Chapter 489

At the same time, Huang Taiji was also carried down by Oboi from the city wall.

Although Aobai and Huang Taiji ran down safely, those personal guards of Huang Taiji were not so lucky.

A large number of Huang Taiji's personal guards were killed and wounded, and in the end there were only dozens of guards around Huang Taiji.

Aobai's whole body was scorched black, and the helmet he was wearing on his head was somehow lost, revealing his pigtails of money, and he was in a panic.

He put Huang Taiji on the ground, and hurriedly shouted at Huang Taiji: "Khan, let's quickly get the defenders on the city wall to retreat, form a defense line, and rely on the city to fight against Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses."

The bright yellow armor on Huang Taiji's body had already changed color, and it was covered with jet black.

The shoe on his left foot was lost for some reason, and he just stood there with one foot bare.


A soldier who was covered in fire screamed and fell from the top of the city, and landed seven or eight steps away from Huang Taiji.

With a snap, it fell apart in front of Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji looked at the body that fell into a ball and was still burning in front of him, shrunk his neck, and shouted at Oboi with some fear: "Extremely, extremely, what a slave, what a slave.

Send me an order to let the defenders on the city wall withdraw in an orderly manner, and form a defense line behind the city wall. "

Although before defending the city, Huang Taiji made an oath to live and die with the city wall and never set foot on the city wall.

However, under the intensive attack of Xuanzhen artillery fire, Huang Taiji also began to panic.

Especially the scene where he had just walked out of the city gate and the city gate was blown into ruins by artillery fire, which shocked Huang Taiji even more.

Although Huang Taiji was known for his bravery, he would also be afraid when facing Xuanzhen's artillery.What's more, the artillery fire this time is several times that encountered under the capital before.

"Khan, let's go, the slaves will obey your orders!" Obai roared at the Emperor Taiji, and then led seven or eight guards towards the city wall.

Seeing Oboi rushing up under the cannon fire, Huang Taiji shouted again and again: "What a slave, what a slave!"

"Khan, go away!" The guard beside him hurriedly shouted at Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji didn't talk nonsense, and fled towards Shenyang City with his personal guards.

"Boom bang bang!!!"

As soon as Oboi rushed up the city wall, there were several loud explosions on the city wall.

The earth, stone, bricks and tiles were blown up and flying all over the sky, and the city walls were full of exposed earth pits.

"Retreat, retreat!" Oboi bowed his body and shouted loudly on the city wall.

But how could his voice compare to the explosion on the city wall?What's more, even if he didn't come up, the defenders on the top of the city couldn't hold on anymore.

When Huang Taiji ran down, the defenders on the top of the city seemed to have lost their backbone, and began to panic and ran towards the stairs of the city wall.

The military discipline and will of Jiannu are stronger than that of the soldiers of the guards, and they last longer than the soldiers of the guards.But it doesn't mean that Jianu can persevere forever. Under the bombardment of this kind of firepower, unless Jianu is an emotionless robot, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

"Run, run!"

The defenders on the top of the city fled towards the stairs under the bombardment of the artillery.

It wasn't long before Aobai boarded the city wall, when he saw a group of soldiers and horses running along the city wall in a panic.

Aobai looked at the soldiers and horses rushing towards him, and hurried to the side, leaving a place for them.

"Chi la, chi la!"

At this moment, the city wall under Oboi's feet began to tremble, accompanied by a dull sound.

The trembling kept getting bigger and bigger, Oboi squatted down in panic, and shouted loudly: "What's going on? What's going on? What's going on here?"

Although the city wall would tremble a bit when the shells exploded on the city wall, the tremor was not large.

But this time was different, Oboi felt as if the whole city wall was shaking, as if someone was shaking the city wall.

The defenders on the top of the city kept coming towards Oboi, some of them came from the gate of the city.

"It's not good, the city wall is going to collapse, it's not good, the city wall is going to collapse!"

