Chapter 480 You Trash
"My lord, last night Jian Nu Ye Bu Shou launched an attack on us, they tried their best to rush around the camp, but we stopped them all.

Last night, we suffered a total of fifty or sixty casualties, and Horqin lost a total of more than 150 soldiers.

In total, we killed more than 400 Jian slaves and captured nearly 200 more. "

Before dawn, the commander came to Zhao Wen's big tent after a few nights, and notified Zhao Wen of the results of the battle last night.

Zhao Wen stood in the center of the big tent, looked at the commander Yebushou standing in front of him, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Put all these prisoners down, and pry their mouths open for me. The brothers who died in battle should be cremated first." , find a place to bury their ashes, and bring their ashes back to Xuan Town after Da Sheng returns.

The injured brothers should stay here first, send someone to take care of them, and chase after the big troops when their injuries are almost recovered. "

Scout warfare is the cruelest of all wars, and it also tests the will of soldiers the most.

Zhao Wen already knew about this incident last night, but he still didn't expect that the casualties would be so great.

"Hmph, it seems that Jianu is in a hurry, and wants to try his best to find out our details.

Since Jianu wants to know our details so much, then we can't let them know our details. "Zhao Wen snorted coldly, and said again: "Send the order down, close the camp and march."All Ye Buchai in the army should run far away for me, and once I find Ye Buchao who is a slave, I will kill them on the spot. "

"Obey!" Commander Yebushou in the big tent yelled at Zhao Wen and ran outside.

Jingyuan Fort is not far from Shenyang City, and it will only take a day if you hurry up.

Now Zhao Wen is still more than 50 miles away from Jingyuan Fort, and last night's fight took place in Jingyuan Fort.

When the sun began to slant westward, Hauge finally rushed back to Shenyang City.

At this time, Huang Taiji was wearing armor and patrolling the walls of Shenyang City.

Looking at the earthen wall built outside the city and the various traps in the earthen wall, he couldn't help feeling more confident.

"Haha, we have 15 soldiers and horses in Shengjing City, and we can definitely block Xuanzhen from Shengjing City.

When Father Khan set up his army with thirteen sets of armor, it was much more difficult than it is now.At that time, the Ming Kingdom was still an unattainable existence above our heads, and we Houjin had to rely on Ming's breath no matter what we did.

Among other things, Li Chengliang in Liaodong alone has made us rich.At that time, Daming stationed hundreds of thousands of troops in Liaodong.

At that time, Father Khan's wish was only to unify the Jurchen tribes, and he didn't even dare to think about attacking Daming.

But Huangtian paid off, and the Japanese country even sent troops to North Korea.And North Korea's soldiers and horses are all native chickens and dogs, which can't stop the soldiers and horses of Japan at all.

In just a few months, the country was even destroyed by the Wa country.At this time, Daming sent troops.At that time, Father Khan asked to join the war, thinking about whether he could make a contribution in this war, and then took the opportunity to ask Daming for some benefits.But who knows, Daming was arrogant from top to bottom and denied his father Khan's request.

Fortunately, Father Khan did not go, although the Korean War was won.But the elite of Liaodong was almost wiped out, and Li Chengliang's Li family army was defeated, and the army was defeated.

After this battle, Father Khan seized the opportunity to unify all Jurchen ministries, and then attacked Daming.

Had it not been for the Korean War, Father Khan would not have dared to raise troops against the Ming Dynasty.However, God is on our side, and God wants us to rule the Central Plains and rule the world.

How many of us did Chenghua Liting Ming Dynasty kill?Emperor Xianzong smashed his lair and exterminated his race, how many people of our clan were killed?
Throughout Liaodong, between the white mountains and the black waters, there are corpses of clansmen everywhere.That's blood flowing like rivers and corpses strewn all over the field. "

Standing on the west wall of Shenyang City, Huang Taiji supported the female wall, and loudly told the past of Jurchen's various ministries, and even shed a few tears when he talked about the sad place.

Chenghua Liting had a great influence on the Jurchens, almost killing them to extinction.Historically, even when Dorgon entered the customs, the total number of Jurchens was only a few hundred thousand.

Although Chenghua Liting was ruthless, it was what they asked for.

After the defeat of Tumubao that year, the national power of Ming Dynasty gradually declined.Coupled with the subsequent incident of seizing the door, the Ming Dynasty was in chaos.

When Emperor Xianzong first ascended the throne, Jianzhou Jurchen thought that Ming Dynasty had declined and that Ming Dynasty was easy to bully, so they invaded Liaodong.

