Chapter 459 Going to the Ironworks
"Besides, we don't need too many troops in Xuan Town. We only need [-] infantry. As for the number of cavalry, it can be more. We have [-] soldiers in Xuan Town, plus Horqin's cavalry, Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yi. The officers and men can completely take Liaodong down." Chu Zhouping said again.

"That's right, 2 troops is enough for us. In fact, this time I will not only recover the entire Liaodong, but also the entire Nuergandu Division.

In addition to Nuer Gandusi, I also plan to continue to attack the north and try my best to take as much land as possible.

These lands don't look as good as the land in the Central Plains. Not much land can grow crops, but these lands are not ordinary.

There are very rich minerals under these lands. Although we have no ability to mine these minerals now, we can't just focus on the present and plan for future generations. Zhao Wen looked at the people in the study and said.

Liu Wenzhong and Chu Zhouping looked at each other. Although the two of them didn't know how Zhao Wen learned that there were rich mineral resources under Nuer Gandusi, they didn't ask this time.

After all, with the current strength of Xuanzhen, those lands will just take some more time.

"Okay, that's all for today, you two hurry up and make arrangements. Now there is only one month left before the dispatch of troops. During this month, we must speed up the production of supplies.

Although the strength of Jiannu is not enough, the current Liaodong has been severely damaged by Jiannu. We must make preparations in advance to resume production in Liaodong. This is the bulk of the consumption of materials. "

To Zhao Wen, Jiannu in Liaodong was nothing more than chickens and dogs. It would not take much time to eliminate Jiannu, but it was not so easy to restore production in Liaodong.

In Zhao Wen's plan, after recovering Liaodong, he will begin to immigrate to Liaodong.The original people on the land of Liaodong were not much left by the slaves. Without the support of a large population, it would be almost impossible to resume production in a short time.

However, emigrating to Liaodong would cost a lot of money and material resources. For such a thing, Zhao Wen had to make plans early.

"Obey!" Liu Wenzhong and Chu Zhouping cupped their hands at Zhao Wengong, and then they were about to walk outside.

When they just walked to the door, Zhao Wen stopped them.

"Wait a second!" Zhao Wen looked at the backs of the two and suddenly remembered something.

"Is there anything else, my lord?" Liu Wenzhong and Chu Zhouping turned their heads and looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wendao: "The two of you make an order to encourage births."

"But my lord, didn't we issue such an order before?" Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen suspiciously.

In fact, Zhao Wen issued such an order as early as when Zhao Wensheng was appointed as the general of Xuanzhen.Now that so many years have passed, and the living standards of the people in Xuanzhen are getting higher and higher, the effect is not bad, and there are more and more newborns in Xuanzhen.

But the increased population is still a bit small for Zhao Wen.

"This time is different. This time I plan to reward the people who have more children. Having two children is the normal level, and there is no reward. If there are more than two children, for each extra one, a reward of 20 silver dollars will be given, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. The more births, the more rewards.

Moreover, the common people don't have to worry about raising their children. If there are poor families who cannot afford to raise their children, the General Military Office will subsidize them after finding out.This policy is not limited to Xuanzhen territory, as long as it is within our territory, we will enjoy this policy. "Zhao Wen looked at the two of them and expressed his thoughts.

In this era of underdeveloped productivity, the more people there are, the more advantages they have. In addition, the basic national policy set by Zhao Wen is to expand abroad, so the demand for population will only increase.

"My lord, I'm afraid that if this happens, the people will desperately have children. In addition, we are subsidizing them now, and our financial pressure will be great." Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao worriedly. arts.

Liu Wenzhong's words are not unreasonable. One more child is subsidized with 20 silver dollars, and five more children is [-] silver dollars. In addition, there are subsidies for those families who cannot afford to raise children. All the people in Xuanzhen will try their best to have children.After all, if you have money, you don't have to worry about raising children.

"Haha, that's what I want. I'm not afraid of the people's lives, I'm afraid of not being born. The more people we have, the more children we have, the greater our strength will be. Alright, this policy is decided in this way, you two Hurry up and formulate specific regulations, and strive to convey this order tomorrow morning." Zhao Wen made a decision without waiting for Liu Wenzhong to refute.

Liu Wenzhong originally wanted to persuade Zhao Wen again, but seeing that Zhao Wen had already made such a decision, he had no choice.I had no choice but to cup my fists at Zhao Wen and walk outside.

After the two left, Zhao Wen dealt with some matters in the study, then walked out of the study and walked towards the backyard.

"Encouraging childbirth is a good thing. I am the chief soldier of Xuanzhen, so I have to take the lead." Zhao Wen stepped into the backyard with a smile on his face.

In the early morning of the next day, newsboys walking around the streets waved the newspapers in their hands and shouted loudly: "The commander-in-chief has an order to encourage births and reward those who have more children. Normal level, no rewards. More than two, each extra one will be rewarded with 20 silver dollars, regardless of gender. The more births, the more rewards.

Moreover, the common people don't have to worry about raising their children. If there are poor families who cannot afford to raise their children, the General Military Office will subsidize them after finding out.This policy is not limited to Xuanzhen territory, as long as it is within our territory, we will enjoy this policy. "

The newsboy's voice quickly attracted everyone's attention, and the people rushed towards the newsboy to buy the newspapers in the hands of the newsboy.

By the afternoon, almost all the people in Xuan Town knew the news.

When night fell, the entire Xuan Town felt like spring had come, and the beds in almost every household were creaking.

Even couples who are over [-] years old want to try it out to see if they can have more children.

This kind of good thing has never happened before. Although all dynasties have encouraged childbearing, it is the first time that Zhao Wen has given money directly.

The ancient people paid attention to many children and many blessings, which is a typical family, so they valued their offspring very much. In addition, Zhao Wen directly sent money this time, which instantly ignited the people's desire to have children.

