Chapter 470

"Crack!" Huang Taiji slapped his right hand on the table, making a loud noise.

The Zhengbai Banner rout under the hall was terrified.

"Hurry up!" Huang Taiji yelled again.

A rout of the Zhengbai Banner stood up cautiously, "Khan, this is how things are..."

The Zhengbai Banner rout explained in detail what had happened in Jingyuan Fort before.

There was no sound in the entire barracks, and everyone listened quietly to the sound of the rout.

After the rout finished speaking, Huang Taiji's body trembled involuntarily because of fear.

"You mean that there are more than 5000 Xuanzhen soldiers who went to attack Jingyuan Fort? Can you see clearly?" Huang Taiji looked at the soldier in disbelief.

This is more than 5000 people. If you send 3 soldiers to deal with a small Jingyuan Fort, doesn't that mean that Xuanzhen really sent [-] troops to Liaodong?

If 3 people are really sent, will Liaodong really be wiped out by Xuanzhen?

"Back to the Great Khan, these 5000 troops may not all be troops from Xuan Town. According to what the slaves saw, there are still a large number of cavalry here. It is estimated that they should be Horqin cavalry. There should only be more than 2000 troops in Xuan Town."

This rout is completely nonsense, Chen Dehao and Meng He's subordinates combined only have more than 700 people, how could there be 5000 troops?

The reason why this rout soldier said this was just to clear himself of the crime of abandoning the officer and fleeing for his life.

In his view, the more the future offender speaks, the more likely he is to save his life.

"You mean there are Horqin's cavalry? How did you know?" Huang Taiji felt a little angry.

"Hui Dahan, we have been dealing with Horqin for a long time, and the people on the grassland are quite different from Ming people in appearance, so it is easy to tell them apart. Besides, Horqin joined Xuanzhen a long time ago." Rubing Bing explained.

Horqin was originally related to Liaodong, but he defected to Xuanzhen.

If he hadn't defected to Xuanzhen, then Huang Taiji would have had at least 2 more troops in his hands.

Although these troops are useless in dealing with Xuanzhen, it's better than nothing.

Besides, if Horqin hadn't defected to Xuanzhen, there is a high probability that the soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen would not rush directly from the grassland to Liaodong.

But now, Xuanzhen not only rushed directly from the grassland to Liaodong, but also brought Horqin with him, which made Huang Taiji feel like he had eaten a fly.

"Damn Horqin, really damn it!" When Huang Taiji thought of Horqin who betrayed him, he became extremely angry. He patted the table, furious.

"Khan, from this point of view, there should be no more than 3 soldiers in Xuanzhen. It is estimated that the total number of troops in Horqin is 3." Dorgon suddenly stood up and said to Huang Taiji.

From the beginning to the present, Huang Taiji and others have never figured out how many troops came here, and how many soldiers and horses there were in Xuanzhen.

They wanted to find out, but their scouts couldn't even touch the side of the house, so how could they find out?
Huang Taiji let out a long breath, and said angrily: "Korqin, this rebellious boy, really deserves to die. If Ben Khan can survive this time, he will definitely not spare Horqin lightly. Ben Khan must let Horqin understand the price of betrayal." .

Even if there are not so many soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen, it is not something we can deal with. The soldiers and horses transferred from North Korea have to speed up.By the way, the annexation of the grassland tribes should also be accelerated. You send someone to Khalkha tomorrow and ask them to bring me the troops they requested before.

This time is my life and death in Liaodong, so be careful! "

"But now the west is full of troops from Xuanzhen and Horqin, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out." Dorgon said with a embarrassed face.

"Don't give me such a reason, if you can't get out, do everything you can to get out, and you must get the soldiers and horses of the Khalkha tribe into my hands.

If they don't obey, I will kill all the three leaders of Khalkha directly.One by one, soldiers from Xuanzhen and Horqin appeared, and they didn't know how to resist, what a bunch of trash. "Huang Taiji slapped the table, his face full of ferocity.

"By the way, we must also increase our efforts to capture wild Jurchens. Sweep away all the wild Jurchen tribes in Liaodong and gather all the forces we can gather."


"Strange, strange, really strange, how could it be so strange."

Liaodong Governor Sun Chengzong stood on the wall of Ningyuan City. He looked at the empty city outside with doubts on his face.

The original governor of Liaodong was Yuan Chonghuan, but last time when Huang Taiji invaded Gyeonggi, Yuan Chonghuan was executed by Ling Chi for various reasons, so the current governor of Liaodong was replaced by Chongzhen with Sun Chengzong.

