Chapter 473
"This is a crime, this is simply a crime. Where are the people from Wucheng Bingmasi? What are they doing? How did this happen? What are they doing for food?" A red-robed official looked at the scene in front of him, angrily Drinking and cursing.

When the imperial court just learned about the alliance between Jiannu and Chongzhen, he issued an order that they must take all these people back safely.

Before he came out just now, Chongzhen also issued an order, saying that the safety of these people must be guaranteed, but how long has it been since this incident happened, how can we explain it.

If it wasn't for the report from the soldiers of the Wucheng Bingma Division just now, I'm afraid that even the meat paste on the ground will be gone by then.

After Ning Wan, I lay under the carriage at the back, and only after all the people around had dispersed, did I climb out in fear.

Now Ning Wan, I am in a mess, my body is full of footprints, and I don't know where my hat has gone.

Only the left shoe remained, and the top of the trousers was torn out several times.

The horses pulling the carriage had already lost their reins and disappeared.

After Ning Wan, I limped and walked in front of the red-robed official.

He looked at the red-robed officials and asked angrily: "Is this how you treat us? Anyway, we are all envoys. As the saying goes, if two countries go to war without killing each other, this is how you treat us." of?"

Ning Wan and I spoke fiercely, the tone was full of anger, and there was a trace of fear.

If these people come later, then it is very likely that they will not be able to survive.

"You are?" A red-robed official looked at Ning Wanwo who appeared in front of him, and asked with a puzzled expression.

Ning Wan and I shook off the dust on my body, and said, "I am Ning Wan, the official envoy to the Ming Kingdom this time!"

"Are you Ning Wan me?" The leading red-robed official pointed at Ning Wan me, and his hanging heart was finally relieved.

Before, Sun Chengzong said in the military report to the imperial court that the official envoy of Ming Dynasty this time was called Ning Wanwo, so now the red-robed official was relieved when he saw that Ning Wanwo was fine.

If Ning Wan I hadn't died, then things wouldn't be too bad.

If Ning Wanwo dies, then this matter will be completely over, and Daming's reputation will plummet, after all, it is a loss for the people to kill the envoy team in the street.

"How do you explain what happened today?" Ning Wan and I pointed to these red-robed officials and asked.

"This matter is really unspeakable. We really didn't know that such a thing would happen. All of this can only be an accident, just an accident." The leading red-robed official explained with a resentful expression on his face.

This kind of thing can only explain accidents. Besides, for Jiannu, except for those officials who have two ambitions, other officials hardly have a good impression of Jiannu.

Besides, the people who killed the envoys and guarded them were the people of Ming Dynasty and the soldiers of the five cities. It is impossible to really catch the murderer for Ning Wanwo, right?
Ning Wan and I looked gloomy, "Accident? All my subordinates were killed by these unscrupulous people. You gave me an accident? If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then I don't think this mission is necessary gone."

Ning Wan, I understand in my heart that Daming is more afraid of Zhao Wen in Xuanzhen than Liaodong, so he is not worried that Daming will oppose this alliance at all.

Cao Wenzhao ran back from nowhere. He looked at Ning Wanwo who was in a state of distress, and finally vented the anger in his heart.

"Hehe, it's not necessary? You don't have to, okay, then you go back, I will never say anything, you go back, let's forget about this alliance. Now Xuanzhen has already started to attack your lair, I really I don't understand, what kind of confidence can make you say such a thing?

I told you before, let you change your clothes, let you settle down, but what about you?Seven of you are dissatisfied and eight are not angry. It seems that who owes you?You are looking for death, what do we care about? "

Cao Wenzhao pointed at Ning Wanwo's nose, didn't spare Ning Wanwo the slightest bit of embarrassment, and directly scolded me.

Ning Wan, I listened to Cao Wenzhao's words, panting non-stop.

Cao Wenzhao's words were equivalent to taking out Ning Wanwo's underwear and putting them under the sun.

"Don't be unreasonable. Ming Dynasty is a country of etiquette, not Jiannu barbarians. This general, watch your words." The leading red-robed official glared at Cao Wenzhao and scolded.

