Chapter 481
"Trash, trash. You are such a trash. I really didn't expect that in my life, I would have such a trash son as you. What a trash!"

Huang Taiji kicked Hauge out again.

"Sweat to dissipate your breath, sweat to dissipate your breath, it's not worth it, it's not worth it." Obai pulled Huang Taiji and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Father Khan, it's not that the ministers don't use their strength. It's because they have too many people, and the weapons in their hands are too powerful. I can't do anything about it." Hauge hurriedly climbed in front of Huang Taiji again, non-stop Kowtow to admit his mistake.

"Hmph, you still want to be a Khan with your appearance? What a joke, if I hand over the position of Khan to you, I'm afraid Houjin will not live long. You are really stupid, stupid."

Huang Taiji was extremely annoyed, he really didn't expect that he gave Haoge three Niulu, more than a thousand people, and asked him to investigate the enemy's situation.

Huang Taiji also didn't want Hao Ge to get a clear picture of all the movements of Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses. Even if he didn't figure it out, at least he wanted to bring back the men.

But who knew that only one-third of it was brought back, which was worthy of a record.

"Come on, lock Hauge up for me. Without my order, no one is allowed to release him, and no one is allowed to visit him." Huang Taiji pointed at Hauge who was kneeling on the ground, and said sarcastically .

As soon as the words fell, three or four personal guards came out from behind Huang Taiji, lifted Hauge who was kneeling on the ground, and walked towards the bottom of the city wall.

As soon as Hauge heard Huang Taiji's order, he was instantly sluggish like an eggplant beaten by frost. Hauge knew that he might lose his crown prince position.

Thinking that he was not destined to be the crown prince, Hauge felt so bitter in his heart that he was dragged down by Huang Taiji's guards in a daze.

After Hauge was dragged down, Huang Taiji took a deep breath to calm down his excitement and anger.

"Hmph, how stupid!" Huang Taiji looked at the direction Hauge left, cursed, then looked at the people on the city wall, and shouted: "Go back to the palace!"

Huang Taiji's current face has been completely humiliated by Hauge, and he has no face to stand here and say some morale-boosting words.

Because of Hauge's appearance, the morale that Huang Taiji had finally mobilized was severely hit.

"Is there really no way out for our Houjin?" Dorgon's younger brother Duoduo looked at the leaving figure of Huang Taiji, and then looked at the defenders on the city wall, and said a little lonely.

Dorgon sighed, looking at the earthen wall outside the city wall in a daze, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long time, Dorgon looked at Duo Duo and said, "How are you doing what you were asked to do before?"

"It's almost there. Although many officers in the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner have been replaced by Huang Taiji, there are still many people who are loyal to us. The matter you entrusted to me will be finished in about two days. Can complete it all." Dodo replied.

Dorgon nodded, "If that's the case, then I'm relieved. By the way, when transferring the family members from the city, you must disguise them well so that no one else will find out.

Although Huang Taiji has been worrying about the soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen for the past few days, and he is not strict about the affairs in the city, he can't let outsiders find out.

You tell those two white flag soldiers who are loyal to us, after transferring the family members, be smart in the subsequent defense of the city, and retreat immediately if nothing can be done.

Shengjing City was handed over to Huang Taiji by Father Khan, but not to me. There is no need for me to be buried with Huang Taiji for Shengjing City. "

When carrying out Huang Taiji's order to strengthen the wall and clear the country, Dorgon kept an eye on it.

That is to take advantage of the gap between the solid wall and the clearing of the field, to transfer myself and Duoduo's family members, as well as the family members of the officers loyal to their brothers in the two white flags, out of the city.

The destination of the transfer is no other place, but the place where Nurhachi was born, Hetuala.

Hetuala is in the east of Shenyang, about 300 miles to nearly 400 miles away from Shenyang.

Hetuala is the place where Nurhachi was born and where Nurhachi made his fortune.It is called Laozhai by Jiannu, and it is the place where Jiannu lived.

After such a long transfer, the families of Dorgon and Duduo, as well as the families of the two white flag officers loyal to them, have almost been transferred.

