Chapter 468 Attacking Jingyuan Fort

"What should we do now?" Meng He pointed to the military newspaper in his hand and looked at Chen Dehao.

Chen Dehao squinted his eyes and began to think, for a moment he didn't know how to deal with this matter.

If this military report was sent to Huang Taiji, if Huang Taiji saw the description of the number of soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen, he would never dare to send troops.

In fact, regardless of whether the description is correct or not, in Chen Dehao's opinion, there is a high probability that Huang Tai will not send troops over.

It seems that Huang Taiji now knows that he and the Horqin tribe have joined forces to come to Liaodong.

If Huang Taiji believed the news released before and believed that there were a total of [-] Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, then there was a high probability that Huang Taiji would not send troops to rescue Jingyuan Fort.

After all, all the troops sent by Huang Taiji to North Korea have not been returned yet, so he will only hoard all the troops in his hands in the west of Shenyang City.

In this way, the military newspaper in his hand is of no use to him, it is just a piece of waste paper.

After thinking about it, Chen Dehao pointed to the military newspaper in Meng He's hand, and said, "This military newspaper is of no use to us, so let's just burn it. As for the prisoners, we'll have to interrogate them first, and after we find something useful , just kill it directly."

Meng He nodded, and then put the military newspaper in his hand into the brazier next to him.

Looking at the military newspaper that had been reduced to ashes in the brazier, Chen Dehao said to Meng He, "That's all for today. You go back and rest. You have to attack the city tomorrow morning!"

Meng He nodded, did not stay any longer, and walked towards the distance with his personal guards.

When leaving, Meng He pointed to the Zhengbai Banner soldiers who were tied to the tree and said: "These soldiers probably don't know Chinese, and my guards can speak both Chinese and Jurchen. Leave these guards to you for interrogation."

"Thank you so much!" Chen Dehao cupped his hands at Meng He.

Meng He waved his hand and said indifferently, "Why are you saying thank you? There is nothing to thank between us."

After Meng He finished speaking, he called out the guards he had mentioned just now, left them to Chen Dehao, and Wen led the rest of the staff to turn around and leave.

After Meng He left, Chen Dehao pointed to the Zhengbai Banner soldiers who were tied to the tree, and said to Ye Bushou next to him: "Interrogate these people in detail, and kill them immediately after the interrogation reveals the news."

After Chen Dehao finished speaking, he also turned and left.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun was still smoldering below the horizon. If it was the time when the farmers were slack, it would be the time to sleep soundly. If it was the busy farming, then the farmers would also start to get up at this time to make breakfast and prepare to go to the field. work.

Farmers can eat a little breakfast during the busy farming season, but only eat two meals a day during the slack season.

At this time, Chen Dehao and Meng He's soldiers had already woken up and began to sit around the camp and eat breakfast.

After breakfast, half of the sun jumped out of the horizon, and the sky became brighter.

Chen Dehao and Meng He also began to assemble their teams.

At this time, Agumu also appeared on the wall of Jingyuan Castle.

He looked at the slowly rising sun in the east, his face full of sorrow.

Because of his worries about the war, he didn't fall asleep all night last night.

He stared at a pair of dark circles, looking at the field ahead.

"I am afraid that the enemy army outside the city is about to attack the city today. Let the brothers cheer up and tell them that as long as they can defend Jingyuan Fort, I will definitely ask for a reward in front of the Great Khan. Whoever can kill a Xuan Town soldiers, reward a hundred taels of silver, kill more than five, and keep him a Niu Luzhangjing!" Agumu stretched his body and shouted at the guards behind him.

"Obey!" The guard behind him ran along the city wall in a hurry with his order, shouting his words loudly.

After hearing the news, the defenders on the top of the city instantly became much more energetic.

"Let's storm the west wall directly!" Riding on his horse, Chen Dehao shouted to Meng He who was following him.

Behind them is their team, every soldier in their team is excited, and the will to fight is extremely high.

From the point of view of the Xuanzhen garrison, the small dilapidated castle in front of them couldn't stop them at all.

In the eyes of the soldiers under Meng He's command, the most difficult battle is the siege battle, but with the help of Xuanzhen soldiers, the city wall in front of them will be easily breached.

