Chapter 458 The Plan of Rapid Attack
Buhe looked at Omubu and asked, "Huang Taiji didn't say what he wanted to attack North Korea? He didn't say how he planned to attack North Korea, or did he have a plan for attacking North Korea?"

Omboo shook his head, "I don't know, he only said about attacking North Korea, he didn't say when to attack North Korea, and he didn't tell me that I made a plan to attack North Korea, he just told me that he would attack North Korea and asked me to send troops and people out."

When Bu He heard this, he fell into thinking.

After a long while, Bu He said: "You don't know anything, how can I help you? Maybe the story of Huang Taiji's attack on North Korea was fake, maybe he just wanted to use some kind of excuse to annex your tribe."

"Impossible. If he just wanted to annex the Urad tribe, why did he send troops to North Korea? Since this month, he has been sending troops to North Korea one after another. There are already more than 3000 people. .” Omboo retorted.

Bu He narrowed his eyes and said vigilantly, "Is what you said true? Did Huang Taiji really send troops to North Korea?"

"Not many people know about this matter, but I know it, because before he transferred his troops, he also took away [-] war horses from my tribe. These [-] war horses were sent by my subordinates. They were sent to North Korea. If Huang Taiji just wanted to annex my tribe, then he wouldn’t have to send troops to North Korea.” Omubu replied.

Bu He leaned on the throne, put his right hand on the table, and kept beating on the table.

"If that's the case, it's more or less the same. Huang Taiji will definitely attack North Korea, otherwise he won't have to send troops." Bu He said, and then looked at the shaman standing next to him.

"What should we do now?" Bu He asked in a low voice.

The shaman thought for a long time, and finally said: "Khan, I think we should help, this is a great opportunity."

"What do you say? Tell Xuan Zhen about this? Tell my son-in-law?"

"More than that, we not only want to tell Xuan Zhen about this matter, we also want to do this..." The shaman walked up to Bu He, leaned into his ear, and whispered.

Ombu looked at the two whispering to each other, and was a little confused about the situation for a while.

After a while, two hot rays of light shot out from Buhe's eyes. He slapped the table and said excitedly, "You're very good, I'll do as you said!"

After Buhe finished speaking, he looked at Omubu, "If you want me to help you, it's fine. In fact, even if I don't help you, Huang Taiji's days will come to an end."

When Emubu heard that Buhe said that Huang Taiji's days were coming to an end, he was overjoyed at first, and hurriedly asked: "How do you say that?"

"To tell you the truth, at the end of March or early April, my son-in-law was going to attack Huang Taiji. He planned to regain Liaodong. Tell me, with my son-in-law's strength, can Huang Taiji stop it?" Bu He looked at Omubu and said word by word.

Ombu became excited, "Is this true? Doesn't this mean that my Urad department can finally get rid of Huang Taiji?"

The entourage behind Omubu also became excited. If Liaodong is really recovered and Huang Taiji is eliminated, then his Urad department will finally be able to rely on Huang Taiji's claws.

"Hehe, why are you thinking so well?" Just when Omubu was excited, Bu and a basin of cold water poured down.

Omubu was taken aback for a moment, then became anxious, "Is there any problem?"

"Problem? It's a big problem. Let me ask you, who are you? Whose are you?" Bu He snorted coldly and asked.

"Who am I?" Omubu understood without even thinking about it.

"You mean, I'm a member of Huang Taiji? It's very likely that Xuanzhen will kill me when Huang Taiji is eliminated?" Omubu looked at Buhe in disbelief.

If this is the case, it will be miserable.His own Urad tribe was at a loss in the face of Huang Taiji. If they ran into Xuanzhen, wouldn't it be the end of the game?

Omubu was so anxious that he walked back and forth in the hall.

"What should I do? What should I do, what should I do now? What should I do now? If Xuan Zhen really regards me as Huang Taiji's loyal dog leg and wipes out the Urad tribe, then it will really be over. "Emubu was anxious and startled.

Buhe looked at Omubu in such a state, and said, "I can show you a clear way now."

When Omubu heard that Buhe had a solution, he hurriedly asked, "What way?"

