Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 462 Can't Understand, Really Can't Understand

Chapter 462 Can't Understand, Really Can't Understand

"It seems that Fan Wencheng must have failed!" Huang Taiji leaned on the chair, looked up to the sky and sighed, and said helplessly.

Although he didn't want to believe this fact, Chechen Khan had already passed on the news.In addition, Fan Wencheng hadn't come back for such a long time, not even a single message came back.Even if Huang Taiji didn't want to believe it, there was nothing he could do.

After all the people in the imperial study room read the news sent by Chechen Khan, the entire imperial study room fell silent.

Especially those who followed Huang Taiji to besiege the capital before, now they are standing in the imperial study shivering and sweating non-stop.

The scene when Zhao Wen attacked them was constantly playing out in front of their eyes. When they thought of the continuous and powerful explosions, they felt terrified for a while.

"Master, in the opinion of the slaves, we should stop the invasion of North Korea, withdraw all the soldiers and horses mobilized to North Korea, and at the same time shrink all the troops that can be contracted, and guard Shengjing City."

A big black-faced man with a long beard stood up and said solemnly to Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji sat up straight and looked at him, "Oboi, don't talk about withdrawing troops or not, what do you think of the news sent by Chechen Khan?"

The black-faced man who spoke was none other than Huang Taiji's diehard loyalist, Huang Taiji's personal guard battalion commander, and Oboi who was bestowed the title of Batulu by Huang Taiji.

Oboi was given the name Batulu by Huang Taiji because he was the first to rush to the heavily defended Phi Island when he attacked Phi Island.

The attack on Phi Island took ten years in Chongzhen. Unfortunately, because of the existence of Zhao Wen in this era, it is impossible for Oboi to have the title of Batulu in his life.

Although the current Oboi is said to be the commander of Huang Taiji's personal guard battalion, to put it bluntly, he is a bodyguard in front of Huang Taiji.

Aobai thought for a moment, then said: "My lord, in the opinion of a slave, I'd rather believe what's there than believe what's not.

The weapons of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses are really powerful, and this is not something we can resist at all. This time, the slaves think that there are nine out of ten. "

Huang Taiji stood up from the chair, and walked back and forth behind the desk.

"3 horses, the news sent by Chechen Khan said it was 3 horses.

This is 3 horses, not three thousand, not three hundred.If there are 3 horses in Xuanzhen, do you know what that means?

Back then, there were only a few thousand troops in Xuanzhen, and we were powerless to fight back. If there were really 3 troops this time, no matter how much we shrink our troops, it would be useless. "Huang Taiji said with a worried face.

In fact, Chechen Khan didn't know how many people came. The 3 people were passed on by Wu Keshan and others.

Regarding the news of 3 horses, Chechen Khan didn't want to check the authenticity, and he didn't dare to check the authenticity.

"That's 3 people. I don't believe that there are so many people. Besides, Xuanzhen is now at war with Ming, how could he have the time to mobilize so many people to attack us?

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense.We haven't provoked him in recent years, why did he attack us?

Besides, if Xuanzhen attacked us, wouldn't he be afraid that the two-front battle would drag down his logistics?How big is his Xuan Town?How long did it take to take Shanxi?It doesn't make sense for him not to manage his Xuan Town well now and come to Liaodong. "

Huang Taiji stopped. He looked at these people in the imperial study room and kept analyzing Zhao Wen's motives.

But after analyzing and analyzing, I just can't find out why.

To be honest, Huang Taiji didn't believe that Zhao Wen would send 3 people to attack Liaodong at all.However, this news was sent by Chechen Khan. Since the three tribes of Khalkha surrendered to Liaodong, they have been very well-behaved.

"Khan is right. Xuanzhen is now at war with the Ming Dynasty, and he has just won Shanxi. Now he should settle in Shanxi first, and then use Shanxi as the frontier to attack the city, instead of running to us.

Liaodong is bitterly cold, how can it compare with the Central Plains and Jiangnan?Liaodong doesn't care what he wants, what is he doing here?This doesn't make sense. "

As soon as Huang Taiji said these words, Dorgon interrupted.

From his point of view, Liaodong has nothing to do with it. It is so poor that there is no need for Zhao Wen to attack Liaodong.

If Liaodong is really a prosperous and wealthy place, then why are people like me still thinking about Daming?
Moreover, there is a capital city between Liaodong and Xuanzhen. If you go to the grassland, it will be a waste of time and it will not be worthwhile.

After thinking about it, Dorgon really couldn't understand the significance of Zhao Wen's attack on Liaodong.

Not only Dorgon, when Huang Taiji said what he said just now, almost everyone thought of it this way.

"But this news was sent by Chechen Khan. He can't lie to Ben Khan with such a thing, right? Even if he has the heart, he doesn't have the guts." Huang Taiji pointed to the message that was put back on the table , said with a puzzled look.

Everyone in the imperial study looked at me and I looked at you, none of them could figure out what was going on.

"It would be great if Fan Wencheng was here, he is a good slave." Huang Taiji looked at the people in the imperial study who couldn't tell why, and missed Fan Wencheng more and more.

Although Fan Wencheng's character is not very good, but for Huang Taiji, he is a very handy slave.

"Ning Wan me, what do you think?" Huang Taiji looked at a shy and silent scholar in the crowd, and asked.

After Ning Wan and I came out, he first knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Huang Taiji a few times, "Master, this slave can't figure it out either.

