Chapter 475
"Old shameless, really shameless, I bah, really shameless general!"

After Che Gen's words fell, almost everyone in the hall cursed Che Gen in their hearts with resentment.

Especially those prairie tribes whose strength is similar to that of the Maoming'an tribe, they greeted all the eighteen generations of Che Gen's ancestors in their hearts.

There is no need to think about the meaning of Che Gen's words. It is nothing more than seeing that Horqin has established his position in Xuanzhen with a Hailanzhu, so he also wants to use his daughter to establish his position.

Even if he is not as good as Horqin, he is still better than other tribes.

Among them were a few tribesmen who were sweating profusely, thinking about Che Gen's words with bright eyes.

Let's see if he also sends his daughter to Xuanzhen. Even if his status is not as high as that of Shanghai Lanzhu, it can still be regarded as holding Zhao Wen's thigh tightly.

In the past few years, Horqin has developed into the richest tribe on the grassland because of holding Xuanzhen's thigh tightly. These tribes are very envious of Horqin's wealth. They also hope that their tribe can become like Horqin, otherwise They don't come here either.

Bu He looked at Che Gen with a black line on his face, and cursed secretly, "Good old boy, I thought you were an honest person at the beginning, but I didn't expect you to be so dirty, but you still want to make your daughter Married? You don’t even look at what your daughter looks like, she’s not inferior to my daughter? It’s just farting, Hailanzhu is the most beautiful flower on the entire prairie. Although I haven’t seen your daughter, it’s up to you With this appearance, your daughter is not much better."

Che Gen stood there like a normal person, ignoring everyone's gaze.

Zhao Wen looked at Che Gen with some embarrassment, and asked: "Ahem, let's talk about the attack on Liaodong now. Now that the enemy is at hand, let's let go of the love between children."

To be honest, Zhao Wen also understands what Che Gen is thinking, and also knows what Che Gen is thinking.

However, Zhao Wen could not agree with Che Gen.If Che Gen agreed to this matter and married his daughter, what would happen if all the tribes on the grassland did the same and married their own daughters?
Not to mention anything else, just the bones of the body can't bear it.

"Master Zongbing, my daughter is really beautiful. I dare not say anything else. In terms of appearance, I am still very confident." Che Gen is like a reckless man, as if he can't understand the meaning of Zhao Wen's words. Yin, still bragging about his daughter.

"Che Gen, I've seen what your daughter looks like, and it's far worse than Hai Lanzhu. You'd better give up on it, you think I don't know what's going on in my mind, hmph, I advise you Let’s get rid of that thought.”

A Khan from a tribe who had a good relationship with Horqin stood up, pointed at Che Gen's nose, and accused him.

This Great Khan is a Great Khan called Uliji from the Trat Tribe. This Tribe is a subsidiary tribe of Horqin. It has been obeying Horqin for so many years. This Great Khan even has a presence in Horqin City. Several houses.

The Trate tribe is about the same size as the Maoming'an tribe, and its strength is similar to that of the Maoming'an tribe.

"Uliji, do you dare to say that my daughter is not beautiful? Even if my daughter is compared with Hai Lanzhu, she is not inferior." Cha Gen looked at Uliji as if he didn't understand the situation.

Uliji snorted coldly, "Hmph, you'd better put away all the small thoughts in your heart, this is not a place for you to be presumptuous, and now the commander-in-chief is going to attack Liaodong, you don't think about how to contribute in the Liaodong war, but want to Follow these crooked ways, you will be punished."

Of course Wu Liji didn't want Che Gen to marry his daughter to Zhao Wen. As for the reason, it was very simple. It was because of people's selfishness, and they didn't want to see others being better than themselves.

"Hehe, how can this be crooked? The grasslands are no worse than the Central Plains. Winter comes earlier and leaves later. Marching on the grasslands, if you really freeze the commander-in-chief, can you be responsible?" Che Gen pointed Uljii sarcastically.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Zhao Wen felt dizzy.

"What's the point of arguing? Shut up all of you. If anyone dares to talk too much, get out of here. This war has nothing to do with you." Bu He looked at the two quarreling and shouted angrily. scolded.

