Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 471 Negotiating with Sun Chengzong

Chapter 471 Negotiating with Sun Chengzong
"My lord, don't care what they want to do. The general thinks that we can let the artillery on the top of the city fire directly, regardless of what they are here for, and kill them with one shot.

You can't believe Jiannu's words at all, let alone Ning Wanwo, a rebellious minister and running dog? "Cao Wenzhao pointed at Ning playing with me below, his face was full of viciousness.

Sun Chengzong shook his head, "Don't, looking at them like this, it seems that something is really wrong, maybe it has something to do with the former slaves who retired from the army.

You take some people out to have a look, if there are no accidents, let them in, I want to see what kind of medicine they sell in their gourds. "

"However, my lord, if you really let them in, what should you do if there is a fraud in it? That's how Shenyang City was lost back then." Cao Wenzhao said with lingering fear.

"No, judging by their current state, there should be little possibility of fraud." Sun Chengzong pointed to Ning Wanwo and others outside, not quite convinced that Huang Taiji would cheat on Sai Ning Wanwo.

After all, Ning Wan, I am a capable minister under Huang Taiji, and it is impossible for Huang Taiji to send his capable ministers to die.

Seeing Sun Chengzong's insistence, Cao Wenzhao originally wanted to refute a few words, but after thinking about it, what Sun Chengzong said also made some sense, so he didn't make any further entanglements, and led his personal guards down.

A few quarters of an hour later, the suspension bridge on the moat was slowly lowered, and the city gate was slowly opened. Cao Wenzhao led his team of servants out of the city gate and rushed towards Ning Wanwo.

Cao Wenzhao led his team of servants to surround Ning Wanwo in a fan shape. Although Ning Wanwo does not look like a liar in this situation, it is always right to be cautious.

It didn't take long for Cao Wenzhao to surround Ning Wan, me and the soldiers of the Zhenghuang Banner.

The rest of the men and horses moved towards the surroundings to check whether there was an ambush around them.

About half an hour later, the soldiers who went to check returned to Cao Wenzhao.

Cao Wenzhao looked at a returning servant and asked, "Is there anything suspicious?"

The servant said: "My lord, there is nothing suspicious, everything is normal."

Cao Wenzhao nodded, and then set his eyes on Ning Wanwo.

At this time, Ning Wan, I had already returned to the front of the first carriage, and the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers guarding Ning Wan, I watched Cao Wenzhao and his men carefully.

Cao Wenzhao mobilized his war horse and came in front of Ning Wanwo, "What do you mean by coming to my Ningyuan City?"

After Ning Wan, I smiled, "My Da Khan asked me to go to the Ming Dynasty because I have a big business. You are just a small army leader, and I don't need to talk to you."

When Cao Wenzhao heard this, he instantly became furious. Didn't he look down on himself?Although Jiannu's combat effectiveness is not low, and he often won battles in Liaodong, but you are just a rebellious servant, and you still look down on people?
"Do you believe that I will kill you here right now?" Cao Wenzhao looked at Ning Wanme coldly, with murderous intent on his face.

Ning Wan and I smiled, looking fearless, "I don't believe it, if you really have this ability, you will kill me.

I'm here now, you can kill me anytime.But let me tell you, once you kill me, no one in the whole world can stop Zhao Wen.If you want to change the dynasty, then you can kill me. "

Cao Wenzhao looked at Ning Wanwo coldly, his eyes were wide open, and now he really wanted to chop Ning Wanwo in front of him.However, the reality told him that he could not do so.

Not to mention that Sun Chengzong asked him to get Ning Wan me in, just what Ning Wan I said just now, Cao Wenzhao had to be careful.

"Hmph, what does Zhao Wen's matter have to do with you? What does it have to do with the entire Liaodong?" Cao Wenzhao questioned Ning Wan me with anger in his heart.

Ning Wan and I said coldly: "Hehe, why doesn't it matter? I came to Ningyuan City today for this matter. If you don't believe me, then I will turn around and leave!"

Ning Wan, my attitude was unusually tough, and my tone was full of doubts.

Although Ning Wan and I came here to form an alliance with Daming, I knew that if I lowered my status from the beginning, then I would be despised by Daming.

Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Ning Wan, I set my posture very high, and my attitude is also very tough.

Ning Wan, I'm not worried that Da Ming won't form an alliance with them. In Ning Wan's opinion, Da Ming is even more afraid of Zhao Wen than they are.

