Chapter 463 Panicked Khalkha
When Huang Taiji's order was issued, the whole Liaodong moved.

Huang Taiji also stopped sending troops to North Korea, and began to mobilize all the troops in Shenyang City to the east and west of Liao.

As for the soldiers who had already reached the border of North Korea, Huang Taiji also hastily wrote an imperial decree, asking people to send them to the border so that all those soldiers would come back.

However, it will take time to transfer back, and since there is no train for Huang Taiji, it will take a long time.

When the whole Liaodong was busy, Wu Keshan and others had passed through the Khalkha tribe and came to the west of Liaodong.

Wu Keshan looked at the barren field ahead, pulled the rein in his hand, and stopped.

He shouted at the guards beside him: "Send me an order to let all the soldiers rest where they are and get ready for lunch.

At the same time, notify the leading officers of the other thousand-man teams to come to me! "

After Wu Keshan finished speaking, he jumped off the horse.Sit directly on the cold ground and eat the dry food you carry.

The dry food that Wu Keshan ate was the cheese and dried meat that he brought during the war on the grassland.

Wu Keshan originally wanted to bring some canned food and other military rations that Zhao Wen had hoarded in Horqin before, but after thinking about it, he gave up this idea.

The cans are bulky, and it is not convenient for light-packed cavalry to carry them.

Besides, this time I was mainly going to harass Liaodong, and the most important thing was speed. Although canned food was good, it was too bulky.

Not only Wu Keshan's team, but even the rations of the Xuanzhen garrison are these things.

In ancient times, when nomads fought wars, the main dry food they carried was cheese.Although nomads make a living by grazing, beef and mutton are not affordable for ordinary soldiers.

Even at the time of Genghis Khan, the dry food in the army was mainly cheese.As for jerky, only generals can eat it.

The output of jerky is too low, and it takes several catties of meat to produce one catty. If all the troops are equipped with jerky, no matter how big the tribe is, it will not be able to bear it.

Besides, Horqin now sells cattle and sheep to Xuan Town. If it makes a lot of jerky, it won't make much money.

Wu Keshan was eating dry food, and everyone came to Wu Keshan's side with their entourage, and sat around Wu Keshan.

Wu Keshan swallowed the dried meat in his mouth, took another sip of water, and then looked at the crowd, "Less than fifty miles to the east is Liaodong. This is the map of Liaodong, and we are here now."

Wu Keshan took out a map of Liaodong, spread it on the ground, pointed to the map, and said to the crowd: "To the west of Shenyang City, from north to south are Shifangsi Fort, Pinglu Fort, and Jingyuan Fort. , Changyong Fort, Changsheng Fort, Huangniwa Fort, Changding Fort and Changning Fort.

Among them, Shifangsi Fort, Pinglu Fort, Jingyuan Fort, Changyong Fort and Changsheng Fort are located in the west of Shenyang City.

Therefore, I decided that our goal this time is these five fortresses.Because of the surrender of Khalkha and other grassland tribes, the number of troops stationed in these five fortresses is not large, and the number of people in each fortress is basically about one cow.

Moreover, these Niulu are all Ming soldiers who surrendered and became slaves, not the direct descendants of Huang Taiji, and their combat effectiveness is very weak.Therefore, I think we should strive to take down these five fortresses, and then harass around Shenyang City. "

"I also think so. Let's break through these five fortresses, and then attack Shenyang City to scare Huang Taiji and ask him to bring back all the troops." Manzhu Xili sat next to Wu Keshan, Said with excitement.

Chen Dehao nodded, "In that case, let's divide up our troops now. From the map, we are now about two days away from the nearest fortress, and about five days away from the farthest. Let's hurry up."

"Yes, we need to hurry up. Now I order, Manzhu Xili, you lead your troops to Shifang Temple Fort. Ba Gen, you lead your troops to Pinglu Fort. Meng He, you and Commander Chen go Jingyuan Fort. Amur, you go to Changyong Fort, and I will go to Changsheng Fort." Wu Keshan looked at several people and said.

Chen Dehao stood up, and he pointed to the location of his team, "Well, now I will divide my soldiers among you, I only need 500 troops."

"Okay, it's getting late now, we need to speed up." Wu Keshan stood up and looked at Chen Dehao.

