Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 485 The Eve of the General Attack

Chapter 485 The Eve of the General Attack
In the early morning of April [-]th, a heavy rain fell in the city of Shenyang.

Heavy dark clouds hung over the sky, and the sky was very dark.

All the soldiers and horses in Shenyang City, as well as the young and strong with various weapons, gathered on the city wall. Apart from the sound of soldiers marching, there was no other sound in the city.

Standing in the gate building on the west wall of Shenyang City, Huang Taiji looked at the heavy rain outside, feeling extremely flustered.

"Have the soldiers and horses from the major battalions in the city arrived?" Huang Taiji turned around and looked at Dorgon standing behind him.

Dorgon said: "Back to the Great Khan, the soldiers and horses from all the battalions in the city are now heading towards the city wall. In addition to passing the soldiers and horses in the city, they have also recruited almost [-] young men in the city!"

Huang Taiji breathed a sigh of relief, and his solemn face eased a little.

The day before yesterday, according to the reports sent out by scouts, a group of soldiers and horses suddenly appeared in the north of Shenyang City.

Before Huang Taiji could react, another army appeared in the south of Shenyang city yesterday afternoon.

According to Tan Ma who came back from Shifang Temple Castle before, Huang Taiji knew that these two soldiers and horses were probably the soldiers and horses on the north-south line that the scout said.

"Is there any movement from the enemy army outside the city?" Huang Taiji looked outside the city and asked.

The air was full of water vapor, and the mist seriously interfered with Huang Taiji's sight.

Looking out from the city wall, you can only see things a mile away.

"Back to Dahan, from last night until this morning, according to the report from the horse inspectors, there was no movement from these soldiers and horses.

Moreover, the number of nights sent out by the enemy troops outside the city is also constantly decreasing.A few days ago, our Tan Ma would be killed by the enemy's Ye Bushuo all-out force within a short distance from the city.But from last night until now, our scout horses have been able to rush to about five miles away from the enemy's camp, which is not normal! "Dorgon replied.

"It's strange, the soldiers are already approaching the city, how can you reduce the number of horses at night? It shouldn't be, at this time, you should send more people at night to cover the surroundings, how can you reduce the number of scouts at this time?
Xuanzhen Zhao Wen is not a person who knows how to fight. How could he not understand such a simple truth?Could it be that he doesn't want to attack the city?This is even more impossible! "Huang Taiji couldn't understand Zhao Wen's thoughts for a while, and muttered to himself with a puzzled face.

What Huang Taiji said was correct. Generally speaking, if soldiers and horses were approaching the city, the siege commander would send additional scouts to prevent the scouts from leaving the city to investigate the enemy's situation, so as to ensure a smooth siege.

In the second year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji did the same thing when he invaded Gyeonggi to attack the city. After all, only by covering the battlefield can the defenders in the city and the reinforcements come to understand the reality of their own army.

There is a saying in the art of war that surprise and attacking the unprepared are the common strategies for winning. In Huang Taiji's view, it is impossible for Zhao Wen not to understand this simple truth.

In fact, the reduction in the number of nights outside the city is precisely Zhao Wen's intention. As for the reason, it is very simple, and that is to replenish energy and store up energy.

For Zhao Wen, as long as he reached the city of Shenyang, it meant that the city of Shenyang had become his own.

Now that the conquest of Shenyang City has become a certainty, there is no real effect in sending additional troops to the outside world.

Besides, now Huang Taiji has shrunk all the troops of Liaodong in the two cities of Shenyang City and Liaoyang City, covering the battlefield and blocking reinforcements has become superfluous.

In addition, what Zhao Wen is thinking about now is not how to conquer Shenyang City, but how to take over Shenyang City and hunt down the remnants.

Letting a large number of Yebushou fight against Jiannu in the wild has no effect at all. Instead of letting a large number of Yebushou fight against Jiannu in the wild, it is better to let them rest in the camp and prepare for chasing and killing the remnants of the enemy.

There are a large number of Jiannu soldiers and horses hoarded in Shenyang City, and Zhao Wen has not many soldiers and horses. In the scout battle, Jiannu can use the wheel battle by relying on the superiority of numbers, and Zhao Wen's night is not collected slowly.

In this way, you have entered the lower vehicle.After all, in scouting battles, the accuracy of firearms is greatly reduced.