Although these words were scolding Cao Wenzhao and venting anger on Ning Wanwo's behalf, it sounded so harsh to Ning Wanwo.

Cao Wenzhao rolled his eyes and looked indifferent, "What I said is the truth. Now that Xuanzhen is attacking Liaodong, Jiannu is more anxious than us."

"You, you, you!!!" Ning Wanwo was very angry at Cao Wenzhao's words, pointed at Cao Wenzhao, and was speechless for a long time.

"Although that's what I said, after all, these people had an accident in the capital. Anyway, we all have some responsibilities." The leading red-robed official agreed with Cao Wenzhao's words very much. He didn't like Jiannu, especially This Ning Wan me was sent by Jiannu.

This Ning Wan, I am an out-and-out traitorous lackey, he wished that Ning Wan would die sooner.

If it wasn't for Chongzhen's order, he really wanted to come later, and come after I was beaten to death after Ning finished.

"Okay, don't talk so much. Let the ambassador go down to recuperate first. His Majesty has ordered us to see you in three days." The leading red-robed official looked at the crowd and scolded loudly.

"You guys, are you treating me like this? Just let this matter go so lightly?" Ning Wan pointed at these people and said with grief and indignation.

The leading red-robed official said: "We are really sorry for your matter, don't worry, we will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and give you an explanation."

Even though he said that on the surface, he felt secretly happy in his heart, "Please tell me, just wait slowly."

"Hmph!" Ning Wan and I snorted coldly, but didn't say anything else.

Now that things are like this, is it possible that I really don't talk about the alliance?
Impossible, if he really gave up and went back like this, Huang Taiji would definitely not let him go.

The Zhenghuangqi soldiers are Huang Taiji's direct troops, they are his foundation, and they are the guarantee of his great strength. Moreover, the people selected by Huang Taiji this time are still carefully selected soldiers with great military exploits. If he lost these people, Huang Taiji would not be able to let him go, let alone abolish the alliance this time.

"Come on, prepare the carriage and take Ambassador Ning to the post!" The leading red-robed official turned around and shouted at the people behind him.

At the same time, there was a lot of noise in the Golden Luan Hall.

Chongzhen sat on the throne, looked at the quarreling ministers in the hall, rubbed his temples, with a helpless expression on his face.

The chief assistant of the cabinet, Wen Tiren, stood in the center of the hall, with a straight face, and shouted: "Although Huang Taiji is a slave chieftain, his father is the commander of the Jianzhou Guard of the Ming Dynasty and a subject of my Ming Dynasty. It is not shameful to be in alliance with a subject. Now Xuanzhen is very powerful, if they are allowed to take Liaodong, if Xuanzhen sends out a partial division to go south from Shanhaiguan, can the capital be able to stop it?"

"The first assistant's words are wrong!" At this moment, Liang Tingdong, Minister of the Ministry of War, stood up.

"You say my words are wrong, so what do you think?" Wen Tiren turned sideways, looked at Liang Tingdong, and asked with a dissatisfied expression.

Liang Tingdong said: "Jiannu is extremely vicious, the defeat of Saerhu slaughtered all the elite of our Ming Dynasty, and after the capture of Liaodong, thousands of people of our Ming Dynasty were slaughtered.

If I form an alliance with Jianshou at this time, what will my face be like, Daming?How can we be worthy of the ancestors of Ming Dynasty? "

Liang Tingdong's beard and hair were full, and he looked impassioned.

"Hehe!" Wen Tiren sneered, and said, "Let me ask you, do you think the face of the court is more important, or the country and society of the court? It's not like you don't know the strength of Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses. Zhao Wen's subordinates can't last a day, who in the world do you think can stop them?

I think you are just fishing for fame, for the sake of your own reputation, use the country and land of Ming Dynasty to fulfill your reputation.Shameful, hateful, even more hateful! "

"My man, don't think I'm afraid of you because you are the chief minister of the cabinet. You are deceiving the public with your demonic words. When Song Zhenzong made the alliance under the city, he was ridiculed by later generations for hundreds of years. Do you want your majesty to be derided by later generations?" Do people laugh?

