Chapter 465 The Runaway Huang Taiji
Just when he panicked, the 40-fire warhead landed a dozen steps away from him.

The air waves and fragments produced by the explosion of the rocket flew towards him, knocking him off his horse.

When he fell to the ground, several bullet holes appeared in his chest, and the blood inside kept flowing out.

Besides him, two or three other people were hit by the fragments and fell off their horses.

The huge explosion frightened the horses who were not hit by the fragments to the crotch of the soldier and went crazy.

"Hey Law!"

For a while, the neighing of war horses resounded non-stop.

The war horse neighed and jumped up in place, knocking the soldiers on its back off the horse, and then ran away into the distance.

Wu Yang pointed to the Zhengbai Banner soldiers in front of him, and hurriedly shouted: "Untie the horse from the tree quickly, let's go up!"

As Wu Yang said that, he ran towards the place where the horse was tied, and the surrounding Yebushou hurriedly followed behind him.

Not long after, several war horses rushed towards the Zhengbai Banner soldiers.

A Zhengbaiqi soldier who had been thrown off his horse was lying on the ground, and he stood up tremblingly from the ground, rubbing his aching shoulder.

"Why is there an explosion? Could it be that Xuanzhen is attacking?" He pulled out the long knife from his waist in panic, and looked around.

The surviving Zhengbai Banner soldier also hastily pulled out the long knife from his waist and approached him.

The moment they approached, the sound of horseshoes sounded.

Several figures rushed out from the dry forest in the distance and rushed towards them.

When Wu Yang and others rushed out of the dead forest, these Zhengbaiqi soldiers found them.

"This is not our team, this is not our team." A white flag soldier pointed his knife forward and shouted in panic.

Zhengbaiqi's inspectors were all wearing white cotton armor. The armor on the group in front of them was not white cotton armor at all, and even the color was black.

The moment these Zhengbaiqi soldiers saw Wu Yang and the others, they realized that they were probably from Xuanzhen.

"This is Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses, let's run!" A soldier couldn't bring up the thought of resistance at all, and ran straight to the rear.

The remaining Zhengbaiqi soldiers also hurriedly ran to the rear.

If they were ambushed by the Ming army or tribes in the grassland, these Zhengbai flag soldiers might still have the courage to organize a counterattack, but if they were attacked by soldiers and horses from Xuanzhen, they would not even dare to resist.

Back then when they were in the capital, they were already scared by Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses. Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses had become a lingering shadow in their hearts. How could they have the courage to resist?

"Get alive!" Wu Yang pulled out his waist knife, pointed at the fleeing soldiers of Zhengbai Banner, shouted, and then chased after them.

Wu Yang did not use firearms because he wanted to catch people alive, but used a waist knife.

The soldiers behind Wu Yang rushed beside him, and rushed towards the Zhengbai Banner soldiers in a straight line.

Although these Zhengbaiqi soldiers tried their best to escape for their lives, no matter how fast they were, they could not be faster than the horses.

In just a few breaths, they were overtaken by Wu Yang.

"Put down your weapons, and spare your lives!"

Wu Yang controlled the horse and came to the front of the Zhengbai Banner soldiers, forcing the Zhengbai Banner soldiers to stop. He looked at the panicked Zhengbai Banner soldiers and shouted loudly.

A soldier with a white flag looked at Wu Yang who appeared in front of him, and hurriedly ran to the side.

Before he could run a few steps, Wu Yang's entourage rushed up and blocked him in place.

Seeing that he had no way to escape, and in despair, this Zhengbaiqi soldier waved the long knife in his hand and rushed towards Wu Yang with strange screams.

Wu Yang showed a sneer, his legs were clamped between the horse's belly, and his left hand flicked the whip lightly, then controlled the horse and rushed towards the Zhengbai flag soldier.

The soldiers of the Zhengbai Banner looked at Wu Yang who was coming, and slashed the knife in his hand towards the leg of Wu Yang's horse.

Wu Yang glanced at him lightly, pulled the reins of the horse in his hand, and the war horse under his crotch immediately stood up.

The Zhengbai Banner soldier cut his sword empty, because of too much force, the whole person rushed forward due to inertia, and then fell to the ground.

Wu Yang controlled the horse and stepped directly towards the Zhengbai flag soldier.

With a shrill scream, the Zhengbaiqi soldier was trampled in the chest by the horse, struggled under the horse for a while, and then vomited blood and died.

