Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 482 How about we take the opportunity to make trouble?

Chapter 482 How about we take the opportunity to make trouble?
As soon as Oboi helped Huang Taiji to the chair, Huang Taiji spat out a mouthful of blood again.

"Damn it, really damn it. Horqin has 5000 troops, plus Xuanzhen's 500 troops, just such a small number of troops scared us so much that we dared not even move, and even brought back the soldiers who attacked North Korea.

What a shame, what a shame.I, Huang Taiji, dare not say that I am wise and brave, but I am not an ordinary person. How could I be deceived into this by the three anti-bones of Khalkha Sanbu?

Khalkha oh Khalkha, you are really good, you are really good allies of Ben Khan. "Huang Taiji's mouth was covered with blood. He looked in the direction of the Khalkha tribe, gnashing his teeth and cursing.

"Khan, don't be angry, your body is important, your body is important!" Kneeling in front of Huang Taiji, Ao Bai kept stroking Huang Taiji's back, persuading him.

But how could Huang Taiji be persuaded by Aobai?Huang Taiji has never been deceived in such a big way.

Huang Taiji couldn't beat Xuanzhen, Huang Taiji recognized it, after all Xuanzhen's weapons and equipment were not comparable to them.

But what are the three bastards of Khalkha Tribune?They are just defeated under their own hands, where do they have the courage to lie to themselves?Moreover, he deceived himself into curling up all his troops in Liaodong, not even daring to move.

"Huchi, Huchi, Huchi!" Huang Taiji supported the table with his right hand, his head was dizzy, and he kept panting heavily.

The longer he grew, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

He looked at the increasingly blurred scene in front of him, his head sank, and his body began to sway involuntarily.


Amidst the exclamation of Aobai and others, Huang Taiji passed out.

Seeing Huang Taiji's body about to fall to the ground, Oboi hastily stretched his body under Huang Taiji's body to act as a pad, fearing that he might hurt Huang Taiji.

The eunuchs in the imperial study room, the guards outside the door, and Dorgon and others hurried towards Huang Taiji.

"Bring Khan to the bedroom quickly!" Dorgon pointed in the direction of the bedroom, and shouted loudly at the crowd.

The people around hurriedly set up Huang Taiji, and hurriedly ran towards the bedroom.

Not long after arriving at the bedroom, the imperial doctor came down to the bedroom with the medicine box on his back, led by the guards.

Not only the imperial doctor, but the concubines in the harem, Fu Jin, heard that Huang Taiji had fainted, and all of them ran to Huang Taiji's bedroom, crying like mourning.

"You all get out, get out!" Dorgon looked at these concubines Fujin who were crying around Huang Taiji, and cursed with a dark face.

Although these concubines Fujin are all Huang Taiji's women, they are only Huang Taiji's women.

Although Dorgon is not a profuse sweat, his deterrent power is still there.

Under Dorgon's scolding, coupled with the dissuasion of Ao Bai and others, these concubines Fujin withdrew again.

After the concubine Fujin had gone out, the imperial doctor sat in front of Huang Taiji's bed and began to feel Huang Taiji's pulse.

"The qi and blood attack the heart, the qi and blood surge up, and the profuse sweating is stimulated. Coupled with the anxiety disorder, the problem is not very big."

Sitting in front of Huang Taiji's bed, the imperial doctor found out the reason for Huang Taiji's fainting within a short time.

"Why don't you get a diagnosis and treatment quickly?" Obai's eyes were like bull's eyes, and he roared at the imperial doctor.

"Keep your voice down, be careful not to disturb Da Khan!" Dorgon stood at the back, frowned and looked at Oboi, and scolded him.

Aobai hurriedly closed his mouth, and squatted halfway in front of Huang Taiji's bed without saying a word.

The imperial doctor opened the medicine box he had brought, took out a few silver needles from inside, and after baking them with candles on the table next to him, he began to pierce Huang Taiji's body.

"Let Da Khan sleep for a while now. It is estimated that after an hour, Da Khan will wake up. I will prescribe some medicine for calming the nerves and nourishing the mind." The imperial doctor put the silver needles back into the medicine box, and then took out a piece of paper With a writing brush, I sat on the edge of the bed and began to write.

After a while, the imperial doctor handed the prescription to Dorgon.

Dorgon took the prescription, looked at it, and then said to Duo Duo who was standing next to him: "Take him down!"

Duoduo nodded, and then led the imperial doctor out.

When the moon rose, the sky was completely dark.

Huang Taiji, who was lying in the bedroom, opened his eyes leisurely, and looked around in a daze.

"Khan, you're awake!" Sitting next to Huang Taiji, Dorgon, who was looking after Huang Taiji, looked at Huang Taiji who slowly opened his eyes, and whispered in surprise.

Just now, Dorgon really wanted to suffocate Huang Taiji to death with a pillow.

But the reality tells him that he can't do this, if Huang Taiji is really suffocated to death, not to mention whether Oboi who is guarding outside the door can let him go, the battle of defending the city will not help him.

Do you really want to let yourself fight the city defense battle?
If Huang Taiji was suffocated to death at this time, then he could only rely on himself to defend the city, but he didn't want to fight this city defense at all.