Before Chongzhen mobilized the Guan Ning Army to enter the capital, Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui and Zu Dashou led part of the Guan Ning Army into the capital, and the remaining Guan Ning Army was led by Sun Chengzong.

When Hong Chengchou led troops to attack the east defense line of Xuanzhen, he was defeated by Zhou Laoliu, Zu Dashou was captured, Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui fled back to the capital and were imprisoned by Chongzhen. The Guanning army they led was almost wiped out.

After the loss of a part of the Guanning Army, Sun Chengzong's pressure on the border defense was a bit greater.

Especially in the days when Hong Chengchou had just lost the battle, Sun Chuanting hardly had a good night's sleep.

Although those Guan Ning troops were transferred away by them, the capital is not far from Shanhaiguan, so if there is any change in Huang Taiji, Zu Dashou and the others will be able to support Shanhaiguan in time.

But their entire army was wiped out. In the future, if something happened in Liaodong, they could only rely on the remaining troops to resist.

"My lord, nearly half a month ago, there were still a large number of slave-building soldiers outside Ningyuan City, and they were all elite soldiers.

But almost overnight, all these soldiers and horses disappeared completely.The last general thought it was Jiannu's conspiracy at first, but who knows, after such a long time, there is still no sign of Jiannu outside the city.

Normally, even if Jiannu withdrew his troops, the scouts would be left behind overnight, but this time nothing was left behind. "Sun Chengzong's general Cao Wenzhao said with a strange face.

Cao Wenzhao was Xiong Tingbi's subordinate first, and Xiong Tingbi was finally killed because of successive losses in Liaodong.After that, Liaodong was taken over by Sun Chengzong, and Cao Wenzhao naturally became Sun Chengzong's subordinate.

When Yuan Chonghuan supervised Liaodong before, Cao Wenzhao was also Yuan Chonghuan's subordinate, but Yuan Chonghuan was killed, and the Liaodong supervisor was replaced by Sun Chengzong, so Cao Wenzhao returned to Sun Chengzong's account.

In the original history, Cao Wenzhao should have suppressed bandits in the Central Plains at this time, and then he was defeated and killed half a year later.

Cao Wenzhao was a loyal minister and a fierce general who made great military exploits.It's a pity that his fate was not good. When he was suppressing the rogues, because of the huge disparity in the strength of the troops, he was surrounded by a flood of rogues, and died in the battle. In the end, not even a single body was left behind.

But at this time, because of Zhao Wen's appearance, the thieves were killed by Zhao Wen all the time before they started making trouble, so Cao Wenzhao stayed in Shanhaiguan Ningyuan.

Because he didn't make any contribution in exterminating the thieves, he is only a general now.

"Yeah, the establishment of slaves this time is really strange. When Jiannu attacked Shanhaiguan before, if the troops were withdrawn, no matter what the reason was, some troops would be left outside Ningyuan City, and no matter how bad it was, some scouts would be left behind.

In the second year of Chongzhen, when Jiannu bypassed the Xifeng Pass and broke through the pass, he also deployed suspicious soldiers outside Shanhaiguan, but this time, the evacuation was too decisive, and nothing was left behind.Not normal, not normal! "

Sun Chengzong stood on the city gate building, slapped the pillars of the city gate building, and murmured.

"My lord, do you think that something happened in Liaodong? We had to let the Jiannu withdraw to help? We patrolled for several days before the night, and even ran for nearly fifty miles, but we still didn't find a Jiannu Traces." Cao Wenzhao suddenly remembered something, he pointed in the direction of Shenyang City in Liaodong, and said to Sun Chengzong.

When Sun Chengzong heard this, he was shocked, "What you said is very likely, there must be an accident in Liaodong, otherwise, the troops would not withdraw suddenly, and they would withdraw completely."

The evacuation of the slaves outside the city was precisely because Huang Taiji resisted Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses, so he transferred all of them back.

"Could it be Jiannu's internal strife? I heard that Jiannu has been at odds with each other. Could it be because of power struggles and fighting, and finally had to send troops back to help?" Cao Wenzhao looked at Sun Chengzong with a puzzled expression. .

Sun Chengzong shook his head, "Improbable, slave chieftain Huang Taiji is not a kind person, although he is a different kind, but he is brave and resourceful, he is a thick-faced and dark-hearted master.