A group of soldiers ran over from the city gate and shouted loudly, but because of the explosion, Oboi couldn't hear a word.

Aobai really wanted to stand up and poke his head out of the city wall to see what happened, but there were scattered brick fragments and shrapnel everywhere on the city wall, and Aobai didn't dare to stand upright at all.

At the same time, a crack appeared on the wall near the city gate building, and the crack continued to grow and grow larger.

Below the city gate building is the city gate, and outside the city gate there are two Wengcheng. These two Wengcheng are arranged in sequence to wrap the city gate building.

The two Wengcheng are arranged in the shape of a "day" and share the outer city wall.

Compared with the city wall, Wengcheng protrudes outwards, and it is curved, so it has been bombed more.

Wengcheng became crumbling during the continuous bombing. The bricks outside the wall were blown to zero, and the wall made of rammed earth was full of big holes.

Every time a shell explodes, the walls of Wengcheng tremble.

The outermost city of Weng was almost bombed, and only a quarter of the tall city wall was bombed, and it was still shrinking.

The Weng City inside is also scarred. At the junction next to the city gate building, the city wall next to the city gate building that is not protected by Weng City, and the root of the city wall at the connection point were blasted with several huge potholes. .

Because there is no support, the city wall at the connection is constantly tilting forward.

Coupled with the baptism of artillery fire, the slope of the city wall became larger and larger.


A high-explosive shell fired from a 152mm cannon howitzer fell into the crack near the city gate building.

There was a loud noise, and the cracks near the city gate widened instantly, and the vibration of the city wall became larger and larger.

"It's not good, Weng City is going to collapse, it's not good, Weng City is going to collapse!"

There are also a large number of soldiers on Wengcheng, but under the bombardment of artillery fire, very few of these soldiers survived.

The surviving soldiers rushed towards the city gate and shouted loudly at the same time.


In the midst of a loud noise, the city gate building and a part of the city wall in front of Weng City collapsed.

Jiannu who had not had time to escape on the city wall fell down with the toppled city wall and was buried by the broken city wall.

In an instant, the city wall where the city gate building was located seemed to be torn apart by someone, and the first half collapsed, showing a "concave" shape.

The moment the city wall where the city gate building was located collapsed, the city wall trembled violently.

Aobai lay prone on the city wall, pressed his body tightly against the ground, not daring to move.

The city wall collapsed completely, and a huge cloud of smoke rose up instantly.

Coupled with the air waves generated when the shells exploded, they continued to spread around and above.

Huang Taiji, who was leading his bodyguards towards the inner city of Shenyang, was running wildly towards the inner city of Shenyang. Hearing the noise behind him, he hurriedly turned around and took a look.

A huge khaki-colored smoke enveloped the city wall where the city gate building was located.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to tremble. Although the amplitude was not very large and the duration was not long, Huang Taiji understood it instantly, and the city wall was blown down.

"Collapsed, the city wall is collapsed!" Huang Taiji shouted in panic, and hurriedly ran forward.

But just a few steps away, there was another loud coaxing sound.

When he turned his head, he realized that there was nothing under the khaki-colored smoke and dust.

Without the completion of the first half of the city wall, the second half of the city wall began to crumble. Under the continuous bombardment of artillery fire, the second half of the city wall followed closely and collapsed.

Huang Taiji looked at this scene, the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing.

"Snoring!" He swallowed, his body numb and trembling.

Huang Taiji had fought for half his life, and this was the first time he had seen such a brutal way of attacking a city.

In Huang Taiji's impression, the siege battle either exhausted the defenders in the city and attacked the city, or broke through the city gate or jumped from the city wall.

This is the first time Huang Taiji has seen someone who directly blasted the city wall like Xuanzhen.

Huang Taiji only felt a fire burning in his throat, and his throat was extremely dry.

"Let's go quickly, and at the same time pass my order to let all the city guards retreat and build a defense line relying on the buildings in the city." Huang Taiji threw down a nonsense nonsense, and under the protection of his personal guards, he stumbled and fled towards the depths of Shenyang.

