Chapter 483 In Shenyang City
"Do you think the imperial army can recover Liaodong this time? It's not that the imperial court has never attacked Liaodong before, but they have never succeeded. If we don't succeed this time, I'm afraid we will die of old age under Jiannu's hands." .”

Under the night sky, bright moonlight shone in through the windowless hole in the wall of the barracks, and cast it on the faces of the talking laborers.

"I don't know, this time it should be successful. How did Jiannu ever look like this before? In this month, we have built so many fortifications, which was impossible before.

Maybe this time Liaodong can really be recovered, and I don't know which army came to Liaodong this time to force Jiannu to such an extent. "The laborer lying next to him covered his body with a black quilt that couldn't be seen, with a look of expectation on his face.

"Okay, don't talk, go to sleep, whether we can regain Liaodong is not up to us, let's wait with peace of mind.

Even if we start an incident in the city, it depends on the strength of the army that came to attack Liaodong.If the strength is not enough, we will die at this time. "

After the worker who spoke before finished speaking, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The laborers in the barracks also fell into silence. Not long after, snoring sounded in the barracks.

The moon had risen into the sky. Although it was dark night, under the full moon, the night was not so dense.

The defenders on the top of Shenyang City are patrolling with weapons in hand, and there are various defensive weapons piled up on the city walls.

There are a total of [-] red-clothed cannons on the walls of Shenyang City, and these [-] red-clothed cannons are placed near the gates of the four main city gates.

In addition to these [-] red cannons, there are dozens of Frang machine cannons, Zhankou general cannons, tiger crouching cannons and other light artillery.

Unlike Nurhaci, who only paid attention to horseback riding and shooting, Huang Taiji attached great importance to the production and manufacture of firearms.

During his time as Great Khan, the cannon was built almost every month.Especially after Chongzhen was violently beaten by Zhao Wen outside the capital in the second year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji became more enthusiastic about the manufacture of artillery.

Outside Shenyang City, there are iron-making blast furnaces and workshops for casting artillery that stretch for several miles.

During the period when the walls were cleared, all these ironmaking blast furnaces were knocked down, and the artillery produced were all transported to Shenyang City.

Because the technology and steel quality were not up to standard, the number of red cannons cast by Huang Taiji was very small, and the yield rate was very low.

But over the past few years, Huang Taiji has also accumulated a lot of red cannons.The accumulated red cannons were placed by Huang Taiji on the city walls of Shenyang and Liaoyang.

Originally, there were quite a few red cannons in Shenyang City, but these red cannons were all left by the Ming army. The casting age was too long, and many of the cannons were seriously decayed. Huang Taiji also had to replace all these red cannons. .

If the red-clothed cannons on the head of Shenyang City are not replaced, then the number of red-clothed cannons on the head of Shenyang City will be more at this time.

In these years, Huang Taiji has also produced a lot of gunpowder.In order to succeed in this city defense battle, Huang Taiji took out all the gunpowder stocks and put them on the Shenyang City Wall and Liaoyang City Wall.

In order to store these gunpowder, Huang Taiji even ordered laborers to build dozens of attics for storing gunpowder on the city wall.

Not only was the city wall built, but even dozens of caves for Tibetan soldiers behind the city wall were cleared out by Huang Taiji, which were specially used to store gunpowder.

According to Huang Taiji's previous estimation, these gunpowder can last for at least two or three months.

"The red-clothed cannons should also be placed on the earth wall outside. How many red-clothed cannons do we have now?" Huang Taiji had just returned to the palace, and suddenly remembered that he still had a batch of red-clothed cannons in his hand that had not been used up, so he asked Just thinking about placing a few more red cannons on the earthen wall outside the city.

Dorgon jumped off the horse and stood behind Huang Taiji. He looked at Huang Taiji's back, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, and then said: "Hui Dahan, there are still ten red clothes in the Kufu. Cannons, we have produced more than 50 red-clothed cannons in total. Among them, [-] red-clothed cannons were placed on the head of Shengjing City, and [-] red-clothed cannons were placed on the head of Liaoyang City. There are still about [-] red-clothed cannons in the Treasury.