Chen Dehao nodded, "If that's the case, then you all follow me."

Chen Dehao said and led the crowd towards the position of his team.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the Xuanzhen garrison under the leadership of Chen Dehao.

After about an hour or so, Chen Dehao finally allocated the troops.

After the crowd led the troops that Chen Dehao assigned to them to leave, Chen Dehao looked at the remaining troops and shouted: "It's getting late now, camp here and start tomorrow!"

After everyone led the Xuanzhen garrison to the location of their team, they also began to camp on the spot.

By the time the sun set in the western mountains, the camp had already been set up.

At the same time, in Chechen Khan's big tent, Chechen Khan looked at Zasaktu Khan and Tushetu Khan sitting opposite him.

"What do you think? It is said that there are 3 horses, but I don't quite believe it. If there are really 3 horses, it is impossible that there was no news before." Chechen Khan looked at the two people sitting opposite him. asked with a puzzled face.

Tuxietuhan said solemnly, "Didn't you send someone to follow you?"

"Stalking? What are you kidding? Don't you know how much we have? If I send troops to follow them and they find out, then they will blame us, what shall we do?
Our place is neither east nor west, located between Horqin and Huang Taiji, we suffer from anger at both ends, and there is no good fruit to offend either party. "Chechen Khan frowned.

Zasaktu Khan looked at Chechen Khan and murmured, "You said that you passed this news to Huang Taiji?"

"That's right, we can't afford to offend Xuanzhen and Horqin, and we can't afford to offend Huang Taiji either. I won't pass this news on to Huang Taiji. What should I do if Huang Taiji settles accounts after the fall?" Chechen Khan said.

Zasaktu Khan stood up suddenly, pointed at Chechen Khan, and said bitterly, "You, I really don't know what to say about you."

Chechen Khan said with a confused face: "How do you say this? Isn't it just for us Khalkha?"

"Where are you doing this for Khalkha? You are forcing us Khalkha to a dead end. My Chechen Khan, how smart are you for a moment." Zasaktuhan walked on the spot with an anxious expression on his face. To and fro, sighing incessantly.

Tuxietu Khan and Chechen Khan looked at Zasak Tuhan in this state, and said in a daze, "Is it wrong to send news to Huang Taiji? Shouldn't we send news to Huang Taiji?"

Zasaktuhan stopped, slapped his thigh, and sighed: "I don't say Xuanzhen's strength, you two should understand that this time Xuanzhen is going to attack Huang Taiji, do you think Huang Taiji can stop it?"

"I can't stop it, I can't stop it, Xuanzhen's strength is not comparable to that of Huang Taiji, even if ten Huang Taiji are tied together, they can't stop Xuanzhen." Chechen Khan said.

Zasaktuhan walked back and forth on the spot, patted his forehead, and hurriedly explained: "Isn't this the end? This battle, with Xuanzhen's strength, no matter whether we pass it on to Huang Taiji or not." If we pass on the news, Xuanzhen will definitely destroy Huang Taiji with ease. Even if we don't pass on the news to Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji won't be able to retaliate against us. When Huang Taiji is gone, how can he retaliate against us?

If after Huang Taiji is wiped out, Xuanzhen finds out that we are the ones who sent the message to Huang Taiji, tell me, can we still have good fruit for Khalkha?You, you are wise and confused for a while. "

When Chechen Khan heard Zasak Tuhan's words, he immediately understood.

The cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing, "Then what should we do now? If Xuanzhen finds out that we passed the news, then we will be miserable."

"What to do? How do I know what to do? Why did you spread the news without discussing it with the two of us?" Zasak Tuhan sat down again and looked at Chechen Khan anxiously.

"I was just thinking not to offend both sides, not so much." Chechen Khan was crying, almost crying.

"For the current plan, we can only apologize!"

At this moment, Tushetuhan, who had been silent for a long time, looked at the two and said calmly.

Chechen Khan and Zasaktuhan looked at Tushetuhan with doubts in their eyes.

"Pleading guilty? How to plead guilty? To whom to plead guilty?" Chechen Khan asked hurriedly.

Tuxietuhan pointed to the southwest direction, "Let's go to Xuanzhen and plead guilty to Zhao Wen. This is the only way we can go now."

