Chapter 476

It's not that Zhao Wen doesn't need the support of the three tribes of Khalkha. In Zhao Wen's view, as long as the grassland tribes sincerely seek refuge with him, he can accept it.

However, it is not that Zhao Wen can accept it at any time.

Especially when I was preparing to lead the army to attack Liaodong, at this juncture, the three tribes of Khalkha suddenly ran over, saying that they would take the blame and seek refuge with themselves, and the three tribes of Khalkha still took refuge in Huang Taiji's earlier tribe , Can this not make Zhao Wen suspicious?

At other times, Zhao Wen might have accepted it, but now, Zhao Wen really can't accept it, not to mention that these people came here with empty teeth, and they didn't even have a name certificate.

"Go back, I don't need your support, and I dare not ask for your support." Zhao Wen looked at several people and said expressionlessly.

"My lord, you can't. We came all the way here just to turn our backs on the dark side and turn to the bright side. Your lord can't just leave us alone.

Others don't know your strength, but we Khalkha do.Over the years, we have transported a lot of cattle and sheep to Horqin, and we have often heard from Borzigit Khan about your strength.From our point of view, Huang Taiji is no match for you at all. It will take a month or two to die, and Liaodong will fall into the hands of your lord. If we go back, won't we be buried with Huang Taiji? "

When Tuxie Tuhan heard that Zhao Wen asked them to go back, he became anxious instantly.

Not only Tushetu Khan, but even Zasak Tuhan and Chechen Khan looked at Zhao Wen anxiously.

"Hehe, you said you came to seek refuge with me, how do you make me believe you? You didn't even have a certificate of application, and you just ran to say that you would seek refuge with me, and it was still at this time. Do you think I will believe it? That's fine. , stop talking, get out, I still have something to do."

Zhao Wen yelled at Tuxietuhan and the others impatiently, then stepped on the horse and led Zhou Laoliu and the others away.

Li Xiaosan looked at Tuxie Tuhan and the others, and said, "The matter has come to this, and I have nothing to do. You should go back."

After Li Xiaosan finished speaking, he also got on his horse and hurriedly chased after Zhao Wen.

Seeing the back of Zhao Wen leaving, Tuxie Tuhan said anxiously: "What should we do now? What if Xuanzhen hit the rabbits and killed us when he attacked Liaodong? ah?"

Chechen Khan said: "Don't worry, we've all come to Horqin now, we can look for Buhe, maybe he still has a way.

He is the father-in-law of Xuanzhen Chief Soldier, if he can intercede for us, maybe things will turn around. "

"Yes, yes, please, let Buhe tell us, maybe there will be a turnaround." Tushetuhan's eyes lit up, and he shouted loudly.

"It's not too late, let's go find Buhe." Zasak Tuhan shouted at the two of them, and then led his followers to run towards the palace ahead.

At this time, Buhe was discussing with the remaining grassland tribe Khan in the main hall how to allocate troops.

Regarding the arrival of Tuxietuhan and others, Buhe did not choose to meet them immediately, but asked them to take them to the side hall and let them wait first.

When the sun was setting, after the people in the main hall had left, Bu He came to the side hall.

Seeing Buhe walking in, Tuxietuhan and others hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"I've seen Borzigit Khan!" Tushetuhan and others looked at Buhe who came in, and hurriedly saluted Buhe.

Bu He chuckled lightly, and looked at them playfully.

"Hehe, why do you have the time to come to me? Why don't you stay in your Khalkha well, why come to me?
Let me tell you, I've been very busy recently, but I don't have the time to ink with you. "Although Bu He said to the three of them kindly, his tone was full of strangers not to get close to each other.

After Bu He finished speaking, he sat on the main seat in the side hall and quietly looked at the three people standing below.

"We came to Horqin for nothing else, but to ask Borzigit Khan for help!" Chechen Khan hurriedly shouted at Buhe.

Bu He leaned forward slightly, a little confused.

"Where did you start talking? Who wants your life?" Bu He looked at several people.

"Hey, that's how it happened. Didn't we take refuge in Huang Taiji before? Isn't Xuanzhen going to attack Liaodong this time? We were afraid that Xuanzhen would rake grass and beat rabbits, and by the way we cleaned up Khalkha. So, today we I came to Horqin specially, and wanted to ask Borzigit Khan to introduce us to the general soldier of Xuanzhen.

But when we came, we found that the Xuanzhen General Soldier was in Horqin.So just now, we found the general soldier of Xuanzhen.

We explained the purpose of coming to the general soldier of Xuanzhen, but the general soldier of Xuanzhen didn't listen at all, and didn't believe that we wanted to join us. "

Tushetuhan said helplessly and anxiously.

Bu He twirled the beard on his chin, and said to several people: "Did you bring anything with you when you came? For example, Jianu's head or something like that?"