At the beginning of Emperor Xianzong's accession to the throne, the Jurchen tribe headed by Dong Shan (the fifth ancestor of Nurhachi) directly invaded Sandaoguan and killed the commander of the capital Deng Zuo.

After that, they successively invaded Lianshan Pass, Kaiyuan, Fushun, Tieling, Ningyuan, Guangning and other places, basically robbing Liaodong.

They even raised troops to push Shanhaiguan, ready to knock on the pass and enter.

According to historical records, during this invasion, Dong Shan looted and killed more than 10,000 border residents, destroyed dozens of cities and fortresses, and burned countless grain fields.

Emperor Xianzong experienced the change of civil fortress and the change of seizing the door since he was a child, and tasted the warmth and coldness of the world.

For various reasons, Emperor Xianzong must be jealous of evil.

At the beginning, Emperor Xianzong ordered Dong Shan to be punished.

But Dong Shan didn't take it seriously, killed the Ming envoy, and threatened to go to Shanhaiguan to capture Emperor Xianzong alive.

Under Dong Shan's repeated provocations, Emperor Xianzong couldn't bear it anymore, and ordered General Zhao Fu to lead [-] troops from the Beijing camp to attack Liaodong in three routes. At the same time, he ordered the King of Korea to send troops to assist General Zhao Fu. It lasted a total of five years.

Emperor Xianzong's 5 horses were all veterans who had fought in the defense of the capital, and their combat effectiveness was astonishing.

In Liaodong, Dong Shan and others were directly pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Huang Taiji paused for a moment, wiped away his tears, and then shouted again.

"This battle is a test for us. If we can persevere in this battle, we will definitely be able to rule the Central Plains in the future.

When the time comes, Ben Khan will take you to the capital of the Ming Dynasty to watch the snow, and take you to the Jinling Fireworks Field in the south of the Yangtze River to watch the rain. "

Every time Huang Taiji shouted, the guards standing beside him would convey his voice.

When his voice fell completely, all the defenders inside and outside the city walls cheered.

Almost all the soldiers shouted long live to Huang Taiji.

It has to be said that Huang Taiji is still a qualified actor after all, and he was able to mobilize the morale of all soldiers under such circumstances.

Standing beside Huang Taiji, Obai looked at the high-spirited soldiers, and shouted at Huang Taiji excitedly: "The army's heart is available, the army's heart is available, the master congratulates the slave, the master congratulates the slave, this battle After the victory, the servant felt that the Great Khan should go to the next level and become the emperor!"

Listening to Oboi's voice, Huang Taiji laughed loudly and said, "There is no rush to become the emperor. When Ben Khan conquers the Ming capital, wouldn't it be wonderful to be enthroned and proclaim the emperor there?"

"Haha, what the Khan said is true, what the Khan said is true." The people on the city wall flattered Huang Taiji's ass, looking as if they had won a battle and were thriving.

However, the days of excitement are always short-lived.

Just when everyone was so excited, a basin of cold water was poured over their heads.

I saw a team in a state of distress appearing outside the west city wall and rushing towards this side.

Looking at the team's attire, Huang Taiji instantly understood that these were the three bull records he had given to Hauge to investigate the enemy's situation.

"Why did only so few people come back? I gave him three ox records, but why did he bring back less than one ox record? What's going on?" Huang Taiji's smile froze on his face, and his face was completely pale. collapsed.

The atmosphere on the city wall also instantly fell silent, and everyone's expressions changed from excited to dignified.

"Father Khan, quickly open the city gate, quickly open the city gate!" Hauge leaned on his horse, and when he saw Huang Taiji standing on the city wall, he hurriedly shouted loudly.

Huang Taiji pulled his face, pointed at Hauge below, and said in a deep voice: "Let this rebellious son come to me, I want to see what he did, I gave him three bull records, Why do you only bring back one Niulu now, what is this for, what is this for?"

Looking at the demoralized and torn-armored soldiers below, Huang Taiji was choked with anger.

Just by looking at it like this, it goes without saying that Huang Taiji already knew the outcome of the matter, and Hauge must have failed.

Not only did it fail, but it also took two of its own cattle into it.These are two Zhenghuangqi Niulu, they are all veteran soldiers, and now Hauge has lost them without saying a word.

Especially the morale that I had managed to arouse just now has been completely wiped out by Hauge.

Huang Taiji now has the heart to kill Hauge.

If it weren't for the fact that there are too many people around now, Huang Taiji would definitely point at Hauge and yell at him regardless of his image.

