Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 486 Ten Thousand Cannons Are Fired

Chapter 486 Ten Thousand Cannons Are Fired

While the soldiers were putting on their clothes, the cooks in the army also started to light a fire and cook.

This time the army marched forward, and the military rations they carried were all canned food produced in Xuan Town.

Although canned food can also be eaten cold, if eaten cold, it will have a greater impact on the stomach of the soldiers. In addition, there will be a war soon, and it will not be good if the soldiers have a stomachache on the battlefield, so the canned food will be heated by the cooking soldiers. .

The time for breakfast took almost two quarters of an hour, which is three ten minutes.

After breakfast, the sky was still gray and not bright.

At this time, the artillerymen of General Zhao Wen pulled out and asked them to pull the artillery they made last night to a position five miles west of Shenyang City.

In addition to the west city wall that Zhao Wen was in charge of, Zhao Wen also sent someone to give Zhou Laoliu and King Zhang He some of the artillery they got.

Zhao Wen produced a total of thirty 152mm cannon howitzers and thirty 107 rocket launchers.

For these artillery pieces, Zhao Wen allocated ten pieces to the troops on the southern and northern lines respectively.

That is to say, except for the city wall without soldiers in the east, there are ten 152mm cannon howitzers and 107 rocket launchers outside the three city walls in the south, west and north.

When the sun pierced the night sky, the artillery positions had been set up, and all Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses were ready to go.

After seeing the movement of Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses, the soldiers on the top of Shenyang City rushed to the imperial palace in Shenyang City with the news.

"Report, the enemy is about to attack the city!"

Huang Taiji was wearing armor. He had just come out of the bedroom and walked to the open space behind the palace gate. Before he could walk out of the palace, several soldiers rushed over anxiously.

Huang Taiji looked at the soldiers rushing over, stopped, and hurriedly asked: "The enemy attacked the city? When did it happen?"

"Hui Da Khan, just now, the enemy troops outside the city have begun to gather, and they have come to a position less than five miles away from the city." A soldier came to Huang Taiji, and hurriedly rushed towards Huang Taiji without paying attention to salute. shouted.

Huang Taiji's face darkened, he looked at the guards behind him, and shouted: "Prepare your horse, follow Ben Khan to the city wall!"

"Great Khan, the battle to defend the city is the most difficult. Khan's health is important, so don't go there." Obai had also seen the power of Xuanzhen's artillery, and when he heard that Huang Taiji was going to the city wall, he hurriedly tried to persuade him. .

In his opinion, Xuanzhen's artillery does not recognize people. If Huang Taiji was hit by the artillery accidentally, wouldn't Jin be finished?

If this is the case, the defense of the city may not be able to continue.

Huang Taiji glared at Oboi, and angrily said: "Shengjing City was left by Father Khan, do you want me to sit in the palace and watch the city soldiers fight? Impossible, Ben Khan wants to live and die with Shengjing City, you Don't talk too much, quickly bring the horse over here!"

Seeing Huang Taiji's determined face, Aobai couldn't say anything more.

"I obey!" Obai shouted at Huang Taiji, and led a dozen of his guards to run outside the palace.

Huang Taiji adjusted the tether under the helmet, and walked outside.

After waiting for a long time, Obai brought the horse over.

Huang Taiji took the reins of the war horse from Oboi's hand, and stepped onto the horse without saying a word.

At the same time, Zhao Wen rode a horse to the rear of the artillery position.

Behind Zhao Wen were soldiers and horses that had already been prepared.

At this time, there were ten 152mm cannon howitzers, ten 107mm rocket launchers, and more than 20 120mm mortars on the artillery position. As for the 40mm artillery, there were even more.

The artillery manipulating the artillery stood around the artillery. They looked at Shenyang City in front of them and the fortifications outside Shenyang City, their eyes were full of fire.

For them, these fortifications are not worth mentioning at all.

Zhao Wen looked at the rising sun, and said to Li Xiaosan beside him, "Send a few people to the north and south of the city, and tell Zhou Laoliu and King Zhang He to rush to them. , fire immediately."

