Chapter 488

The flame ignited the gunpowder inside, and the gunpowder burned violently in a limited space, releasing huge energy in an instant.


A loud noise resounded on the city wall, and hundreds of catties of gunpowder in the attic exploded, blowing the attic where the gunpowder was stored.

The long stones on the wall of the attic were shattered by the flames and flew around.

Not only this attic where the gunpowder was stored, but other attics were also detonated in the continuous bombing.

The red-clothed cannon on the top of the city was blown up into the air, and landed on the city wall with a buzzing sound.

Some soldiers on the city wall who had no time to escape were smashed to death by the cannons in red.

"Khan, it's dangerous here. Khan's body is very important. Let's go down and take shelter. Let's leave this place to the guards." Obai looked at the constant explosions above the city, leaned his body, and looked at him with a terrified expression. Huang Taiji shouted.

Huang Taiji shook his head, "No, if this Khan wants to live and die with Shengjing City, this Khan must live and die with Shengjing City.

What about Dorgon?Where is Dorgon?What about those smart people?Why haven't Mingren been brought up yet?Hurry up and send someone to remind you! "

Huang Taiji still shouted loudly at Oboi.

Aobai sighed, "Khan, what time is this? Even if we bring the people of the Ming Dynasty up, I'm afraid it won't help. The soldiers in Xuanzhen outside the city are all jealous. At this time, they don't care about whether the people are not the people. of."

"Damn, damn, really damn. I have no grievances with Xuanzhen, why did he come to attack me from a long distance? And that damn Ning Wan me, why hasn't he sent any news at this time.

Before letting him go to the capital of the Ming Dynasty and unite with the Ming Dynasty, no matter whether it is successful or not, at least a message should be sent back, but why is there no sign of it?And that Fan Wencheng, damn it, didn't he say that Xuan Zhen Zhao Wen was only for the glory and wealth?
He also asked Ben Khan to write an imperial decree to Zhao Wen. Is this the glory and wealth of Zhao Wen?Is this glory and wealth?Damn Fan Wencheng, if it wasn't for him, Ben Khan wouldn't have despised Xuan Zhen and was beaten by Xuan Zhen. "

Huang Taiji looked at the artillery fire on the top of the city, feeling angry and anxious, cursing Ning Wan, me and Fan Wencheng non-stop.

From Huang Taiji's point of view, if it wasn't for Fan Wencheng's wrong judgment, he would have raised enough vigilance against Xuanzhen and strengthened his defense against Xuanzhen.

If it weren't for Ning Wan's incompetence, the Ming court should have already formed an alliance with me at this time. At this time, I may not be fighting alone, and maybe I can fight side by side with Ming soldiers.

"Ben Khan will never retreat. This is the battlefield of Ben Khan. This is the battlefield of Ben Khan. This is the Shengjing City that Father Khan left for Ben Khan. I can't lose Shengjing City in Ben Khan's hands!" Huang Taiji pulled out his hand. With the waist knife at his waist, he rushed out of the city gate building under artillery fire, rushed to the city wall, waved the waist knife in his hand and roared loudly at the defenders on the city wall.

Surrounding him were hundreds of personal guards, these people surrounded Huang Taiji, and at the same time squeezed the city wall tightly, for fear that Huang Taiji would encounter any danger.

Behind Huang Taiji, a burly soldier held a huge flag, which was Huang Taiji's dragon flag, representing Huang Taiji.

"Soldiers, defend Shengjing City to the death, and live and die with Shengjing City!!!"

Huang Taiji braved the gunfire and ran continuously on the city wall, shouting to cheer up the soldiers defending the city.

When the trembling soldiers on the top of the city saw Huang Taiji braving the artillery fire to cheer them up, their morale increased instantly.

As the saying goes, the generals are the courage of the soldiers. Although the defenders on the top of the city can't do anything against Xuanzhen's artillery fire at this time, after seeing Huang Taiji, their confidence can't help but increase.

But at this moment, a high-explosive bomb landed on the city gate.

A flame appeared, followed by a huge explosion, and the city gate building was destroyed in the huge explosion.

Huang Taiji followed the sound of the explosion and saw the ruins of the city gate.

"Fortunately, I ran out. If I was a step too late, I'm afraid there would be no bones left." Huang Taiji looked at the city gate and building far away from him with a look of fear, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"All the soldiers are mighty!!!" Huang Taiji withdrew his gaze, looked at a group of soldiers a hundred steps away from him, and shouted at them.

There were about 30 of these soldiers. They looked at Huang Taiji. Although they couldn't hear what Huang Taiji was saying clearly under the artillery fire, they cheered excitedly at Huang Taiji.

"Swoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!!"

Several piercing sounds sounded, flying towards this soldier and horse.

Under Huang Taiji's horrified gaze, this army was hit by several high-explosive shells.

When the fire and gunpowder smoke cleared, these soldiers all disappeared from the top of the city.

