Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 487 Ten Thousand Cannons Are Fired

Chapter 487 Ten Thousand Cannons Are Fired

The shells flew towards the fortifications outside Shenyang City like rain, and the sound of rumbling explosions kept ringing on the fortifications.

Huang Taiji made Dorgon's red cannon set on the earth wall useless, and was directly covered by artillery fire, and was destroyed by intensive artillery fire without even firing a single shell.

At this time, Huang Taiji finally came to the city gate building on the west city wall. He looked at the bombed fortifications outside the city, his face pale.

"How could this happen? When did Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses have such powerful weapons?" Huang Taiji looked at the explosion in front of him, his eyes widened, his face was panicked, and he roared tremblingly.

Huang Taiji had only seen 120mm mortars and 40mm firearms before, but he had never seen 152mm cannon howitzers and 107mm rocket launchers.

"How did this happen? How many defenders have you set up outside the city?" Huang Taiji screamed, and hurriedly looked at Dorgon who was also panic-stricken standing in the gate of the city.

Dorgon swallowed a mouthful of saliva, wiped the cold sweat from his face, and shouted at Huang Taiji: "I set up five thousand defenders outside the city, and I'm afraid it will be gone!"

Dorgon previously set up five thousand defenders on the fortifications, the main purpose of which was to defend Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses and protect the forts set up on the fortifications.

"It's over, it's over, these soldiers and horses are all about to be finished." Huang Taiji patted his thigh, looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Order the cannons in red clothes on the top of the city to fire, and bomb the cannons outside the city!" Huang Taiji pointed at the artillery positions outside the city, and shouted at Oboi beside him.

"Khan, the red cannon can't hit that far, even if it can hit that far. Two miles away, the shells of the red cannon fly to nowhere, and we may not hit it at all." Before Oboi could speak, Dorgon pointed at the artillery positions outside and roared at Huang Taiji.

Things have reached this level, and Huang Taiji doesn't care about anything.

He slapped the pillars in the city gate building, with a fierce expression on his face, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "If you can't hit me, call me, order all the artillery on the city wall to fire, order all the artillery on the city wall to fire me!" I fire!"

At the end of Huang Taiji's speech, he screamed directly.

"Ah!" Dorgon flicked his sleeves, let out a long sigh, and ran out of the city gate with a dozen bodyguards.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

"Boom bang bang!!!"

The shells fell on the fortifications, like a summer rainstorm, without stopping for a moment.

There are constant explosions on the fortifications made of rammed earth, and each explosion can blow a huge hole in the fortifications.

The fortifications were covered by explosions, smoke and dust, making it impossible for the defenders above to see ahead.

"Run, this is not something we can resist, this is the divine thunder from the sky, run quickly!!!"

The soldiers on the dirt wall panicked, dropped the weapons in their hands, and fled towards Shenyang City.

But the shells seemed to have eyes, chasing after them.

A dozen or so people huddled together and fled towards Shenyang City.

A shell landed in the middle of them, a huge explosion enveloped them, and the resulting fragments flew towards them like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

With just one shell, all the dozen or so people were wiped out.

The fortifications were gradually destroyed under the cover of artillery fire.


On Shenyang City, a Zhenghuang Banner Niu Luzhang Jing stood next to a red cannon. After the red cannon was loaded, he raised the waist knife in his hand, pointed at the artillery position in front, and shouted loudly.

The gunner controlling the cannon in red hurriedly ignited the fuse behind the cannon.


The flame drilled along the fuze towards the gun bore, and after a few breaths, a roaring gun sounded.

Driven by the black powder, the solid shells in the red cannon flew forward.

When the red-clothed cannon fired, the other red-clothed cannons on the city wall also started firing.

The roaring cannons instantly attracted the attention of the defenders on the top of the city.

"We fired back, we fired back!!!"

The defenders on the top of the city looked in the direction of the red cannon and jumped up in joy.

However, the industrial level gap of hundreds of years is not so easy to bridge.

