Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 474 Gathering Soldiers in Horqin

Chapter 474 Gathering Soldiers in Horqin

"That's a good idea, so let's do what you said. By the way, I'm asking you, what do you think of the alliance with Jianslaves? Is it reliable?" Chongzhen looked at Yang Sichang and asked.

Yang Sichang shook his head, "Your Majesty, I don't know what to say about this matter. If you form an alliance with Jiannu, then no matter what the court says, the court's face will always suffer.

Moreover, even if it is an alliance with Jiannu, it is still a question of whether it can beat Xuanzhen.At the beginning, Hong Chengchou led tens of thousands of elite troops to take advantage of the emptiness behind Xuanzhen, but the result was still not optimistic. "

"Oh, what a dilemma!" Chongzhen patted his forehead, and sighed with embarrassment.


The troops who harassed Huang Taiji in Liaodong did not directly attack Shenyang City. One reason is that the closer to Shenyang City, the more soldiers and horses Huang Taiji has. Although there is a garrison in Xuanzhen, the ammunition of these garrisons is not unlimited. Therefore, Shenyang City cannot be attacked unscrupulously.

Another reason is that the main purpose of these people is to stand in front of the Xuanzhen soldiers and horses behind, deter Liaodong, and let Huang Taiji transfer all his troops back to Liaodong.

Therefore, there is no need for them to attack Shenyang City at this time. After all, relying on their thousands of people, most of whom are cavalry with steel knives, it is really difficult to attack the city.

As time passed, the time had come to March, and it was much closer to the time when Zhao Wen attacked Liaodong.

The atmosphere in Xuan Town suddenly became solemn, and there were soldiers riding on horses to convey military information everywhere in the city.

The materials produced in Xuanzhen were also transported by train to Longmen Fort, and then transported from Longmen Fort to Horqin City.

After Zhou Laoliu left a part of the troops in Chang'an, under Zhao Wen's order, he led the rest of the troops and set off towards Horqin City.

Soldiers from Dishuiya and Qingyangkou also dispatched a group of troops to Horqin City.

The leader of Dishuiya is called Zhang He, and the leader of Qingyangkou is called Wang Chong.A total of more than 2 people gathered in these places, among which Zhou Laoliu had the largest number of people, nearly 1.

There is still some time until the end of March, but this time it is to attack Liaodong. Although Xuanzhen's strength can crush Liaodong, there is nothing wrong with mobilizing troops in advance.

Almost every soldier mobilized this time is equipped with a horse. In Zhao Wen's battle plan, this battle is to fight quickly and break through Shenyang City as quickly as possible.

When these soldiers came to Horqin City, the cavalry of the Horqin tribe also began to gather.

Not only the Horqin tribe, but even the tribe that had good relations with Horqin sent cavalry to participate in this battle.

Before that, Li Chaoyang who betrayed Zhao Wen was taken to Caishikou by Li Xiaosan and executed in a hurry.

After Li Chaoyang Lingchi was executed, Li Xiaosan checked all the soldiers left behind in Xuan Town.

After his investigation, he found that besides Li Chaoyang, there were three or four other generals who committed lax military management and neglect of duty. As for reselling weapons outside, these generals were not so courageous.

After reporting to Zhao Wen, under Zhao Wen's order, these generals who neglected their duties and did not manage the army strictly were all dismissed from their posts and turned into little soldiers.

When the time came to March [-]th, the whole world began to warm up. Although it would be cold in spring from time to time, the temperature was much higher than in winter.

At this time, the civil and military officials in the capital still haven't discussed the matter of the alliance with the slaves.

The officials headed by Wen Tiren were in favor of the alliance with Jianshou. They believed that Zhao Wen was powerful, and only the two soldiers could have a chance to pacify Xuanzhen.

Officials headed by Minister of the Ministry of War Liang Tingdong opposed the alliance. They believed that the alliance with Jiannu was seeking skin from a tiger. If Xuanzhen could be pacified, then the day of pacification would be the time when the two families turned their backs.Moreover, the strength of the two families may not be able to stop Xuanzhen.

In addition to these two voices, some officials proposed plans to move the capital to Jinling.

It's just that as soon as this voice came out, it was sprayed by many officials and disappeared.

"I'm going to attack Liaodong this time, and it probably won't take more than five months in total." Zhao Wen stood in front of the gate of the General Military Mansion, looking at Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu who were standing at the door.

Although Zhao Wen's eldest son is not very good at walking, he can already speak a lot.

He kept struggling in the nurse's arms, and kept yelling at Zhao Wen, "Father, I want to go too, I want to go too!"

Zhao Mingyu's voice was childish, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

Zhao Wen walked up to Zhao Mingyu, hugged Zhao Mingyu, and kissed him.

"When you grow up, dad will take you with you. Now that you are still young, you can eat well at home and grow up well." Zhao Wen hugged Zhao Mingyu and said lovingly.