Ever since he knew that Xuanzhen was going to attack Liaodong, Dorgon had no intention of defending Shengjing City with Huang Taiji.

Although Dorgon told Huang Taiji before that as long as he persisted for a few months, he could win the final victory.

But those words were only for Huang Taiji, to prevent him from doubting himself.

Dorgon knew Xuanzhen's strength. In his opinion, even if all the troops were armed, they were not Xuanzhen's opponent.

Although Shengjing City is high and deep, it is still a question of whether it can hold on under the cannons of Xuanzhen.

Therefore, when implementing Huang Taiji's order to strengthen the wall and clear the country, Dorgon quietly transferred himself, Duoduo, and the families of the two white banner officers who were loyal to him to Hetuala.

Because Huang Taiji had been worrying about city defense, he didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the city.

In addition, the order to strengthen the wall and clear the field was mainly carried out by Dorgon, Jierhalang and other Beizi Baylor, so Huang Taiji was not aware of Dorgon's small actions.

"Hmph, you pretended to say that forcing my mother to death was a helpless act, and you wanted me to defend Shengjing City with you. What a joke. This Shengjing City was left to you by Father Khan, and you belong to Houjin Big Khan, I'm not, why should I help you guard Shengjing City?

Besides, the edict of my father Khan back then clearly enshrined me as the Great Khan.But who knew that you cut off your beard halfway and changed your will, otherwise, it would be me who is sitting in the position of Da Khan, not you, a fat man.

If I were sweating profusely, it would be absolutely impossible for us Houjin to become what we are now. "Dorgon stood on the edge of the city wall, clenched his fists, beating the crenels of the city wall, with a vicious expression on his face.

Two days later, the fortifications outside Shenyang City were basically completed.

At this time, Zhao Wen had already led the soldiers and horses of the Chinese army to twenty miles outside Shenyang City.

As Zhao Wen continued to approach Shenyang City, the number of Jiannu visiting horses also increased.

Even if Zhao Wen sent a large number of Yebushou to cover the battlefield, it was inevitable that Jiannu's scouts would know the movements of Zhao Wenzhong's army.

Shenyang City is located in the middle of the Liaohe Plain in the Northeast Plain, surrounded by flat terrain and fertile land.

There are hilly areas in the northeast and southeast of Shenyang, but the altitude of these hills is not very high, and they belong to the kind of low-altitude hills.

Shenyang's overall terrain slopes gently from east to west. Although it is not as good as the vast Central Plains, it is much better than the southwest.

Twenty miles to the west of Shenyang City, there is a wasteland. The wasteland is black soil. Although it has the influence of the Little Ice Age, it is already the beginning of April, and grass has sprouted from the black soil.

This piece of black land used to be farmland, but after Jiannu captured Liaodong, due to wars and population decline, large areas of land were abandoned, and this piece of land was no exception.

Zhao Wen stationed his Chinese army camp here. According to reports from the messengers sent out, the soldiers from the south and north would have two days to arrive, so Zhao Wen did not launch an attack directly, but chose to Wait two days first.

Zhao Wen hadn't been walking on the black soil for a long time before he stopped suddenly.

The land is covered with fallen leaves and dead branches, which are soft to step on.

He squatted down and dug a handful of dirt in the black ground beneath his feet.

"This land is so fat, you can live with a stick of chopsticks!" Zhao Wen said with a smile on his face as he looked at the fat and oily black soil in his hands.

It is Zhao Wen's exaggeration to say that he can live with a stick of chopsticks, describing the fertile land.

Bu He squatted next to Zhao Wen and dug a piece of soil from the ground just like Zhao Wen did.

"The land here is indeed fertile, but in the past few years, the weather has been getting colder and colder. No matter how fertile the land here is, it is useless. The food grown may be frozen to death." Bu He will hold the soil in his hands and speak. Said.

Zhao Wen didn't answer, instead he stood up, pulled out the knife from his waist, and started digging on the ground.

"Dig it for me. I want to see how thick the black soil here is." After digging for a long time, Zhao Wen only managed to dig a small pit less than ten centimeters deep.

He wiped the sweat off his brow, and shouted to the guard next to him.

