Chapter 467

"Uh, this, this, this matter still depends on Da Khan, how can I compete with Da Khan for such a big matter, I'm just talking." Dorgon looked at Huang Taiji's gloomy expression, Hastily explained.

I can't do without explaining, if I really gave myself a team to deal with Xuanzhen, wouldn't I be going to die?

What is Xuanzhen like? If others don't know Dorgon, can they not know?Not to mention giving Dorgon a team, even if he gave 10 people, Dorgon didn't think he could defeat Xuanzhen soldiers and horses.

Seeing Dorgon's resentful expression, Huang Taiji said again: "Who else among you disagrees with this method? Stand up and I will give you a team. No matter who this person is, as long as Xuanzhen can be defeated, I will let him do my sweaty seat, and I will do what I say."

The people below all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Huang Taiji.

Seeing everyone like this, Huang Taiji snorted coldly, "Hmph, they're all a bunch of eggless bastards!"

"Lian Ming's anti-Zhao, this strategy is good, I think I will leave this strategy to you. Ben Khan appointed you as the director of Lian Ming's anti-Zhao, responsible for contacting Ming, what do you think?" Huang Taiji looked at After Ning finished me, there was no doubt in his tone.

Huang Taiji has already talked about this, how dare I refuse Ning Wan?He had no choice but to kowtow to Huang Taiji a few times, and said solemnly: "Your servant obeys!"

"In this case, Ben Khan will not keep you. You should hurry up and get on the road without delay. Ben Khan thinks that you should start tomorrow morning." Huang Taiji said impatiently.


At the same time, Meng He and Chen Dehao had arrived about five miles outside Jingyuan Fort.

Chen Dehao stood on a hillside holding his binoculars, looked at the Jingyuan Fort ahead, and said with a smile: "We have finally arrived at Jingyuan Fort, pass down the order to let all the soldiers camp on the spot, rest for one night today, and go directly to Jingyuan tomorrow. Fort attack!"

The messenger standing behind Chen Dehao hurriedly ran to the rear and conveyed Chen Dehao's order.

Meng He also held up his binoculars and looked at Jingyuan Fort.

After a while, Meng He put down the binoculars in his hand, and looked at Chen Dehao with a puzzled face: "Master Chen, why did you let you attack tomorrow? Why not attack today? With your army's ability, it is not easy to break through Jingyuan Fortress." ?”

Chen Dehao put down the binoculars in his hand, shook his head with a smile, "It's already afternoon today, although our army has powerful weapons, it will take time to siege the city, we can't take Jingyuan Fort in an instant, probably It should be getting dark by the time we reach the fort.

Once it is dark, it will be difficult to pursue the enemy.This time I want to eat all the slaves in Jingyuan Castle, so I plan to attack the city tomorrow morning. "

Listening to Chen Dehao's words, Meng He kept nodding his head.

"Master Chen's words are very reasonable. If that's the case, let's attack the city tomorrow." After Meng He finished speaking, he also looked at the messenger standing behind him, "Send the order, set up camp on the spot, and attack the city tomorrow." .By the way, let me spread out Ye Bu Shou and cover up the surrounding area of ​​Jingyuan Fort. This time, Master Chen and I will take down all the slaves in Jingyuan Fort in one fell swoop."

"Obey!" The orderly saluted Meng He with his fists cupped, and then rushed back.

The night gradually enveloped the land, and Agumu stood on the top of Jingyuan Castle with a solemn expression.

"The enemy army is only five miles away from us, and they will definitely attack the city tomorrow morning!" Agumu said solemnly, looking at the wilderness under the night.

Although Agumu didn't know the exact number of Chen Dehao and Meng He, he also knew the approximate distance from Jingyuan Fort.

Agumu knew in his heart that relying on his own troops alone would definitely not be able to stop the offensive of Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses.

I only have more than 1000 people in my hands, even if the defenders in the city are counted, there are only about [-] people.

The weapons used by these [-] people were knives, guns, bows and arrows, and they didn't even have decent defensive equipment, let alone cannons.

How should a city like this be defended?
Agumu and his personal guards patrolled back and forth on the city wall.

The city wall of Jingyuan Fortress has been in disrepair for a long time, so many places are damaged. Although the defenders in the city have repaired some of them before, there are too many places that need to be repaired, and they cannot be repaired at all.