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he looked at Liu Wenzhong, "Mr. Liu, Mingyu is over a year old now, and it's time for him to learn to read and write. I think I will leave the matter of learning to you."

When Liu Wenzhong heard this, he became excited instantly.

In ancient times, the highest pursuit of a scholar was to become an emperor's teacher besides becoming a prime minister.

Today's Sun Chengzong is the emperor's teacher. Although Sun Chengzong doesn't have much influence in the court, no matter who it is, even the chief assistant of the cabinet, he has to perform the disciple ceremony when seeing Sun Chengzong.

Although Zhao Mingyu is not the emperor now, but Zhao Mingyu is Zhao Wen's eldest son, and he will definitely be the emperor in the future.

Emperor teacher, I don’t know how many scholars have pursued it all their lives.

Although Liu Wenzhong was able to make the mountain collapse before him without changing his face, when he heard that Zhao Wen asked him to enlighten Zhao Mingyu, he couldn't contain his inner excitement.

"I will definitely do my best in this life to teach Mingyu well!" Liu Wenzhong said with a trembling tone.

Liu Wenzhong is Zhao Mingyu's nominal grandfather, so it's okay for Liu Wenzhong to call Zhao Mingyu Mingyu.

The officials standing behind Liu Wenzhong looked at Liu Wenzhong with envy. From now on, he will be an emperor teacher, the highest honor for a scholar, if he can teach an emperor in this life, then this life will be perfect.

"What about Mingjing and Mingxuan?" Hai Lanzhu pointed to the nanny standing behind her, who was holding her two children, and looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen chuckled, and said: "The two of them must also be enlightened, but they are still young now, so let's wait for a while, after I come back from Liaodong."

"You two should be well at home, you have to..."

Zhao Wen held the hands of Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu, and kept telling them.

"I don't ask for what you can become in the future, what you can be, and how much credit you can make in the future. I just want you to be safe and safe, and you will be free from illness and disaster for the rest of your life." Li Xiaoying held Zhao Wen's hand with a tender look on her face Said.

"Don't worry, the person who can hurt me hasn't been born yet, and I will ask you to give birth to seven or eight fat boys in the future." Zhao Wen caressed Li Xiaoying's hand, and laughed carefreely.

Hai Lanzhu looked at the two of them like this, and asked with some taste: "Did some people forget that he still has a wife?"

"Haha, I can't forget, I can't forget, how can I forget?" Zhao Wen laughed loudly, and hurriedly took Hai Lanzhu's hand again.

"After this war, your father will come to Xuanzhen and stay for a while." Zhao Wen looked at Hai Lanzhu and said.

When Hai Lanzhu heard that her father was coming, she immediately became happy, "I haven't seen my father for a long time, this time I will honor my father well and fulfill my duty as a daughter."

Several people chatted like this, and about half an hour passed.

"I'm leaving first, and you don't want to send me off either. The soldiers of the Guards Battalion at the train station are gathering, and the supplies are being transported to the train. There is no room left, so don't send me off either, I'm leaving first!" Zhao After Wen finished speaking, he looked at Liu Wenzhong and other officials, told them some things, and after explaining some things, he led the guards and walked towards the train station.

Since the day before yesterday, soldiers of Zhao Wen's personal guard battalion had already started to take the train and head towards Longmen Fort.

Today is the last wave, and they accompanied Zhao Wen to Longmen Fort.

Among the waves of the crowd, Zhao Wen's figure gradually disappeared at the end of the street.

Zhao Mingyu looked at the back of his father leaving, frowned, pouted his mouth, and started crying.

Zhao Mingyu cried so much that he even cried with Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan.

A few quarters of an hour later, Zhao Wen sat on the train to Longmen Fort.

He was sitting in seat No. [-] of carriage No. [-], watching the scenery flashing by outside the window, his eyes were full of determination.

"Huang Taiji, here I come!" Zhao Wen murmured.

The train was driving on the railway track with the sound of its whistle, heading towards Longmen Fort.

The train carriages this time are different from the usual ones, which are pure black.This time, the train carriages were painted with red paint by the staff of the railway station, implying a triumphant return.

Along the railway line, there are fields owned by ordinary people in Xuanzhen Town. It is now late March, and ordinary people have begun to work in the fields.

Hearing the sound of the siren coming from their ears, they stopped, stood up straight and looked at the oncoming train.

"I heard that we are going to fight Jiannu this time, and the commander-in-chief is going to take back Liaodong." A man in his 30s looked at the train from far to near, stood on the ground, and yelled at several people in the next field. .

"Hey, my family used to belong to Liaodong. I fled to Phi Island, and then came from Phi Island. If the commander-in-chief regains Liaodong, I will go back and see what I say, and pay homage to my ancestors. These people kill thousands of swords Jian slaves here are not human beings." The man in the field next door watched the train gradually go away, dazed, recalling the days in Liaodong.

