Chapter 461 Depressed Huang Taiji
Two days later, when it was still daylight, more than 500 soldiers left Horqin on horses and headed towards Liaodong.

Among the 500 troops, 500 were the Xuanzhen garrison, led by Chen Dehao, the commander of the Xuanzhen garrison, and the remaining 5000 were Horqin soldiers.

The [-] soldiers sent by Horqin were the most elite soldiers in Bu He's hands. Everyone wore fine steel armor made by Xuanzhen. The commander-in-chief of this dispatch was Wu Keshan.

The Xuanzhen garrison is a mixed army. Among the 500 soldiers, there are more than 56 100 punches, more than 600 light machine guns, more than 56 40 and a half, fifty [-]-guns, and a dozen mortars.

Because the 120mm mortar is relatively heavy and large in size, the 120mm mortar is mounted on a special cart and dragged by a horse. As for the shells used in the mortar, it is also made of special The car is pulling.

Horqin's cavalry grew up on war horses since childhood, and the control of war horses is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Most of these soldiers in the Xuanzhen garrison used to be peasants, or ordinary military households, and rarely had access to war horses, so there was a big gap compared with the Horqin cavalry.

Horqin's cavalry was very fast, throwing the Xuanzhen garrison several miles away.

Wu Keshan rode on the horse, looked at the sun that was gradually setting to the west, pulled the rein of the horse, and stopped.

"Send the order and set up camp here. After walking for a day today, let's take a rest. At the same time, wait for the Xuanzhen garrison, and then send an order to other teams to move their teams closer to us." Wu Keshan looked at the people who were following him. A personal guard behind him spoke.

At the same time, Chen Dehao yelled to the messenger following behind him: "Speed ​​up, Wu Keshantaiji should be waiting for us in front, let's try to get to Wu Keshantaiji before the sun goes down."

Following Chen Dehao's order, the speed of Xuanzhen's soldiers was significantly accelerated. They waved the whips in their hands and kept galloping in the direction of Wu Keshan.

When the sun had completely set on the western mountain, tents were already pitched around the team led by Wu Keshan.

The tents of the Xuanzhen garrison have also been set up, and they are behind the camp.

The moon hangs high in the sky, and thin mist surges on the grassland.

There were several clear wolf howls in the distance, echoing non-stop on the grassland.

A fire was lit in Wu Keshan's big tent, and an iron pot was set on the fire, and beef and mutton were boiled in the pot.

Wu Keshan sat on the seat, holding a cup of hot tea in both hands, he took a sip, and then looked at the people in the big tent, "It is estimated that we will reach the territory of the Khalkha tribe at noon tomorrow. This Khalkha tribe used to be with us Horqin has a lot of contradictions.

Although in recent years, Khalkha has also begun to approach our Horqin, often asking our Horqin to help them resell cattle and sheep.However, this Khalkha has never expressed his attitude, his position.This Khalkha is suspected of having both ends of the head.

We are going to harass Liaodong this time, and we want to let Liaodong know that we are going to attack them. Therefore, I think that after we entered Khalkha's territory, we made a big splash. "

After Wu Keshan finished speaking, he took another sip of hot tea to warm himself up.

Because it was marching and fighting, Wu Keshan did not drink alcohol and used hot tea to warm up his body.

"Yes, I think so too. Although Khalkha has been close to our Horqin these few years, I think they have always been related to Huang Taiji. Maybe the food that Khalkha got from us is for Huang Taiji. It was sent by Taiji." Manzhu Xili sat in the lower seat of Wu Keshan and said.

Wu Keshan shook his head, "Not necessarily, Tushetu Khan, Zasak Tu Khan, and Chechen Khan of the three tribes of Khalkha are all shrewd people. When they contacted Nurhachi, they also took a fancy to Nurhachi's ability. bring benefits.

Khalkha is farther north than our Horqin. In recent years, the weather has become increasingly cold. The three tribes of Khalkha have a very large demand for food. I don’t think the Khalkha tribe can get food for Liaodong.

After all, the amount of food they obtained was not very large. If they were to obtain food for Liaodong, it would be impossible to obtain only such a small amount.The khans of the three parts of Khalkha are all old foxes. How could they do business at a loss?How could it be possible to use one's own cattle and sheep to exchange food for Huang Taiji? "Wu Keshan put down the teacup in his hand and retorted.

