Chapter 460
"I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be, it's because these students have good aptitude, I'm just playing the role of giving advice, I really can't be praised by adults like this." Song Yingxing explained modestly.

"Haha, you just like to be modest, but no matter how modest you are, you can't hide your ability. Okay, let's not talk about these things, how is the construction of the factory building now? How long will it take to complete it? " Zhao Wen pointed to the outside of the gate.

Song Yingxing stroked the beard on his chin and said, "It's almost half a month."

"Then do you have any problems with this generator now? You can bring it up, and I'll explain it to you." Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing frowned and said, "Yes, and there are quite a few."

"What are the problems?" Zhao Wen was not surprised when he heard this.

No matter how powerful Song Yingxing is, he is still a person of this era, and encountering problems is inevitable.

"I have summed up all the questions and recorded them in a booklet. Originally, I planned to wait a while to ask the adults for advice. Now that the adults are here, I will ask directly."

Song Yingxing said as he walked to a cabinet in the corner of the shed, and took out a half-centimeter-thick booklet from it.

When Song Yingxing handed the brochure to Zhao Wen, Zhao Wen secretly said: "It seems that there are many problems, yes, generators are no different than others, and it is normal that there are more problems."

Zhao Wen opened the booklet, sat on the chair and read it carefully.

After a while, Zhao Wen put the booklet in his hand on the table.

He rubbed his forehead and said to Song Yingxing: "There are a lot of questions, and some questions can't be explained clearly in a short while.

How about this, I will take this booklet back first, and I will give detailed answers to the questions in the booklet in the next few days, and then I will recompile the solution into a booklet, and then give it to you. "

"Then listen to the adults." Song Yingxing suddenly remembered something when he said this.

He asked embarrassingly: "I don't know if the person appointed by your lord to supervise the construction of the railway has been selected?"

Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing and instantly understood.

"What's wrong? Do you have a suitable candidate?" Zhao Wen asked.

Song Yingxing hesitated, "Yes, it's just that this person has a special identity."

"Why so special?" Zhao Wen asked with great interest seeing Song Yingxing like this.

"It's like this. I have an elder brother named Song Yingsheng. He used to be a small official. He was a clerk-like official, so his management ability is quite good. When the railway was being built, the most important thing was management ability.

So, I thought, can I let my brother supervise the construction of the railway from Yangyuan to Shanxi? After Song Yingxing said that, he looked at Zhao Wen anxiously.

Although Zhao Wen said before that he should not avoid relatives when he is a virtuous person, but at this time, it is really hard to say.

After all, Song Yingsheng came to Xuanzhen for the first time, and he was unfamiliar with life, so it was not so easy to find a job by himself.

Seeing Song Yingxing's nervous look, Zhao Wen couldn't help laughing, "Haha, that's fine, that's it, let your brother go. I'll just go to Mr. Liu to say hello, you Don't worry too much."

Seeing that Zhao Wen finally agreed, Song Yingxing was completely relieved.

Zhao Wen also knew a thing or two about Song Yingsheng.

Although Song Yingsheng was not as famous as Song Yingxing in history, he was also a very loyal figure.

When Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang was hanged by Wu Sangui and the entire Ming Dynasty fell, Song Yingsheng not only did not surrender, but committed suicide by taking poison.

Although this person has never been a high-ranking official, his integrity is very admirable.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for my brother!" Song Yingxing raised the hem of his clothes, and was about to kneel and kowtow as he spoke.

Zhao Wen hurriedly put the booklet in his hand on the table, and helped Song Yingxing up.

"What are you doing? It's just a trivial matter. Why do you kowtow to me?" Zhao Wen helped Song Yingxing up, and persuaded him earnestly.

"My lord, although this matter is only a small matter to my lord, it is a big event to my elder brother's family." Song Yingxing said gratefully while being supported by Zhao Wen.

"It's no big deal. You are my minister. With your recommendation, I believe in your brother's ability." Zhao Wen let go of Song Yingxing's arm and rolled up the booklet on the table, "Are there any problems now? No If so, then I will go back first?"