Originally, there were red-clothed cannons left over from the Ming Dynasty on top of Shengjing City, but those red-clothed cannons were so rotten that they would explode within a few shots.

So when I implemented the fortified wall and cleared the field before, I asked people to unload those rotten red cannons and prepare to go back to the furnace for rebuilding.

In addition to the red cannon, there are more than 30 cannons such as the Frang machine.Frang machine cannons are easier to cast than red cannons, so the number of Flang machine cannons is more. "

"These cannons are our last property. Although it is not easy to cast cannons, for the future of our Houjin, even if we use all the cannons, we will not hesitate.

Send me an order to take out all the remaining artillery and place them on the fortifications outside the city.As for how to arrange it, you can figure it out.I'll see the results before dawn tomorrow. After Huang Taiji said that, he walked towards the palace without looking back.

"Not enough time. A red cannon weighs several thousand catties, plus supporting personnel and fortifications. One night is too late." Looking at Huang Taiji's back, Dorgon shouted hastily.

Huang Taiji paused for a moment, turned around, and looked at Dorgon, "Before tomorrow afternoon at the latest, I must put the remaining artillery in place, otherwise it will be dealt with by military law."

"Obey!" Huang Taiji said all the words to this point, even if Dorgon disagreed.

When Huang Taiji's figure disappeared completely, Dorgon spit on the ground and cursed in a low voice: "Hehe, you are really a profuse sweater, and you just left this matter to me, you really belong to me. "

"Brother, we should be able to install these ten red cannons on the earthen wall outside the city by tomorrow afternoon.

However, there are still those Franc machine artillery and supporting gunpowder, ammunition, personnel, and artillery positions that may not be completed before tomorrow afternoon.

Wasn't Huang Taiji just trying to find fault with us?He didn't tell us about this before, and he didn't let us install red cannons on the fortifications outside. If he had said in advance, we would have done it together. "Duoduo, who was standing behind Dorgon, said with a look of resentment.

Dorgon snorted coldly, "Hmph, do you think I don't know? Before, he didn't tell us to install red cannons on the earth wall. Now that the enemy is approaching, let us install red cannons." Yi Da Pao, really interesting."

"Then what shall we do now?" Dodo asked with some concern.

Dorgon said: "What else can I do? Get all the laborers in the city up for me, and let them quickly pull the red cannons outside."

Under the moonlight, the barracks of the laborers became noisy again, and the laborers who had just fallen asleep for a long time were woken up again by Jiannu.

Because the ten red cannons and some French cannons were transported outside the city, there were not many laborers escorted, that is, a few hundred people.

But this does not mean that other laborers can sleep soundly. In order to finish everything before tomorrow afternoon, Dorgon asked those laborers who did not participate in the transportation of artillery to build forts and store ammunition on the fortifications outside the city. attic.

At this time, Zhao Wen was sitting in his big tent wearing ordinary clothes.

At this time, his big tent was already full of generals in the army, and Bu He was his father-in-law, and this time there were also Horqin's soldiers and horses, so Zhao Wen specially arranged for Bu He to be under him. first position.

Looking at the excited people in the big tent, Zhao Wen yawned, rubbed his face, and said, "According to the reports from the soldiers and horses on the southern and northern lines, they are only two days away from Shenyang. That is to say, after two days, they will be able to reach Shenyang City. In addition to their repair time, I set the general attack on Shenyang City in three days, and launched an attack on Shenyang City in three days.

At that time, we will be mainly responsible for the west of Shenyang City, while the south and north lines will be mainly responsible for the north-south direction.In this siege battle, the tactic of encircling three and missing one is still adopted. "

There was a map of Liaodong hanging on Zhao Wen's back. He stood up from his chair, pointed to the map of Liaodong, and said to the people in the big tent.

"My lord, I think we don't need to besiege the three quarters at all. With our strength, even if the city is besieged from all sides, we can break through Shenyang City in the shortest time. If we encircle the three quarters, isn't it a bit too cautious?" Already?" Bu He looked at Zhao Wen and asked with some doubts.

Zhao Wen burst out laughing when he heard this. "You are right, relying on our strength, even if the city is besieged from all sides, Jianu is not our opponent.