At the same time, Tang Ruowang was standing in front of the window of his office, looking at the scenery outside the window, he was filled with emotion.

"Today is March [-]. The general army is going to conquer Liaodong, and this ancient country will return to the pinnacle of the world!" In Tang Ruowang's view, as long as Zhao Wen goes to the expedition, Liaodong will be taken down in an instant.

Without the interference of foreign enemies, this country will surely become the most advanced and powerful country in the world under the leadership of Zhao Wen.

Tang Ruowang thought about all the things in Xuan Town, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

After a while, he returned to the desk in the office, took out a blank booklet, and wrote the words "Xuan Town Experience Record" on the front page of the booklet with a brush in his own country's language.

About an hour later, Zhao Wen arrived at Longmen Fort. After some simple repairs, Zhao Wen led the guards and set off in the direction of Horqin City.

Li Xiaosan was still by Zhao Wen's side as usual, but now Li Xiaosan was not only a bodyguard in front of Zhao Wen, but also had the position of commander of the military police.

There are more than 8000 soldiers in Zhao Wen's personal guard battalion. Although a group of troops has been allocated to Li Xiaosan, the number is still large.

These 8000 people plus Zhang He, Wang Zhong and Zhou Laoliu's people, there are almost 3 people.If you add Horqin's men and those from the tribes that have made friends with Horqin, there should be a total of more than 6 to nearly 7 people.

With so many troops, it is not a problem to sweep the entire Liaodong.

A few days later, Zhao Wen led the guards to the city of Horqin.

At this time, there were already Zhou Laoliu's troops in Horqin City, Horqin's cavalry, and the troops of the tribe who had made friends with Horqin.

When Zhao Wen came to Horqin City, it was already March 23.

Zhao Wen wouldn't have spent so much time if he had rushed on the horse, but Liaodong was there, and Zhao Wen wasn't in a hurry, so he didn't let the team march in a hurry.

Zhao Wen sat on the throne in the palace hall of Horqin City.

Bu He sat at Zhao Wen's lower seat, not far from Zhao Wen.

In the main hall stood Zhou Laoliu, Zhang He, Wang Chong and their generals.

In addition to the soldiers and horses of Guoxuan Town, there are also some leading generals of Horqin, and the tribe Khan who has made friends with Horqin.

In order to be able to embrace Zhao Wen's thigh, the tribes who had good relations with Horqin were led by the sweat of their tribes.

"Why are there so many new faces today? Won't Borzigit Khan introduce me?" Zhao Wen pointed to the new faces in the hall that he had never seen before, and looked at Buhe.

Before Zhao Wen arrived, Zhao Wen knew that in this battle, many tribes who had good relations with Horqin also sent soldiers and horses, preparing to participate in this battle.

Buhe stood up from his chair, walked into the hall, pointed to a man a little younger than him, and said, "This is the Great Khan of the Maoming'an tribe, called Chegen.

Speaking of which, the Maoming'an tribe belongs to the same vein as I, Horqin, and has the same root and origin. "

The Maoming'an tribe was originally a relatively large tribe, but due to various reasons, the Maoming'an tribe declined.

By the time of the Chongzhen Year of the Apocalypse, there were only about a thousand households left in the tribe, with a population of more than 4000.

If such a tribe does not have a strong thigh support behind it, it will be annexed by other tribes in minutes.

In history, Maoming Anbu brought all the personnel to join the Empress Jinhuang Taiji in the sixth year of Chongzhen.

But in this era, because of the existence of Zhao Wen, the Horqin tribe has gradually become stronger, so the Maoming'an tribe has taken refuge in Horqin.

The pastoral area of ​​the Maomingan tribe is connected to the pastoral area of ​​Horqin, and it is far from Liaodong Huangtaiji, so there is no burden to seek refuge in Horqin.

"Don't dare to say sweat in front of the commander-in-chief!" Che Gen hurriedly followed Ming's example, cupping his hands at Zhao Wengong, and said modestly.

These tribes on the grassland have been dealing with Daming for a long time, so they can speak Chinese fluently.

Zhao Wen smiled and said, "It's okay, you're sweating profusely, it's okay."

"Thank you, my lord!" Che Gen thanked him, and just when Bu He was about to introduce the next one, Che Gen changed his tone and looked at Zhao Wen, "My lord, I have a daughter who is beautiful and heavenly, even Compared with Hai Lanzhu, it's not bad. If your lord is interested, I can send her here tonight.

I don't think your lord has a woman to accompany you, so why not let my daughter be a bed warmer for your lord.Those who are marching and fighting, although the weather has warmed up now, but the bed at night is terribly cold, and my lord's golden branches and jade leaves will not be good if they are frozen. "

(End of this chapter)

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