Cao Wenzhao's temples were protruding, he looked at Ning Wan me, and said coldly: "You are really sharp-tongued, you are worthy of being a traitor!"

"I don't need you to worry about whether I am a traitor or not!" Ning Wanwo said lightly, not paying attention to Cao Wenzhao at all.

Cao Wenzhao was choked by this sentence, he took a few deep breaths and took a long time to relax.

"Let's go, follow me into the city. Let me tell you, after entering the city, give me a little peace of mind. If you dare to play any tricks, I will make you regret coming to this world." After Cao Wenzhao said, he turned his horse's head around , heading in the direction of Ningyuan City.

After Ning, I turned around and shouted at the guards on both sides: "Go, enter the city!"

Not long after Ning Wan, I followed Cao Wenzhao into Ning Yuan City.

As soon as they entered the city, the city gate was firmly closed.

After entering the city, Cao Wenzhao was not in a hurry to take Ning Wanwo to find Sun Chengzong, but instead took Ning Wanwo and others to stay in Wengcheng.

Cao Wenzhao turned around and looked at Ning Wanwo who was following behind him, "Except for you, the rest of the guards should stay here. I won't take you with me if I haven't thoroughly figured out the purpose of your coming. All of you really entered Ningyuan City."

Ning Wan, I didn't care about it at all, he said with a relaxed face: "Okay, since that's the case, then I'll follow you for a while."

After Ning finished speaking, I was about to take a step forward and walk forward.

"No!" At this moment, a soldier with a yellow flag jumped off his horse and grabbed Ning Wan by my arm.

Ning Wan and I smiled and said, "What's wrong? We've all come in now, and we came here with sincerity, what are you afraid of?"

The Zhenghuang Banner soldier wanted to say something, but Ning Wanwo persuaded him.

After Ning Wan, I shook off the Zhenghuang Banner soldier's hand, followed Cao Wenzhao, and walked towards the inside.

A quarter of an hour later, Cao Wenzhao led Ning Wan and I to the top of the city gate.

"Surely this is Mr. Sun Chengzong, Sun Ge, who is famous in Shanhaiguan!" Ning Wan and I looked at Sun Chengzong who was sitting in the gate of the city gate, and cupped his hands at Sun Chengzong with a smile on his face.

Sun Chengzong waved his hand expressionlessly, and said, "Are you Ning Wan me?"

"No, I'm here!" Ning Wan replied.

"Hehe!" Sun Chengzong sneered, gritted his teeth and said, "I can't bear the title of Famous Liaodong, but you are very famous in my Ming Dynasty."

"I don't dare to be famous, it's just that each is his own master, and each has his own politics!" Ning Wanwo looked calm, and the soldiers were not angry because of Sun Chengzong's words.

"Smart words and glib tongue. You are really a traitor and lackey. As a man of Ming Dynasty, you are willing to be someone else's lackey. Are you worthy of your ancestors? Look at your hairstyle, your money rattail, how can you look like someone else? Body and skin, parents accept it and dare not damage it. If your parents know that you have become like this, they will be mad at you to death."

Sun Chengzong pointed at Ning Wan's head and cursed bitterly.

Although Ning Wan and I were wearing a hat, I could see my bald sideburns.

"Hehe, it's just a hairstyle, what's the big deal?" Ning Wan, I didn't think there was anything wrong with my hairstyle.

"What do you want to do when you come to my Ningyuan City today?" Sun Chengzong looked at Ning Wanme who was not in the oil and salt, no longer wasting time, and went straight to the point.

Ning Wan said to me: "I came to Ningyuan City today to think about you."

Sun Chengzong was taken aback, and then sneered, "Hehe, think about us? You really can talk. If you really think about us, then you should retreat three thousand miles and return Liaodong to us."

"We took down Liaodong one by one, why should we give it back to you?" Ning Wan and I did not back down at all.

"Then what do you mean by thinking about us?" Sun Chengzong asked.

Ning Wan said to me: "For the matter of Zhao Wen in Xuanzhen, relying on the strength of Zhao Wen in Xuanzhen, I don't think you Daming can stop it. If the two of us add up, maybe we can wipe out Zhao Wen in Xuanzhen."

When Sun Chengzong heard this, he burst out laughing.

"Haha, did I hear you right? Daming and Jiannu teamed up to deal with Zhao Wen in Xuanzhen? Haha, this is simply the funniest thing in the world.

