Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 466 Ning Wan My Lian Ming's Strategy Against Zhao

Chapter 466 Ning Wan My Lian Ming's Strategy Against Zhao
"Damn Zhao Wen, damn Chongzhen. Are these two bastards playing me like a monkey? Damn it, damn it!"

The more Huang Taiji spoke, the angrier he became, the more he spoke, the angrier he became.

Finally, he took off the long knife hanging on the wall inlaid with various gemstones for decoration.

Huang Taiji pulled the long knife out of the scabbard, and kept chopping at the overturned desk.

While hacking and chopping, he cursed at Zhao Wen and Chongzhen at the same time.

In Huang Taiji's view, he was deceived by Zhao Wen and Chongzhen, and he was deceived through and through.

In Huang Taiji's eyes, he was always wise and mighty, and he was the only one who lied to others, so how could others lie to him?Huang Taiji felt extremely depressed when he thought of being deceived by Zhao Wen and Chongzhen, who were wise and martial.

Especially before I asked Fan Wencheng to bring his imperial decree to persuade Zhao Wen to surrender, which made Huang Taiji unacceptable.

No wonder there was no news from Fan Wencheng, it turned out that someone had tricked him.

Thinking of this matter now, Huang Taiji felt extremely ashamed.

They set up a trap for themselves, and they sent their capable men over there.

Huang Taiji could already imagine the proud faces of Zhao Wen and Chongzhen after Fan Wencheng passed away.

"Dog thief, dog thing, dog thief!!!" The more Huang Taiji thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and finally chopped the desk to pieces.

After cutting down the desk, Huang Taiji was still angry, he held the long knife, and put his eyes on the chair again.

After Huang Taiji had vented his anger, the whole imperial study room was extremely messy, and the ground was full of pieces of wood and paper that had been smashed by Huang Taiji.

The eunuchs in the imperial study room, the guards who came in just now, and the soldiers delivering the military report all knelt on the ground, their heads pressed tightly to the ground, not even daring to breathe.

Holding a long knife, Huang Taiji pointed at the extremely messy imperial study room, and yelled at the eunuch kneeling in the imperial study room: "Clean up all these things for me quickly, or you will die!"

The eunuchs in the imperial study room were already frightened by Huang Taiji, they hurriedly stood up from the ground, and hurriedly started packing up.

One of the eunuchs accidentally knocked over a candlestick because of nervousness and fear. The eunuch who knocked over the candlestick hurriedly knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Huang Taiji.

But where does the furious Huang Taiji care about this now?He walked directly towards the eunuch with the knife in his hand, and greeted the eunuch with the knife in his hand without saying a word.

The eunuch didn't dare to resist, he just knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

The eunuchs around also hurriedly stopped, knelt on the ground, and kept kowtowing to Huang Taiji.

For Huang Taiji, eunuchs are the lowest level of servants, and there is no psychological burden at all to kill a eunuch.

The eunuch's begging for mercy gradually became quieter, and finally disappeared directly.

But Huang Taiji didn't stop because of this, especially after seeing the blood, the resentment in Huang Taiji's heart became more dignified.

Now he has regarded the eunuch on the ground as Chongzhen and Zhao Wen, and kept waving the knife in his hand.

When Huang Taiji was tired from chopping, he threw the knife in his hand on the ground, panting and leaning on the pillar in the imperial study.

Huang Taiji was originally a fat man, although his martial strength was not bad, but since he became a profuse sweat, he seldom fought with his hands, so his physical strength gradually declined.

A quarter of an hour later, Huang Taiji pointed to the corpse that had turned into a ball of fleshy paste on the ground, and said to the rest of the people: "Clean up all these things for me. After cleaning up, let me finish me, Dorgon and the others." Find them all for me!"

After Huang Taiji finished speaking, he found a stool that had not been hacked from the imperial study room, and sat on it.

About half an hour later, the Imperial Study Room had been cleaned up.The corpse that had turned into a pulp was also cleaned out, and the tables and chairs in the imperial study room were replaced with new ones.

After a few quarters of an hour, all the people Huang Taiji asked to find also came to the imperial study.

Huang Taiji sat at the top of the imperial study room, looking at the people standing below with cold eyes.

Dorgon looked at Huang Taiji like this, and slandered: "It seems that Huang Taiji has encountered something again, and the thing is not small, otherwise it wouldn't be like this. I heard that he hacked an eunuch to death just now. I really don't like it." Know what it is that can make him so angry."

Although Dorgon and Huang Taiji are brothers, their relationship is not good.

When Nurhachi was still there, Dorgon was his favorite son.

