Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 472 The Crazy Capital Surname

Chapter 472 Crazy People in the Capital City

A few days later, Ning Wan and I took his guards outside the capital.

In addition to them, there was also Cao Wenzhao who led the escort of soldiers and horses.

Daming and Jiannu had a deep blood feud. If Sun Chengzong did not allow Cao Wenzhao to escort me, once I was discovered by soldiers and horses along the way, I am afraid that I would be killed by these soldiers and horses before I reached the capital.

Although Sun Chengzong hated Ning Wanwo and Jiannu very much, he had to send troops to escort Ning Wanwo.

"These are envoys from Liaodong, here to meet His Majesty!" Cao Wenzhao jumped off his horse, came to the gate of the city, and said to the defenders at the gate.

"Hehe, it really is Jiannu." The leading general of the defending army looked at the troops behind Cao Wenzhao and sneered again and again.

Before Cao Wenzhao set off, Sun Chengzong wrote a military report and sent it to the capital in an expedited [-] miles.

So, before they arrived, the whole capital knew about it.

"Go in, remember, keep an eye on them, this is the capital, not their backcountry Liaodong, let them all be quiet.

By the way, the people in the capital are waiting for them now, let them all be quiet and don't provoke the people in the city, otherwise something unspeakable will happen, it will be bad. "The leading defender pointed to the Jiannu guards behind Cao Wenzhao and said coldly.

There was an order passed down before, saying that once these people arrive in the capital, they must not make things difficult, and they must be put in completely.

Therefore, the defenders at the city gate did not deliberately make things difficult for these people.

This order is actually to protect these slave guards. When Huang Taiji soldiers surrounded the capital, there were not a few people and soldiers who were massacred in the capital.

These soldiers in the city were more or less related to the people or soldiers outside the city, so these soldiers hated Jiannu very much.

Cao Wenzhao returned to the front of the team and shouted loudly at the people behind: "Everyone dismount now, the capital is an important place, and no one is allowed to ride a horse."

As soon as the words fell, Cao Wenzhao's men all jumped off their horses.

Those Jiannu guards also jumped off their horses and took the reins of their horses.

After Ning Wan, I also got out of the carriage, walked behind Cao Wenzhao, and walked towards the capital.

As soon as I entered the capital, I saw people gathered on both sides of the road.

These people are more or less related to the people who were massacred outside the city when Huang Taiji soldiers surrounded the capital before, and some of them escaped from the sword of Jiannu before.

Therefore, these common people have a great hatred for Jiannu, and when they see these Jiannu, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

Among the people in the capital, some also escaped from Liaodong.

There was a deep blood feud between them and Jiannu, and they wished to eat Jiannu's flesh and drink Jiannu's blood.

That's how people are. If only one or two people are wronged, then there is a high probability that these few people will endure it.

But if it is a group of people, a large number of people are wronged, if there is a leader at this time, then these grievances will turn into anger and explode with powerful destructive power.

These people all looked at Ning Wan and me and the Zhenghuangqi soldiers who were escorting him with anger.

Inside, there were still a few common people who pointed at this side and cursed loudly.

"Damn Jianu, do you still have the face to come to the capital? You should die, you should die!"

"Jiannu, pay back my father's life!"

The people gathered on both sides of the road were extremely angry. If it weren't for the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi who were around to maintain order, I am afraid that Ning Wan and I would be overwhelmed by these people.

Ning Wan, I looked at the menacing people on both sides of the street, and felt guilty for a while.

He listened to the roar that kept coming from his ears, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing.

The Zhenghuang Banner soldiers who guarded Ning Wan and me were all carefully selected by Huang Taiji, and they can basically understand Chinese.

So when they heard the yelling and cursing of these people, they grinned at the people on both sides of the road one by one, showing fierce expressions.

But the common people didn't like this at all, and shouted and cursed at these Zhenghuang Banner soldiers.

A few brave ones even picked up stones on both sides of the road and threw them at the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers.

"Stop it, anyone who dares to throw stones, be careful and I will take you to prison." A hundred households from Wucheng Bingmasi walked around on both sides of the street, pointing at these people and yelling loudly.

However, these people did not listen to the voice of this hundred households at all. As Ning Wanwo and Zhenghuangqi soldiers approached, the people in the city became more and more angry.

"Go to hell, kill them!"

A strong man dug out a floor tile from the ground, then roared and threw it forward.

The floor tile was accurately thrown on the helmet of a Zhenghuangqi soldier, and the moment the brick touched the helmet, it fell apart.

Zhenghuangqi is the direct descendant of Huang Taiji, so these soldiers are equipped with excellent equipment, and the helmets on their heads are also made of refined iron, which can completely withstand the brick just now.

However, just because the helmet can hold it does not mean that the head under the helmet can hold it.

Although the floor tiles were not very big, they still weighed three or four catties, and they were flying from the air, so the impact on the helmet was relatively large.

The Zhenghuang Banner soldier was a little dazed when he was hit on the head by this brick.

He staggered and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the surrounding Zhenghuangqi soldiers quickly pulled out the waist knives from their waists.

The surrounding people became even more angry when they saw these Zhenghuangqi soldiers drawing out their waist knives.

"You damned Nikan, sooner or later we will kill you all. If we break through the capital, we will definitely kill you all, damned Nikan!" A yellow flag soldier pointed his waist knife at the people on both sides of the street. , roaring loudly.