Jiannu is the most shameless and savage barbarian in the world, and today he wants to join hands with Daming to deal with Xuanzhen?Do you really have such a good heart?Ha ha! ! !
No, something is wrong! "Sun Chengzong stopped suddenly with a smile. He looked at Ning Wan me with a calm face, and suddenly thought of something.

He thought of Jiannu's sudden withdrawal, the withdrawal without leaving behind, the withdrawal was very fast, as if someone was attacking Liaodong.

And it should be attacking the hinterland of Liaodong, otherwise the soldiers hoarding outside Ningyuan City would not have been withdrawn so quickly and so thoroughly.

Not long after the withdrawal of the troops, I ran over after Ning Wan, saying that I would form an alliance with Daming to deal with Xuanzhen together.

No matter how you look at this matter, it is not normal. If it were normal, Jiannu wished that Xuanzhen would make more trouble in Daming, because only in this way, they could take advantage of it.

When there were thieves in Shaanxi, Jiannu took advantage of the situation and pushed into Ningyuan Shanhaiguan.

It stands to reason that now that Zhao Wen is making such a fuss, Jiannu should take the opportunity to force Shanhaiguan, but why did they withdraw at this time, and sent Ning Wan and me here, saying that they wanted an alliance.

Sun Chengzong squinted his eyes and looked at Ning Wanme, his brain was running fast.

After a while, Sun Chengzong's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood all this. He looked at Ning Wan me and said in a loud voice: "I finally figured it out, I finally figured it out. If my guess is right, Xuan Zhen It should be attacking Liaodong now, and it's still your hinterland, am I right?"

Ning Wan, I seem to have expected that Sun Chengzong would think of this, he was smiling, not the slightest surprise.

"Haha, everyone says that Sun Chengzong and Sun Ge are the top think tanks in the world. I didn't believe it before, but now I do.

You are right, Xuanzhen has now raised [-] troops, ready to attack Shengjing City. "Ning Wan, I didn't hide anything, I just told the truth.

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong, so I said why did you withdraw all of a sudden, and you withdrew in such a hurry, it turned out that Xuanzhen was attacking your lair." Sun Chengzong changed his tone when he said this, "But all this is in harmony with What does it matter to us? It is a good thing for Xuanzhen to attack you, I wish you would all be wiped out."

"Does it have nothing to do with you? Does it really have nothing to do with it? Don't you think about it, if Liaodong is really occupied by Xuanzhen. At that time, Xuanzhen soldiers and horses will send a partial division from Liaodong, sweeping down, attacking Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan.

Don't tell me that your Ningyuan City and Shanhaiguan can stop Xuanzhen's artillery fire. As far as I know, even dangerous passes like Yanmen Pass can't stop Xuanzhen's artillery fire, let alone Ningyuan City and Shanhaiguan. "Ning Wan, I looked like I had the chance to win, and I didn't worry at all that Sun Chengzong would drive him away.

Listening to Ning Wan's voice, Sun Chengzong felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Although he hates Ning Wan and me and Jian Nu very much, what Ning Wan said to me is very reasonable.

If Xuanzhen really occupied Liaodong, then Xuanzhen and Liaodong would attack Daming together, then the entire Daming would have no power to fight back.

Under Xuanzhen's powerful weapons, defeat is only a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Sun Chengzong sighed and looked at Cao Wenzhao who was standing beside him, "Go and let all his guards in."

"My lord, we have a deep blood feud with Liaodong Jiannu. We can ally with anyone, but we can't alliance with Jiannu. Otherwise, how can we be worthy of the soldiers who died in Liaodong and the people who died under Jiannu's knife?" Cao Cao Wen Zhao said to Sun Chengzong with a sad face.

Cao Wenzhao heard all the words just now, and now that Sun Chengzong asked him to let the guards come in from Wengcheng, it means that Sun Chengzong has agreed with what Ning Wan and I just said.

Cao Wenzhao had fought countless battles with Jiannu, and now that he was about to form an alliance with Jiannu unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao couldn't accept it for a while.

"I don't care whether to form an alliance or not. The princes of the court and His Majesty have the final say. You should let them in first, and send more people to escort them to the capital for the court to decide." Sun Chengzong closed his eyes, Said with a lonely face.

Sun Chengzong didn't want to form an alliance with Jiannu either, but Ning Wan and I were right.

"My lord..." Cao Wenzhao wanted to persuade Sun Chengzong again.

"Don't talk too much, just do what I say." Sun Chengzong scolded.

Cao Wenzhao had no choice but to agree to Sun Chengzong's order.

(End of this chapter)

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