Legend has it that Nurhachi's last decree was to be passed on to Dorgon, but somehow it was changed by Huang Taiji, and even forced Dorgon's mother Abahai to die.

Although Dorgon seems to follow Huang Taiji in everything now, Dorgon has been silently waiting for a suitable opportunity in his heart.

So now seeing Huang Taiji deflated, Dorgon was very happy.

Huang Taiji looked at these people and did not speak for a long time.

The people below looked at the silent Huang Taiji, and kept muttering in their hearts, not knowing what happened.

But looking at Huang Taiji's face, he knew it was not a good thing.

After a long time, Huang Taiji picked up a wrinkled military newspaper from the table and handed it to the cautious eunuch standing next to him.

The eunuch took the military newspaper, did not dare to delay, and hurriedly sent it towards Dorgon and others.

In about two quarters, these people in the imperial study finished reading the military newspaper.

When the eunuch took the military report and handed it back to Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji asked in a low voice: "Phi Dao sent troops, and even broke through the Lianshan Pass. The weapon is Xuanzhen's weapon.

From this point of view, it means that Xuanzhen did not rebel against Daming, and the relationship between the two is still very good. Xuanzhen even provided weapons to Pidao.

We were tricked by these two bastards, and I said why this bastard Zhao Wen didn't attack the capital but wanted to attack Shanxi, so he was just playing for me! "

It's okay not to say anything, but when he said this, Huang Taiji became excited again.

He slapped the table, growling angrily.

The people below also fell into deep thought when they heard Huang Taiji's roar.

After a while, Ning Wan and I stood up cautiously.

He bowed to Huang Taiji first, and then said: "Khan, I think this matter should not be like this. Xuanzhen should really have fallen out with the Ming Kingdom."

Huang Taiji snorted coldly. He looked at Ning and finished me, and immediately sprayed, "You slave, shut up, shut up, and get the hell out of here. Ming people don't have a good thing, they are all cunning and treacherous You guys, get out of here!"

How could the angry Huang Taiji listen to my words?Coupled with Huang Taiji's conceit, thinking that Zhao Wen and Chongzhen had humiliated him severely, Huang Taiji, who had never suffered such a loss, naturally vented his anger towards Zhao Wen and Chongzhen on this and Zhao Wenchongzhen. The peace of a nation is over me.

If Ning Wan and I hadn't followed Huang Taiji for long enough, and now that Huang Taiji couldn't do without Ning Wan, maybe Huang Taiji would have hacked Ning Wan me alive on the spot.

"Get off, get off, don't say such things to me in the future, don't tell me that Zhao Wen and Chongzhen had a falling out!" Huang Taiji pointed at Ning Wan's nose, not giving me any face, Constantly yelling.

Ning Wan, I originally wanted to explain a few words, but seeing Huang Taiji like this, I had no choice but to kowtow to Huang Taiji a few times, and retreated resentfully.

After Ning finished I retreated, Huang Taiji supported his forehead, panting heavily with a red face.

Huang Taiji has never encountered such a thing since he started fighting against the Ming Dynasty.

"Khan, there is something strange about this matter." At this moment, Dorgon stood up.

Huang Taiji looked up at Dorgon, "What's wrong?"

Dorgon cleared his throat, frowned and said, "Khan, there was a lot of noise about Zhao Wen and the Ming Dynasty before, and the news we got from the capital is absolutely true.

I think, if Zhao Wen and the little Emperor Chongzhen really joined forces to attack us, there is no need to join forces to deceive ourselves, and just let Zhao Wen stationed in Shanhaiguan. "

As soon as Huang Taiji heard that what Dorgon said was similar to Ning Wan me, he immediately scolded him, but after hearing what Dorgon said, he couldn't help thinking deeply.

Yes, if Zhao Wen and Chongzhen hadn't broken up, then Chongzhen could have transferred Zhao Wen to Shanhaiguan, but why bother?

But what about Phi Island?Could it be that Pi Dao has already taken refuge in Zhao Wen?Yes, it must be so, only in this way can it be explained.

After figuring this out, Huang Taiji's angry mood calmed down a lot.

"If Zhao Wen didn't join forces with Chongzhen, it means that Pi Dao has joined Zhao Wen.

However, even if Chongzhen did not join forces with Zhao Wen, but now Pidao and Xuanzhen are attacking Liaodong from the south to the west. With Liaodong, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist. Do you have any strategies to retreat from the enemy? "Huang Taiji cast his eyes on the crowd, scanning their faces non-stop.

What Huang Taiji said is correct, even if Chongzhen did not join forces with Zhao Wen, Ke Pidao also joined Zhao Wen.