It stands to reason that we didn't have any conflicts with Xuanzhen, except for the incident when we broke through the Xifeng Pass back then, there was nothing else.

And his goal is the same as ours, they all aim to attack the Ming country.As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.He has no reason to attack us at this juncture and provoke two enemies at once.

The servant really doesn't understand, why did this Zhao Wen attack us at this time?There's not even a single reason for that.

If it is said that he wants to regain the loyal ministers who lost the land, it does not make sense. From ancient times to the present, which loyal minister would rebel? "

People like Huang Taiji are thick-faced and black-hearted people who are only interested in profit, so when they think about this matter, they will think with themselves as the starting point.

In their ideology, no matter what they do, they must have a clear purpose, and this purpose is based on their own interests.

According to their way of thinking, they couldn't understand why Zhao Wen sent troops to attack Liaodong at all, and they couldn't understand why Zhao Wen sent troops at this time.

From their point of view, if Zhao Wen attacked Liaodong for power, then he could definitely attack the capital.

If it is for profit, you can attack Jiangnan, there is no need to attack a poor Liaodong.

"Father Khan, I really don't understand this matter. Could it be that Zhao Wen has lost his mind and wants to learn from Yue Fei?" Hauge looked at Huang Taiji and asked.

When Huang Taiji heard Hauge's words, he shook his head, "Impossible, when Yue Fei regained the Central Plains, he wanted to welcome back the Second Emperor.

Now Zhao Wen is going to attack our Liaodong without warning, which makes no sense at all.Compared with the whole world, our Liaodong is not even a fart. He has no reason. "

Everyone discussed over and over again in the imperial study room, and even Zhao Wen's motive for attacking Liaodong was not discussed.

Although Huang Taiji knew that Zhao Wen would attack Liaodong sooner or later, it should have happened after Zhao Wen became emperor, after all, all the dynasties in the Central Plains were like this.

Now he is rebelling and has not yet become emperor. Logically speaking, his energy should be on the rebellion, not Liaodong.

And I haven't provoked him in recent years, which is even more impossible.

At this moment, a man with a bright appearance stepped forward timidly.

"Khan, the slave has something to say." He just stood up, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

This person is none other than Li Yongfang, the first official who surrendered and became a slave.

Li Yongfang was the first official to surrender and become a slave, and he was a veritable hardcore traitor.

Li Yongfang used to be a guerrilla in Fushun. When Nurhachi attacked Fushun, he sent a letter to Li Yongfang. In the letter, Nurhachi promised Li Yongfang great benefits.

When Li Yongfang saw this letter, her heart was moved instantly.That night, he invited all the officials in the city to his home, saying that he was discussing how to deal with Nurhachi's siege the next day.

The officials in the city really thought that Li Yongfang invited them for this matter, so they went to the banquet without any doubt.

But at the banquet, Li Yongfang took out Nurhachi's letter to him, and persuaded the officials in the city to surrender with him.

After seeing Li Yongfang like this, the officials in the city became angry, and pointed at Li Yongfang and cursed.

At this time, Li Yongfang's heart was broken, and he called out the soldiers and horses he had already arranged, and beheaded all the officials who opposed him and were unwilling to surrender.

On the second day, Li Yongfang opened the city gate, knelt outside the city, and welcomed Nurhachi into the city.

Huang Taiji's eyes kept sweeping over Li Yongfang, and after a while, Huang Taiji asked, "What do you want to say?"

Li Yongfang said: "Khan, I feel that this matter is probably true. As for why they attacked us, I can't say, but my intuition tells me that Xuanzhen's attack on Liaodong is very likely to be true. of."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you say it's true, it's true? This is a war, not a joke. Could it be that you rely on your intuition to fight a war?" Just as Li Yongfang finished speaking, Duoduo began to yell and curse.

Unlike Huang Taiji who likes to use Ming people, Duduo hates Ming people the most. In his eyes, Ming people are the most despicable people.

He looked down on Li Yongfang from the bottom of his heart, not only Li Yongfang, but even Fan Wencheng and Ning Wanwo.

Li Yongfang looked at Duoduo, momentarily at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

The key point is that Duduo is right, you can't rely on intuition to fight.But Li Yongfang always felt that the Liaodong incident that Xuanzhen attacked must be true, but she just couldn't think of a reason to convince everyone.

At this moment, Oboi spoke again, looked at Huang Taiji, and said, "Master, I think so too, I'd rather believe it than believe it.

After all, Zhao Wen is a weirdo who chooses to attack Shanxi instead of the capital in front of him.What he does is simply unconstrained, without the slightest reason. "

Hearing what Aobai said, Huang Taiji couldn't help but start to believe it.

What Aobai said is right. When Zhao Wen chose to attack Shanxi instead of the capital, Huang Taiji didn't know what Zhao Wen meant. real.

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji couldn't help becoming solemn, "What Aobai said is not unreasonable, although we don't understand what Zhao Wen's motive is, but we can't take it lightly.

From now on, stop the transfer of troops to North Korea, and at the same time transfer all the troops that have been transferred back, and speed up the annexation of various tribes in the grassland, concentrate superior forces, and defend the west and south of Shengjing City, those on Phi Island The rats should also be monitored.

Xuanzhen's weapons and equipment are infinitely powerful, and we must be serious when building a defense line, and we must not be lazy.At the same time, all the scouts and scouts were sent out to closely monitor the grassland movements.

According to Chechen Khan, the soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen have entered their territory, and we need to make plans early. "

(End of this chapter)

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