Chapter 469 Conquering Jingyuan Fort

Chen Dehao and Meng He's troops bypassed the artillery position in front and rushed towards Jingyuan Fort.

The sound of horseshoes hitting the ground made a loud noise.

The Zhengbai Banner soldiers in the city who had escaped from the city wall hurried towards the direction of the tied horses.

Because the explosion was too loud just now, many horses were frightened and broke free from the reins where the horses were tied.

But almost all the gates in the city were tightly sealed, so the escaped war horses could only scurry around in the city.

The Zhengbai Banner soldiers who had escaped from the west wall ignored them, and directly got off the horses that hadn't escaped from the hitching posts, and then rode on the horses and fled towards the east gate.

When the tethered horses were plundered, those without horses hurried after the frightened horses in the city.

But these war horses were so frightened by the artillery fire, how could they catch them?
When they really couldn't get the horses, they didn't care about it, and ran towards the east gate with their legs open.

Some Zhengbai Banner soldiers who hadn't got their horses were eager to escape, and they didn't care about anything. They fought for the horses with those Zhengbai Banner soldiers who hadn't escaped yet on their horses.

For a while, the chaos in Jingyuan Castle was unbelievable.


Chen Dehao looked at the dilapidated city wall ahead, pointed the knife in his hand, screamed loudly, and then controlled the horse to rush across the dry moat.

After crossing the moat, Chen Dehao's speed slowed down.

The west city wall was blown down by artillery fire, and the ground was in a mess. In order to prevent the horse from tripping over the rubble, Chen Dehao had to slow down.

The horses galloped on the ruins of the western city wall full of rubble, heading forward.

The ruins were full of rubble, and some Zhengbaiqi soldiers who were not completely dead woke up at this time.

They struggled to stand up, staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

Horses passed by them one after another, and the soldiers on the horses swung the steel knives in their hands at the still dazed Zhengbai flag soldiers, beheading them to the ground before they could react.

Jingyuan Fort is a typical military fort. All the buildings inside serve the military, so the houses inside are basically barracks.

In addition, Agumu asked people to demolish the houses in the city before, and used bricks, tiles, beams and other things as defensive tools.

Therefore, the current Jingyuan Fortress is extremely empty, and there are only a short section of low wall erected everywhere that has been demolished.

The area of ​​Jingyuan Fort is not very large, and the houses inside are almost demolished, so after Chen Dehao rushed into Jingyuan Fort, he could have a panoramic view of the whole Jingyuan Fort.

On the east side of Jingyuan Fort, the escaped Zhengbai Banner soldiers gathered. Because of their escape and panic, these soldiers crowded at the gate of the city.

As for the South City Gate and East City Gate, there were also crowded Zhengbai Banner soldiers, but the numbers were not many.

These two city gates are too close to the west city gate, and the artillery fire fell on these two city gates before, so these Zhengbai Banner soldiers gathered at the east city gate.

Chen Dehao's eyes lit up, he pulled the reins of the horse in his hand, and shouted at the same time: "Everyone stop moving forward!"

After entering the city, the speed of Chen Dehao's men and Meng He's men slowed down.

So it didn't take long for Chen Dehao's order to spread, all the soldiers stopped.

Chen Dehao pointed at the Zhengbaiqi soldiers crowded at the gate of the city, and shouted loudly behind him: "Xuanzhen's army dismounts, let me directly attack with firearms freely!"

The fastest way to deal with the Jian slaves crowded at the gate of the city is to use firearms.

Under Chen Dehao's order, Xuanzhen soldiers quickly jumped off their horses and took off the weapons on their backs at the same time.

The weapons used by these Xuanzhen garrisons stationed in Horqin are all 56 punches or 56 and a half.

After these soldiers jumped off their horses, they began to run fifty paces ahead, aiming their weapons forward at the same time.

The Zhengbai Banner soldiers at the city gate became even more flustered when they saw the soldiers approaching from behind.

A Niu Luzhang Jing rode on a horse, and slashed the long knife in his hand at the soldiers blocking in front of him.

"Get out of the way for me, get out of here, get out of me!" Niu Lu Zhang Jing kept yelling at the soldiers crowded in front of him with a ferocious face, and the knives in his hands kept falling on the soldiers of Zhengbai Banner. body.

At this moment, a knife stretched out from behind and stabbed at Niu Luzhangjing's back.

There was only a puff, and the long knife was inserted into the back of this Niu Luzhangjing.

Niu Luzhangjing exhausted his last strength and looked behind in disbelief.

I saw a very young-looking soldier holding the handle of the knife firmly, looking at him fiercely.

