn't he just a little soldier, what is he arrogant? Isn't he married by Hai Lanzhu, okay? Look at his arrogance along the way, I really want to give him a knife." Hei standing behind Omubu The big-faced man yelled with dissatisfaction.

Omubu frowned and scolded: "Shut up, keep your voice down, this is the Horqin tribe, and we are here to ask for cloth and do business. If your words are heard, do we still have to do business? "

After all, Ombu is the great sweat of the Urad tribe. As soon as this remark came out, no matter how reluctant these followers were, they had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

Ombu glared at the black-faced man, then sat down on the chair.

"Today's Horqin is simply not comparable to us. We are here today to beg for cloth and do business. Even if you have any dissatisfaction, you can only endure it for me.

Why am I not angry about Horqin's attitude?But is anger useful?Horqin stands behind Xuanzhen, even Huang Taiji is no match for Xuanzhen, let alone us? "Ombu sat on the chair and said earnestly.

"It's not that Bu and this old fox gave birth to a good daughter and married well. If Da Khan's daughter married Xuanzhen Zongbing, it would be different today." The black-faced man muttered a little dissatisfied.

Omubu sighed, "What can I do? This is Hai Lanzhu's fate, and Buhe's luck. Who would have thought that Horqin, who was beaten by Nurhachi and Huang Taiji, could hug Xuanzhen's thigh, okay?" Now, don’t say these things anymore, just wait slowly, now the tribe is in the midst of life and death, I can’t help it.”

As soon as Omubu said this, his followers all sighed and booed.

Omubu waited in the palace hall for a long time, until the sun was about to set on the western mountain, Buhe led a group of followers into the hall.

Although Omubu was dissatisfied with Buhe's attitude, but now that he was powerful, no matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only endure it.

"Hehe, Omubu, why are you here?" Buhe walked into the hall, looked at Omubu sitting in the center of the hall, and asked strangely.

Omboo hurriedly stood up, adjusted his mentality, and greeted him with a smile on his face, "I have seen Borzigit Khan!"

Omubu hastily saluted Buhe.

Bu He turned his nostrils to the sky, snorted coldly, and then walked towards the throne.

The entourage following Bu He also stood straight on both sides of the hall, dressed in iron armor, and looked abnormally energetic.

Looking at Bu He's current state, Omu Bu seems to have eaten a fly.

The cloth and the clothes on his body are very gorgeous, with running pythons embroidered on them, and the edges are trimmed with gold thread.

There are two styles of clothes: Han and Grassland, and his hair is neatly tied into a bun like the Han.

On his head is a leather hat studded with various precious stones.

The beard on the chin is also well-groomed, shiny and smooth.

On the other hand, Omubu looks like a beggar, and the beard on his chin is even more messy.

From this level alone, Omubu is a bit shorter than Buhe.

"What do you want me for?" Bu He sat on the throne and put his hat on the table in front of the throne.

Ombu took two steps forward, with a hint of worry on his face, "I'm here to ask Borzigit Khan for help!"

Bu He was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "Please help me? Hahaha, did I hear you wrong? Can you ask me for help? You are the hardest among Huang Taiji's irons. If you don't ask Huang Taiji, run to me." It's strange to come to me for help."

Although the chairs in the hall were not removed, Omubu did not sit down.

He kept his posture very low, because he knew that now his tribe was at the point of life and death, and it would be impossible not to behave like this.

"Oh, it's hard to say. The reason why I came to Borzigit Khan is because the one who wants to kill me is Huang Taiji." Ombu said with a sad face.

When Bu He heard this, he keenly heard something unusual in it.

"How to say? Huang Taiji is not only my in-law, he is also your in-law. How could he kill you?" Bu He narrowed his eyes, leaned forward, and looked at Omu Bu with a serious face.

Buhe's words are true, not only is Bu and Huang Taiji related by marriage, but Omubu is also related to Huang Taiji by marriage.

"Hehe, don't you understand that being a slave is a virtue? In the 21st year of Wanli, after the nine coalition forces headed by the Yehe tribe failed to attack Nurhachi, I don't want to tell you what Nurhachi was like. You should know.

Your Horqin Department participated in that war back then, but after the defeat, I think you should know better than me how Nurhachi treated Horqin. "Omubu's voice suddenly became low.

Buhe let out a long breath, "You're right. After the failure that year, Nurhachi used marriage to win over me, Horqin, but was that a win? That was to annex me, Horqin.

No matter how good my Horqin tribe is, it is one of the best large tribes on the grassland, but after the defeat in that battle, my Horqin had to give women, cattle and sheep to Nurhachi and Huang Taiji.

Hehe, the two of them are not marrying wives, they are obviously a bride price.Every time I get married, I have to prepare a large sum of bride price.Especially those teams that welcome the relatives are all arrogant, wishing to poke their nose hairs into the sky.

If there is a white disaster in winter, they don't even ask.If they encounter any ups and downs, let me, Horqin, provide cattle and sheep supplies.Every time we fight, I also drive my men to rush to the forefront. If we win, we don’t have our share of the spoils. If we lose, we are responsible. "

When Buhe heard what Omubu said, he also remembered how Nurhachi and Huang Taiji treated Horqin at the beginning, and suddenly felt empathy for what happened to Omubu.

"Oh, Huang Taiji's appetite is too great. This time I came to Horqin just to ask the Great Khan for help." Omubu begged again.

Bu He said: "What happened, you tell it. If you don't tell me, how can I help you?"

Although there was friction between Buhe and Omubu, the two tribes came from the same line after all, and no matter how the two tribes were at odds, it was a family matter.

Besides, after hearing what Omubu said just now, Buhe couldn't help but feel a little pity for the Urad tribe.

Omubu sighed and said: "Huang Taiji said he was going to send troops to North Korea, and asked me to provide [-] armored soldiers, [-] cows, [-] sheep, and countless cowhide and sheepskins.

He also said that he wants to take me to Shengjing, what do you think he wants to do?Once I give him so many things, what else is left for my Urad tribe?
Not to mention cattle and sheep, I can't even get the [-] armored soldiers alone.How many people are there for all the adult males of the Urad tribe?I can't get [-] armored soldiers at all.Even if it can be taken out, then my Urad tribe has nothing. "

"Huang Taiji really said that?" Bu He asked again.

Omubu nodded, "That's right, that's what he said. He still wants me to be the vanguard in attacking North Korea. He wants my troops to charge forward. North Korea is mountainous. Isn't that asking my soldiers to die?
Now many small tribes who have taken refuge in Huang Taiji have been annexed. If I, Urad, had a bigger foundation, he would have been annexed long ago. "

Hearing Omubu's voice, Buhe's eyes were full of light.

"Hehe, Huang Taiji still wants to send troops to North Korea? To attack North Korea? To annex Urad, tsk tsk tsk, it's really interesting." Bu He slandered endlessly.

"By the way, Huang Taiji didn't say when he would attack North Korea?" Bu He looked at Huang Taiji.

(End of this chapter)

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