A quarter of an hour later, Hauge was taken up the city wall.

As soon as Hauge was taken to the city wall, he knelt down in front of Huang Taiji, hugged Huang Taiji's thigh, and cried, "Father Khan, Father Khan, my son is really helpless, Xuanzhen and Horqin will not accept you at night. The number of troops was really too much, and as soon as Erchen led the soldiers and horses arrived at Jingyuan Fort, they encountered a large group of soldiers who did not accept them at night.

These nights are not collected in large numbers and with elite weapons.We are not opponents at all, we tried our best to rush forward, trying to check the front, but we just couldn't rush in.

These soldiers and horses seem to have as many as 4000 to [-] people. If so many are not collected at night, we are not opponents at all. "

Hauge knew that he had lost so many Zhenghuang Banners, and that Huang Taiji would never let him go, so he cried with snot and tears, looking very pitiful.

Hauge's snot and tears were all over Huang Taiji's trouser legs.

Seeing Hauge like this, Huang Taiji raised his kick and kicked Hauge out.

"Let me ask you, have you figured out the soldiers and horses in Xuan Town? How many soldiers and horses are there in Xuan Town?" Huang Taiji held back the anger in his heart, pointed at Hauge who was kicked out, and asked through gritted teeth.

Hauge was kicked back several steps by Huang Taiji, he hurriedly climbed to Huang Taiji's feet, and kowtowed to Huang Taiji non-stop.

"Father Khan, they have too many troops. I don't know how many people they have. I can't get close to their large army. I really have no choice.

It's not that the son doesn't use his strength, there is really no way. "Hauge kowtowed and wept bitterly.

"How many people have you brought back now? I gave you a total of three Niulu, a total of more than 1000 people, how many did you bring back?" Huang Taiji asked coldly.

Hauge raised his head and said with dodge eyes: "Father, there are only more than 300 people left, which is worthy of a record!"

When Huang Taiji heard this, he was almost pissed off by Hauge.

Co-authoring you lost more than 600 people and nearly 700 people. You have not figured out anything, the number of soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen Town, and the weapons and equipment have not been figured out.

"Where are you going to investigate the enemy's situation? You are just going to give away the head clearly. How can I have a trash son like you?" Huang Taiji was so angry that he couldn't get any further. He directly picked up the long knife hanging from his waist and was about to chop towards Hauge.

"Khan can't!" Obai and the guards next to Huang Taiji hurriedly stopped Huang Taiji, and at the same time kept persuading Huang Taiji.

"Big Khan, it is well known that Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses are powerful. This time, even if I leave it to someone else, it is impossible to do better than him." Obai grabbed Huang Taiji's wrist holding the knife, and hurriedly persuading.

"Father Khan, although I haven't found out the real number of soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen, I can estimate how many soldiers and horses they have based on the fact that Xuanzhen soldiers and horses are not collected at night." Hauge looked at the extremely angry Huang Taiji, and hurriedly Throw out this rhetoric to justify yourself.

Huang Taiji put down the long knife in his hand, looked at Hauge out of breath, and asked coldly, "How do you calculate?"

Hauge hurriedly said: "Father, according to my fight last night, there were about 4000 people in Xuanzhen Yebushou and Horqin Yebushou we met last night.

If there were 3 troops in Xuanzhen, then they should be able to send four to five thousand or even more Ye Bu Shou, it is impossible to have only this little. "

"Let me ask you, where did you meet those three or four thousand nights? Was it in Jingyuan Fort? Shifangsi Fort or Changsheng Fort? Or was it a combination of these places?" Tai Chi looked at Hauge coldly and asked.

Hauge said hesitantly, "Father Khan, I just met you in Jingyuan Fort."

"Bah!" Hearing this, Huang Taiji spit thick phlegm directly on Hauge's face.

"You trash, trash, I thought you had checked Shifang Temple Castle and other places that were attacked before, but I didn't expect you to only inspect Jingyuan Castle, you are trash, trash.

There are three or four thousand nights in Jingyuan Fort alone, which means that there are at least [-] Xuanzhen troops there.Even if there are Horqin soldiers and horses, there are at least [-] Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, and this is just Jingyuan Fort.

Now that we don't even know the most basic number of enemy troops, how can we fight this battle?I originally thought you could figure out the enemy's situation, but I didn't expect you to be a waste.

I just said, why did you come back so soon? It turned out that you only went to Jingyuan Fort. Pooh! "

(End of this chapter)

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