"Anyone who dares to escape is like this person!" Wu Yang controlled the horse and removed the horse's hoof from the Zhengbai flag soldier's chest, then pointed the waist knife in his hand at these people, and shouted loudly.

The remaining Zhengbaiqi soldiers looked at the scene in front of them, coupled with the deterrence of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses before, these people lost their courage in an instant.

"Put down your weapons, or you will be shot to death!" Wu Yang pointed at the soldiers with the white flag and shouted loudly.

The remaining Zhengbaiqi soldiers looked at the corpses on the ground, threw the ones in their hands on the ground in a hurry, and hid on the ground in panic, for fear that these people would kill them.

Although Jiannu often shouted that the Eight Banners are less than [-], and that they are invincible.

But in the final analysis, they are just some things that can only bully the weak and fear the strong.

When they meet someone weaker than them, they will show their teeth and claws, and when they meet someone stronger than them, they will just prostrate on the ground and tremble.

"Take off all the armor on your body!" Wu Yang jumped off the horse and stood in front of them. down and pointing at them.

Looking at the 56 Chong in Wu Yang's hand, these Zhengbaiqi soldiers hurriedly took off their cotton jackets like sheep meeting a tiger.

"String these people up with ropes and bring them back!" Wu Yang pointed at the soldiers with the white flag and shouted to the soldiers under his command.

At the same time, the commanders who commanded these Zhengbai Banner scouts were still two or three miles away from where Wu Yang was.

He pulled the reins of the horse in his hand and stopped.

"Did you hear any sound just now?" The commander looked at the soldiers behind him and asked.

"It seems to be the sound of Xuanzhen's weapons, and it's coming from the direction we agreed!" These soldiers fought against Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses, so they were very familiar with the sounds of Zhao Wen's weapons.

Unfamiliarity is not enough, Zhao Wen's weapons back then were too terrifying for them, and left a deep impression on them.

"It seems that our people were discovered by Ye Bubao from Xuan Town after they arrived at the agreed place.

We can't go any further, change the road, even if it takes a little longer, we can't go.Otherwise, we may not be able to go back. "The commander pointed to another road and shouted at the soldiers behind him.

"What about those brothers who have already arrived at the agreed place?" A soldier asked hastily.

The leader said: "What time is it? I can't control so much. The most important thing for us now is to go back first. If we are found by the scouts from Xuan Town, none of us can go back."

As the commander said, he waved the whip in his hand and rushed towards the path he had indicated just now.

Wu Yang was riding a war horse, and a rope was tied to the saddle, and this rope was strung with the captured soldiers of Zhengbai Banner.

There were three Zhengbaiqi soldiers captured. There were originally eight soldiers, but four were killed when the rocket exploded, and then one was trampled to death by Wu Yang with a horse, so there were only three left. .

Not only around Jingyuan Fort, but around the fortresses that Wu Keshan had previously agreed upon, there were scouts fighting, and the closer they got to these places, the more intense the fighting was.

Although Horqin's strength has continued to increase over the past few years, he is still inferior to Jiannu in fighting soldiers.

If it weren't for the Xuanzhen garrison to join, I'm afraid these cavalry in Horqin would only be able to parry and have no power to fight back.

After Wu Yang took the prisoners back to the camp, Wu Yang went to Chen Dehao's big tent.

"My lord, we have captured several tongues. There is no trial yet!"

Wu Yang stood in Chen Dehao's big tent, and said to Chen Dehao who was sitting in the big tent looking at the map of Liaodong.

Chen Dehao raised his head and looked at Wu Yang, "Good job, where are those people now?"

"Master, I have brought it to the camp." Wu Yang replied.

Chen Dehao nodded, then stood up and walked outside, "I want to interrogate these people myself!"


In the camp of Jingyuan Fort, Agumu sat in his barracks and looked at the former leader of the scouting horse.

"Are you sure? It's really from Xuanzhen?" Agumu asked.

Commander Tanma said with certainty: "It's definitely the people from Xuanzhen. Although I haven't seen them with my own eyes, I will never forget the weapons they use. I dare not say that I know the sound of their weapons well, but I know a lot.

Today I heard the sound of Xuanzhen's weapons, at that time..."

Commander Tanma told Agumu in detail what happened today.

Agumu listened to his voice, and his face became more and more solemn.

"It seems that the people who came here are really from Xuanzhen!" Agumu stood up and walked back and forth in the barracks, his face full of worry.

After a while, he stopped, found a piece of paper in the barracks, and began to write down today's events in detail.

