Chapter 464

"My lord, what did you think of?" The soldier's eyes lit up, he looked at the big man, and asked hastily.

The big man took a sip of his wine, stood up from his chair, and paced around the barracks.

"Before, I still couldn't figure it out, but when I heard you say Xuan Zhen just now, I immediately thought of it.

If my guess is correct, this time it should be a war with Xuanzhen, and the direction of Xuanzhen's attack is definitely coming from this direction. "The big man stopped, he looked at the soldiers, and said all his thoughts.

"My lord, why are you so sure? Xuanzhen is too far away from Liaodong, and there is a capital city in the middle. Besides, didn't there be news from Shenyang that Xuanzhen rebelled.

If Xuanzhen rebelled, it would be impossible for them to attack Liaodong at this time. "The soldier looked at the big man in disbelief.

The big man said: "I don't know how to explain it to you. Anyway, nine out of ten people who came to attack Liaodong are Xuanzhen. My intuition is correct. Believe me, it must be Xuanzhen."

Although the big man didn't know how to explain this problem, his intuition told him that it must be Xuanzhen who came to attack Liaodong.

If it were other troops, it would be impossible for Zhengbai Banner to enter Jingyuan Fort, but to gather directly and attack the incoming enemy.

At the same time, in the largest barracks in Fort Jingyuan, a rough man in his 30s was sitting in the middle of the barracks, and in front of him stood five big men in white cotton armor.

There are more than 500 Zhengbaiqi soldiers stationed in Jingyuan Fort, and they are all Jiala.

This rough guy is Jiala Zhangjing of Jiala, named Agumu.

The person standing in front of him was Niu Luzhangjing under his command.

In the establishment of Jiannu, 300 people are a Niulu, and the commander is called Niulu Zhangjing.

Five Niulu are one Jiala, and the commander is called Jiala Zhangjing.

"Is the team arranged?" Agumu asked in a deep voice.

"It's been arranged." The five Niu Lu Zhang Jing said to Agumu.

"When I entered the city today, I saw that many walls in Jingyuan Fort were seriously damaged. At dawn tomorrow, you will get me all the garrisons in Jingyuan Fort to repair these damaged walls.

Remember, you must give me a serious repair.It is very likely that the soldiers who lead the army here this time are the soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen.What's more, early tomorrow morning, I will send out all the scouts who will not be collected at night, and stare at them within a radius of [-] miles. If there is any trouble, report it to me immediately. "Agumu looked at the five Niulu Zhangjing and said loudly.

The five Niu Luzhang Jing saluted Agumu, "I will follow the orders of your lord!"

Agumu waved at them, "Okay, it's getting late, after a day's driving, you go down and rest first."

At dawn the next day, the Zhengbai Banner soldiers stationed in Jingyuan Fort, under the leadership of Niu Luzhangjing, woke up all the original garrisons in Jingyuan Fort, and drove them to repair the city wall.

At this time, Wu Keshan and the others had also divided their forces.

The goal of Chen Dehao and Meng He was Jingyuan Fort. They led their own troops, a total of 700 people came towards Jingyuan Fort.

"Commander Chen, we are only less than [-] miles away from Jingyuan Fort, and it is estimated that we will arrive at Jingyuan Fort this afternoon." Meng He rode a horse and walked beside Chen Dehao. Followed Chen Dehao and said.

In the past, Meng He had been to Liaodong several times, so he was quite familiar with Liaodong.

"Did you let Ye Bushuo out of your department? It is estimated that Liaodong Jiannu should already know the news of our arrival. At this time, Jiannu may have already let the Tanma out." Chen Dehao looked at Meng He.

Before that, Chen Dehao had already let go of Yebushou under his command.

Meng He said: "My department's Yebu collection has been spread out, and it is estimated that news will come back later."

Chen Dehao and Meng He led their teams on the deserted road, and the crows on the dead trees on both sides of the road were croaking.

A night-time team of three or four members of the Xuanzhen garrison was led by a soldier named Wu Yang, and they kept galloping in the direction of Jingyuan Fort in the wilderness.

At this moment, the leading soldiers suddenly heard the intensive sound of horseshoes.

He hastily pulled the horse's rein to stop the horse.

"There is a large group of cavalry coming towards us, everyone dismount and hide!" Wu Yang jumped off the horse, put the bridle on the horse, and then pulled the horse and ran towards a dry forest.

When they just came to the dry forest, a team of about 50 people appeared in front of them.

This team is exactly the horse scouting team sent by Agumu. These people are wearing white cotton armor, and they look quite capable.

"You guys go there, you guys go there, and the rest follow me. After an hour, gather here and report to me the news you have found."

The leader of this team pointed around, shouted at these people a few times, and then rode his horse towards the distance.

Wu Yang looked at the scattered Zhengbai Banner horses, and said to the soldiers behind him: "Wait here, these people may come back, when the time comes, let's grab a few tongues and go back."

Although Wu Yang didn't hear the voice of the big man just now, but this place is a crossroads, so Wu Yang believes that these explorers will definitely come back.

Sure enough, after waiting for about an hour, these scouts began to gather towards the position just now one after another.

Wu Yang whispered to a soldier behind him: "Take down the 40 fire for me, and get me a shot. Remember, when you fire, aim a little bit sideways, don't blow up all these people with one shot gone."

There are only seven or eight people gathered at the position just now, and these seven or eight people are still very densely gathered. If the aim is accurate, maybe a single shot can kill these seven or eight people at once.

But if it's all in one pot, how can Wu Yang catch his tongue?Although there are still some people who have not come back, if those people heard the explosion here, they would definitely not go this way.

If you wait for them all to come back, there will be too little time.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, I'm ready to shoot."

The soldier with the 40 fire on his back gave Wu Yang a confident look, then got up from the ground and walked towards the horse tied to the dead tree behind him.

After all, the 40 fire is not an ordinary firearm, and it is impossible to carry it on your back all the time.

After a dozen or so breaths, the soldier came over with the 40mm loaded with ammunition.

He squatted on the ground, aiming the 40 fire towards the white flags in the distance.

The surrounding Ye Bushou hurriedly avoided to the sides, fearing that the flames sprayed out when the 40 fires were fired would burn them.

After a few breaths, he nodded to Wu Yang who was hiding in the distance, and then put his finger on the trigger of 40 fire.

He watched Zhengbai Qi probing the horse in the distance, adjusted his breathing, and made his movements as gentle as possible.

After a few breaths, he pulled the trigger on the 40.

"Chila!" A shrill voice sounded, and the 40-fire warhead flew towards Zhengbaiqi's Tanma without knowing the orange-red tail flames.

"What's the sound? What's going on?" A soldier with a white flag heard the sudden sound, screamed, and looked around in a panic.

 Thanks to the book friend 20181004103440919 for the reward, thank you for your support! ! !

  I have some heatstroke today, and my mind is so chaotic, let's go here first today, and make up for it tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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