Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 479 Mao Wenlong Marches into Liaoyang City

Chapter 479 Mao Wenlong Marches into Liaoyang City
"I hope you can put down your hatred and deal with this crisis with me. You also know what the soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen look like. They are not something we can resist at all. If we still have two hearts at this time, then it will be a shame. There's really no hope."

Huang Taiji looked at Dorgon, his face was full of sincerity and regret for forcing Abahai to death, and his voice was a little choked up, expressing his helplessness at that time vividly.

If Dorgon hadn't known what kind of person Huang Taiji was, he would have been deceived by Huang Taiji.

Dorgon wiped away his tears and said: "Let's not talk about this matter anymore, this matter has passed, let's deal with this predicament."

Huang Taiji said: "Brothers unite hearts, and their strength cuts gold. As long as our two brothers can join hands, then we will definitely be able to block Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses!"


As the sun began to slant to the west, Hauge led the three Zhenghuang Banner Niulu out of Shengjing City and headed west.

Because there are a lot of fortifications outside Shengjing City, it took Hauge a lot of time to go out.

When passing through those fortifications, there were still many ragged laborers working on them.

Today's fortifications are not completely completed, so these laborers are still working on these unfinished fortifications.

"What happened to these Jian slaves these days? Why are they scared like this?" A laborer in his 30s was standing on an earthen wall, holding a stone rammer in his hand, and kept beating the earth. the top of the wall.

He glanced lightly at Hauge and the others who were rushing out from the exit of the earthen wall, and whispered casually.

Beside him, there were a dozen or so laborers similar to him.

They all held stone rams in their hands and beat the top of the earthen wall.

A laborer about his age looked at Haoge and the others, then at the city wall of Shengjing City not far away, and said thoughtfully: "Do you think someone is going to attack Liaodong? The walls of Shengjing City, the city of slaves, have been raised so much in the past few days, and there is also the earthen wall we are building now.

If no one wants to attack Liaodong, I am afraid that Jiannu will not do so.We have been in Liaodong for some time, and this situation has never happened. "

"Could it be the imperial court? But the imperial court has been huddled in Shanhaiguan for the past few years and has never come out. Besides, the strength of the imperial court's soldiers and horses is no match for Jiannu at all. I really can't figure it out. Who can force Jiannu to such an extent." The former laborer said with a puzzled expression on his face.

The laborers on the earthen wall had been near Shenyang City before, so they didn't know anything about Xuanzhen.

Huang Taiji was extremely afraid of Xuanzhen, so he blocked the news of Xuanzhen more tightly.These ordinary workers don't know anything about Xuanzhen at all. After all, if Xuanzhen knows about it, their minds will change, and these workers will inevitably have other thoughts in their hearts.

"What are you doing there? Hurry up and work hard for me, be careful of your skin!" The slave soldiers who supervised these laborers on the earth wall looked at these laborers who were whispering, and waved their whips and shouted loudly towards this side Come.

Seeing the menacing slave soldiers, these laborers hurriedly lowered their heads, and worked hard again.

Zhao Wen was riding on a horse. He looked at the sun that was already slanting in the sky, and said, "It will be dark soon. Send an order to set up camp on the spot."

The guards who followed Zhao Wen hurriedly ran to the rear with Zhao Wen's order.

Zhao Wen jumped off his horse and came to a relatively high hillside.

Bu He led several followers and hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen held up the binoculars and looked into the distance, and put down the binoculars in his hand after a while.

Pointing to the front, Bu He said, "Fifty miles ahead is Jingyuan Fort. According to Chen Dehao and Meng He who came back this morning, they have razed Jingyuan Fort to the ground. We can arrive tomorrow morning." Jingyuan Fort.

From Jingyuan Castle to Jiannu's lair is only a distance of more than 200 miles. If we rush at full speed, we can reach Shenyang City in less than two days. "

"We are in the middle, so the speed can be faster. It is estimated that the troops from the north and the south will take about three or four days to reach Shenyang City.

Let's wait first, slow down the marching speed, and try to let the three armies gather under the city of Shenyang at the same time.This time I want to wipe out Jiannu, if there is only our army, Jiannu will inevitably escape. "Zhao Wen pointed in the direction of Shenyang City and said.