"It's okay." Song Yingxing shook his head.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Zhao Wen said and walked outside.

Song Yingxing hurriedly followed and sent Zhao Wen outside the ironworks.

Zhao Wen came outside the ironworks, and under the gaze of Liu Wenzhong, he rode his horse and headed towards Xuanzhen.

When Zhao Wen came to the gate of the General Military Mansion, Zhao Wen saw Wu Keshan standing at the gate.

Zhao Wen jumped off his horse, looked at Wu Keshan who was running over, and asked, "How do you have the time to come to me? When did you come?"

Wu Keshan said: "It hasn't been long since I came here. I came this time because I have a piece of news to report, which is related to Liaodong."

When Zhao Wen heard that it was related to Liaodong, he immediately became serious.

"Go, go into the study and talk." Zhao Wen pointed to the gate of the General Military Mansion, and then walked towards the General Military Mansion.

Wu Keshan hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen.

What Wu Keshan came to report this time was none other than the matter of the Urad tribe.

After the two sat in the study, Zhao Wen asked, "What happened in Liaodong?"

"It's like this. A few days ago, the Urad tribe who had already shot Huang Taiji suddenly came to the tribe and begged Father Khan to do things..."

Wu Keshan told in detail what Omubu had done to find Buhe and what Buhe had arranged for Omubu.

After Wu Keshan finished speaking, Zhao Wen frowned tightly, "What do you mean, Huang Taiji wants to take action against North Korea? And he keeps annexing the tribes that have taken refuge in him?"

"That's right, that's right. Although the Urad tribe is not as big as our Horqin and is not first-rate on the grassland, it can still be called a second-rate tribe. It is conceivable that a second-rate tribe can be forced to find us. How serious is Taiji's annexation of the tribe? You know, the Urad tribe and our Horqin have always been at odds." Wu Keshan said solemnly.

Zhao Wen kept nodding his head, "You're right. Huang Taiji is obviously in a hurry. The grain output in Liaodong is not high. They slaughtered too many people back then. There was a lot of empty land but no one cultivated it. With the fall of Shanxi merchants and the last time I beat them up, there must be many contradictions within Jiannu now.

It is estimated that Huang Taiji's attack on North Korea this time should be used to divert conflicts and loot some food.As for the annexation of tribes, it is probably also Huang Taiji's way to expand his military strength.

How many were the total number of slaves in Liaodong?North Korea is not a great plain, and without enough manpower, it is simply impossible to annex North Korea. "

"Then what should we do now?" Wu Keshan asked.

Zhao Wen thought for a while, and then said: "This time I want to wipe out all Jiannu's troops. If he transfers his troops to North Korea, it will be more difficult to destroy them. After all, North Korea is mountainous, and it is very difficult to hunt down. .

Therefore, he cannot be allowed to transfer his troops to North Korea, and all his troops should be shrunk in Liaodong. Only in this way can they be wiped out. "

When Zhao Wen said this, he paused for a moment, then took out two pieces of rice paper from a nearby bookshelf, and started writing on them.

After a while, Zhao Wen put down the brush in his hand, took out his big seal, and stamped it on the two pieces of rice paper.

"Here are two orders, one for your father Khan, and one for the Xuanzhen garrison in Horqin City. You must bring them in time."

For the current Wu Keshan, Zhao Wen was quite at ease, so he didn't put the order in the bamboo tube.

The order to Buhe is to let Buhe send a small group of people to Liaodong to harass Huang Taiji. The harassment should not be too strong, but frequent, so that Huang Taiji can feel that Horqin is going to do something to him.

The order to Xuanzhen's garrison was similar to that of Buhe, and he was also asked to go to harass Liaodong with the Horqin tribe.

Zhao Wen left a garrison of about 2000 people in Horqin City. After the establishment of Horqin City, Zhao Wen sent a garrison of more than 500 people in Horqin City. The 500-odd garrison was mainly to monitor Horqin at that time.

Later, because of the appearance of Cossacks on the grassland, Zhao Wen sent more than 500 soldiers to the grassland.