Amidst the creaking sound of the bed, the night passed slowly.

Zhao Wen walked out of Li Xiaoying's room, looking at the rising sun with a refreshed face.

"It's still early, you go to sleep, I'll go to the ironworks!" Zhao Wen turned around, shouted at Li Xiaoying's room, and then walked outside.

Not long after, Zhao Wen arrived at the ironworks with dozens of personal guards.

Originally, Zhao Wen didn't want to bring so many personal guards, but after the assassination, Zhao Wen had to be cautious.

When Zhao Wen arrived at the ironworks, the general manager of the ironworks who got the news rushed out to greet him.

Zhao Wen hadn't walked a few steps into the ironworks when the chief manager of the ironworks hurriedly ran towards Zhao Wen with a large group of people.

"I've seen Mr. Chief Soldier!" The chief steward saluted Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded and asked, "How is the ironworks running these days? How is the output of steel?"

"Returning to Mr. Zongbing, the steel output of the steel factory is increasing almost every month, and most of the steel produced by the steel factory is used to make rails according to your orders.

The manufactured rails can fully supply the construction of the railway. "The chief steward explained to Zhao Wen the production of steel during the recent period in detail.

Zhao Wendao: "Not bad, not bad, keep it up. Go down first, I'm going to visit Mr. Song today, don't worry about me."

"Then I will take my leave!" The chief manager saluted Zhao Wen again, and then led the crowd down.

Song Yingxing is now responsible for the manufacture of generators. Although the factory building dedicated to manufacturing generators in the ironworks has not yet been built, this does not affect Song Yingxing's work.

Not far from the factory building where the generators are manufactured, Song Yingxing asked someone to build a simple shed, which is where Song Yingxing works now.

Before that, Zhao Wen visited the ironworks, so he knew where Song Yingxing was working now.

Zhao Wen led a dozen bodyguards away and arrived at Song Yingxing's work place not long after.

Before entering the shed, Zhao Wen heard Song Yingxing's voice, "Draw this blueprint again for me, what do you see? The parameters above are all wrong. If you are still in this situation in the future , don’t follow me.”

Although it is a shed, the shed is quite big, with walls on three sides and a gate on the south side.

At this time the door was open, and Zhao Wenxun looked around, only to see Song Yingxing standing in front of the huge table in the center of the shed, scolding a young man of seventeen or eighteen.

There were people sitting around the table, these people turned a deaf ear to Song Yingxing's scolding, and just drew the blueprint seriously.

Zhao Wen smiled lightly, and said to the guard next to him, "You guys just wait for me outside!"

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he walked in.

"What's wrong with Mr. Song? Why are you so angry?" Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing with a smile on his face.

Song Yingxing looked back and said in surprise, "Oh, my lord, why are you here?"

Song Yingxing hurriedly packed up the blueprints on the table, then found a chair, and hurriedly put it beside Zhao Wen.

Those who sat at the table and carefully drew the blueprints also hurriedly stood up and stood aside respectfully.

Zhao Wen was also polite and sat down directly.

"By the way, what did he do? Why is he so angry? I've never seen you get so angry before!" Zhao Wen pointed to the young man standing next to Song Yingxing, holding the blueprint in his hands and hanging his head. Look at Song Yingxing.

In Zhao Wen's impression, Song Yingxing has always been a refined and personable person, and Zhao Wen has almost never seen him get angry.

Therefore, Zhao Wen was a little confused at this time, what happened to make Song Yingxing angry like this.

Song Yingxing heaved a long sigh, hating iron for being weak and said: "I don't know something, my lord, after you gave me the blueprint of the generator, I started to deal with it.

Over the past few days, I have redrawn the drawings you gave me. The main purpose of this drawing is to enlarge the details of the entire generator.

Although there are only three or two drawings of the generator, and it doesn't take much time to redraw them, it is a very busy job to enlarge all the details of the drawings.

This level of work can't be done by me alone.So, I asked my students to help me draw.

But, I don’t know how it happened. Other students draw well and rarely make mistakes, but he, I don’t know what’s going on these days. He draws once and makes a mistake. This is the third time. The above parameters Still wrong. "

"Haha, I thought it was something. It turned out to be this. Mr. Song, drawing drawings is different from other jobs, and it requires a lot of energy.

Besides, who is not a sage without fault?If it is wrong, it is wrong, just make a few more changes, there is no need to make such a big fuss. "

Zhao Wen looked at the honest-looking young man standing in front of Song Yingxing, and tried to persuade Song Yingxing with great interest.

"Don't you hurry up and thank Mr. Chief Soldier?" Song Yingxing glared at the young man and urged.

Holding the blueprint in his hand, the young man hastily saluted Zhao Wen respectfully.

"Okay, don't salute me anymore. You all go out first, I have something to discuss with your teacher." Zhao Wen pointed to the students standing beside him and said to them.

These students saluted Zhao Wen and walked out.

After everyone went out, Zhao Wen stood up from his chair, looked at the neatly arranged drawings on the table, and said, "These are the drawings drawn by your students? Let me see how they are drawn!"

As Zhao Wen spoke, he began to flip.

After a long time, Zhao Wen put down the drawings in his hand and sighed, "I never thought that the drawings drawn by your students would be so perfect and precise!"

Except that the units of parameters drawn by these students are different from those of later generations, the rest is not much different from those who specialize in drawing drawings in later generations.

Song Yingxing said modestly: "These students are only good at drawing drawings, and there are still some shortcomings in other areas. I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to truly be independent."

"Haha, you are too modest. One leaf knows the autumn, just from the blueprints, you can see the extraordinaryness of these students. Mr. Song, you teach well." Zhao Wen pointed at Song Yingxing and praised him again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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