After all, Buhe is still Horqin's sweat, and Horqin is one of the largest tribes on the grassland. In addition, he has made a lot of money following Xuanzhen in the past few years, and he has a high prestige among these people.

So when Bu He scolded angrily, Che Gen and Uli Ji hurriedly shut their mouths without saying a word.

"Let's get this out of the way first. Our main goal today is how to attack Liaodong." Zhao Wen looked at the quiet crowd and hurriedly changed the subject.

"Everything is under the orders of the commander-in-chief!" These people in the hall shouted at Zhao Wen.

The main thing for these grassland tribes in the main hall to come here with soldiers and horses is to attack Liaodong together with Zhao Wen, make some contributions, and then let Zhao Wen notice them, and at the same time increase the weight in Zhao Wen's heart.

"I think so. Now I have about 3 horses. I plan to divide the 3 horses into three teams. Zhou Laoliu will be in charge of the northern front and lead 1 troops. He will start from Horqin and go to Shifangsibao. Block off the route of Jiannu fleeing north.

I led the guard battalion, a total of 8000 people, to take the route of Jingyuan Fort and directly attack Shenyang City.

Zhang He and Wang Chong led the rest of the troops, totaling more than 1, to the Changsheng Fort to block off the Jiannu's escape route to the south.

In addition to these soldiers and horses, the defenders on Phi Island will attack from Phi Island to block the eastward route of Jiannu.As for the number of soldiers on Phi Island, there is no accurate figure yet, but according to my estimation, it should not be less than 2.

According to reliable sources, now Huang Taiji has shrunk all his troops around Shenyang City and Liaoyang City.Their combined strength was almost 25 horses.

These 25 people are Huang Taiji's last family property. Among them, there are 10 people in the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, and more than 5 people in the Eight Banners of Mongolia.

These two teams are some local chickens and dogs, and their combat effectiveness is low.Huang Taiji has about 10 real soldiers capable of fighting. This is the last property of Huang Taiji. As long as the [-] Eight Banners in his hands are wiped out, then Huang Taiji will not be able to cause any disturbances in the future. "

Zhao Wen looked at the people in the hall and explained the news he got in detail.

Those in the main hall who were not familiar with Zhao Wen and who didn't understand Zhao Wen's true strength looked at Zhao Wen with some concern.

This is 25 horses. Xuanzhen has 6 soldiers and horses, plus [-] from Horqin and [-] from other tribes, the total is only [-] horses.

Even with the 2 horses in Phi Island, it is only 8 horses.

8 horses beat 25 horses, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit of an egg hitting a stone.

"We have only 8 horses in total. Can we really beat Huang Taiji?" Da Khan, a grassland tribe who was not familiar with Xuanzhen's strength, looked at Zhao Wen with some concern and asked.

Before Zhao Wen could open his mouth, Bu He said in a deep voice, "Hehe, what a joke, among Huang Taiji's 25 horses, only the real Eight Banners troops are capable of fighting, and there are only 10 people in total.

Except for these 10 people, the other soldiers are all local chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow.Although the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty and the Eight Banners of Mongolia add up to 15 people, these people cannot compare with the [-] Eight Banners in the hands of Huang Taiji in terms of equipment, daily food, and training.These people are nothing more than chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow.

Let me put it bluntly, in fact, the commander-in-chief doesn't need us at all.The commander-in-chief with 3 horses can run across the entire Liaodong. The commander-in-chief has given us a chance to make meritorious deeds.Relying on the weapons in the hands of Lord Zongbing, Liaodong still wants to resist?It's simply not possible. "

Bu He looked at those who questioned Zhao Wen and scolded them.

After Bu He finished speaking, although those who questioned were still a little skeptical, they didn't ask any more questions.

From their point of view, neither Buhe nor Zhao Wen was worried, and no matter how much they worried, it was useless.

"My Xuan Town's war layout is roughly like this. You now have a total of 3 people. How do you arrange the 3 people? I hope you can discuss it carefully.

After three days, I must come up with a specific charter. I plan to send troops to Liaodong in three days. Don't worry, my troops have already set off by then, and you haven't discussed the reason yet. "

For the arrangement of these grassland soldiers and horses, Zhao Wen did not directly start, but handed it over to these big khans.