Strange to say, when Zhao Wen sent the soldiers over, the Cossacks' movement became quieter, and the total of more than 500 people was useless all of a sudden.

Zhao Wen originally wanted to transfer these people back, but after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

"Understood!" Wu Keshan took the rice paper with the order written on it, stuffed it into his arms, and said solemnly to Zhao Wen.

"If there is nothing else, you should go back first and send the order back quickly." Zhao Wen looked at Wu Keshan and urged.

Wu Keshan nodded, stood up, and walked outside.

When he came to Xuanzhen this time, Wu Keshan was on the train at Longmen Fort, so he also chose to take the train when he went back.

Two days later, Wu Keshan returned to Horqin City with the order.

In the side hall of the royal palace in Horqin City, Wu Keshan handed over Zhao Wen's order to Buhe.

Before that, Wu Keshan also handed over Zhao Wen's order to Xuanzhen to garrison troops.

"In addition to our Horqin, the garrison in the city will also be dispatched, with a number of about 500 people." Wu Keshan said loudly, looking at Bu He, who was sitting on the throne and ordered.

Bu He looked at the above content, his eyes were full of light.

"Haha, Huang Taiji's good days are coming to an end, and it's time to make contributions." Bu He laughed a few times, then put Zhao Wen's order on the table, and shouted at Wu Keshan: "Give me all the generals!" Get together, I have something important to announce. By the way, I will also find the commander of the Xuanzhen garrison."

Wu Keshan saluted Bu He, and then hurriedly ran outside.

Looking at Wu Keshan's back, Bu He also stood up from his chair and walked towards the main hall.

Not long after, all the generals of Horqin gathered in the main hall of the palace.

Bu He sat on the throne in the hall and stopped the generals who were about to salute.

"Okay, you don't want to salute me anymore. The commander-in-chief has ordered us to send troops to harass Liaodong and prevent Huang Taiji from sending troops to North Korea."

As soon as Bu He finished speaking, the whole hall became noisy.

The generals in the hall instantly understood that this was the prelude to attacking Huang Taiji.

"It's time to beat up Huang Taiji. Back then, when did Huang Taiji and his father treat us as their in-laws? They oppressed us in every possible way. If we were even a little dissatisfied, they would attack us."

"That's right, Huang Taiji is extremely shameful. Zhezhe and Bumbutai shouldn't have married. Huang Taiji is ambitious. He is not marrying a daughter-in-law, it is clearly a dowry."

For a moment, the entire hall was extremely noisy, and almost all the generals cursed Huang Taiji angrily.

"This time I plan to send 500 elite soldiers, divided into five thousand-man teams. I don't know who among you will dare to go? This time, not only our Horqin, but the Xuanzhen garrison in the city will also send [-] men." Bu He As he spoke, he pointed to the commander of the Xuanzhen garrison standing in the main hall.

As soon as the voice fell, a dozen generals stood up.


"I go!"

"I am coming too!"

These generals are not stupid. Although there are only 5000 people on their side, there is still Xuanzhen garrison. Besides, the soldiers in Horqin are all carefully selected, and the weapons they use are also very sophisticated. Go here at this time It's not to harass at all, but to earn military merit.

Among these people, Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili stood out.

Seeing so many people stand up, Buhe picked out five people out of it for a while.

This includes Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili.

Bu He is not a fool either, this is the time to earn military merit, it would be a pity not to bring his son with him for such a good deed.

"Ba Gen, Meng He, Amur, Wu Keshan, Manzhu Xili, just the five of you." Buhe pointed at these people and said.

All the selected people bowed to Buhe with excited faces.

As for those who were not selected, they all looked dignified.

For this situation, they really have nothing to do.Except for Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili, the other three are all first-class heroes, and they have to be convinced.

"After going down today, you should prepare well and set off in two days. As for those who are not selected, don't be discouraged. In one month, it will be the time to attack Huang Taiji. Then you will have a chance to make contributions." Bu He He slapped the table in front of him and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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