What Wu Keshan said is true. Khalkha is a tribe comparable to Horqin, and even bigger than Horqin. Moreover, the sweats of the three tribes of Khalkha are all old foxes. It is impossible for them to use their own cattle and sheep. Come to get food for Huang Taiji.

"I think what Wu Keshantaiji said just now is right. No matter how Khalkha is at the top, we must make a big splash, let the whole grassland know that we are going to attack Liaodong, and at the same time let Yebushou spread rumors on the grassland. Just say that we gather [-] troops and go to attack Liaodong." Chen Dehao looked at Wu Keshan and expressed his thoughts.

Wu Keshan nodded, "Your method is also good. The most important purpose of our trip is to let Huang Taiji know that we are going to attack them, to make him stop sending troops to North Korea, and let them all hide in Liaodong. Only to make Huang Taiji afraid He will not continue to send troops to North Korea."

"Yes, that's right, that's the truth." Manzhu Xili suddenly realized.

"Okay, let's eat first. We've been walking for a whole day, so we need to have a good meal." Wu Keshan waved his hand, and then asked the guards in the big tent to remove the beef and mutton from the pot. Come out and share some with everyone.

Wu Keshan looked at the meat on the table in front of him, drew a short knife from his waist, and began to cut the meat.

Wu Keshan put a piece of meat into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls casually, and swallowed it.

"Before, the Chief Soldier said that we should increase the frequency of our harassment. Therefore, I think we should divide our troops after we arrive in Liaodong. We have 500 people, so we will divide into six teams, and one of the Xuanzhen garrison A team of 500 people, and 1000 people in each other team." Wu Keshan looked at the people in the big tent, and said while chewing meat.

"Wu Keshan Taiji, our Xuanzhen garrison now has 500 people, and we all use firearms. You also understand the power of our firearms, so if my team has 500 people, it would be a waste up.

I think that I only need 500 people, and the remaining 1000 people can be divided into five teams and distributed to you.With the help of these people, you can be safer, and your abilities can be better displayed. "Chen Dehao put down the beef and mutton in his hand and said to Wu Keshan.

Wu Keshan kept nodding, "You are right, although I think our Horqin cavalry is the best in the world, but it is not as good as your firearms.

Although most of Huang Taiji's men and horses are wearing heavy armor, but in terms of riding skills, I don't think much of them at all.If you add your troops, it is estimated that Huang Taiji's subordinates will only have to die. "

"This is to say, with you people, I can guarantee that as many slaves come, as many will die." Manzhu Xili said with a look of contempt.

"Don't be careless, we are here to harass Huang Taiji this time, we must try our best to avoid confrontation with Huang Taiji's large group of people." Seeing that Manzhu Xili didn't take Huang Taiji seriously, Wu Keshan hurriedly dissuaded him.


At noon the next day, Wu Keshan and others arrived within the territory of the Khalkha tribe.

After walking in Khalkha's territory for a short time, Wu Keshan and others saw herdsmen grazing in the Khalkha tribe.

After these people saw Wu Keshan and others, they looked at these menacing cavalrymen in bright armor, and thought that these people were here to trouble the Khalkha tribe, so they hurriedly gathered the sheep and brought them Follow the flock to the northeast.

Although Khalkha asked Horqin to help resell the cattle and sheep, the tribe was still so poor that they hurriedly released the cattle and sheep before the grass grew on the grassland.

Seeing the herdsmen fleeing in all directions, Wu Keshan didn't bother to let people chase him.

These fleeing herdsmen will definitely spread the news of Wu Keshan and others' arrival throughout Khalkha, which is exactly what Wu Keshan wants to see.

"What's so good about following Huang Taiji? All of them are so hungry that they let out the cattle and sheep without even the grass." Manzhu Xili looked at the fleeing herdsmen and said helplessly. .

The guard who followed Manzhu Xili said with a smile on his face: "Taiji, there is no way, not everyone has such good luck as our Horqin.

Herdsmen in Horqin dare not say they are rich, but they can also be said to have no worries about food and clothing, and don't have to worry about livelihood.Look at these fleeing herdsmen, dressed in ragged clothes, there is no way to compare with our Horqin. "

"You are right in what you said, that's enough, let's continue on our way." Manzhu Xili flicked the whip in his right hand, and controlled the horse to run forward.

After these herdsmen escaped, they fled directly to the tent of Chechen Khan, one of the three tribes of Khalkha.

When Chechen Khan got the news, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

"Khan, what should we do now? I heard that there are 3 horses."