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, Huang Taiji cannot die at this time.

"Come here, sweat is awake!" Dorgon looked at Huang Taiji who had woken up, and hurriedly shouted to the outside.

Aobai outside the door heard the commotion inside, and hurriedly led the people in.

"Sweating profusely!!!" Obai looked at Huang Taiji who had already woken up, and knelt down on the ground at once, with both knees crawling forward non-stop, he came in front of Huang Taiji.

"Is the sweat better?" Obai looked at Huang Taiji and asked hurriedly.

Huang Taiji took a deep breath and sighed, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Back to Dahan, it took about an hour." Aobai replied.

"Help me up!" Huang Taiji struggled to sit up from the bed.

Seeing this, Obai hurriedly helped Huang Taiji up from the bed.

Dorgon also hastily stretched out his hand to help Huang Taiji up.

"Khan, just now the doctor said to let you sleep for a while, you should rest now, if there is anything, we will notify you." Dorgon looked at the pale Huang Taiji, and persuaded him sincerely .

Although Dorgon said so, but in his heart he wished that Huang Taiji would get up quickly and make his condition worse.

Seeing Huang Taiji like this, Dorgon was already happy.

"Now that Xuanzhen's army is overwhelming, how can I sleep?" Huang Taiji looked worried and sad.

"Bring the armor, Ben Khan is going to inspect the city wall." Huang Taiji looked at the darkened sky outside the window, and said again.

Obai tried to persuade him for a while, but he couldn't persuade him, so he could only let him go.

A few quarters of an hour later, Huang Taiji appeared on the city wall of Shenyang wearing a bright yellow armor.

He looked at the city wall illuminated by torches in the night, and the sadness on his face dissipated a little.

"It has been more than ten years since Father Khan moved into Shengjing City. This is the place where my Houjin rose, and we must guard it." Huang Taiji looked at the defenders on the city wall and murmured.

Standing behind Huang Taiji, Dorgon said: "That's right, this used to be Shenyang City of the Ming Dynasty. Although the city walls were tall back then, they were not as majestic as they are now.

Since Father Khan entered Shenyang City, he began to build Shenyang City non-stop, and at the same time changed its name to Shengjing City.

For so many years, Shengjing City has become prosperous under our rule.I remember that when we were stationed in Shengjing City, Father Khan was still worried that Daming would attack, especially the bloody battle of Hunhe, but it frightened us.

Fortunately, the artillery on the top of the city was used to bombard the Qi's army and the white soldiers, otherwise we might really be beaten back. "

"Hmph, Daming is exhausted. Shengjing City is our land of prosperity. Actually, they can take it away? Daming can't take it away, and Xuanzhen can't take it away either." Huang Taiji snorted coldly, and then began to fight on the city wall patrol up.

"The order continues to closely monitor the movement of the enemy troops outside the city, and send all the scouts I can send out, and don't be afraid of casualties.

The north and south should also be monitored by me. If any enemy comes, please notify me immediately. "After inspecting the city wall, Huang Taiji stood under the city wall, glanced at the city wall, and said to Dorgon.

Dorgon nodded, "Khan, don't worry, I will definitely keep a close eye on the enemy troops outside the city!"


"Unexpectedly, soldiers and horses actually came to attack Liaodong, and they directly attacked Jiannu's lair. Which general led the soldiers and horses? Could it be Grandpa Qi's descendants?"

Although the news of Huang Taiji was tightly blocked, but now that Zhao Wenbing was approaching the city, the news of the army's conquest was spreading in Shenyang City, and these laborers also heard some rumors.

Grandpa Qi is Qi Jiguang. In this era, Qi Jiguang's reputation is very resounding, and he is the God of War in the hearts of the people of Ming Dynasty.

Behind the city wall of Shenyang, in a camp not far from the city wall, a man was lying on a kang in a dilapidated thatched hut, and said to the man lying next to him in the dark.

The people accommodated in this camp were laborers who built fortifications outside the city. They lived in some simple and dilapidated thatched huts, with a big earthen kang inside, which could sleep seven or eight people.

"I don't know, anyway, judging from Jiannu's reaction, these people must have a lot of background, and their combat effectiveness is also very strong.

Otherwise, Jianu wouldn't let us build so many fortifications outside. The man next to him was lying on the earthen kang covered with straw, his arms were pillowed, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Do you think we should take advantage of the situation to cause trouble in the city and cooperate with the officers and soldiers outside the city? To avenge the dead folks!"

These people thought that the soldiers and horses that attacked Liaodong were sent by the imperial court, so they called the soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen the official army.

"Oh, if only my daughter-in-law and children could live to this day. These slaves are really nothing. In order to save food, they killed all the old, weak, women and children. They should be damned!" The man thought of himself as he spoke. His wife and children burst into tears.

In order to save food, Jianu gathered all the old, weak, women and children among the Ming people and moved them in the direction of Hetuala.

It is said that for the convenience of management, they will be sent away.

But these remaining Ming people understand that this is not transferring them, it is letting them die.

It's not that Jian Nu didn't do this kind of thing before.

(End of this chapter)

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