After finishing writing, he took out his big seal, covered it, then found a bamboo tube, put it in, and sealed the mouth with wax paint.

"Hurry up and send someone to send this thing to Shengjing City. Remember, it must be given to the man who is sweating a lot." Agumu handed the bamboo tube to the commander of the horse, and said solemnly.

The banner owner of the Zhengbai Banner is Dorgon, but now Huang Taiji is so powerful that he says nothing in Liaodong. Many generals in the Zhengbai Banner have also been replaced by his cronies. There is no way around this.

This Agumu is Huang Taiji's confidant.

Commander Tanma took the bamboo tube and said, "The servant will definitely send it to Shengjing City!"

The commander of Tanma made promises to Agumu, and then rushed outside.

A quarter of an hour later, a dozen fast horses rushed towards Shenyang City in the dark.

When Huang Taiji received the news from Agumu, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

Huang Taiji sat in the imperial study, looking at the military newspapers on the table, his face was so gloomy that water could drip.

In the past, although Khalkha said that people from Xuanzhen had arrived, Huang Taiji still didn't believe it, but this time, he couldn't help but not believe it.

It is possible for Khalkha to deceive him, but it is impossible for Agumu to deceive him. After all, Agumu is a loyal confidant of Huang Taiji.

"This Zhao Wen, I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no vendettas in recent days. If you don't attack your Daming well, what are you doing in Liaodong?
I don't have anything worth thinking about in Liaodong. "

Huang Taiji leaned on the chair, tossing and turning, unable to understand why Zhao Wen would attack him at this time.

At this moment, a guard brought a soldier who looked exhausted to the outside of the Imperial Study Room.

"Khan, there is an urgent message from Lianshan Pass!" The guard stood outside and shouted softly into the imperial study.

When Huang Taiji heard that it was Lianshan Pass, and he was in a hurry for [-] miles, he hurriedly sat up straight, "Tell me!"

As soon as Huang Taiji finished speaking, the guard led the tired soldier into the imperial study.

After the tired soldier entered the imperial study room, he knelt down and took out a bamboo tube sealed with wax paint from his arms, and handed it to the eunuch who came down from Huang Taiji.

When Huang Taiji was in power, if there was an emergency, especially if it was urgent at eight hundred miles, he could meet him directly.

"What happened at Lianshan Pass?" Huang Taiji looked at the tired soldier and asked hastily.

The soldier replied: "Khan, the Ming army on Phi Island has moved. A few days ago, a Ming army of more than 1000 people suddenly appeared outside Lianshan Pass. Later, after our investigation, the Ming army It is the Ming army on Phi Island.

This group of Ming troops suddenly appeared outside Lianshan Pass. Before they appeared, we had no news of these people at all.They bypassed Zhenjiang, Xianshan Fort, Phoenix City and other fort defense lines, and came directly to the outside of Lianshan Pass.

The weapons in their hands are powerful, and they broke through the Lianshan Pass in one day, and we didn't have time to ask for help.

The servant or the brothers from Lianshanguan tried their best to cover and escape. If the servant was later, he might not have seen the sweat. "

Hearing the soldier's answer, Huang Taiji also took the bamboo tube from the eunuch just now.

After checking it was correct, Huang Taiji opened the bamboo tube and took out the military report inside.

This military report was given to the soldier by the guard of Lianshan Gate before the city was broken.

Huang Taiji looked at the military newspaper, his face became more and more gloomy.

A moment later, Huang Taiji slapped the military newspaper in his hand on the table, roaring like a raging beast in the imperial study.

Lianshan Pass is the east gate of Liaoyang City. Once Lianshan Pass is lost, the enemy can directly advance to Liaoyang City.

And Liaoyang City is the southern gateway of Shenyang. Once Liaoyang City falls, Shenyang will be in danger.

If the Xuanzhen soldiers and horses coming from the west are added, Shenyang City will become a dead city.

"Too much bullying, Zhao Wen's dog thief and Ming's dog emperor are too much bullying!"

Huang Taiji kicked the table over, pointed at the south and kept roaring.

Huang Taiji didn't know that Pi Dao had been controlled by Zhao Wen, and thought that Pi Dao was still obeying Chongzhen's orders, so he thought that Zhao Wen and Chongzhen jointly dealt with him this time.

"What the hell is going on here? Didn't Zhao Wen rebel? All this is a plot by him and the little Emperor Chongzhen?"

Huang Taiji walked back and forth behind the overturned desk, the veins on his forehead popped out.

(End of this chapter)

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