In Chechen Khan's king's tent, a general sitting at his lower head looked at Chechen Khan solemnly.

Chechen Khan frowned, lost in thought.

After a long while, Chechen Khan said: "Send this news to Liaodong, and inform Tushetuhan and Zasaktuhan at the same time."

"Khan, do we really want to send this news to Liaodong? This group of people is obviously sent by Horqin. In the west of us, only the Horqin tribe has this kind of strength and courage. It is said that there are 3 Ten thousand people, there must be people from Xuanzhen.

Although Horqin had conflicts with us before, they have eased up a lot in recent years.This group of people is obviously going to Liaodong. Xuanzhen is standing behind Horqin. If Horqin finds out that we leaked information to Liaodong, he will probably blame us. "The general hurriedly persuaded him.

Chechen Khan sneered and said, "Don't you understand? It must be that Xuanzhen is going to attack Liaodong. Horqin is not that capable of conquering Liaodong. It is estimated that these people are just the front soldiers of Xuanzhen.

In recent years, the relationship between us and Horqin has gradually eased. Horqin can kill us just by reselling cattle and sheep. Therefore, Horqin has no reason to attack us.

But they are coming towards the east again. What is there in the east?There is Liaodong in the east, so these people are going to Liaodong.

Now we don't offend Liaodong and Horqin if we can. We can't afford to offend any of these two.

We can't afford to mess with Xuanzhen, and we can't afford to mess with Huang Taiji either.If Huang Taiji finds out that we know about it and has not notified him in advance, do you think Huang Taiji can spare us?
Don't forget, we are next to Liaodong, Huang Taiji can't take care of Xuanzhen, but it is more than enough to take care of us. "

"Oh, it's really a rat in a bellows, getting angry at both ends." The general patted his thigh, anxious and angry.

"We Khalkha are too close to Liaodong, if we have a slight change, Huang Taiji will be able to detect it, do you think I don't envy Buhe?
To be honest, I am so envious that I die, but there is nothing I can do about it.If I take refuge in Xuanzhen, once Huang Taiji finds out, our tribe will be gone in an instant, and we are too close to Liaodong. "Chechen Khan looked helpless.

"If our tribe were in Horqin's position, I would have surrendered to Xuanzhen. Surrendering to Huang Taiji is a surrender, and surrendering to Xuanzhen is also a surrender. If it weren't for us being next to Liaodong and not daring to act rashly, I would have surrendered to Xuanzhen. "

"Oh, what is this?" The general sighed helplessly.

"Hurry up and send someone to send this news to Liaodong. Don't offend both of us. Don't worry about those people who came. Let's inform all the herdsmen. If you find any traces of these people, you will back off." Chechen Khan rushed He waved his hand at him, signaling him to hurry up and deliver the order.

The general stood up, saluted Chechen Khan, and then walked outside.

When Wu Keshan was less than two days away from Liaodong, Huang Taiji received a message from Chechen Khan.

After learning the news, Huang Taiji was anxious and angry.

"Hurry up and let everyone come to see me!" In the Imperial Study Room of the Shenyang Palace, Huang Taiji took the order sent by Chechen Khan and shouted at the eunuchs outside the Imperial Study Room.

The eunuch standing at the door did not dare to stay, and hurriedly ran outside.

It didn't take long for Huang Taiji's imperial study to be full of people.

"This is the news from Chechen Khan, take a look!" Huang Taiji handed a piece of paper to the eunuch standing beside him.

It didn't take long for the news from Chechen Khan to reach everyone.

There are many faces missing in the imperial study now, Dai Shan, A Min, Mang Gurtai and Fan Wencheng.

After that defeat, Daishan was imprisoned by Huang Taiji.And Amin was also imprisoned by Huang Taiji for some reason. As for Mang Gurtai, he was captured by Zhao Wen and sent to Lingchi, the capital.

So far, Huang Taiji is the only one left in the Four Great Baylors of the Later Jin Dynasty.

And Fan Wencheng also threw himself into the trap and fell into Zhao Wen's hands.

But Huang Taiji, who was in power, was not happy, because Houjin was getting more and more difficult now. First, he was severely injured by Zhao Wen's beating, and then suffered several disasters one after another.

Coupled with the news sent by Chechen Khan this time, this made Huang Taiji's mood sink to the bottom, without any feeling of being in power.

 Thank you for the reward of the sunshine in summer, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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