Chapter 484

"Hey, I thought you were a man before, but I didn't expect you to be a coward. You are so cowardly. You really embarrass your Ama. You are so cowardly." Erha stood beside him and satirized Shu Erha .

Although Shuerha is only a child of seven or eight years old, because of his family background, his bones are full of barbarism.

When he was satirized by Erha's words, blood welled up and he began to breathe heavily.

Under the influence of self-esteem and savagery in his bones, Shuerha stared at Eerha, and roared angrily: "I am not a coward, I am a warrior of Houjin, I will become a person like Ama in the future, and I will definitely It is Batulu of Hou Jin.

Isn't he just a little southern barbarian, if there is anything I dare not kill, I will kill you right now. "

As Shuerha said, he pulled out the wooden knife stuck in his waist, and walked towards the little girl with a sullen expression.

Fearing that the world would not be chaotic, Erha followed Shuerha and shouted loudly, "Shuerha is going to kill someone, follow quickly! Shuerha is going to kill someone, follow quickly!"

The young man following Shuerha hurriedly followed behind Shuerha as if he was surprised.

Holding a wooden knife, Shu Erha came to the little girl who had just poured the sewage into the drain.

"Southern barbarian!" Shu Erha looked at the little girl with a vicious expression, her immature face was full of viciousness.

The little girl was frightened by Shuerha's sinister expression and sat on the ground. Since she was born, her parents had instilled in her the biggest thoughts of Master Jurchen, so when she saw Shuerha, who was aggressive and unkind, At that time, the first thought in my heart was not to resist, but to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy.

The little girl was covered in sewage, she staggered out of the drain, knelt down in front of Shuerha and kowtowed.

Although Shuerha is just a young boy, but looking at Shuerha's clothes, the little girl knows that Shuerha is a boy of the Eight Banners with a red root.

For these Eight Banners disciples, the little girl is really afraid from the bottom of her heart.

The work her parents did in the Fucha family was the heaviest, and they even had to endure heavy bullying from the Fucha family.

Since she was a child, she was forced to accept that there are three, six, and nine ranks, which is the biggest thought of Master Jurchen.

"I'm going to kill you!" Shu Erha waved the wooden knife in his hand, and slashed at the little girl.

The little girl didn't dare to dodge, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, begging Shuerha to forgive herself.

Seeing the little girl begging for mercy, E Erha became animalistic.

"This is a wooden knife, it can't kill anyone, poke her neck, poke, poke hard!" Erha pointed at the little girl's neck, and yelled at Shu Erha with a sinister face.

Shu Erha was yelled at by Erha, and felt that she was very shameless, and then slammed the wooden knife in her hand towards the little girl's neck.

As the old saying goes, killing with a wooden knife is the worst.

Shuerha pushed the little girl to the ground, rode on her, and stabbed the little girl's neck fiercely with the wooden knife in her hand.

Seeing the crazy Shuerha and the pain in her neck, the little girl hurriedly shouted for help.

The Eight Banners around surrounded the little girl, not only did not have any sympathy, but even encouraged Shu Erha to poke fiercely, cheering Shu Erha up.

In the backyard of Fucha's house, a servant who was working heard the little girl's screams and ran out in a hurry.

As soon as he ran out of the back door, he saw Shu Erha riding on the little girl's body, and stabbed the wooden knife in his hand towards the little girl's neck fiercely.

While poking it, he shouted, "Nanmanzi, haha, Nanmanzi, damn it, Nanmanzi, damn it, I'm going to kill Nanmanzi today!"

Seeing this, the servant hurriedly screamed out.

This servant is also a wise man. When he saw the murderous Shuerha, he didn't dare to go up to stop him, but just stood there and yelled.

The screams alarmed more servants in Fucha's house, as well as the soldiers patrolling the street.

When Fucha's housekeeper and soldiers patrolling the street came, the little girl was already out of breath.

The little girl's neck was broken and covered with wood chips.

Shu Erha's face was covered with blood, and his face was ferocious.

"Haha, I killed the Nanmanzi, I killed the Nanmanzi!" Shuerha stood up from the little girl, waving the blood-stained wooden knife and shouting excitedly.

The back door of Fucha's house was blocked by servants of Fucha's house, and it was full of servants.

"My daughter!!!" When Shu Erha got up from the little girl, a woman finally saw the little girl's appearance clearly, she rushed out heart-piercingly, and threw herself on the little girl.

There was also a thin man who came out with her. He knelt beside the little girl's body, put his arms around the little girl's head, and cried hysterically.

"Is there any law for the king? Woohoo, what did my daughter do wrong? Why did you kill her?" The woman lay her head on the little girl's body, crying loudly, standing at the back door of Fucha's house. Those servants looked at the scene in front of them and kept wiping away their tears.

They are all Ming people, and they are used to being bullied by these people on weekdays, and they feel empathy for a while.

"The thing that kills thousands of knives has done a lot of evil at a young age, I will fight with you!" The thin man stood up while crying, and rushed towards Shuerha who was cheering, with fire spitting out of his eyes.


The patrolling soldier standing next to him directly pulled out the waist knife from his waist, and looked at the thin man with a stern look.