"You can take your tribe to relocate and come to Horqin, and you will surely keep your Urad tribe safe."

Buhe's words are like Sima Zhao's heart. Doesn't this mean that he wants to annex the Urad tribe?
Omu Bu was not stupid, he immediately understood what Bu He meant.

"No, even if I want to move, but Huang Taiji sent people to monitor the tribe all the time, so I can't come at all." Ombu's words were half true, Huang Taiji sent people to monitor his tribe, but But not all the time, and there are not many people under surveillance.

Otherwise, how could Omubu come to Horqin?

"Is there any other way?" Omboo asked.

Buhe gently tapped the table with his right knuckles. He looked at Omubu, and the old god said, "Yes, it just depends on how brave you are."

"What way? The descendants of Changshengtian are not timid." Hearing that Buhe still had a way, Omubu hurriedly expressed his opinion.

"Actually, this method is very simple, that is, when Xuanzhen soldiers and horses are attacking Huang Taiji, you can directly turn against the water at the most critical moment of the battle.

Huang Taiji likes to use the grassland people as cannon fodder the most. It is estimated that Huang Taiji will probably arrange your soldiers and horses to the front.

Although whether you attack or not has little effect on the battle, it represents your attitude.If you can catch Huang Taiji, I guess you might be reused by my son-in-law.

This method is the most risky among so many methods, but it is also the most profitable method, it depends on whether you have the courage. "

After Buhe finished speaking, he stopped talking and looked at Omubu quietly.

When Omubu heard that this was the way, he fell silent for a moment.

The current Urad tribe and the current Ombu have long since lost the bloody courage of their ancestors, otherwise they would not have surrendered to Huang Taiji.

Ombu let out a long breath, and the image of himself bowing his knees in front of Huang Taiji appeared in his mind, and all kinds of things he saw in Horqin City just now appeared in his mind.

After a long time, he asked: "If I can capture Huang Taiji alive, will Xuanzhen build a city for me?"

"What? What are you talking about? Are you kidding me?" Bu He's eyes widened, and he looked at Omu Bu in disbelief.

"Isn't your appetite really big? Do you still want a city? Hehe, hehe, you are really interesting. I guess, even if you capture Huang Taiji's entire family, my son-in-law will give it to you if he dies." Build a town, and you still want a city? Stop dreaming!
Besides, with your strength, do you still want to capture Huang Taiji alive?This is simply impossible. "

It wasn't that Buhe looked down on Omubu, it was because Omubu's words were too unbelievable.

This Horqin city was originally built by Zhao Wen with his own money, and this city alone cost a lot of money.

Had it not been for Xuanzhen's massive purchase of Horqin's cattle, sheep and horses, Buhe would have vomited blood.

Now Omubu doesn't spend a penny, just wants to exchange Huangtaiji for a city, which in Buhe's view is a bit of a suspicion of a white wolf with empty hands.

"Although we may not build a city for you, we will definitely buy your cattle and sheep, and the living standard of Urad will definitely get better and better.

I think you should think about it carefully, are you willing to be a turtle for the rest of your life, or fight for the future generations? If you are afraid, then your tribe will disappear without a trace together with Huang Taiji. Say I didn't remind you that Xuanzhen's weapons are simply not something you can compete with. To regain Liaodong, I guess it will take a month to survive. "Buhe said again.

Ombu didn't speak, and kept thinking about things in his mind.

After a long while, he slapped his thigh and said: "Done, I've had enough with Huang Taiji in the past few years, I don't want to go on like this anymore, as long as the tribe can get better and better in the future, everything is worth it."

"Haha, that's right. I guess that when the attack on Liaodong begins, Huang Taiji will surely bring back the soldiers he sent to North Korea. You must seize this opportunity well.

By the way, if there are people who think like you, they can also unite. If you can severely damage Huang Taiji, then I can give you credit in front of my son-in-law. Although I can't build a city for you, it will definitely not be bad. Your reward. " Bu He said with a smile.

To a certain extent, Buhe wished that these people would do more meritorious service.

Because he came up with this strategy, and he will be able to take a lot of credit for it when the time comes.