And if the city wall is breached, they can rush into the city and reap the lives of the Zhengbai Banner soldiers inside.

Whether it was the soldiers under Meng He or the Xuanzhen garrison, in their view, it was only a matter of time before they could break through the Jingyuan Fort in front of them.

Not long after walking, Chen Dehao and Meng He led the troops to a place two miles away from Jingyuan Fort.

The Jingyuan Castle has not been repaired and repaired all year round, so the moat outside the castle has dried up, and the inside is full of black mud.

"Stop moving forward!" Chen Dehao waved his hand and shouted loudly.

The guard next to him rushed towards the back with a loud voice, conveying Chen Dehao's order.

When the team came to a complete stop, Chen Dehao turned around and started shouting again, "Artillery out, set up artillery positions fifty paces ahead!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the guard next to him hastily conveyed his order.

Under Chen Dehao's order, the artillerymen in the team pulled the artillery forward fifty paces away.

After about half an hour, the artillery position was completed.

Among them, there are twenty 120mm mortars and more than 50 40-fire mortars.

Agumu looked at the artillery positions being set up in front of the city wall, feeling very anxious.

Especially when he saw the 120mm mortar being built, his body began to tremble involuntarily.

When he was outside the capital city, Agumu had experienced the power of this kind of artillery. At that time, he was already frightened by the 120mm mortar. Now when he saw this kind of artillery again, he suddenly remembered the The scene in Beijing.

Although the construction of the artillery position was completed, Agumu's body was shaking more and more. In the end, he had to support the female wall on the city wall to maintain his body's stability.

The defenders on the city wall looked at the artillery positions that had been built, and panicked a little.

"Pass me, me, me, order, order, order, everyone must not panic, everyone must not shout, once found, kill immediately!" Agumu shouted to the guards beside him, supporting the city wall.

The guard beside him looked not much better than Agumu, and he was also trembling with trepidation.

"Obey!" Qinweimen yelled at Agumu tremblingly, and then ran along the city wall.

There are a lot of tools for defending the city, such as bricks, tiles, stones, beams and arrows, piled up on the city walls. Although there are a large number of these tools, they only serve as some psychological comfort.

"My lord, the formation has been completed!" The artillery commander shouted at Chen Dehao in front of him.

Chen Dehao nodded, pulled out the steel knife from his waist and pointed it at the city wall of Jingyuan Fort, "Send me an order to attack the city with high-explosive bombs, kill me!"

"Obey!" The artillery commander shouted at Chen Dehao, and then rushed to the artillery position.

After a few breaths, the 120mm mortars and 40mm mortars flew towards the wall of Jingyuan Fort with a whistling sound.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Chi la chi la chi la!"

All of a sudden, various voices rang out endlessly.

Agumu, who was standing on the city wall, first saw a lot of gunpowder smoke suddenly rising from the artillery position, and then heard a lot of strange screams.

Agumu, who has experienced the baptism of Xuanzhen's artillery fire, understands that Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses have already begun to attack.

"Everyone squat down!" Agumu hurriedly shouted to the side, then quickly squatted down, hiding his body behind the parapet.

As soon as Agumu finished speaking, he ran and landed on the city wall.

"Bang bang bang!"

For a while, the sound of artillery explosions rang out endlessly, and the city wall was enveloped by explosions. Every explosion could take away part of the defenders.

The fragments produced by the explosion and the bricks and tiles shattered by the explosion hit the city wall like heavy rain, crackling non-stop.

A soldier with a white flag squatted behind the parapet, tightly plugging his ears, his body trembling constantly.

At this moment, a shell fired from a 120mm mortar fell on the female wall where he was hiding.


In an instant, accompanied by a huge explosion, the female wall was bombed to pieces.

The fragments of bricks and tiles that fell out were like bullets crackling and hitting his body. In the blink of an eye, he was beaten into a hornet's nest.

In the huge explosion, the screams began to ring out on the city wall, and some half-disabled soldiers who were bombed by the artillery covered their wounds and shouted, "Ahhh!!! Help!! Help! I want to come back, I want to go home!!!”