There is an unresolvable blood feud between Daming and Jiannu, and it is absolutely impossible to form an alliance with Jiannu.Besides, even if they form an alliance with Jiannu, can they stop Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses? "Liang Tingdong pointed at Wen Tiren's nose and cursed without giving in.

Wen Tiren was insulted in public, and couldn't hold back his face.

He rolled up his sleeves, pointed at Liang Tingdong, and scolded angrily, "Who do you call an idiot? This official is for the sake of the court. How can a villain like you understand it?"

After Wen Tiren finished speaking, he turned around to look at Chongzhen, saluted Chongzhen, and shouted eloquently: "Your Majesty, Liang Tingdong is really a villain. He obstructed the imperial court and the Houjin alliance. Dangerous, I ask Your Majesty to kill this person."

The appearance in the court hall today was not uncommon in the Ming Dynasty.

All of this has historical origins, so it is not easy for Chongzhen to punish them directly.

"Your Majesty, Wen Tiren's corpse is a vegetarian meal. He has served as the chief assistant of the cabinet for so many years, but he has not made any achievements and has no role in the court.

Now he wants to make the imperial court and the slave alliance, it is really deceiving people, your majesty, I also ask Wen Tiren to be beheaded. "Liang Tingdong also saluted Chongzhen, then pointed at Wen Tiren and shouted impassionedly.

Chongzhen felt dizzy when he saw the two insisting on their opinions.

In fact, Chongzhen didn't know whether to form an alliance or not.

If they form an alliance, their reputation will be ruined.At that time, Jiannu killed many Ming troops and civilians in Liaodong. In the second year of Chongzhen, he detoured through Xifengkou and rushed outside the capital, which made Chongzhen, who had just ascended the throne for a few years, lose face and be unable to step down.

Chongzhen was very conceited. Historically, he proposed to seek peace with Liaodong Jiannu, but after the matter was revealed, he directly dumped the blame on Chen Xinjia.

Even if a person like Chongzhen wanted to form an alliance with Jiannu, he would not do it himself, but handed it over to his courtiers.

But if we don’t form an alliance with Jiannu, once Liaodong is captured by Xuanzhen, then the capital will be surrounded by Xuanzhen and Liaodong, and it will become a piece of fat on Zhao Wen’s lips. When will Zhao Wen want to eat it? Just eat it when you want.

But what Liang Tingdong said just now is also true. After forming an alliance with Jiannu, will he really be able to stop Xuanzhen's soldiers?
It took less than a day for Xuanzhen to conquer Yanmen Pass. Although Jiannu's strength is indeed very strong, but their number is too small, even if they form an alliance with Jiannu, they may not be able to stop Xuanzhen.

Chongzhen thought over and over in his mind, but still couldn't make up his mind.

Today's court meeting lasted from morning to noon, and Chongzhen thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

"Let's retreat, we'll discuss this matter tomorrow!" Chongzhen waved helplessly at all the officials in the hall, and was about to get up and leave.

Just then, a red-robed official came in from the outside.

This red-robed official was the one who led the army to deal with Ning Wan and I being beaten. This person is none other than Yang Sichang, who is well-known in history, who proposed four righteousness and six corners, and ten sides to spread the net.

At this time in history, Yang Sichang was named the governor of the three sides by Chongzhen, and the governor suppressed bandits.

But in this era, the thieves perished too quickly, coupled with Zhao Wen's rebellion, Chongzhen reused Sun Chuanting, so Yang Sichang was not appointed by Chongzhen as the governor of the three sides, but continued to be his right servant of the Ministry of War.

The right servant of the Ministry of War can be said to be the second-in-command of the Ministry of War. He originally participated in this court meeting today.But in order to deal with what happened just now, Chongzhen sent him out.

Yang Sichang looked at the extremely noisy hall, and came to the front of Chongzhen.

Chongzhen looked at Yang Sichang who was saluting towards him, stopped in his tracks, and asked, "How is the matter going? Are there any casualties?"

With a gloomy face, Yang Sichang explained: "Your Majesty, except for the envoy Ning Wan me, all the other guards in Houjin's team were beaten to death by the common people in the street.

As soon as Yang Sichang said this, the whole hall could hear the sound of breathing in silence.

