Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 478 The Exquisite Acting Huang Taiji

Chapter 478 The Exquisite Acting Huang Taiji
"Now we have 25 troops. Except for the necessary pass fortresses, the rest of the 25 troops are shrunk around Shengjing City and Liaoyang City.

In addition, we have been building overnight during these days, the walls of Shengjing City and Liaoyang City have been widened and heightened by us, and the moat outside the city has also been widened by us. Presumably, it should be able to resist the soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen. "

Dorgon looked at the anxious people in the imperial study room, and said calmly.

Dorgon's words were completely comforting these people in the imperial study room. Dorgon also knew in his heart that if he wanted to resist Xuanzhen, unless the weapons in his hands were similar to Xuanzhen's, it would be difficult to stop him. .

But Xuanzhen's weapons can't be manufactured by himself at all, let alone manufactured, even the principle is unknown.

"Big Khan, we have dismantled the red cannons on all the cities in Liaodong and installed them on the walls of Shengjing City and Liaoyang City. When they attack the city, they can also play a big role.

All the food, weapons, and armor in Liaodong have been hoarded in Shengjing City and Liaoyang City during this period of time.

A total of more than ten small fortresses were built between Shengjing City and Liaoyang City to strengthen the connection between the two cities.

Outside Shengjing City and Liaoyang City, a large number of defensive offensives were also built. Most of these fortifications are earth walls built with rammed earth. The earth walls are three feet high and two feet wide. They are covered with soft soil to resist artillery fire. It works wonders.

There is a watchtower built on the earth wall, which can be used to observe the enemy's situation.There is also a cave for hiding soldiers, which can accommodate soldiers.

The earth wall is two miles away from the city wall, and there will be an earth wall every half a mile.

A trench was dug between the earth walls, the trench was one foot deep, and sharpened wooden thorns were buried in the trench.

Now the fortifications on the west, east and south sides of Shengjing City have been completed, only the north side remains unfinished, and only the north side of Liaoyang City remains unfinished. These two places will be completed in half a month.

If Xuanzhen soldiers and horses attack, these fortifications can limit the attack of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses.Xuanzhen is now fighting on two fronts. It is impossible for them to spend too much time in Liaodong. According to my estimation, they will spend at most three months in Liaodong.

As long as we persist for three months, Xuanzhen soldiers and horses will retreat undefeated. Dorgon continued.

"During the construction of these fortifications, we lost [-]% of the Ming laborers in our hands, and now there are only [-] to [-] Ming laborers left in Liaodong.

In order to build these fortifications, other things in Liaodong have been abandoned, including grain fields, water conservancy, mining, smelting, and grazing.

In the construction of fortifications this time, we used all available labor in Liaodong.

Except for Shengjing City and Liaoyang City, the other cities have almost been moved, and the other cities can be said to have become empty cities. "

During this period of time, Huang Taiji, in order to deal with Zhao Wen, implemented the strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the country, and abandoning the small to protect the big.

Under his order, Dorgon and others gathered all the Jurchens in Liaodong in the two big cities of Shenyang City and Liaoyang City.

In addition to personnel, all food and weapons and equipment were also concentrated in these two cities.

As for the soldiers and horses, except for the necessary pass fortresses, the rest were all concentrated in Shenyang City and Liaoyang City.

Although doing so would cause great losses to Jiannu, Huang Taiji couldn't care less.

The country is gone, what is the use of those things?

When implementing this plan, Ming people became the worst bottom people.

Even livestock such as cattle and sheep were inferior. In order to save food, Jiannu only provided Ming people with one meal a day and forced them to build fortifications.

If you build slowly, you may even be beaten by them.

Some Ming people who couldn't stand this kind of humiliation united to resist, but how could they be the opponents of Jiannu with only hoes and sticks?

Jiannu's fortifications were built entirely with the lives of Ming people.

These fortifications are filled with the blood and tears of the Ming people.

"What should we do with the remaining laborers? These people waste a lot of food every day, and they don't even have a little effect when resisting Xuanzhen." Dorgon looked at Huang Taiji, his face was full of fierce light, The meaning is self-evident.

"These people can't die, at least not now. Gather them all and let them live well. When Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses attack the city, put them all on the city wall.

I'd like to see if the soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen bombed their people too. "Huang Taiji spoke coldly, his face frosty.

"Obey!" Dorgon saluted Huang Taiji and said murderously.

Most of these Ming laborers were Ming people who did not escape when Jiannu captured Liaodong.

These people live miserable lives in Liaodong every day. They have to cultivate fields for these Jurchen masters and raise cattle and horses for these Jurchen masters.

Even during the war, these Jurchen masters have to be used as cannon fodder.

In the eyes of the Jurchen lord, these common people are just coated slaves and cannon fodder.

Huang Taiji paused for a moment, and then said: "Is there any news from Ning Wan? How is the alliance with the Ming Dynasty? At this time, just relying on the strength in our hands is far from enough."

"Not yet." Dorgon shook his head and said with a lonely face.

Huang Taiji supported his forehead, and became a little angry, "It's been almost a month since Ning Wan and I went out. Why hasn't there been any news in such a long time? Whether it's successful or not, at least it should be There is news.

Does it mean that China does not want to form an alliance with us?Does he want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?How can it be?The little emperor Chongzhen is not a fool either, doesn't he know the stakes here? "

"I don't know. Since Ning Wan and I entered the capital, there has been no news. There have been news one after another before, but since entering the capital, there has been no news. We are also very puzzled !” Dorgon replied.