After all, apart from Horqin's soldiers, Zhao Wen is not familiar with them, nor does he know how effective these soldiers are.

If you don't know anything, if you arrange it without authorization, something may happen.

"Leave this matter to me. I will definitely come up with a specific charter within two days!" Bu He volunteered, patted his chest, and said to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded, he still believed in Bu He.In any case, Buhe is Horqin's sweat and his father-in-law.Moreover, Buhe knew better than himself about the ministries of the grassland.

Zhao Wen stood up from the throne, and then walked outside the hall.

The generals of the Xuanzhen Army also hurriedly followed Zhao Wen and walked outside.

Just as Zhao Wen walked out of the palace, before he had time to get on his horse, he saw Li Xiaosan running over on horseback with a group of big men in robes.

"My lord!" Li Xiaosan stopped in front of Zhao Wen and got off his horse.

Those big men who followed him also jumped off their horses in a hurry, and stood behind Li Xiaosan somewhat cautiously.

Zhao Wen held the reins of the horse with his left hand, pointed to the big men behind Li Xiaosan with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Who are these people?"

Li Xiaosan said: "My lord, they are the great khans of the three tribes of Khalkha!"

"The big sweat of the three tribes of Khalkha? Isn't the three tribes of Khalkha the kowtowers of Huang Taiji? Why did they come here?" Zhao Wen asked puzzled.

"My lord, I'm not very clear about this. I'll let them explain it to you." Li Xiaosan turned around and looked at Tuxietuhan, Zasaktuhan and Chechen Khan, "This is the general soldier of Xuanzhen, Master Zhao Wen, tell them if you have anything to say."

Tuxietuhan looked at Zhao Wen in front of him, hurriedly let go of the reins in his hand, hung the whip on the horse's back, and then saluted Zhao Wen respectfully.

Regardless of whether it was Tuxie Tuhan, Chechen Khan and Zasak Tuhan also hurriedly led the entourage behind them and saluted Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen looked at the crowd saluting, and said in a deep voice, "Get up, what are you doing here?"

Tuxietu Khan stood respectfully in front of Zhao Wen, and said somewhat cautiously: "That's right, we came here today to find Borzigit Khan and asked him to introduce you for us, but when we arrived in Horqin Later, we found that you were here, so we rushed to the palace to look for you. The reason why we came to look for you was actually to plead guilty."

Zhao Wen sneered, and looked at the three of them playfully, "Apologize? What do you blame? What crime?"

"It's like this..."

Tuxietuhan explained to Zhao Wen the reason why he came to plead guilty, and at the same time kept cursing how cruel, cruel, and arrogant Huang Taiji was.

He also said how helpless and helpless he was in the three tribes of Khalkha.

At the end, Tuxietuhan burst into tears, and said with snot and tears how miserable and helpless the three tribes of Khalkha were under the influence of Huang Taiji in the past few years, saying How helpless Khalkha is.

Listening to Tuxie Tuhan's crying, Zhao Wen finally understood the reason why these people came to plead guilty.

"After a long time, do you want to join me?" Zhao Wen said jokingly.

"That's right, we are here today to turn from darkness to light."

Tushetuhan, Chechen Khan and Zasaktuhan looked at each other and nodded heavily.

"Oh, strange things happen every year, especially this year. The three of you came here empty-handed, saying that you want to join me. How can you make me believe you? Or, why should I believe you?
If I remember correctly, the time when you Khalkha took refuge in Jiannu seems to be the earliest among the tribes in the grassland, and you belonged to Huang Taiji's hardcore dog legs.

Now I am about to lead the army to attack Liaodong, and you come to say that you want to take refuge in me.At this juncture, I have to doubt your intentions.Are you really coming to seek refuge with me, or did Huang Taiji ask you to seek refuge with me?
Or, after you took refuge in me, when I attacked Liaodong, you took the opportunity to stab me in the heart?
I really don't understand your intentions.That's enough, you guys should go back and work hard for Huang Taiji.I dare not take your trust. "

Zhao Wen waved his hands at several people and said impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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