"Spout all the scouts at night, and strengthen the connection with the soldiers and horses of the north and the south. We must always know their movements." Zhao Wen turned around, said a few words to the guards beside him, and then Looking at Buhe again, "Your soldiers and horses will also send out the scout Yebu, and cover the surrounding area of ​​the army."

Bu He nodded. He patted his chest and said solemnly, "Don't worry. Although I haven't fought a war for a long time, I still know the most basic things."

At the same time, Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan's troops have arrived in Phoenix.

Because of Huang Taiji's order to strengthen the wall and clear the country, when Zheng Yiguan and Mao Wenlong came to Phoenix City, Phoenix City had already become an empty city.

Basically, everything that could be taken away from the city was taken away by Jiannu, and what could not be taken away was burned.

Phoenix City is located in the southeast of Liaoyang City, and the distance between the two is about 350 miles away.

Because Phoenix City was almost destroyed by Jiannu, Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan arranged the camp outside Phoenix City.

Zheng Yiguan and Mao Wenlong each led [-] troops, for a total of [-] troops.

Mao Wenlong's army has nearly [-]% of the firearms troops, and Zheng Yiguan's firearms troops can be less.

For this battle, Mao Wenlong pulled out three of the 152mm cannon howitzers that Zhao Wen left on Phi Island.

This thing is too heavy to be transported, and the shells used are also very heavy, so Mao Wenlong only brought three of them.

Zheng Yiguan didn't get a 152mm caliber cannon howitzer, but just brought a dozen 107 rocket launchers.

"We are now in Phoenix City, more than 300 miles away from Liaoyang. It is estimated that at this time, the commander-in-chief should soon arrive at Jiannu's lair. Do you think we should speed up?" In Mao Wenlong's big tent, Zheng Yiguan sat opposite Mao Wenlong and asked.

Mao Wenlong said: "I received a letter from the Chief Soldier yesterday, the letter was from the General Soldier before he set off from Khalkha, and the letter said that the Chief Soldier will arrive in Shenyang City almost the day after tomorrow.

This time, the commander-in-chief divided his troops into three groups and attacked Shenyang City from the south, central and north routes.The commander-in-chief is on the middle road. Even if the north and south roads take more time, it will not exceed four days.

In that letter, the commander-in-chief ordered us to attack Liaoyang City, and at the same time build a defense line to the east of Liaoyang City to prevent Jiannu from fleeing eastward.

Therefore, we must arrive at Liaoyang City within four days.It is more than 300 miles from Phoenix City to Liaoyang City. If the infantry is allowed to start first, they can reach Liaoyang City within three days.

In my opinion, let's let the infantry start ahead of schedule, and the artillery and food supplies in the army will move slowly behind. "

"Let the infantry go first? Is this okay? Although I haven't fought against Jiannu, I heard that Jiannu is fierce. According to the news from the last investigation, there are a total of [-] soldiers in Liaoyang City, and [-] Han Eight Banners soldiers. , [-] Mongolian Eight Banners soldiers.

This is a force of 10 people. If they directly attack our infantry after seeing our infantry arrive, can our infantry stop it? "Zheng Yiguan has never fought against Jiannu, and his previous battles were basically at sea. Now this is the first time in his life that he has used large-scale troops on land, and his opponent is still aggressive. Serious slavery, Zheng Yiguan will inevitably feel a little uneasy.

Seeing Zheng Yiguan like this, Mao Wenlong laughed again and again. "Haha, let me say Brother Zheng, although Jiannu's military strength seems outrageous, don't forget, what kind of weapons are they holding?
What they use is just some swords, guns, swords and halberds. Where is the 56 and a half in our hands, 56 is powerful?Even if their cavalry go out of the city, we only need to use 56 and a half, 56 Chong, and a 56-type light machine gun to keep them as many as they come and die.

Don't look at the nearly 3 troops in Liaoyang City, which looks scary. We only have [-] people, but let me tell you, the Jiannu in Liaoyang City would never dare to go out of the city to fight with us.Do you believe it or not? "Mao Wenlong slapped the table with confidence.

Over the past few years, relying on the weapons that Zhao Wen had brought to him, Mao Wenlong dared not say that he could run across the entire Liaodong, but he was not afraid of Huang Taiji.

In the past few years, I don't know how many arrogant soldiers who built slaves have fallen into his hands.