Li Xiaosan cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and then walked towards the rear.

After a dozen breaths, a dozen fast horses rushed towards the north and south of the city.

"How long do you think Shenyang City can last?" Zhao Wen turned sideways, looked at Buhe next to him, and asked with great interest.

Buhe looked at the artillery positions in front, and then at the fortifications in front of Shenyang City, "I don't know the artillery in front, although the artillery is a little thin, but it is something in the hands of the commander-in-chief, and its power should not be small. Bar.

Now Shenyang City is like a tortoise shell. Under the attack of Lord Zongbing, Shenyang City probably won't last seven days. "

Although Bu He knew that the artillery in Zhao Wen's hands was powerful, he had never seen the 152mm cannon howitzer and 107 rocket launcher actually fire.

Zhao Wen has garrisons in Horqin, but the weapons and equipment of these garrisons are mainly 40mm guns and 120mm mortars, and there are no 152mm cannon howitzers and 107mm rocket launchers.

And Buhe rarely came to Xuanzhen, even if he came to Xuanzhen, he couldn't get in the barracks and other places, and the 152mm cannon howitzer and 107 rocket launcher were secrets in the Xuanzhen army, so naturally Buhe didn't know.

When Zhao Wen helped Horqin repel Huang Taiji before, the weapons he used were only 40-fire and 46 and 56-type light machine guns. For various reasons, Buhe was a bit uncomfortable with the power of the 152mm cannon howitzer and 107 rocket launcher. clear.

In addition, the current Shenyang City is like a tortoise shell. Bu He felt that even though Zhao Wen's weapon was very powerful, it was impossible to take Shenyang City within seven days.

This morning, Buhe also saw the 152mm cannon howitzer and 107 rocket launcher for the first time.

Although Bu He didn't know much about Zhao Wen's army's weapon configuration when he set off, he also knew that when Zhao Wen set off, the army didn't have these things at all.

Although Bu He doubted the origin of these weapons that came overnight, he didn't ask.

Yi Buhe reckoned that even if he asked, he probably wouldn't be able to find anything.

Zhao Wen laughed and said, "Seven days? If Huang Taiji can really last for seven days, then I would like to ask him how he can last for seven days. In my opinion, he can last for two days is not bad."

"Two days? Impossible. Now there are 15 troops in Shenyang City, and fortifications are being built outside. It's impossible to last two days." Bu He looked at Zhao Wen in disbelief.

Zhao Wen laughed and said, "We'll see later!"

Zhao Wen didn't bother to explain Buhe's doubts. Facts speak louder than words. When he saw the power of the 152mm cannon howitzer and 107 rocket launcher, he would understand everything.

"My lord, it's done!" A few quarters of an hour later, Li Xiaosan came back behind Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded, and set his sights on Shenyang City in front of him.

He looked at the sun in the sky, and shouted to the messenger beside him: "Notify the artillery position ahead, make preparations before firing, check the artillery, check the ammunition, and start shelling Shenyang City in a quarter of an hour!"

"Obey!" An orderly yelled at Zhao Wen, and then rode on a fast horse, leading seven or eight people towards the artillery position.

"My lord has orders, be ready to fire, check the artillery, and check the ammunition!"

When the seven or eight messengers reached the back of the artillery position, they jumped off their horses and ran non-stop in the artillery position, shouting Zhao Wen's orders.

The soldiers on the artillery position were checking the artillery, checking the ammunition, and making final preparations.

Time passed slowly, Zhao Wen looked at the sun in the sky, and felt that the time was almost up.

Zhao Wen pulled out the long knife from his waist, pointed at Shenyang City, and shouted: "Pass my military order, target the fortifications outside Shenyang City, kill me!!!"

Zhao Wen shouted at the top of his voice, and the orderly behind Zhao Wen waved the military flag in his hand, rushed forward, and shouted loudly: "Your Excellency has an order, target the fortifications outside Shenyang City, attack with all your strength!"