"But they don't know us at all, besides, if Huang Taiji finds out, we'll be doomed." Chechen Khan said with some worry.

Tushetu Khan glared at Chechen Khan, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Usually you are the most courageous, but now that something like this happened, you are scared again.

Going to Xuanzhen to plead guilty is the last resort, other than that, there is no other way.You say that people don't know us, but Horqin knows us, and has already gone to Xuanzhen through Horqin.

At the same time, let Horqin say something nice for us in Xuanzhen, and send troops to assist Xuanzhen at that time, maybe things will turn around. "

"Yes, this method is fine. I think we should go to Horqin as soon as possible. Fortunately, the relationship between us and Horqin has eased a lot in the past few years, otherwise today's matter will be a dead end." Zasak Tuhan said He patted the table and stood up, "It's not too late, we'll make some preparations tonight, and we'll set off tomorrow morning. By the way, all three of us will go then, and we must show our sincerity."


Jingyuan Fort is a typical military fort, five or six feet high, and the fortress can accommodate up to [-] soldiers.There are no ordinary people inside, all are soldiers stationed here.

The main body of the city wall is built with rammed earth, and the outside is covered with green bricks and long stones.

Before the fall of Liaodong, this was the frontier of resisting the grassland tribes, and the imperial court also attached great importance to the repair of Jingyuan Fort.

Repairs will be carried out in almost every dynasty and generation, and the most recent repair was in the 11th year of Wanli.

However, since the fall of Liaodong and the surrender of the Khalkha tribe, Jingyuan Fort has gradually lost its role.

These Jian slaves in Liaodong were too lazy to repair Jingyuan Fort, and even the garrison inside were some surrendered Ming troops.

The weapons used are all broken, even if the city wall collapses, it doesn't matter, just let it go.

"My lord, why do you think there are so many people in the city all of a sudden? Judging by their clothes, they seem to be soldiers with white flags. Why do you think they came to us? Could it be that they want to attack the grassland?"

In a low barracks in Fort Jingyuan, a soldier with a money rattail was standing next to a table, holding a jug of wine in his hand, pouring wine for a big man sitting in front of the table.

These two men were the garrison troops in Jingyuan Fort, and they were the Ming troops who had surrendered to become slaves before.

Because Huang Taiji looked down on the fighting power of their Ming army, so Huang Taiji dispatched them to Jingyuan Fort.

Although Jingyuan Fort was not far from Shenyang City, Huang Taiji never took Jingyuan Fort seriously.

"Okay, don't stand there, sit down and have a drink with me." The big man pointed to the seat next to him and said to the soldier.

The soldier said flatteringly, "How embarrassing."

"If you are told to sit, you can sit, where is there so much nonsense?" The big man said with a worried expression.

"The little one will thank you, sir." The soldier couldn't refuse, so he had to sit respectfully next to the big man.

The big man picked up the wine glass on the table, drank the wine in one gulp, smacked his mouth a few times, and then said: "It doesn't seem to be, it is. These people are soldiers who are fighting for the white flag, and it looks like they are all soldiers. Elite."

"But my lord, in the eyes of those people in Shenyang, our Jingyuan Castle is not even a fart. In the past, we couldn't come once in dozens of days or hundreds of days. Why did we suddenly come today? And the people who came today seem to have There are more than 1000 people." The soldier hastily picked up the jug on the table again and poured a glass for the big man.

"Who knows? Anyway, it looks like there is going to be a war. But I don't know who to fight with. Khalkha in the west has always been quite disciplined, and it is impossible to fight Khalkha.

I think, let's stop worrying about it, and don't look forward to war.If there is a real war, then we will be the first cannon fodder to die. "Khan looked at the night outside the window of the barracks, and said leisurely.

The soldier sighed, "Oh, my lord is telling the truth. The reason why we surrendered to them was to have a good meal, but the result? It's okay if we don't fight, but if we fight, we will be used as cannon fodder. Especially It was the attack on the capital before, and I don’t know how many brothers died under the capital.”

When the big man heard Xuan Zhen, his whole body was like an electric shock, and suddenly he was shocked.

"I think I already know why there are so many soldiers with white flags stationed in Jingyuan Fort today."

(End of this chapter)

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