In the past, when soldiers from Dongjiang Town went to harass Liaodong, they had to dodge when they encountered a large number of slaves for fear that others would see them.

But since they had the weapons provided by Zhao Wen, they all wanted to rush to Jiannu's lair.

"In that case, let's listen to you. Let the infantry go first!" Zheng Yiguan let out a sigh of relief, and finally made up his mind.

The night became more and more intense, and the land of Liaodong was completely silent.

Hauge took the lead and divided the three Niulu in his hand into ten parts based on 100 people. After the division, Hauge scattered all the ten parts and headed towards Jingyuan Fort.

Around Jingyuan Fort, Zhao Wen's Chinese army scouts and Buhe's scouts were patrolling here.

The scouts from both sides, Yebushou, quickly collided with each other.

Although Hauge was a brave and foolish man, he was not a fool. After throwing out all the men and horses in his hand, he hid at the back.

Under the darkness of night, the scouts from both sides fought together at night.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A Xuan Zhenyebu watched Jiannu rushing forward, took out the big black star from his waist, and pulled the trigger towards Jiannu who was in range.

However, he emptied all the bullets in the magazine, and because of the darkness, he didn't hit a single round.

Jiannu rushed over with a sneer and waved the long knife in his hand, slashing towards Yebushou.

When the knife in Jiannu's hand was about to hit Xuanzhen Ye Buhui, a long knife with a cold light came from the side and chopped towards Jiannu's neck.

The cotton armor on Jiannu's body is inlaid with iron sheets, and there are several layers of fish scale armor inside the cotton armor.

Jian Nu's cotton armor looks like an airtight iron pipe.However, Jiannu's cotton armor does not mean that there are no flaws.

Although the cotton armor has protection for the neck, it only has a thin layer.

The knives in the hands of the soldiers in Xuanzhen were all made of fine steel. Coupled with the impact of the horse, the knife that was hacked easily broke the protection around the neck of this Jiannu and split his body. neck.

Because of the darkness, it was difficult for the scouts sent by Zhao Wen to hit Hauge's men with weapons.

But even so, the soldiers and horses in Hauge's hands did not take much advantage.

The scout Yebushou sent by Zhao Wen and Buhe was far more powerful than Hauge's. In addition, the weapons and armor of Yebushou sent by Zhao Wenhe and Buhe were much larger than Hauge's. There are too many elite troops.

Although the Zhenghuang Banner in Hauge's hand is a direct descendant of Huang Taiji, the armor on his body is just an ordinary cotton armor. Although he also wears a few pieces of fish scale armor inside, it is still comparable to Zhao Wenbu and their soldiers and horses. Poor.

The armors on Zhao Wenhe's soldiers and horses in Bu He's hands are basically plate armor made of fine steel, and the weapons in their hands are also made of fine steel. Wen and Bu are rivals of men and horses.

Don't look at it as just a piece of armor and a weapon. Behind it is the gap between the two industrial systems. The gap inside is not something that Huang Taiji can catch up with.

Although the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers in Hauge's hands were able to fight together with Zhao Wenbu and Yebushou's scout with their blood at the beginning.

But with the passage of time and the gap in weapons and equipment, Hauge's soldiers and horses began to collapse.

When the sun rose, Hauge led the rest of the troops and ran towards Shenyang City non-stop.

When he came out, Hauge had a total of three Niulu in his hands, totaling more than 1000 people.

But when he went back, Hauge only had more than 300 people left.

Hauge was covered in blood, and he lay down on the horse with a panicked face, and kept looking back.

"Stop chasing, poor people don't chase, let them go!"

A leader who does not receive at night looked at Hauge who was in a panic in front of him, and suddenly grabbed the reins in his hand to stop the horse.

"My lord, why didn't you chase after him?" A soldier following him shouted loudly, looking at Hauge and the others who were going away in front of him.

"Going forward, we will reach the boundary of Shenyang. Although our weapons are more powerful than theirs, if Jiannu uses the tactics of crowds, we may capsize in the gutter." The commander sneered, "Hmph , They ran away. They didn’t even touch our side last night, let them go. When our three-way army gathers under the city of Shenyang, let’s see where they go.”

"withdraw troops!"

Commander Ye Bushou turned his horse's head, roared, and led the people behind him towards Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses.

 Thanks to the user Wang GANG for the reward, and thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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