"I don't understand, I really don't understand. Khan, I have fought for such a long time, and this is the first time I have seen such a situation." Standing beside Huang Taiji, Obai thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a solution. So come here.

Huang Taiji let out a long breath, "Oh, since you can't figure it out, then don't think about it. Now that the Xuanzhen army is outside the city, I'm afraid they will attack the city within three days.

Now that the enemy's military situation is clear, we already know what we need to know.Let the scouts outside the city withdraw if they don't accept them at night. It is useless to entangle with the enemy now. "

Huang Taiji looked at the heavy rain outside the city gate building, his face was full of sorrow, and his mind was heavy.

As the saying goes, spring rain is as expensive as oil.If this spring rain had come before, Huang Taiji might have happily composed a poem, but now that the enemy is at hand, Huang Taiji just feels bored.

"Everyone, all the soldiers and horses are in place now. According to reports, Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan's soldiers and horses have arrived outside Liaoyang City. Therefore, I decided to launch a general attack on Shenyang City in the early morning of the day after tomorrow!"

Sitting in the big tent, Zhao Wen looked at the people crowded in the big tent, and shouted excitedly.

Yesterday afternoon, the soldiers and horses on the southern line had also arrived ten miles south of Shenyang City.

When the soldiers from the south line arrived, all the soldiers and horses in Zhao Wen's hands to attack Shenyang City were already in place.

Therefore, Zhao Wen planned to let all the soldiers and horses repair for another day tomorrow, and then launch an attack on Shenyang City the day after tomorrow.

"Hey, my lord, the last general can't wait!"

As soon as Zhao Wen finished speaking, Zhou Laoliu, who was standing in the big tent, opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

"Yes, yes, my lord, what are you still repairing? Hurry up and attack Shenyang City, we can't wait any longer."

No matter if it was Zhou Lao Liu, Zhang He, Wang Chong, and their generals, they all shouted loudly that they couldn't wait.

In the attack on Liaodong this time, the troops Zhao Wen mobilized were basically from the south line of Xuanzhen.

Except for Zhou Laoliu, these troops have not fought a battle since they were transferred by Zhao Wen.

Seeing that the soldiers and horses who attacked Shanxi fought battles and made meritorious deeds, these people have long been envious.

Now that a piece of fat is in front of them, how can they bear it?
Looking at the noisy big tent, Zhao Wen laughed loudly and said, "Everyone is worthless, is itching to stop fighting? Why are you in a hurry? Shenyang City is here, are you afraid of running away?
It is for your own good to ask you to repair, if you don’t repair and repair well, where will you get the strength to chase and kill the fleeing Jiannu? "

"Hey, what kind of effort do you need to chase them down? It's nothing more than chickens and dogs! Haha!" Wang Chong laughed loudly.

Wang Chong was a big man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters. He had big arms and a round waist. He spoke in a low voice. His chin was covered with beards like steel needles, and he looked menacing.

"I said, Wang Chong, what are you in a hurry for? When you joined the army, I asked you why you joined the army. You said you just wanted to have a full meal. You also said that you liked farming more than joining the army, and you joined the army They came here for the An Jiatian I sent you.

He also said that he joined the army for a few years, then returned home with the military salary, built three thatched huts in the Anjia field, and married a daughter-in-law.

It's only been a few years now, have you forgotten your ideals?Don't want your wife and children to get hot?You look so anxious, I really don't know what to say about you. "

Zhao Wen pointed at Wang Chong, cursed with a smile, and revealed all the embarrassing things about Wang Chong's past.

When everyone in the big tent heard about Wang Chong's past, they laughed from ear to ear.

Wang Chong blushed at Zhao Wen's words. He stammered and said, "My lord, it's been a long time since this happened. Why do you bring it up? I didn't know anything at the time!"

Seeing Wang Chong's blushing face because of embarrassment, Zhao Wen smiled lightly, then put away his smile, and said seriously: "It's fine, let's not talk about it.

In a word, now you have to be patient and recharge your batteries.The battle this time is different from the previous ones. Previously, it was mainly about siege and defense battles, and the battles did not last long.

But this time I want to eliminate all the main forces of Jiannu, so that the duration will be longer.Especially the Jiannu cavalry is huge, and no one knows how long it will take to catch them when they escape. They might not be able to sleep for days and nights, so take advantage of this gap and give me a good sleep. "

"Obey!" Many generals in the big tent put away their smiles, clasped their fists at Zhao Wen, and said loudly.