The strong man who threw the floor tiles raised his arms and shouted, "Fathers and folks, these Jian slaves are animals. Back then they killed many people outside the capital, take revenge."

This man's voice was like throwing a burning match into a smoking oil pan, instantly igniting these people.

Under the leadership of this man, the people squatted down one after another, pulled out the floor tiles on the ground, and threw them at the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers.


For a while, the sound of bricks and tiles shattering resounded non-stop.

Where have these Zhenghuang flags suffered such a loss?They are all the most direct descendants of Huang Taiji. They dare not walk sideways in the entire Liaodong, but not everyone can provoke them.

These Zhenghuangqi soldiers looked at the floor tiles flying towards them, waved their weapons, and roared to rush towards the surrounding people.

The five-city soldier Ma Sibaihu who had spoken before looked at the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers rushing forward, blood pouring out.

"Damn, my elder brother was killed by you in the battle to defend the capital. Now that you are in the capital, you still want to act presumptuously? You really have the guts!" Behind his head, he pulled out the waist knife and led his soldiers to rush towards the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers.

This hundred households did not maintain order out of their own heart, but obeyed the orders of their superiors.

This hundred household originally wanted to maintain order, but when he saw these Zhenghuangqi soldiers drawing their swords, he didn't know what was going on, and immediately thought of his brother who died in the battle to defend the capital.

The hostility and resentment in his heart were out of his control at all, rushing straight into his brain, all he wanted was to avenge his brother.

"Go to hell!" The hundred households completely forgot the explanation given to him by their superiors, waving the waist knife in their hands, and rushed towards the Zhenghuangqi soldiers.

Pulling one hair moved the whole body. When Baihu rushed towards the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers, his soldiers also followed behind him and rushed towards the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers.

The other Wucheng Bingmasi soldiers who were maintaining order looked at the scene in front of them, but they didn't care, and rushed over.

Not only the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi, but even the people on both sides of the street rushed towards these Zhenghuangqi soldiers angrily.

Seeing the soldiers and civilians of Wucheng Bingmasi rushing in like a tide, my scalp was numb and my face was filled with fear.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, and shouted loudly, trying to stop it from happening, but it was in vain.

Cao Wenzhao looked at the crowd, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones, he led his soldiers and horses to dodge directly, leaving Ning Wanwo and Zhenghuangqi soldiers where they were.

Cao Wenzhao also wanted to stop these crazy people, but he didn't have the ability, nor the strength.

These Jiannu committed public outrage and wanted to die by themselves, so they can't blame others.

They were asked to change their clothes before entering the capital, but they didn't listen.

If she had changed her clothes, it is estimated that such a thing would not have happened.

The street quickly became chaotic, and the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers were instantly overwhelmed by the crowd.

Although the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers are very strong in force, they are helpless when facing the common people who are several times their own and have a great hatred against them and the soldiers of the Wucheng Bingmasi.

It was like throwing a pebble into a calm lake, the ripples dissipated after a short time.

They were instantly overwhelmed by the crazy people and the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi, and they didn't even stir up a wave.

The war horses they were leading were frightened, and they all screamed and fled towards the distance.

"It's a disaster, it's a disaster, it's over." Standing by the side of the street, a relatively calm soldier from the five cities, Si Baihu, looked at the scene in front of him, and he was so anxious that he kept spinning around in place.

"Hurry up and report this matter!" He shouted to the calm servants behind him.

These few soldiers did not dare to waste time, and hurriedly ran along the street towards the Yamen of Wucheng Bingmasi.

About half an hour later, several military officials in red robes led a large group of people and rushed towards this side.

As soon as these people appeared, the people who had fallen into madness finally came back to their senses.

They looked at the sudden appearance of a large group of people, and instantly turned into birds and beasts, and dispersed in a rush. The speed was amazing.

For these people, they are out of anger anyway, so what are they still doing here?Escaping is the business.

When these soldiers and horses came to the position where the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers were, they were all extremely horrified.

I saw fifty pools of bright red meat paste on the ground, like dumpling stuffing, spread out on the ground.

Fragments of armor were also mixed in the meat paste, and there were bone stubbles stained with blood.

Seeing the scene in front of him, an official of the Ministry of War felt his stomach churn, and he lay down on the side of the road and vomited.

Without exception, these Zhenghuang Banner soldiers were all beaten to pieces by the angry people and the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi.

There is also a price for beating these Zhenghuangqi soldiers into meat paste. There are five or six corpses of Wucheng Bingmasi soldiers lying on the ground, as well as a dozen corpses of civilians.

Although the fighting power of Zhenghuangqi soldiers is strong, they can't hold back the large number of soldiers and civilians in Wucheng Bingmasi.

Moreover, most of the weapons used by the soldiers of the Wucheng Bingma Division are spears, which are said to be one inch long and one inch strong. Coupled with the number of reasons, they killed all these Zhenghuangqi soldiers at a very small cost.

If it was a one-on-one, these Zhenghuang Banner soldiers might press the Wucheng Bingmasi soldiers or civilians on the ground and rub them.But when they rushed forward, they didn't respond at all, and they were pushed to the ground.

Once he fell to the ground, he was greeted with densely packed soles of feet and bricks and tiles.

(End of this chapter)

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