Huang Taiji slapped the table in front of him, gritted his teeth and said: "This is Ning Wan me, I used to see him as very clever, I thought he was a capable person, but I didn't expect him to be a fool, he can't even do such a simple thing Come on, it's really stupid."

Huang Taiji yelled and cursed wantonly in total disregard of his face.

Great Khan Ombu of the Urad tribe stood at the back of the crowd. He looked at the extremely angry Huang Taiji above him, and his heart was filled with joy.

"This group of idiots really thought that the soldiers before were soldiers from Xuanzhen, and there were 3 soldiers? Tsk tsk tsk, it's really smart to be confused for a while.

It is estimated that the three tribes of Khalkha also took refuge in Xuanzhen, otherwise, it would be impossible to convey such a false news to Huang Taiji, and Huang Taiji would only dare to hide in Shenyang City, not daring to move.

Just now, Huang Taiji wanted to use those surviving laborers as cannon fodder. I want to spread the news in time. If such a thing really happens, it will always be a bit difficult for Xuanzhen. "

Omubu had approached Buhe before, so he knew a thing or two about Zhao Wen's plan.

Although he knew about Zhao Wen's plan, he had no intention of telling Huang Taiji.

In his opinion, now that Huang Taiji's fall is imminent, the most urgent thing is to make contributions in this battle, and then hold Xuanzhen's thigh tightly.

Only by hugging Xuanzhen's thigh tightly can the life of the tribe be easier.Following Huang Taiji, there are people who don't have their last meal, and they don't even have enough to eat. They really have no future.

Huang Taiji scolded a few times, then leaned on the table, pointed at Hauge, and said in a deep voice: "Ben Khan gave you three Zhenghuang Banner Niulu, do you dare to go out to investigate the enemy's situation? Do you dare to investigate the western front?" What is the reason for the withdrawal of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, is it really what Ben Khan said before."

Hauge is Huang Taiji's own son, and his biggest characteristic is that he is brave and intrepid, he knows everything, and he is a bit careless.

"My son will definitely live up to the expectations of the Khan, and find out the real reason why Xuanzhen's troops retreated." Hauge knelt down excitedly, kowtowed to Huang Taiji a few times, and took Huang Taiji's order. .

Although Hauge is the eldest son of Huang Taiji, for so many years, Huang Taiji has not directly established him as the prince.

In order to attract Huang Taiji's attention and let Huang Taiji establish himself as the prince, Hauge always likes to perform in front of Huang Taiji.

Therefore, when Huang Taiji asked him to investigate the enemy's situation, he agreed without hesitation.

For the current Huang Taiji, the most urgent task is to find out whether there is really a large army pressing down on the territory, and whether it is really what he thought just now.

Without clarifying these things, Huang Taiji was really worried.

Now he is like a blind man, who doesn't know what's going on outside.

This feeling was very uncomfortable for Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji is also a person who has fought all his life, and it is really rare to encounter a situation like this time.

What's more, if you don't know the enemy's movements, the number of enemy troops, weapons and equipment, how can you fight?

If you don't figure out all this, this battle is very likely to be a replica of the Battle of Salhu, and you are the one that lost that year.

"Okay, you guys step back first. Except for Guo Haoge, the rest of the people have to let me out. Make sure to find out the situation.

Don't be afraid of soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen, they all have two shoulders and one head, what are you afraid of?If we don't know the real trend of Xuanzhen, I'm afraid the Ming army at the time of Saerhu's defeat is our future. "Huang Taiji looked at the people in the imperial study and roared.

Everyone bowed to Huang Taiji, and then retreated.

"Fourteenth brother, stay here!" Just as Dorgon was about to leave, Huang Taiji stopped Dorgon.

Dorgon froze for a moment, then stopped again.

After everyone withdrew, Huang Taiji walked down.

He stood in front of Dorgon, heaved a sigh of relief, and fell into silence, as if he was recalling something.

After a long time, Huang Taiji looked at Dorgon, and said with a complicated expression: "I forced your mother to death back then, do you still hate me now?"

Dorgon looked at Huang Taiji, his body shook suddenly, and tears appeared in his eyes.

When Huang Taiji forced Dorgon's mother Abahai to death, Dorgon was only seven or eight years old.

Seven or eight-year-old children are acting like a baby in their mother's arms.But at this time, Abahai was forced to death by Huang Taiji. It is impossible to say that Dorgon did not hate Huang Taiji.

Dorgon has never forgotten his mother, and he has never forgotten that it was Huang Taiji who forced his mother to death.

But now, the eight kings' governance has been destroyed, and Huang Taiji is the only one in the entire court. No matter how dissatisfied Dorgon is, Dorgon can only endure it.

"No hate!" Dorgon said with a trembling voice.

Huang Taiji looked at Dorgon and said, "If you hate me, you can just say it outright. The reason why I forced Abahai to death and made her die for her father, I also have difficulties, and I am also very helpless."

Huang Taiji's words were full of emotion, as if he was the victim, as if he couldn't live if he didn't force Abahai to death.

Although the ancient emperors could not all be qualified emperors, each one was definitely an emperor with superb acting skills, especially a black-bellied careerist like Huang Taiji.

Dorgon didn't reply, just lowered his head.

Huang Taiji took a deep breath, and said again: "This incident is the most serious incident that I have encountered since the founding of the Jin Dynasty, and any previous war cannot be compared with it.

I don't talk about Xuanzhen's strength, but you know it. If we don't work together to fight, I'm afraid our queen gold will be gone.

Although I forced Abahai to death before, I hope you can let go of your hatred and face this battle seriously and with all your strength. "

(End of this chapter)

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