When the soldier saw that Niu Lu Zhang Jing turned his head, he twisted the handle of the knife in his hand violently.

This Niu Lu Zhang Jing couldn't bear it anymore, struggled and fell off the horse, and lost his life after a few thumps on the ground.

These soldiers of Zhengbai Banner had been blown into insanity by the artillery fire of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, and now they just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

At this time, anyone who stood in front of him and prevented him from escaping was his sworn enemy.

At this moment, Niu Luzhangjing's deterrent effect on the army is far less than his desire to live.

"Shoot!" Chen Dehao pointed at the city gate ahead and shouted loudly.

As soon as the sound fell, the gunshots sounded like fried copper beans.

The bullets shot forward with a whistling sound, and the Jiannu blocking the gate of the city fell to the ground one by one like harvested wheat.

The soldiers of the Zhengbai Banner were crowded together, and the target was huge. The Xuanzhen garrison didn't need to aim carefully at all, they only needed to take a rough aim.

Blood sprayed continuously on Jiannu's body, and the cotton armor on their bodies was as fragile as paper, unable to provide any protection.

Under the attack of weapons that surpassed this era for hundreds of years, the Jiannu that blocked the gate of the city were cleared away in less than a quarter of an hour.

Looking at Jiannu who was constantly being killed, Meng He shouted to Chen Dehao next to him with a depressed face: "You should save some for me, how can I do anything good if you kill all these people at once? "

Chen Dehao turned around and laughed loudly: "Haha, when you make meritorious service, besides the Jiannu who were blocked at the gate of the city, there must be Jiannu who escaped.

You Horqin cavalry are proficient in bows and horses. Chasing these escaped Jian slaves is your specialty, and I will leave these Jian slaves to you. "

Meng He licked his lips, his eyes lit up, "Hey, what you said makes sense."

Chen Dehao looked at the Jiannu who had been wiped out at the gate of the city, and shouted again: "Stop shooting, all the people mount their horses and chase after them!"

When the gunfire stopped, Meng He controlled the horse and walked past Chen Dehao, "You have killed so many Jiannu, we have to make meritorious deeds, so I won't wait for you, let's go first, you wait Just catch up."

After Meng He finished speaking, he rushed forward with his subordinates.

Not long after Meng He left, all of Chen Dehao's men mounted their horses again.

"Let's go, let's keep chasing!" Chen Dehao looked at the soldiers who were all mounted behind him, shouted, and then rushed forward.

The number of slaves in Jingyuan Fort plus the original defenders is about 300.

These people seem to be quite a lot, but during the previous siege battle, nearly half of them were killed, and finally more than 200 people were killed at the gate of the city. More than 900 people were nearly 1000 people, so the last ones who escaped from the city were only about [-] people.

In the next three or four days, Chen Dehao and Meng He were hunting down these escaped Jiannu.

However, no matter how Chen Dehao and Meng He killed them, there would always be some who slipped through the net.

These Zhengbai Banner soldiers who escaped kept running towards Shenyang City, panicking along the way, for fear of being chased by Chen Dehao and Meng He's men.

They don't even dare to go to the toilet, and they don't even care about eating.

On the afternoon of the second day after Chen Dehao and Meng He killed Jiannu, a dozen or so Zhengbai Banner soldiers fled to the city of Shenyang.

When these rout soldiers just appeared at a position twenty miles outside Shenyang City, they were met by Tanma scattered from Shenyang City.

After checking the authenticity of their identities, these scouts didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly led these rout soldiers towards Shenyang City.

At this time, Huang Taiji was sitting in the imperial study, dealing with the matter of transferring troops to North Korea and returning them back.

At this moment, Dorgon hurriedly ran towards the imperial study room, followed by several personal guards behind him.

Although Huang Taiji and Dorgon were at odds, now is their most dangerous time, and personal grievances are nothing, so Huang Taiji handed over the defense of Shenyang City to Dorgon.

Dorgon didn't even notify, so he rushed out of the imperial study in a hurry wearing his armor.

The guards guarding outside the imperial study thought that Dorgon was going to assassinate Huang Taiji, so they pulled out their weapons one by one, and pointed at Dorgon with vigilance.

Dorgon looked in a hurry, and he yelled at the guards: "Get out of here, I have something important to report to Khan!"

"Leading soldiers to meet the Great Khan is a crime of treason!" Obai pointed the steel knife in his hand at Dorgon, and shouted with a gloomy face.

Dorgon scolded angrily: "You dog slave, you really want to die, get out of here!"

Dorgon looked at Oboi and cursed angrily.