Chongzhen stopped in his tracks, looked at Yang Sichang, and asked a little dullly: "You, you, is what you said true? All the envoys of Jiannu were beaten to death by the people in the street?"

Yang Sichang nodded, and said bitterly: "Your Majesty, when Jiannu soldiers besieged the capital, many people outside the city were killed by Jiannu soldiers. The slave is very resentful.

The soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi in the city also suffered heavy casualties in the battle to defend the capital. In addition, Jiannu drew their swords in the street and provoked them, so they were surrounded by the out-of-control people and soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi on the street. Beaten to death.

When the minister arrived with soldiers and horses, there were more than 50 puddles of flesh and blood on the street, and no one could be seen at all. These flesh and blood were the corpses of Jiannu.Fortunately, Ning Wan and I hid under the carriage, otherwise we would not have escaped. "

As soon as Yang Sichang finished speaking, Liang Tingdong burst out laughing. "Haha, I'm happy, I'm happy. I didn't expect the mighty Jiannu to still be here today. Good job, good job."

"Full of nonsense, foreign envoys were beaten to death in the street, where do you let the court face? If things go on like this, who will still trust the court?" Wen Tiren stared at the laughing Liang Tingdong, and scolded loudly.

Liang Tingdong didn't answer, but looked at Chongzhen, "Your Majesty, the people and soldiers in the city have a lot of resentment towards Jiannu. They have a bloody hatred for Jiannu. If the imperial court really alliances with Jiannu, there may be troubles and civil uprisings. If this At that time, Xuanzhen attacked Liaodong, and at this time the court had lost its trust, and Xuanzhen vented the resentment in the hearts of the people in the city. At that time, I am afraid that the people in the city will turn against Xuanzhen."

"What do a group of ignorant people know? When the news of the alliance is blocked, everything will be fine." Wen Tiren retorted.

Hearing this, Liang Tingdong looked at Wen Tiren as if he was looking at a fool, and sneered, "Hehe, as the saying goes, fire can't be contained in paper, how long do you think you can hide this news? If it is leaked someday, it will be known by the people in the city Now, do you think the angry people in the city will tear you to pieces?"

"The sage said that the people can let them know, but they can't let them know. It's enough to keep this matter from them. As long as Xuanzhen Zhao Wen is wiped out, then they will know, so what?" Wen Tiren retorted.

Liang Tingdong yelled again, "What do you know? What kind of people can let them know, but they can't let them know. This matter is absolutely impossible, and we can't form an alliance with Jiannu."

Seeing the two arguing again, Chongzhen let out a long sigh, and said helplessly: "Let's retreat from the court, and discuss this matter again! By the way, Yang Aiqing, you will come to the Imperial Study Room later, I want to understand thoroughly. Take a look at what happened just now."

Chongzhen pointed to Yang Sichang, and then walked down accompanied by Gao Qiqian.

Not long after, Yang Sichang came to the imperial study.

Chongzhen sat at the head of the imperial study room, he looked at Yang Sichang who walked in, expressionless.

Yang Sichang walked two quick steps, came to the center of the imperial study room, and was about to salute Chongzhen.

Chongzhen waved his hand, "No need to be too polite!"

Yang Sichang stopped, and then stood respectfully in the center of the imperial study, listening to the words with his hands down.

Chongzhen let out a long breath, and said with some depression: "What happened just now? Are there really only one Zhengshi left among those people from Liaodong?"

Yang Sichang said: "Your Majesty, there is indeed only one Zhengshi left, and all his followers were beaten to death in the street. Fortunately, he hid under the carriage, otherwise he would not have escaped."

"Hey, it's the first time that the envoy was beaten to death by the people in the street. If it gets out, the imperial court will lose face." Chongzhen slapped the table and said angrily.

"Your Majesty, this matter is easy to solve. Randomly find a few death-row inmates in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment and drag them out, and say that they are the instigators of this incident, and then kill them in the street, just to fool the inmates. And by doing so, it can also show the imperial court's position and the importance it attaches to the envoys."

 Thank you for the reward of the sunshine in summer, thank you for your support! ! !

  I'm not feeling well these days, and I'm too busy, so I can only update one chapter today, and I'll make it up tomorrow! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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