When the slave chief Nurhachi died, he suppressed different internal voices by himself. Now that he has ruled Liaodong for some years, and his prestige is growing, it is unlikely that there will be internal strife at this time. "

Sun Chengzong didn't dare to say that he knew everything about Liaodong, but he also knew something about it. After all, he dealt with Jiannu all day long.

Cao Wenzhao frowned tightly, and murmured, "What is the reason?"

Sun Chengzong looked at the wilderness outside the city and fell into Chen Si.

At this moment, two carriages escorted by more than 50 cavalry suddenly appeared outside Ningyuan City.

Although Sun Chengzong is old, his eyes are very sensitive.

As soon as the carriage appeared, Sun Chengzong discovered it.

"There is a situation!" Sun Chengzong hastily roared.

Cao Wenzhao also hurriedly withdrew his thoughts and looked outside.

"Looking at the color of the armor of the soldiers escorting the carriage, it seems to be the Zhenghuang flag of the slave chieftain Huang Taiji. Why did the soldiers with the Zhenghuang flag suddenly appear here? What's going on?" Cao Wenzhao looked at the people who appeared outside the city. The carriage and the soldiers escorting the carriage looked dignified.

"My lord, what should we do now? Do you want to go out of the city to see what's going on?" Cao Wenzhao looked at Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong said: "Don't worry, wait and see what they want to do. By the way, order all the defenders on the city wall to cheer up. The sudden appearance of the carriage is really weird. "

Cao Wenzhao nodded, and then led his servants to run towards the city wall.

A middle-aged scholar with a money rattail was sitting in the front carriage. This middle-aged scholar was none other than Ning Wanwo sent by Huang Taiji.

About one mile away from Ningyuan City, the carriage and escorting soldiers stopped.

These people were also lucky, because the slave soldiers outside Ningyuan City had completely withdrawn before, so Yebushou in Ningyuan City stopped patrolling after a few days of patrolling.

Otherwise, the defenders in Ningyuan City would definitely find them when they did not appear outside Ningyuan City.

"Ningyuan City is ahead!" A Zhenghuangqi soldier who rode a horse and walked next to the front carriage shouted towards the carriage.

Ning Wan, who was sitting in the middle of the carriage, opened my eyes and said in a low voice, "We have finally arrived at Ningyuan City."

After Ning finished speaking, I got out of the carriage.

He walked to the edge of the moat and shouted loudly at the defenders on the city wall.

"My subordinate is Ning Wan, a minister of the Great Khan of the Later Jin Kingdom, and I have been ordered to go to the Great Ming Kingdom!"

At this time, Cao Wenzhao also returned to Sun Chengzong's side.

"He said he was Ning Wanwo!" Although the distance was a bit far, Cao Wenzhao could still hear Ning Wanwo's shout.

"Ning Wanwo? What is he doing here as a traitor?" Sun Chengzong looked at Ning Wanwo standing outside the moat with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Should we let the artillery on the top of the city fire and kill them all?" Cao Wenzhao asked.

Sun Chengzong shook his head, "Don't worry, let's take a look first. Jiannu evacuated cleanly and quickly before, but this time I sent Ning Wan here. There must be something unknown here. Let's be more cautious."

Cao Wenzhao nodded, and then shouted at Ning Wanwo outside the city: "Why do you say you are Ning Wanwo? Besides, what are you doing in Ningyuan City? You are not afraid that we will bomb you die?"

After Ning Wan, I listened to the voice from the top of the city, paused, and then shouted again: "I am an envoy to the Kingdom of Ming under the order of my family's Great Khan, and I have important matters to discuss. Besides, the two countries are at war. If you don’t kill me, I hope you can open the city gate and let us in.”

"Is there an important matter to discuss? Hehe, I'm bah, what else is there to discuss with you bastards? Besides, what if you want to take the opportunity to open the city gate?" Cao Wenzhao vomited down. With a mouthful of phlegm, he cursed with disgust.

Although I couldn't see Cao Wenzhao's face clearly after Ning Wan, I could hear the malicious meaning in Cao Wenzhao's tone.

"Everything I said is true. Today I only brought fifty guards. If you don't believe me, I can retreat five miles, and then you can send troops to check." Ning Wan and I said with an embarrassed face.

"My lord, he said he could retreat five miles for us to check!" Cao Wenzhao turned around and looked at Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong frowned tightly, "It seems that what I said about Ning Wan should be true, but why did you suddenly send us as an envoy at this time? Could it be related to the withdrawal of troops from Jiannu?"

(End of this chapter)

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