At this moment, Huang Taiji, who was sitting in the imperial study, heard the movement outside.

He hurriedly stood up and walked out of the imperial study room.

As soon as he reached the door, Oboi hurriedly stopped Huang Taiji, "My lord, it's treason to lead the soldiers to meet the Khan, so please evade quickly, my lord."

Dorgon glared at Oboi, then shouted at Huang Taiji: "Khan, there is an important military situation.

Just now, the scouts I sent out of the city found a rout of the Zhengbai Banner. After interrogation, I found that the rout of the Zhengbai Banner was the soldier who had been sent to Jingyuan Fort before.

According to Su Bing, Jingyuan Fort has been breached by Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses, and the total defense time of Jingyuan Fort was no more than two hours.

Those Zhengbaiqi soldiers stationed in Jingyuan Fort may have been wiped out. "

Dorgon is the owner of the Zhengbai Banner, and Dorgon is of course anxious about the sudden loss of 1000 people.

Originally, Huang Taiji wanted to scold Dorgon for coming to see him wearing armor and leading troops, but after hearing Dorgon's description, Huang Taiji immediately threw the matter out of his mind.

When Huang Taiji heard this, he stood up in horror. He pointed at Dorgon and asked incredulously, "When did this happen? Where are the defeated soldiers who fled back?"

This matter is of great importance, just relying on Dorgon's one-sided words, Huang Taiji still can't believe it.

It's not that Huang Taiji doesn't believe in Dorgon, it's that this matter is too unexpected.

From dispatching soldiers and horses to now, not many days have passed, and the soldiers and horses he transferred to North Korea were still halfway, so Huang Taiji had to be cautious.

"Now he has entered the city and is resting in the camp set up at the west wall in the middle of the city!" Dorgon replied.

Huang Taiji nodded, looked at Oboi, "Bring Ben Khan's armor, Ben Khan wants to inspect the city wall."

Huang Taiji is a very proud and conceited person, if he says he wants to go directly to see those rout soldiers at this time, then it will appear that Huang Taiji is afraid of Xuanzhen.

Although Huang Taiji was really terrified, at this time, no matter whether it was out of arrogance or a stable military spirit, Huang Taiji could not show his timidity, so Huang Taiji told Oboi that he was going to inspect the city wall.

These words were not only addressed to Ao Bai, but also to everyone present.Although Huang Taiji said so, Dorgon and others all understood what Huang Taiji meant.

Sometimes, knowing that others can guess your true intentions, you have to cover up your true intentions with lies.Although this lie may seem clumsy to others, it represents a position.

Aobai put away the weapon in his hand, hurriedly ran towards the imperial study room, and took out Huang Taiji's armor in a short time.

Huang Taiji didn't care about anything, and directly put it on with the help of the guards.

After a while, Huang Taiji finished putting on the armor.

After putting it on, he took his saber from Oboi's hand, and then walked forward.

Aobai led the guards and followed closely behind Huang Taiji, and Dorgon was at the rear.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Huang Taiji arrived at the camp that Dorgon had mentioned.

As soon as he entered the gate of the camp, Huang Taiji said to Dorgon who was following behind him: "Go and get those people to Ben Khan, and Ben Khan will inquire carefully."

After Huang Taiji finished speaking, he walked towards the largest barracks in the camp.

And Dorgon hurriedly ran towards the direction of those rout soldiers.

That is, half an hour later, Dorgon brought the defeated soldiers who had fled back to Huang Taiji.

"The slave has seen the sweat!"

These rout soldiers entered the barracks, looked at Huang Taiji who was sitting upright, knelt down hastily, and kowtowed to Huang Taiji repeatedly.

Huang Taiji waved his hand, "Get up, Ben Khan has something to ask you."

"Thank you, my slave!" These defeated soldiers kowtowed to Huang Taiji again, and then stood up respectfully.

When they just stood up, Huang Taiji asked: "Which of you can tell Ben Khan the details of Jingyuan Fort!"

After Huang Taiji's words fell, the defeated soldiers in the hall looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't dare to speak.

It's no wonder that if this kind of thing was put in the past, it would be a felony, and there was a strict order in the founding slave army that abandoning the chief and fleeing for his life would be an even more serious crime.

So these rout soldiers hesitated for a while and dared not speak.

Huang Taiji looked at the broken soldiers in the hall, of course he knew what they were thinking.

"Benhan spares you, hurry up and tell me about the Jingyuan Fort!" Huang Taiji slapped the table in front of him, a little annoyed.

 Today and tomorrow are the college entrance examinations. Today's exams are over. I wish tomorrow's candidates all the best! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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