"What do you want to do?" The leading street patrol soldier looked at the thin man and shouted loudly.

The butler of Fucha's house looked at the thin man who rushed out, and scolded in a cold tone: "Zhao Tieniu, what do you want? Do you want to rebel?

The one who killed your daughter was Tong Jiagen's son. Tong Jiagen was Jialazhangjing of Zhenghuang Banner. If your daughter dies, she will die. What else do you want to do? "

Tong Jia's name was changed after the Han surname Tong entered the Eight Banners in order to distinguish it.

The renamed Tong Jia family basically belonged to the same family. When the Tong family took refuge in Jiannu, it was not just one or two, but a whole family. This Tong Jiagen was a child of the Tong Jia family.

At the beginning, Tong Jiashi could only work in the Eight Banners of Han Dynasty, but after the battle of the capital, Huang Taiji added many Ming people who changed their names in order to replenish the troops of the Eight Banners in time.

And Tong Jia's refuge in Jiannu was very early, and the two were related by marriage, so Shuerha's father was promoted by Huang Taiji to Jialazhangjing.

Tong Jiashi has paid a lot of lackeys and traitors, the most representative of which is Tong Yangxing.

It can be said that the young man named Shuerha in front of him is a complete lackey.

"Jiannu, shit, a bunch of beasts!" The thin man became crazy after losing his beloved daughter.

"Hehe, I originally thought that as long as I do things well for you, as long as I do things for you respectfully, you will forgive me, but I didn't expect that you are a group of wolves who eat people and don't spit out their bones.

I have worked so hard in Fucha's family for so many years, no credit but hard work, right?I don’t say anything if I don’t have enough to eat or wear warm clothes every day, but why are you, why are you doing this to my daughter?She's only 12 years old, 12 years old.

Not only did you not speak for me, but you also said that my daughter died in vain and that I killed my ancestors. I don't accept it, I don't accept it. "

The thin man turned around, pointed at the butler of Fucha's house, and cursed sharply.

When the leader of the soldiers patrolling the streets heard the word Jiannu, he became furious instantly, screaming and waving the knife in his hand, and slashed at the thin man.

A thin and weak man has been working as a coolie all year round, and he can't get enough to eat. How can he be an opponent of the command of the soldiers patrolling the streets?

Before he could even react, he was stabbed in the stomach by the leader of the patrolling soldiers.

"What did you say?" The leader of the street patrolling soldiers twisted the knife in his hand and shouted angrily.

"Pfft!" The thin man spat out a mouthful of blood, screaming out in pain.

"I said, said, that you are Jian slaves and animals." The thin man pointed at the commander of the patrolling soldiers, with blood dripping from his mouth, cursing in a weak voice.

"Ah!!! Die!!!"

The street patrolling soldier was furious, he drew the knife in his hand suddenly, raised his foot and kicked at the thin man.

The thin man was kicked out by the street patrolling soldiers, lying on the ground, bleeding continuously, and the heaving of his chest became smaller and smaller.

"You Jian slaves are waiting. One day, a general like Yue Wumu will come with the court heavenly soldiers to destroy you. I will wait for you below, waiting for you beasts!!!"

When the thin man was about to die, he suddenly let out a powerful roar. He looked at the sky and screamed unyieldingly.

The voice exhausted all his strength, and when he finished shouting, he also lost his vitality.

Looking at her dead husband and daughter, the woman also stood up from the ground, pointed at these street patrolling soldiers with a frenzied face and shouted: "I will fight you!"

What greeted her was the waist knife of the patrolling soldier.

Amidst the screams, the woman was also hacked to death.

"Fuck, Southern barbarian!" The leader of the patrolling soldiers spat thick phlegm on the skinny man with an angry expression on his face.

He inserted the knife in his hand into the scabbard at his waist without even wiping it.

Standing by the side, Shu Erha watched the bloody scene, not only without any fear, but even extremely excited.

"Your Ama is Tong Jiagen?" The leader of the street patrol soldiers squatted in front of Shuerha and asked.

Shu Erha nodded, "Yes, my Ama is Tong Jiagen, Jialazhangjing of Zhenghuangqi, and I have many people under my command."

"Haha, good boy, with your Amma's demeanor, you dare to kill people at a young age, and you will definitely be a brave and resourceful general in the future!" encouraged. "By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Tong Jia Shuerha." Shuerha replied.

"I remember you, I think I will see the day you become a great general." The patrolling soldier said a few more words of encouragement, then stood up, walked to the butler of Fucha's house, gave a few words of advice, and then Lead the soldiers and horses to leave.

After the street patrolling soldiers left, the butler of the Fucha family pointed to the corpses on the ground, and said to the servants behind him: "They are your role models. If there are any of you who don't know what to do, just wait to be killed. Now, the Let me carry their corpses out of the alley, find an open space and burn them."

After the butler finished speaking, he walked back without looking back.

In his eyes, the death of three people is like the death of a few kittens and puppies, which is not worth mentioning.

The servants outside the door were basically Ming people. They looked at the three corpses on the ground, sighing and angry.

But there is only anger, nothing but anger.

During the years of being ruled by the slaves, they have already smoothed their edges and corners, leaving only servility.

(End of this chapter)

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