Seeing this, the guards hurriedly pulled out the long knives from their waists, and started digging on the ground like a hoe.

After digging for about half an hour, the color of the pit finally changed.

Although the color has changed, it is still black, but the color is slightly lighter, not as black as the surface of the ground.

The pit was almost two feet long and more than 60 centimeters deep.

Zhao Wen looked at the pit on the ground, put the long knife in his hand back into the scabbard, then lay down on the pit, helped himself down, and measured the depth of the pit with a letter.

"It's nearly two feet deep, and it's just that the color has faded, tsk tsk tsk, it's so rich." Zhao Wen sat on the ground after measuring, looking at the earth pit on the ground with non-stop joy.

The Northeast Black Land of later generations is the largest commercial grain production base in the country, producing more than 250 billion kilograms of commercial grain every year.

Especially in the Wuchang area of ​​Heilongjiang, where the black soil is as deep as two or three meters deep, and the Wuchang rice produced is famous far and wide.

"With such a fertile land, even if we don't use chemical fertilizers, we only need to do a good job of weeding and pest control. Even if we only plant one season of grain throughout the year, we can still produce a lot." Zhao Wen stood up, looking at the vast black land, Said happily.

Bu He listened to the word chemical fertilizer that came out of Zhao Wen's mouth. Although he didn't understand, he didn't ask.

"The people are the foundation of the country, and food is the root of the people. As the saying goes, if you have food in your hands, don't panic. If the entire black land in Northeast China is developed, I don't know how many people will be fed. Liaodong, I am sure!"

Zhao Wen will take the route of overseas expansion in the future, and this route requires a huge population. In ancient times, when medical care was not perfect, food played a decisive role in population growth.

Although Southeast Asia is also very suitable for growing food, who would dislike having a lot of food in their hands?
Bu He looked at the excited Zhao Wen, but he didn't feel much emotion in his heart.

Horqin is a nomadic tribe. Although they have gradually settled down under the influence of Zhao Wen in recent years, they lack the emphasis on farming.

Zhao Wen wandered around for more than an hour, and then returned to the barracks.

Not long after Zhao Wen set up the camp, Huang Taiji knew the news.

The current Huang Taiji was running around in the imperial study room, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his fat face was stained with oil.

"Too fast, too fast, how could it be so fast? How could it be so fast?" The money rattail braid on Huang Taiji's head followed him non-stop, swaying non-stop, like a mouse tail , swinging non-stop.

"Is the news detected true?" Huang Taiji looked at Dorgon standing in the imperial study with a gloomy face, and asked again.

Dorgon nodded, and said with a trembling voice: "Hui Dahan, although Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses are not collected at night, we try our best to prevent our army from investigating, but we still found some.

Now Xuanzhen soldiers and horses have been stationed twenty miles west of Shengjing City. Judging from the size of their camp, the number of them may not be less than 2.

After they settled down, they didn't move. They seemed to be waiting for someone. In my opinion, I'm afraid there will be soldiers coming later. "

Huang Taiji was overwhelmed by Dorgon's words. Although he had arranged an army of 15 in Shengjing City, he was still terrified when facing the soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen.

During the battle to defend the capital that year, Zhao Wen left a deep impression on him, so deep that when he thought of that scene, he felt a little terrified.

Ever since Huang Taiji rebelled against the Ming Dynasty, this kind of situation has never happened, and he has never been frightened to such an extent.

At this moment, Obai led a soldier covered in blood to the outside of the imperial study.

"Khan, there is an urgent military situation in Shifang Temple Fort!" Standing outside the imperial study, Aobai shouted loudly into the imperial study.

Huang Taiji's heart twitched, and he said anxiously, "Come in and talk!"

Aobai led the soldier covered in blood and rushed in.

This bloody soldier was a scout horse sent by Huang Taiji to the vicinity of Shifang Temple Castle before, asking them to spy on the movement of soldiers and horses in Xuan Town near Shifang Temple Castle.

Before Wu Keshan divided the soldiers and horses he brought out into five groups to advance towards Shenyang, and Shifang Temple Fort was one of the fortresses they attacked.