Although the red-clothed cannons on the top of the city were powerful, almost none of the shells fired could hit the artillery positions five miles away.

The shells fired by the cannon in red deviated from the target not too far away, and it was unknown where they went.

Even if the shells of the red cannon can hit the artillery position, the impact on the artillery position is negligible.

Zhao Wen held up the binoculars and looked at the flames of the red cannons above Shenyang City when they fired, and said coldly: "You still want to resist? What a joke."

Zhao Wen put down the binoculars in his hand, and said to the messenger behind him: "Send me an order to bomb the fortifications outside the city, and then directly bomb the walls of Shenyang City!"

"As ordered!"

The messenger behind him cupped his fists at Zhao Wen, and rushed towards the artillery position with Zhao Wen's order.

"Damn it, damn it, why didn't a single shot hit Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses? Why didn't a single shell hit Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses? What's going on here?"

After the shells from the red cannon flew out, Huang Taiji squinted his eyes and looked at the artillery positions outside the city.

However, judging from the density of the shells fired by the Xuanzhen artillery, none of the shells fired by the red cannon on the city head hit.

If a shell hits the artillery position outside the city, the density of the shells fired from the Xuanzhen artillery position will definitely decrease.But now the density of shell explosions outside the city has not decreased at all. Looking at it this way, it means that none of the shells on his side hit the artillery positions of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses.

"Damn it, really damn it!" Huang Taiji slapped the pillars in the city gate, shouting angrily and flusteredly.

"Big Khan, it's dangerous here, let's retreat. If something happens to Big Khan, what should we do?" Aobai beside Huang Taiji tried to persuade Huang Taiji earnestly with an anxious expression on his face.

Huang Taiji snorted coldly, "Hmph, Ben Khan wants to live and die with Shengjing City, how can he retreat from the city wall because of fear? If Ben Khan retreats from the city wall, what do you let the defenders on the top of the city think of Ben Khan?
Don't mention this kind of thing in front of Ben Khan in the future, this Shengjing City was handed over to Ben Khan by Father Khan, and Ben Khan wants to guard him.If Shengjing City can't be defended, then Houjin will be finished.

For hundreds of years, we have finally gotten rid of the scene of being enslaved by others, how can we give up?Do you want Chenghua Liting to reappear?Don't say too much, if you are afraid of death, then you go, Ben Khan will never stop you. "

Huang Taiji's eyes widened, glaring at Oboi, he shouted in a cold voice.

"Slave and sweat will live and die together, sweat will not retreat, and slave will not retreat!" Seeing Huang Taiji like this, Aobai hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Huang Taiji a few times, and shouted loudly.

"Haha, what a slave, what a slave!" Huang Taiji laughed loudly.


At this moment, a huge explosion sounded suddenly on the walls of Shenyang City.

Huang Taiji thought it was Xuanzhen's shells that had landed on the top of the city, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the explosion.

After a dozen or so breaths, Dorgon rushed over with his personal guards.

Before Huang Taiji could ask questions, Dorgon pointed to the direction of the explosion and shouted: "There is a cannon in red because the gunner was too nervous, and the gunpowder was loaded too much, causing the chamber to explode. The gunners around the cannon in red They were all killed."

Huang Taiji was shocked when he heard the words, "How could this happen? What are these gunners doing for food? The number of cannons in our hands is not as many as that of the Xuanzhen soldiers and horses. How can they explode at this time? The person in charge of that cannon Who is the officer? Tell him to come see me!"

Huang Taiji roared at Dorgon again and again.The red-clothed cannons on the top of the city cannot be compared with Xuanzhen's in terms of quantity or quality. At this time, every red-clothed cannon is very cherished. Now one is lost for no reason, Huang Taiji How can you not be angry?
"Khan, the officer in charge was killed by the blasted artillery!" Dorgon said.

Huang Taiji clapped his hands together, and said angrily: "Hmph, what a fool, not even a single enemy soldier was killed, and he gave up his own life, what a fool!"