After the meeting, more than a dozen war horses braved the rain and galloped towards Liaoyang City.

Shenyang City and Liaoyang City are not far away, and if you hurry up, you can get there in a day.

These dozen or so horses were sent by Zhao Wen to deliver orders.

At dusk that day, these dozens of war horses came to Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan's big tent.

Mao Wenlong was sitting in the big tent, holding the military order from Zhao Wen, his face was full of excitement.

"Haha, I'm finally going to do it. Okay, okay!"

Mao Wenlong put down the military order in his hand, and walked back and forth in the big tent excitedly.

Zhao Wen said in the military order that Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan were asked to attack Liaoyang City at the same time in the early morning of the day after tomorrow.

Considering the lack of soldiers and horses and weapons and equipment in their hands, Zhao Wen asked them not to attack with all their strength.

Don't be too reluctant or desperate when attacking the city, as long as the defenders in the city can't get out of the city.It doesn't matter if the city can't be taken, after the city of Shenyang is broken, Zhao Wen will send troops to help them attack the city.


Time passed little by little, and the next day, the rain stopped and the sun returned to the sky.

Although the sun came out, on the land of Liaodong, coupled with the influence of the Little Ice Age, the sun lost its deterrent power, and the water stains on the ground could not be dried for a long time.

That night, there was no sound in Zhao Wen's camp. Except for the soldiers who had been operating, the rest of the troops were sleeping peacefully in the barracks.

Huang Taiji wore armor and led his personal guards to patrol the top of Shenyang city. Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses outside the city did not move for the past two days, just like the night before the storm, quiet and scary.

The quietness of the past few days has put great pressure on Huang Taiji, and now he has no sleepiness.

He stood on a section of the city wall, looking at the land covered by the night outside, his heart was beating violently.

Inserted on the top of the city, a torch not far from him crackled and emitted faint blue smoke.

"How is the inspection of the red cannon on the top of the city?" Huang Taiji turned around and looked at Dorgon who was following behind him.

"Back to Dahan, all the cannons in red are intact and can be fired normally!" Dorgon replied.

"That's good, that's good!"

Although he received an affirmative answer, Huang Taiji was still in a panic for some reason, and he couldn't breathe due to the oppressive atmosphere.

"The cannons in red, the French cannons, and all kinds of artillery must be strictly inspected to ensure that they can fire normally.

Keep an eye on the inside and outside of the city. Xuanzhen soldiers and horses have been silent for two or three days, and it is estimated that they will attack the city tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.At this time, riots must be strictly prevented, and speech in the city must be controlled. If it causes panic in the city at this time, it will be bad.

All the Ming people in the city gathered together, and the remaining laborers in the city also gathered together, and brought them all under the city wall.

Once Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses open fire, they will all be pulled to the top of the city. I want to see if they will attack their compatriots. "As soon as Huang Taiji thought of the firepower he encountered under the capital, he was terrified in his heart.

That incident left a deep shadow in Huang Taiji's heart, and he pinned the arrogant him to the ground and couldn't move.

Dorgon said: "Khan, don't worry, I will definitely watch over these things strictly."

Huang Taiji nodded, and then led his soldiers and horses to patrol the top of the city.

At the same time, Zhao Wen led dozens of personal guards out of the barracks and came to the open space outside the barracks.

After coming out, Zhao Wen sent the dozens of personal guards fifty paces away.After these people left, Zhao Wen entered the warehouse.

In the attack on Liaodong this time, the weapons Zhao Wenbing carried were basically 120mm mortars, 40-fire artillery, etc., but none of the 152mm caliber howitzer cannon and 107 rocket launcher were carried.

After all, the weight of these two types of artillery is too great, and it is really difficult to transport.This time Zhao Wen personally directed the battle, and Zhao Wen had a warehouse with him, so it was completely unnecessary to transport the 152mm howitzer cannon and the 107 rocket launcher.

Although it did not carry artillery, the gunner still carried it.

For about an hour or so, Zhao Wen got out thirty 152mm cannon howitzers and thirty 107 rocket launchers, and put them in the open space outside the camp.

After getting it out, Zhao Wen called the dozens of personal guards back and asked them to stay here to take care of the artillery.

One hour before dawn, with the sound of the horn, all the soldiers in the camp jumped out of their beds and began to put on their clothes.

 Thank you for the reward of the sunshine in summer, thank you for the ten monthly tickets of 2019, and thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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