The wind blew the flag and made a rattling sound, and the orderly shouted loudly, spreading Zhao Wen's order throughout the artillery positions.

"Target the fortifications outside Shenyang City, start calibrating the artillery!!!"

The artillery commander stood at the forefront of the artillery position, held up his binoculars, looked at the fortifications outside Shenyang City, and shouted angrily.

After a dozen or so breaths, two gunshots rang out from the artillery position.

Two calibration shells flew towards the forward fortifications.

After a few breaths, two loud explosions rang out over the fortifications.

The defensive earth wall made of rammed earth was instantly blown out of two huge potholes.

The artillery commander looked at the artillery that accurately hit the fortification in the telescope, and shouted beautifully, then put down the telescope and let it hang around his neck.

He drew out the waist knife at his waist, pointed at the fortifications in front, and shouted: "Kill me!!!"

After a dozen breaths, the continuous sound of cannons rang out.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of the cannon was like thunder in the sky, ringing non-stop on the ground.

"Hey Law!"

Bu and the war horse under his crotch neighed restlessly after hearing the gunfire in front of him.

Although the war horses in Horqin have also been trained on the sound of artillery, they have been trained with the sound of 40-fire and 120-degree mortars. They have never been exposed to the sound of 152mm cannon howitzers.

The sound of the 152mm cannon howitzer is much louder than that of the 120mm mortar, so the horses of the Horqin cavalry are more or less frightened.

Bu He hurriedly put his body on the horse, and kept calming the horse.

Fortunately, the war horse had been trained before, and it didn't take long for Bu He to calm down the horse's emotions. Otherwise, if it was replaced by an ordinary war horse, Bu He would have been blown away.

Huang Taiji had just arrived under the city wall of the west city wall, and before he climbed up the city wall, he heard two gunshots.

His complexion changed, he rushed towards the stairs in a hurry regardless of the obstruction of Aobai and others.

Just halfway through, the sound of firecrackers like setting off firecrackers in the New Year rang out.

"Xuan Town is firing, Xuan Town is firing!" Huang Taiji's face tensed, he shouted a few words, and quickly rushed towards the city wall.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

"Chi la chi la chi la!"

The high-explosive bombs fired by the 152mm cannon howitzer, 107 rocket launcher and 120 mortar gun poured towards the fortifications outside the city wall like rain.

After a short flight, the shells landed on the fortifications with a whistling sound.

The sound of continuous explosions became one piece, resounding non-stop.

The fortifications made of rammed earth are like a house of paper in a storm, which cannot withstand the destruction at all.

Each exploding shell can blast a huge hole in the earth wall, blowing away the rammed earth on the earth wall.

The gunpowder smoke engulfed the soil and was thrown into the air by the blast wave.

The flames kept flashing on the earthen wall, just like firecrackers set off during the New Year, continuously.

"What kind of firepower is this, what kind of firepower is this? Why is it so huge? Why is it so huge?"

In a red-clothed cannon fort on the dirt wall, a Jiannu gunner squatted behind the wall of the red-clothed cannon fort, covering his ears, screaming in horror.

When he saw Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses outside the earthen wall just now, he was thinking of firing a few shots with the red cannon, but before he and his companions finished loading the cannon, the artillery shells fired by the Xuanzhen artillery fell on them. nearby.

"Let's run, we are not their opponents, let's run." A slave gunner squatting next to him couldn't bear this level of bombing. He stood up and yelled at the soldier, Then he ran back without looking back.


At this moment, a 152 mm caliber high-explosive bomb fell into the fort.


The moment the shell hits the ground, the fuze ignites the high-energy explosive inside the shell.

The huge explosion and flame instantly enveloped the fort.

The high temperature generated by the explosion ignited the gunpowder stored in the fort, triggering a second explosion.

During the two explosions, the gunner in the turret was torn apart, and the red cannon in the turret was deformed and thrown into the air.


The red-clothed cannon was bombed and fell to the ground with a buzzing sound, making a big hole in the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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