"Now, give me an order to tell all the gunners to be careful. Now that the soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen have not attacked the city, you must be careful when firing the artillery, so as not to cause the artillery to explode again.

If the artillery blows up, the officer in charge will definitely kill and show no mercy! "Huang Taiji waved his hand, his eyes were full of cold light.

As the saying goes, heavy codes should be used in troubled times, and the same is true in wars, especially now.If strict orders are not used for officers at all levels, it is estimated that the defense of the city will be difficult to continue.

Dorgon saluted Huang Taiji and ran along the city wall.

On the northernmost section of the western city wall, Dorgon's younger brother Duoduo stood outside the fort of a cannon in red, watching the explosion on the fortifications outside the city in panic, trembling with fear.

After Dorgon left Huang Taiji, he hurried towards Duoduo.

"How's the situation?" Dorgon ran to Duo Duo and asked nervously.

Duoduo squatted behind the wall next to the fort, pointed to the direction outside the city, and shouted: "The situation is not good. The artillery positions outside the city are too far away, and our artillery can't reach them at all."

"It's fine if we can't reach it, we are not the opponents of Xuanzhen at all. Let me ask you, how did you arrange the two white flags? Earlier, I asked you to transfer the two white flags to the east city wall. Did you transfer them?" Dorgon squatted under the parapet of the city wall, looking at Duoduo.

Earlier, when Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses were all approaching the city, Dorgon discovered a problem.

That is, there are Xuanzhen soldiers and horses in the south, west and north of the city, but there are no soldiers and horses in the east of the city.

At this time, Dorgon reckoned that Xuan Town would probably adopt the tactics of encircling three and missing one.

In this way, the east of the city became their last escape route and their last way of survival.

Dorgon had no intention of defending Shenyang City, so he asked Duo Duo to mobilize all the soldiers and horses of the two white flags to the east wall. If nothing could be done, it would be easier to escape.

Doduo nodded, and shouted: "I have already transferred, I have already transferred yesterday morning."

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved. You watch here first, and if you can't do anything, move to the east wall!" Dorgon shouted at Duo Duo, and then led the guards behind him to leave here.

When the sun began to slant westward, the fortifications outside the city wall were almost blown up.

The traps set between the earth walls were also covered by flying rammed earth.

These traps, which took a lot of manpower to set up, have lost their effect at this time.

Zhao Wen held up the binoculars, looked at the dusty fortifications, and shouted at the messenger beside him: "Send the order, stop the bombardment!"

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen messengers rushed towards the artillery position in front.

When the artillery stopped and the dust and gunpowder smoke above the fortifications dissipated, Zhao Wen finally saw the appearance of the fortifications clearly.

The fortifications were completely destroyed, the earth walls were blown flat, and there were potholes everywhere, which was completely different from the earth walls that Zhao Wen had seen before.

If the previous earth wall was a tall wall, then the current earth wall is at best the foundation of the earth wall, not even the foundation.

At the very least, the foundation is flat, unlike what it is now, where there are potholes everywhere.

At the same time, Huang Taiji also saw the destroyed earth wall.

He looked at the destroyed earthen wall in front of him, speechless in horror.

These earthen walls are the fortifications that took him more than a month to build with exhaustion and countless laborers. Huang Taiji devoted a lot of effort to this fortification, but he didn't expect that the fortification that took a lot of energy to build could last for a day. He didn't hold on, and was blown up under his nose so easily.

"They're going to attack the city, they're going to attack the city, they're going to attack the city!" Looking at the destroyed fortifications, Huang Taiji trembled and realized.

If the fortifications are destroyed, they will definitely launch an attack on Shengjing City.

Thinking of the scene of bombing the earthen wall just now, Huang Taiji's scalp tingled.

"Hurry up and pull all the gathered Ming people to the city wall. I want to see if they dare to attack the city!" Look for Dorgon's figure.