The soldiers and horses of these two places joined forces to attack, and the news sent by Khalkha was 3 horses, Liaodong had no choice at all.

If it is an ordinary 3 horses, Huang Taiji still has the confidence to eat them, but if it is [-] Xuanzhen troops, Huang Taiji doesn't even dare to take the initiative to attack.

Everyone looked at Huang Taiji's gaze and hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into Huang Taiji's gaze.

It's a joke, Zhao Wen beat him like a grandson when he was in the capital, and there was nothing he could do about it. Is there a way now?
Just when Huang Taiji was impatient and ready to curse, Ning Wan and I stood up again.

"Khan, this slave has an idea!" Ning Wan and I looked at Huang Taiji.

When Huang Taiji heard this, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "What's the problem? Tell me quickly, as long as you can resist Zhao Wen, I will reward you a lot!"

"Khan, this slave's idea is to fight against Zhao!" Ning Wan I didn't dare to show off, so I directly said my idea.

As soon as Ning Wan and I came out, the entire imperial study room was so silent that not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

Everyone held their breath and looked at Ning Wan me in disbelief.

Especially Huang Taiji, he leaned forward, his eyes were so big that he was about to fall out.

"What did you say? Say it again?" Huang Taiji pointed at Ning Wan me in disbelief, and said in amazement.

"Lian Ming resists Zhao!" Ning Wan and I said it again.

This time, before Huang Taiji could speak, Dorgon took the lead in shouting and cursing.

"Haha, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. I am a majestic Eight Banners athlete, and one day I will unite with the weak Ming Kingdom. This is simply a big joke." Dorgon pointed at Ning Wan me, and shouted loudly: "You What do you mean by that? Are you saying that my post-Jin country is not as good as Ming country? Why do you say such a thing? You asked us to beg these soft bastards from Ming country, what is your intention?"

As soon as Dorgon said this, everyone in the imperial study room pointed at Ning Wan and started yelling and cursing.

If this wasn't the Imperial Study Room, maybe these people would beat them up.

Huang Taiji looked sideways at the scene in front of him, without saying a word, thinking about the way of Ning Wan me in his mind.

To be honest, after hearing Ning's method of mine just now, Huang Taiji was still angry besides anger.

From Huang Taiji's point of view, the Ming Dynasty was just a weak dying person, and it would be embarrassing for him to form an alliance with the Ming Dynasty, not to mention that the Ming Dynasty might join forces with Zhao Wen to humiliate him.

But if you think about it carefully, this method is not so unbearable.As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.Although he poses a great threat to Daming, no matter how great his threat is, he cannot compare to Zhao Wen.

Besides, I was only tossing outside Shanhaiguan, while Zhao Wen was tossing in the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty. No matter from what point of view, Zhao Wen was a greater threat than himself.

Now that Zhao Wen not only rebelled against the Ming country, but also came to attack himself, then he and the Ming country have the same enemy, and maybe there is a possibility of unity.

"Okay, stop arguing." After a while, Huang Taiji slapped the table and shouted in a deep voice.

The chaotic Imperial Study Room fell silent in an instant.

Huang Taiji knocked on the table and said: "This method is not impossible, now we have the same enemy as Ming, and this enemy is something we cannot deal with.

Our threat to Ming country is far less than Zhao Wen's threat to Ming country. As the saying goes, an enemy's enemy is a friend. Although we have often robbed Ming country before, it is not necessarily impossible to unite. "

As soon as Huang Taiji said this, everyone in the imperial study widened their eyes and looked at Huang Taiji in disbelief.

"Great Khan, back then Father Khan issued the Seven Great Hatreds against the Ming Dynasty. Now if we unite with the Ming Dynasty, how can we face Father Khan in a hundred years?" Dorgon looked down on the Ming Kingdom from the bottom of his heart and asked him to fight with the Ming army. , which is worse than eating flies.

"Hehe, do you think it's important to see Father Khan in a hundred years or our Houjin Kingdom? Do you want to watch the Houjin Kingdom established by Father Khan be beaten to pieces by Zhao Wen? Or do you think that relying on our Can strength resist Zhao Wen?
It's not like you haven't seen the scene under the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Do you think we can stop Zhao Wen?Or do you think our cotton armor can withstand Zhao Wen's artillery fire?
Although our Eight Banners athletes are fierce, they are all made of meat. How can they stop Zhao Wen's artillery fire?Zhao Wen's cannon fire, one shot down, corrupted for miles, can you stop it?Otherwise, I will give you a sentry. As long as you can stop Zhao Wen and Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, Ben Khan will give you this sweat position and let you be the sweater. What do you think? ? "Huang Taiji said sarcastically.

(End of this chapter)

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