The bricks on the city wall were also blown away, exposing the rammed earth inside.

"Khan, it's dangerous here, let's go down." Obai looked at the disappearing soldiers, his legs trembling constantly.

From Aobai's point of view, if he still stays here and doesn't move, people like himself will be shot sooner or later, and the end will be similar to that of those people just now.

Zhao Wen held up the binoculars and looked at the city of Shenyang, which was under heavy artillery fire, and said to the messenger beside him: "Order the artillery positions in front to fire a high-explosive bomb and then a white phosphorus bomb. The two types of shells are exchanged. This time we will destroy the Jiannu’s vitality is the main goal, and there is no rush to break through the city wall.”

"As ordered!"

The messenger shouted at Zhao Wen, and rushed towards the artillery position ahead with Zhao Wen's order.

After a dozen or so breaths, a wave of white phosphorous bombs flew towards the city of Shenyang.


A white phosphorus bomb fired from a 152mm cannon howitzer landed on the top of the city, and the explosives in the shell blasted out the white phosphorus loaded inside.

At high temperatures, white phosphorus burns as soon as it comes into contact with air.

Wherever the white phosphorus went, it began to burn.Even the walls attached to the city walls began to burn.


The back of a Zhenghuangqi soldier was stained with some burning white phosphorus. He didn't pay attention to it at first, but within a dozen breaths, the flames enveloped his body.

Cotton armor is made of cotton. Wrap the cotton with cotton cloth, sew it tightly with thick thread, soak it in water, and then beat it with a hammer. When it no longer swells, it is dried in the sun.

Although cotton armor has good protection against firearms of this era, it becomes a very good combustion accelerant when facing white phosphorus bombs.

Cotton armor is not easy to extinguish even if it is ignited by ordinary flames, let alone white phosphorus bombs.

The soldier was covered in flames and turned into a Pyroman.

Under the burning of the flame, the inner armor inside the cotton armor became extremely hot.

He screamed and ran wildly on the city wall, and the soldiers who met him wanted to put out the flames on him and save him, but it was not so easy to extinguish the burning of white phosphorus.

Not only was the flame on the soldier not extinguished, he even ignited several soldiers who were fighting the fire.

A white phosphorous bomb landed in front of a trembling soldier squatting behind the crenel on the city wall.

The white phosphorus bomb exploded in front of him, and the explosion of white phosphorus was not enough to kill him.

But the white phosphorus inside enveloped him in an instant.

The moment white phosphorus comes into contact with the air, it burns violently.

The soldier was engulfed in flames, shouting hysterically.

The white phosphorous bomb burned extremely painfully. Because the soldier couldn't bear the pain, he jumped directly from the city wall and chose to end his life.

As white phosphorous bombs were continuously fired, the west wall of Shenyang City became a sea of ​​flames.

The raging fire burned to death on the top of the city, Obai looked at this scene, no matter how Huang Taiji yelled and scolded, he directly carried Huang Taiji, and carried Huang Taiji to the bottom of the city wall.

At this time, Dorgon led the soldiers and horses to escort the Ming people to the bottom of the city wall.

Looking at the raging fire and the sound of explosions on the city wall, he was very flustered.

"Master, can't we go up?" A guard following Dorgon looked at Dorgon, swallowed, and asked in panic.

Dorgon said in a trembling voice: "Go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up, go up at this time, we will die."

"Then what should we do now? Let us send these smart people up!" the guard asked again.

"It doesn't matter, just leave them here!" Dorgon looked at the Ming people behind and said.


A white phosphorous bomb flew out from the top of the city and flew towards this side.

Dorgon stared helplessly at the flying shell, trying to avoid it, but his body was like a piece of wood, unable to move at all.


The white phosphorous bomb fell among the soldiers and horses escorting the Ming people behind Dorgon.

The moment the white phosphorus bomb touched the ground, the white phosphorus inside was thrown out.

The flames began to burn among Dorgon's soldiers and horses.

These Ming people looked at the burning flames, then at the flames on the top of the city and the explosions that kept ringing in their ears, and panicked instantly.

"Run, run, Jianu asked us to defend the city, we can't defend at all, this is going to die, run!"

The people panicked and fled in all directions.

At this time, they didn't care about whether to build slaves or not, so they let go and fled towards the back.

"What should I do?" The guard pointed at the fleeing civilians and shouted at Dorgon.

"It doesn't matter, just run away. Let's stay around first, don't leave. Remember, stay away from the city wall. If the city wall is breached, go to the east gate as soon as possible. Remember, go to the east gate." Dole Dagon yelled a few times, and ran towards the back with his personal guards.

The soldiers and horses following Dorgon ran away when they saw Dorgon, and followed Dorgon towards the back.

At this time, it's not that Dorgon doesn't want to run away, it's not that he doesn't want to go to Dongchengmen, but he is just worried that Huang Taiji is not dead.

(End of this chapter)

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