However, we need to know that Shenyang City is not any other city.After Jiannu settled in Shenyang City, he set Shenyang City as his capital and increased the repair of Shenyang City.The area occupied by Shenyang City is not comparable to that of ordinary cities, even the Taiyuan City that was attacked before cannot be compared with it.

Shenyang City is located in Liaodong. Before Jiannu captured Liaodong, it had always been heavily guarded by the imperial court. The imperial court repaired Shenyang City almost every dynasty and generation.

Coupled with the construction of Nurhachi and Huang Taiji, the city wall of Shenyang today is broad and tall, with a total length of 32 miles. In addition to the main gate on each section of the city wall, there are two small gates.

And we only have 6 horses in our hands, 3 of which are cavalry from Horqin and other grassland tribes who have no ability to attack the city.In other words, there are only 3 real siege soldiers. Do you think 3 soldiers can surround Shenyang City? "

After hearing Zhao Wen's words, everyone in the big tent fell into deep thought involuntarily.

"Yes, what your lord said makes sense. Now we have limited troops, and Shenyang City is a big city. It is almost impossible to encircle Shenyang City.

Anyway, it can't be surrounded, so it's better to use the method of encircling three and missing one, and attack the west, north and south with all their strength.Concentrating superior firepower and fully attacking the three city walls is even more efficient than attacking four city walls at the same time. "Li Xiaosan's eyes lit up, he patted his thigh, and said suddenly.

Listening to Li Xiaosan's explanation, Zhao Wen kept nodding his head. After Li Xiaosan finished speaking, Zhao Wen went on to say, "Actually, it's not just because of this reason. Today, according to the reports from the inspection of horses around Shenyang City, it is suggested that In order to deal with us, the slaves built earth walls and other fortifications outside Shenyang City.

Although this kind of fortification is not worth mentioning to us, it will always hinder our marching speed. Therefore, we must concentrate our superior forces and attack the three city walls with all our strength instead of besieging the city. "

Everyone in the big tent nodded non-stop when they heard Zhao Wen's voice.

Bu He suddenly realized with a smile: "Haha, after all, you are still the commander-in-chief. He thinks things more comprehensively than us rough guys."

"Don't put a high hat on me, this time, I just want to kill Jiannu completely in this land of Liaodong." Zhao Wen smiled and waved his hand, "Tonight is here Come on, you guys go down. In the few days before launching the general offensive, you can't relax, let me send out all the scouts in your hands, and closely monitor Shenyang City and the movement of building slaves in the city."

"Obey!" Everyone in the big tent shouted at Zhao Wen, and then walked outside.

It was getting late now, and with the current battle, Bu He didn't stay in Zhao Wen's army, and led his entourage out.

If it were normal, Bu He would definitely stay and make good contact with Zhao Wen.

After everyone walked out, Zhao Wen sat down and drank the cold tea on the table.

"Little San, I have something for you." Zhao Wen put down his teacup and looked at Li Xiaosan who was standing next to him.

Li Xiaosan leaned down and leaned in front of Zhao Wen, "My lord, what's the matter?"

"It's not a big deal, we're going to fight now, you should keep an eye on my generals to avoid any troubles that shouldn't happen.

Also, I need to keep an eye on the morale of the soldiers in the army.Although our weapons and equipment are crushing, morale is also very important. " Zhao Wen said in a low voice.

Li Xiaosan patted his chest, and vowed: "Don't worry, my lord, I will take care of these things for you."


Time passed slowly, and night was replaced by day.

Today's weather is not beautiful, before the sun has completely jumped out of the horizon, the sky is full of dark clouds.

Under the shroud of dark clouds, coupled with the imminent battle, the atmosphere in the entire city of Shenyang was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

There were hardly any pedestrians on the streets of Shenyang City, and the shops on the streets were closed long ago. From time to time, there were cavalry or infantry in armor patrolling the streets.

There is a chilling feeling in the air, which is suffocating.

"Kill the Southern Manzi, kill the Southern Manzi!"

In an alley not far from Shenyang Imperial City, a seven or eight-year-old boy in a small armor was holding a wooden waist knife and led a group of boys around his age to run wildly in the alley, without noticing that the people in the city eerie atmosphere.