"Give me an order to demolish all the houses in the city, and move things like bricks and beams to the city wall." Agumu turned around and looked at the guards behind him.

A personal guard asked with a puzzled look: "It's all demolished? Where do you live?"

"Where do you live? Why don't you live? Once the city falls, we are all finished. Where do you still want to live? Let me tell you, don't live there, just stay on the city wall obediently." Agumu was a little anxious scolded.

Although these things have little effect on the Xuanzhen soldiers, they are better than nothing. What if they can work?

"By the way, I'll write you a military report asking for help later. You quickly take the military report out of the city at night and go to Shengjing City to ask for help. Just say that we met five thousand Xuanzhen soldiers." Agumu suddenly remembered What, he pointed to a personal guard, and exhorted.

The guard pointed at by him looked at Agumu in surprise, "But we didn't find out how many soldiers and horses came outside the city at all. If the Great Khan finds out that we lied about the military situation, we won't be able to survive. .”

"When do you still care about these details? You hurry up and do what I say, or I will punish you for disobedience on the battlefield." At this time, Agumu also had to threaten the guard.

"Slave obeys!" The guard saw the fierce light in Agumu's eyes and shouted hastily.

A few quarters of an hour later, hundreds of people began to demolish the houses in the city, and the beams, bricks and tiles that were removed were transported towards the city wall.

At the same time, the four war horses also rushed in the direction of Shengjing.

On the other hand, Chen Dehao and Meng He's camp was very quiet.

All the soldiers in the camp were sleeping in their tents except for those who had been on night watch, and the camp was full of snoring.

Around Jingyuan Fort, there are still a large number of Ye Bu Shou, including Meng He's men and Chen De Hao's men.

Ye Bushou kept wandering around the Jingyuan Fort, and it didn't take long before he found the soldiers with the white flag who had come out of the city to ask for help.

"Haha, you dare to go out of the city at this time. You are looking for death. Brothers, rush up and capture them alive."

Ye Bushou of Horqin waved a steel knife in his hand, and chased after these Zhengbaiqi soldiers.

The soldiers around him also hurriedly followed behind him, chasing forward.

"No, someone is catching up." Hearing the sound of horseshoes behind him, a soldier with a white flag turned his head and saw more than a dozen big men on horses riding towards him in the moonlight. Follow me here.

He hurriedly turned around and shouted at the Zhengbai Banner soldiers who were running at the forefront: "You go with the military report first, and I will lure them here!"

Before the soldier with the white flag in front could reply, he turned around and chased towards the other side.

The pursuers behind them included men from Meng He and men from Chen Dehao.

"They have split up, let's chase them separately!" A soldier of Meng He yelled at Chen Dehao's men beside him, then turned his horse's head and chased after the soldier with the white flag who attracted them.

Chen Dehao's men controlled the horses and chased the remaining Zhengbaiqi soldiers.

After all, Horqin is on the grassland, and he has taken refuge in Zhao Wen, so he has plenty of time to cultivate excellent war horses.

But Liaodong is different. When Horqin took refuge in Zhao Wen, Liaodong lost a source of war horses. Although there are still some tribes that did not take refuge in Zhao Wen, these tribes are terribly poor, and now it is the Little Ice Age , even the people in the tribe can't get enough to eat, so how can they have the energy and food to cultivate excellent war horses?
Therefore, although the soldiers of the Zhengbai Banner were trying their best to escape, the distance between them and the pursuers was constantly shrinking.

In about two quarters of an hour, Chen Dehao's troops finally caught up with Zhengbaiqi's soldiers.

Although in the process of chasing, there was another Zhengbaiqi soldier who turned around to distract Chen Dehao's men.

However, because of the large number of Chen Dehao's troops, they can handle it completely.

"Hehe, keep running, aren't you good at running? Keep running?" When Chen Dehao's men stopped the last two soldiers with the white flag, Ye Bushou, the leader, took out his big black star, panting He pointed at the two soldiers with the white flag.

One of the two white flag soldiers carried Agumu's military newspaper.

They pulled out the knives from their waists and looked at the soldiers surrounding them warily.

"You still want to do something? What a joke, beat their horses to death!" As soon as the leading soldier finished speaking, Ye Bushou, who surrounded the two white flags, took out his big black star, The horse under the crotch of the soldier holding the white flag pulled the trigger.

Although things like war horses are not easy to kill with the big black star, there are five or six soldiers around them.