"We didn't even know that Xuanzhen's commander-in-chief was here. Originally, we planned to ask you to help introduce us, so we didn't bring these things with us." Tushetuhan said.

Bu He let out a long sigh, "Oh, you guys are really picky about time, and you just came here to join us at this time. My son-in-law has already issued an order to start sending troops to Liaodong in three days. You said you picked this time." When the time comes, how can my son-in-law trust you?

What's more, you didn't bring anything, you didn't even have a Jiannu head, you are talking empty teeth, wanting empty hands and white wolves.Don't say it's my son-in-law who doesn't believe you, but I wouldn't believe it if it happened to me. "

"Then what should we do? Even if we go back to get Jianu's head or something like that, there's too little time." Tushetuhan became anxious.

Chechen Khan and Zasaktu Khan also wandered back and forth in the side hall anxiously.

"Is there no solution to this matter?" Zasak Tuhan looked at Buhe.

Bu He thought for a while, and said: "There is no way, but why should I help you?

In the past, I, Horqin, and you Khalkha had many conflicts. Although you Khalkha have been considered safe in the past few years, this is not enough for me to help you.

Although my cloth and face is nothing, it is still worth some money to my son-in-law. I don't need to go to my son-in-law to sell my face for my former enemy, right? "

Buhe squinted his eyes and looked at Tuxietuhan and others.

In fact, if Bu He could part with this face and go to Zhao Wen to intercede with Tuxie Tuhan and others, it might really have some effect.

But although Bu He dare not say that he is old and cunning, he is also a master who does not see rabbits and does not scatter eagles.

Without the slightest benefit, why should I help Khalkha go to Zhao Wen to intercede?Things like the face get thinner the more you use it, and it cannot be used indefinitely.

When Tuxietuhan and others heard that Buhe had a solution, their eyes lit up.

But when they heard Buhe's words behind him, Tushetuhan became nervous again.

When Buhe finished speaking, Tushetu Khan hurriedly asked: "What benefits does Borzigit Khan want? As long as he can help Khalkha overcome this difficulty, and the conditions are within our tolerance, We can all be satisfied."

"Yes, that's right, as long as we can help us tide over the difficulties, we will definitely do our best to meet Borzigit Khan's conditions." Chechen Khan also hurriedly shouted.

"Yes, yes, Khalkha is now at the point of life and death, as long as it is a condition we can accept, we will definitely meet it." Zasak Tuhan said hastily.

"What condition? As for what condition, I haven't thought about it yet. How about this, you guys write me a letter, and when I've figured it out, I'll ask you for it again." After Bu He finished speaking, he turned to both sides of the side hall. The guard shouted: "Come on, get a pen and paper!"

After a while, a guard came in with a wooden plate containing pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"Put these things in front of them!" Buhe pointed to Tushetuhan and others.

According to Buhe's instructions, the guard carrying the wooden tray placed the wooden tray on the open space in front of Tuxietuhan and the others.

Tushetuhan took out a piece of paper and a brush from it, and didn't care about the lack of a table, so he lay down on the ground and started writing with his buttocks pouted.

It didn't take long for the three of them to complete the writing according to Buhe's request.

Buhe got down, walked up to Tuxietuhan and the others, and held the written documents they wrote in his hands, smiling.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so decisive." Bu He looked at the paper in his hand and laughed.

This is a matter of life and death for Khalkha, can they not be decisive?
"Borzigit Khan, what is the solution you mentioned? Why don't you tell us to hear it!" Tushetuhan looked at Buhe who was laughing and asked.

"Yes, yes, tell us and let us listen." Chechen Khan and Zasaktu Khan also said hastily.

Bu He returned to the main seat, and put the writing in his hand on the table in front of him.

"The method is very simple. Now Xuanzhen and we have decided to send troops in three days. This time we attack Liaodong, our prairie tribe is only acting as a cover, and the main attack is still Xuanzhen.

My Horqin tribe will have [-] cavalry to participate in the battle. Apart from my Horqin tribe, there are a total of [-] other grassland tribes.

The distribution of soldiers and horses in the grassland will be completely completed tomorrow, that is to say, three days later, Xuanzhen and we will attack Liaodong on time.

At this time, if you are asked to go back and get the certificates for voting, there will definitely be too little time.So, my solution is, you don't need to go back, and you don't need to go back, just stay here.

I'll go to my son-in-law to say good things for you first, to intercede, and let my son-in-law give you a chance to behave.

You Khalkha are next to Liaodong, we will pass through your territory no matter what.

So, when we send troops, you follow us.When we passed by your Khalkha, you gathered your tribe's soldiers and horses and followed us to attack Liaodong.Only in this way can my son-in-law trust you. "

Bu He looked at several people and said his way.

In fact, if this method is used on others, the success rate is very low, but if it is used on Bu He, the success rate will become very high.Who made Buhe Zhao Wen's father-in-law?

(End of this chapter)

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