"Do you have anything else to do? If not, then I'll let someone arrange for you to stay and rest first. It's getting late now, so you can go back tomorrow." Bu He said.

Omubu saluted Buhe, bowed and said, "Thank you Borzigit Khan!"

Not long after, Omubu was taken to an inn by the palace guards sent by Buhe.

"This inn is dedicated to receiving the envoys of the grassland tribes and the Great Khans."

The palace guards took them out of the palace and came to the front of an inn.


At this moment, Xuan Town is like a huge factory, and the atmosphere in Xuan Town is also very suppressed.

Almost all factories are running overtime.

Zhao Wen sat in the study, discussing the detailed battle plan with Liu Wenzhong and the officials in the counselor's room.

Although Liu Wenzhong is a literati, he is quite capable and has unique insights into many things.

Originally, Qi Qingtian was the steward of the counselor's room, but Qi Qingtian was sent to Taiyuan Island by Zhao Wen, so the steward of the counselor's room was replaced by a middle-aged man named Chu Zhouping.

This Chu Zhouping was about forty years old, a Jinshi, had participated in the battle of Saarhu, and was very familiar with the military. Although Saarhu failed, it had little to do with him, after all, he was not the decision maker.

In addition to Chu Zhouping, there are three or four members of the counselor's office.

It's also fortunate that Zhao Wen's study room can be bigger, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people at once.

"What do you think of this Liaodong war?" Zhao Wen asked as he sat in the study and looked at the people sitting in front of him.

Liu Wenzhong took the lead and said: "My lord, I think we should fight steadily and slowly in the battle of Liaodong this time. The Liaodong incident has been going on for decades. If we want to solve it completely, we must be cautious."

"I don't agree with this method!" As soon as Liu Wenzhong finished speaking, Chu Zhouping retorted,

The eyes of Zhao Wen and Liu Wenzhong fell on Chu Zhouping.

"Do you think this method will work?" Zhao Wen asked.

Chu Zhouping said: "That's right, I don't think this method will work. In this way, it will inevitably delay time. Now we are fighting on two fronts, facing the imperial court and Liaodong at the same time. Although our weapons and equipment have a great advantage, we Don't waste time either.

In my opinion, with the weapons in our hands, we can attack thousands of miles and directly hit Shenyang City, the lair of slavery.

Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan are traveling by sea and land, so they can attract Jiannu's attention when we raid Shenyang.

And Horqin is cavalry, and the advantage of cavalry is speed, so I think we can let them guard our two wings to cover our long-distance raids. "

As soon as Zhao Wen heard this, he quickly took out the map of Liaodong, spread it on the desk, and looked at it seriously.

"You mean, let's cross the grassland, attack Liaodong directly, and then go straight to Shenyang City? But have you ever thought that there is no railway from the grassland to Liaodong, so how will the supplies be transported? Without enough supplies, how will the soldiers fight?" Liu Wen Zhong frowned and looked at Chu Zhouping.

Chu Zhouping said: "What kind of supplies do you want? With our strength, we only need to bring food across the grassland, and we don't need to carry heavy weapons. Although the cities in Liaodong are strong, the number of slaves is limited. 40 fire can deal with it completely.

As for the food, it will be eaten directly by the enemy at that time. I still don't believe that a mere establishment of slaves can stop my Xuanzhen Heavenly Soldiers?
Liaodong is not the mainland. When Jiannu occupied Liaodong, they massacred the Ming people in Liaodong. Except for those who were determined to serve as Jiannu's slaves, the remaining people hated Jiannu to the bone.

We still have to worry about the people in the interior, but in Liaodong, we don't have to worry about it at all.The number of people who built slaves is limited, and they can't form too much power. We only need to consider the problem of breaking the city. "

"Crack!" At this moment, Zhao Wen slapped the table and shouted: "You are right, your method is good. Relying on the advantage of weapons, you can directly and quickly attack Shenyang. Liaodong is no better than the mainland. Once Shenyang City is captured by us If it is taken down, the morale of the Jiannu army will collapse in an instant."

 Thanks to the book friend 20181004103440919 for the reward, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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