Just when he was confused, Dorgon rushed over, "Khan, I'm afraid they are going to attack the city!"

"That's right, they are definitely going to attack the city. Hurry up and pull up the Ming people who have already gathered in the city, hurry up!" Huang Taiji roared anxiously at Dorgon.

Dorgon didn't talk nonsense, and directly led the men and horses towards the city wall.

At this time, Zhao Wen put down the binoculars in his hand, pointed and pulled out the waist knife that had already been inserted into his waist, "Pass me an order, target Shenyang City, and fire with all your strength!"

As soon as Zhao Wen finished speaking, more than a dozen messengers rushed towards the artillery position ahead with Zhao Wen's order.

Because the gun barrel had to cool down, the firing was delayed this time.

About half an hour later, all the artillery on the artillery position was aimed at Shenyang City ahead.

At this time, Dorgon had just arrived at the Ming people's gathering area with his troops, and was taking the Ming people out.


When the first shell flew out of the barrel, all the artillery on the artillery position roared.

The 152mm cannon howitzer will create a lot of smoke every time it fires.

The 107 rockets, like the firecrackers set off during the New Year, flew towards the city of Shenyang one after another.

Not to mention the 120 mortars and 40 fire, they also flew forward one after another.

Huang Taiji looked at the flames on the artillery position in front of him, his face changed drastically.

Huang Taiji really didn't expect that the artillery would come so quickly, and Dorgon fired before he got the Ming people up to Xuanzhen.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Taiji heard dense sounds of breaking through the air.

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, Obai hurriedly threw Huang Taiji to the ground.

"Khan, be careful!" Oboi shouted as he pushed Huang Taiji under him.

As soon as the sound fell, after a few breaths, the shell landed on the head of Shenyang City.

"Boom bang bang!!!"

One after another shells exploded on the top of Shenyang City, and the flames appeared continuously on the top of the city accompanied by the sound of explosions.

Before the defenders on the top of the city could dodge in time, they were enveloped by a huge explosion.


A Zhenghuang Banner Niulu Zhangjing was lifted out of the city wall by the blast wave and fell towards the outside of the city wall.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, screamed and fell towards the bottom of the city wall.

"Crack!" With a sound, he landed on the floor tiles at the base of the city wall.

Even though he was protected by cotton armor, how could the cotton armor protect him when he fell off the wall of Shenyang City?

A shell fell into the fort of a red cannon on the top of the city, and the high temperature generated ignited the gunpowder stored in the fort.

The second explosion occurred, and the fragments of bricks and tiles in the fort were blown out.Hit the surrounding soldiers who are too late to dodge.

Although the fragments of bricks are not as sharp as bullets and shell fragments, they are heavy and fast, so they can easily penetrate the cotton armor on these soldiers.

Some soldiers who were relatively close to the fort were blown away by the air waves generated by the explosion.

There is also an attic built by Huang Taiji on the top of Shenyang City to store gunpowder.

In order to ensure safety, when Huang Taiji asked people to build the attic, the walls were built with long stones.

There are two layers of long stones, one outside and one inside, with rammed earth in between.

For the firearms of this era, if you want to blow up the attic where the gunpowder is stored, unless you bomb all the time, it is difficult to blow up in a very short time.

But under the high-explosive shells of the 152mm cannon howitzer, the attic where the gunpowder is stored is like a toy building block in the hands of a child, which is not worth mentioning.

A high-explosive round from a 152mm cannon howitzer hit a powder attic.

At the moment of impact, a huge explosion lifted the bricks and tiles on the attic and blasted the rammed earth inside.

The rammed earth layer of the attic is not as good as the rammed earth layer of the city wall. The rammed earth layer of the city wall is very thick, but the rammed earth layer of the attic is very thin. Although it can withstand the attacks of many firearms in this era, it cannot withstand 152 mm A high-explosive round fired from a cannon howitzer.

Flames penetrated through the lifted rammed earth layer, igniting the gunpowder inside.

(End of this chapter)

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