Unfortunately, none of them were able to realize their wishes.

Agumu squatted behind the female wall and watched the tragic situation on the city wall, both terrified and angry.

Just then, a 120mm mortar shell fell from the sky and landed beside him.


A red light lit up, and a huge explosion enveloped him, and the guards beside him were also enveloped in flames.

After the explosion dissipated, several shattered bodies with black smoke appeared on the city wall.

"It's not good, it's not good, my lord was killed by the bombing, we can't hold it anymore, we can't hold it anymore!" A soldier looked at the dead Agumu and panicked instantly.

He hurriedly stood up and yelled on the city wall like a madman.

However, before he finished speaking, he landed beside him as soon as he ran.

After the explosion, like Agumu, he was blown beyond recognition.

Under the intensive artillery bombardment, the defenders on the city wall began to collapse within half a quarter of an hour.

"Run, we are not opponents!" A defender screamed and stood up, running towards the stairs of the city wall.

Not only him, but the defenders on the entire city wall also began to panic, and almost all the surviving defenders ran towards the stairs despite the artillery fire.

The stairs on the city wall were a bit narrow, and the defenders on the city wall were rushing towards the stairs in panic, so the stairs were instantly blocked by fleeing soldiers.

At this moment, seven or eight shells landed on the stairs, and the huge explosion instantly emptied the stairs, and the defenders above were blown to bits by the explosion.

Some of them were in the center of the explosion point, and they were instantly blown up like rags and sacks, inhumane.

In the violent explosion, the stairs were also blown down.

After all, Jingyuan Fort is just a very ordinary military fort, and it has not been repaired for so many years, so the stairs on the city wall are very decayed, and it didn't last long before being blown down.

Looking at the stepped stairs, the soldiers on the city wall panicked even more.

Some of the defenders who were far away from the stairs watched the constant explosions on the top of the city, and their heart sank, and they jumped directly from the city wall.

The city wall of Jingyuan Castle is not too high, so many defenders who jumped off the city wall were not directly killed.

At this time, many defenders jumped from the city wall, but luck is too small, coupled with the large number of people, and panic, so the number of defenders who were thrown to death and disabled continued to increase.

Some defenders ran along the wall to the other walls, hoping to escape the shelling.

However, even if they can escape the shelling, the Jingyuan Fort will be gone.

Despite the continuous bombardment of artillery, the city wall to the west of Jingyuan Fort was also being destroyed continuously.

When the sun rose to the sky, the city wall to the west had already been blown out of shape and completely trampled.

There is hardly a single complete brick on the ruins to the west, and almost all of these city wall bricks have been blasted to pieces.

Among the broken bricks and tiles were many corpses.

The rammed earth layer in the city wall was also destroyed by the artillery, and the rammed earth inside was shot up into the sky, filling the entire western city wall.

"Send the order to stop firing!"

Chen Dehao looked at the city wall to the west with his binoculars, and shouted at the guards beside him.

The guards beside him hurried towards the artillery position.

It didn't take long for the shelling to stop.

When the gunpowder smoke and dust from the western city wall dissipated half, Chen Dehao saw the true face of the city wall.

"Haha, vulnerable, vulnerable." Chen Dehao put away his binoculars and shouted at Meng He next to him, "Let your troops prepare to charge!"

The horses that Chen Dehao and Meng He's soldiers rode were specially trained, so they could keep quiet under the artillery just now.

"Haha, come on!" Meng He's eyes burst into a bright light, and then he shouted to the guards behind him: "Pass my order, everyone is ready to charge!"

Chen Dehao also hastily conveyed the order to prepare to charge.

After about two quarters of an hour, when the smoke and gunpowder smoke from the west city wall dissipated completely, Chen Dehao pulled out the steel knife that had been inserted back into his waist just now, "Charge, kill!!!"

After Chen Dehao finished speaking, he brandished the steel knife with his right hand and grabbed the whip with his left hand, rushing forward at the head of the horse.

When one person moves, ten thousand people move. After a few breaths, there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes.

 Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. I wish every student can get the gold list and get good grades in the exam! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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