The young man's name is Shuerha, and he is from Zhenghuang Banner.His father was Jialazhangjing in Huang Taiji Zhenghuang Banner, so his family was fortunate to be assigned a house not far from the imperial city by Huang Taiji.

The teenagers following him were almost all descendants of Zhenghuang Banner soldiers.

"Eerha, you play Nanmanzi, and I play Niu Luzhangjing, okay?" Shuerha stopped, pointed to a boy who was about his age, and said in a tactful tone.

"No, I don't want to be a barbarian!" The young man named Erha twisted his neck, his nostrils shot up, and said with dissatisfaction: "Why don't you be a barbarian?"

"Why do I want to be a Nanmanzi? Ama is a Jiala Zhangjing, and I will be a Jiala Zhangjing in the future. I want to be like Ama, riding a war horse, rushing into the country of the Nanmanzi, robbing their food and robbing them. Woman!" Shu Erha patted her chest and said proudly.

Thinking of her own father, Jia Lazhangjing, Shuerha became very excited.

"I heard from Ama that Nanmanzi is very rich, especially the emperor of Nanmanzi. The chopsticks used for eating are all gold. My dear, I have never seen gold chopsticks when I grow up." Shu Erha seemed to think What, he inserted the wooden waist knife in his hand into his waist, and his two small hands kept gesticulating.

"Hey, these will be ours from now on, we don't care if he has golden chopsticks or not, let's grab them directly." Erha said it lightly, but there was a fierceness in his eyes that shouldn't be there at this age.

These teenagers don't look like teenagers at all. Whenever they mention robbing, their eyes light up, as if robbing things is justified.


At this moment, a door in the alley was opened from the inside.

This door is the back door of this house, and an eleven or twelve-year-old girl in coarse linen came out tremblingly carrying a bucket of sewage.

"Who is she?" Surprised by the sound of the door opening, Shu Erha looked over in search of the sound.

Erha recognized the origin of this little girl with just one glance.

"This back door is the back door of the Fucha family. She is the kitchen maid of the Fucha family. She is a southern barbarian. Her father and mother are both southern barbarians. Her house was rewarded by the Great Khan to the Fucha family. I used to go to Fucha I have played at home, so I know this." Erha pointed to the little girl and said like a treasure.

The little girl heard the movement here, and followed the sound to look over.

"Bah, Nan Manzi, what are you looking at? Get out of here!" Shu Erha looked at the little girl staring at herself, and cursed.

The little girl didn't dare to refute, so she lifted the bucket, lowered her head cautiously, and walked towards the gutter next to her.

Erha looked at the little girl, then at Shuerha, with a ferocious smile on his face.

He leaned close to Shuerha's ear, pointed at the little girl, and bewitched, "Didn't you say that you will kill the Nanmanzi's palace like your Ama in the future? But you want to kill the Nanmanzi's palace? It’s so easy, it’s not going to work without training.”

"Hmph, I have a pony at home, and I often ride it for training, why can't I?" Shuerha thought that Erha said that he couldn't do it, and hurriedly retorted.

E Erha sneered, "What are you? Have you ever killed someone? You haven't killed anyone, no matter how good your training is!"

"I haven't killed anyone!" Shu Erha replied, "But who said that I can't do it if I haven't killed someone?"

"My Ama said that if you haven't killed anyone, the Great Khan's army doesn't want it. So, if you want to enter the capital of the Nanmanzi in the future, you must have killed someone." Erha continued bewitching. "Now there is a good opportunity in front of you, it depends on whether you can seize it.

This little girl belongs to the Fucha family and is a barbarian.She doesn't have much strength to work, and she's just a little barbarian anyway, why don't you kill her?Only after killing people can he become a qualified soldier, and he can break through the capital of Nanmanzi in the future. "

Erha pointed to the little girl who was carrying a bucket to dump sewage into the gutter, and bewitched Shuerha with a ferocious face.

"What's the point of killing a little girl? I'm going to kill the soldiers of the Southern Barbarians in the future!" Shu Erha looked at the little girl with some hesitation.

"Hey, you don't dare. What a waste, not a man. With your appearance, you should go home and eat your mother's milk, what a waste."

Seeing Shu Erha's hesitation, E Erha satirized strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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