The general who attacked Shifang Temple Fort was Manzhu Xili. The number of soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen in Manzhu Xili's hands was not large, only more than 200, and there were fewer weapons to attack the city, so the Shifang Temple Fort was not damaged. too serious.

When Zhao Wen arrived in Khalkha, Manzhu Xili followed Zhao Wen's order and took the soldiers stationed in Shifangsibao to Zhou Laoliu's army in charge of the northern front.

As soon as Manzhu Xili evacuated, he was found out by Tanma who was wandering nearby, and at the same time reported the news to Huang Taiji.

After Huang Taiji heard the news, he sent a Niulu soldier with a yellow banner to Shifangsibao to act as a scout horse and search around with Shifangsibao as the center.

However, within a few days of stationing, just the day before Zhao Wen arrived in Shenyang City, Zhou Laoliu led his troops to Shifang Temple Fort and launched a surprise attack on Shifang Temple Fort.

In Zhou Laoliu's fierce artillery fire, Shifang Temple Castle was reduced to ruins.

The Xianghuang Banner soldiers stationed in Shifangsibao were also killed by Zhou Laoliu.

Although Zhou Laoliu had a large number of troops, a few soldiers with yellow flags ran out.

"What's going on?" Huang Taiji looked at the soldier covered in blood, his heart was beating violently uncontrollably, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

With a mournful face, the soldier knelt down in front of Huang Taiji and cried loudly, "Khan, more than 2 soldiers and horses have arrived from Shifang Temple Castle. Among them are [-] Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, There are [-] Horqin cavalry. Their firepower is too fierce. We originally wanted to resist for a few days in the Shifang Temple Castle to delay the time, but unexpectedly, they fired directly at the Shifang Temple Castle. The whole day was savagely bombed, and a large number of brothers were killed in the bombing.

A dozen or so brothers and I were lucky enough to escape through the East City Gate, which was not affected by the artillery fire, but the other brothers were not so lucky, and a large number of them were killed by the bombing.

After the dozen or so brothers and I escaped, we captured a few of Horqin's scouts, and one of them was the leader of Horqin's scouts, who knew a lot of things.

Under our forced confessions, we also figured out the origins of these people.

This is the northern line army of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses. There are a total of [-] soldiers and horses, of which [-] soldiers and horses are Horqin cavalry, and the other ten thousand are Xuanzhen soldiers and horses.

In addition to the northern front, there is also the southern front led by Zhang He and Wang Chong. The southern army has [-] soldiers and horses from Xuanzhen, and [-] cavalry from the grassland tribes.

The central line of troops was led by Zhao Wen, the general soldier of Xuanzhen, with a total of [-].Zhao Wen led [-] Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, and the remaining [-] were Horqin soldiers led by Bu He.

According to the few Horqin detectives we captured, the previous incident was not Xuanzhen soldiers at all, but suspicious soldiers sent by Horqin to confuse us. There were only more than 6000 people in total. 500 people.

Huh, we were fooled by that bastard Khalkha. "

The soldier wept bitterly and kowtowed every time he said a word. When he finished speaking, his forehead was broken.

Hearing the soldier's voice, Huang Taiji's eyes widened, his body trembling unceasingly.

Seeing this, Aobai hurriedly supported him, for fear that Huang Taiji would fall down.

After the soldier finished speaking, Huang Taiji's body shook violently, and his eyes were about to pop out.

"Drink, drink, drink!" Huang Taiji pointed at the soldiers on the ground, gasping for breath as if his throat was stuck in thick phlegm, unable to speak.

"Quickly pass on the imperial doctor, sweating is not smooth, and I am suffocating." Obai looked at Huang Taiji like this, and hurriedly shouted a few words to the outside of the imperial study room, and then hurriedly supported Huang Taiji towards the imperial study room Go to the seat above.

But before taking two steps, Huang Taiji spurted out a mouthful of blood, and cursed in anger, anxiety, remorse, and pain: "Kalka, I **** your ancestor, I ***Your ancestor."

"Sweating profusely!!!" Obai looked at Huang Taiji who was vomiting blood in anger, he hurriedly shouted, and helped Huang Taiji quickly walk towards the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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