The big black stars in the hands of these five or six soldiers can completely kill the two horses under their crotches.

After a burst of gunshots, the two horses under the Zhengbai Banner fell to the ground with a mournful cry, and threw off the Zhengbai Banner soldiers on their backs.

Looking at the Zhengbaiqi soldiers who fell to the ground, the leading soldier Ye Bu Shou pointed at the two of them and shouted, "Tie them up and take them away!"

In addition to these two Zhengbaiqi soldiers, the other two Zhengbaiqi soldiers were also captured.

About half an hour later, these Zhengbai Banner soldiers were escorted to the camp of Chen Dehao and Meng He.

When Chen Dehao learned of this order, he rushed out of the camp directly.

"Where is he?" Chen Dehao looked at Ye Bushou, the leader standing outside the tent, and asked excitedly.

"My lord, it's on the big tree in front!" Ye Bushou, the leader, pointed to the front and said to Chen Dehao.

Chen Dehao laughed twice, and then walked quickly towards the front.

Not long after, Chen Dehao came to the captured Zhengbai Banner soldiers.

At this moment, Meng He arrived at Chen Dehao's place with seven or eight personal guards and a soldier with a white flag.

In the previous chase, Meng He's Ye Bushou captured a Zhengbaiqi soldier, and Chen Dehao's Ye Bushou captured the remaining three.

Chen Dehao stood among the soldiers of Zhengbai Banner who were tied to three big trees not far away, looked at Meng He who rushed over, and said with a smile on his face, "I have really gained a lot tonight."

Meng He laughed, and asked people to tie up the Zhengbai Banner soldiers he escorted over with the Zhengbai Banner soldiers who Chen Dehao refused to take prisoners at night.

Meng He walked in front of Chen Dehao, and said with a smile: "I used to say that the Eight Banners of Houjin are powerful, especially their Tan Ma, and seeing them today, it's nothing more than that!"

"Haha, the Eight Banners are less than [-], and they are invincible. This is just a joke. Who would believe this kind of bragging? Let me tell you, I am still good at Xuanzhen. Our Xuanzhen army should be. Xuanzhen is less than a thousand, full of thousands Invincible!" Chen Dehao laughed loudly.

"Yes, yes, this sentence is most suitable for Xuan Zhenjun." Meng He complimented with a smile on his face.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things for now, let's interrogate these Jian slaves first." Chen Dehao turned around, and said to Ye Bushou who was standing next to these Zhengbaiqi soldiers: "Let's take them all first." Give me a good body search, and then proceed to the interrogation."

After Chen Dehao finished speaking, he stood in front with Meng He, quietly watching the scene in front of him.

It didn't take long to find a bamboo tube from one of the Zhengbaiqi soldiers without collecting it all night.

This Yebushou hastily handed over the found bamboo tube to Chen Dehao.

Chen Dehao took the bamboo tube, opened it, and took out the military report inside.

Chen Dehao looked at the words on the military newspaper by the light of the brazier next to him, his head was dazed.

The characters on it are not Chinese characters, but Jurchen script. Chen Dehao doesn't know them at all, and he doesn't know what is written on them.

Meng He glanced at the military newspaper and said, "I happen to know these Jurchen texts!"

The Jurchen script of the Later Jin Dynasty has little to do with the Jurchen script of the Song Dynasty. The Jurchen script of the Later Jin Dynasty mainly borrowed from the Uighur-style Mongolian script, and then added some Jurchen language features, so the difference between the two is not very big.

In addition, Meng He is Bu He's confidant, and Horqin is Huang Taiji's in-law, so Meng He also naturally knows Jurchen Wen.

"Oh? If that's the case, then hurry up and see what's written on it!" Chen Dehao hastily handed the military newspaper in his hand to Meng He.

Meng He took the military newspaper and read it with narrowed eyes.

A moment later, Meng He pointed to the military newspaper in his hand and snorted coldly: "Huh, this is a request for help. It said that Jingyuan Fort encountered five thousand Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, and hoped that Huang Taiji would quickly send troops to come to the rescue. .”

Hearing Meng He's voice, Chen Dehao kept sneering: "Hehe, we only have 500 people in total, and it's ridiculous that they treat them as 5000 people. It turns out that the so-called Eight Banners athletes who have been rampant in Liaodong for many years are actually a group of eggless people." of color."

 Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. I wish all candidates tomorrow can get good grades and get into a good university! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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