When he came, Huang Taiji was still riding a war horse.But when Oboi got him down from the top of the city wall, the horses tethered under the city wall were already frightened by the continuous artillery fire and broke free from the reins and ran to nowhere.

"Run, run, run!" Obai's eyes widened, he pulled out the waist knife from his waist, and held it firmly, now he just wanted to escape down the city wall.

The gunpowder smoke and dust on the top of the city made Obai unable to open his eyes, he squinted his eyes, and moved towards the stairs based on his feeling.

After running a few steps, Oboi bumped into the back of a soldier.

At this time, the stairs were already crowded with fleeing soldiers, and Oboi couldn't go down at all.

"Chi la, chi la!"

Several white phosphorus bombs fired from the 107 rocket launcher fell into the crowd on the stairs.

When the white phosphorus inside was thrown out, a raging fire burned on the stairs instantly.


The screams kept ringing in Oboi's ears, and Oboi's body was not contaminated with white phosphorus because of the relatively long distance.

But hearing these screams, Oboi was terrified.

"What the hell is this, what the hell is this, why is there such a thing in the world?" Obai looked at the flames burning on the stairs and the screams coming from his ears, his voice hoarse.

"Lord be careful!"

At this moment, a guard following him hastily pulled him back and lay on the rugged city wall.

While Aobai was hesitating, a high-explosive shell fired from a 120mm mortar fell into the burning crowd more than ten steps ahead of him.

After a loud noise, it was like throwing a second kicker into the burning haystack, and instantly exploded the Jiannu who were on fire near the center of the landing point, blasting the flames on them and flying around.

The remaining defenders on the top of the city panicked completely, regardless of whether they were hit or not, they all panicked.

Some Jiannu didn't care about anything, screamed and jumped off the city wall, falling into a ball.

"My lord, the city wall has collapsed!"

Standing behind Zhao Wen, Li Xiaosan looked at the collapsed city wall with a telescope, and said to Zhao Wen excitedly.

Zhao Wen put down the binoculars he raised, looking as if he had the chance to win, "Send down the order, after a quarter of an hour, let all the artillery stop attacking, and order all the soldiers and horses in the west, north, and south to prepare to enter the city!"

The messengers around Zhao Wen hurriedly took Zhao Wen's order and rushed towards the artillery position in front and the soldiers who were ready to go.

Zhao Wen withdrew his gaze, looked at a prison car seven or eight steps away from him, and said to Fan Wencheng inside: "Fan Wencheng, do you still think your master is invincible?"

The person imprisoned in this prison van is none other than Fan Wencheng, who was captured by Zhao Wen before.

Zhao Wen once said that Fan Wencheng should let Fan Wencheng watch Shenyang City be conquered.So when he attacked Liaodong this time, Zhao Wen deliberately asked Fan Wencheng to take him with him.

Fan Wencheng squatted in the prison car, staring blankly at the bombed and shattered city wall in front of him, his mouth was wide open, and he was spitting non-stop.

"How could it be, how could it be, how could it be, how could it be like this, how could it be like this!" Fan Wencheng murmured dully, he couldn't have imagined that the extremely powerful Jiannu in his eyes would be like this under Xuan Zhen's subordinates Vulnerable, not to mention resistance, not even parry.

"My lord, Fan Wencheng is a well-known running dog beside Huang Taiji. Why do you keep him? Why don't you just kill him?" Bu He pointed at Fan Wencheng in the prison car, and said cautiously to Zhao Wen.

Although Bu He knew that Zhao Wen was powerful, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

This siege battle shocked Bu He from the inside to the outside. He couldn't imagine that Zhao Wen's strength had reached such a level.

Although Buhe has already turned to Zhao Wen, but after seeing Zhao Wen's strength, Buhe still feels a little guilty.

"Kill him? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just kill him like this, let's keep it for now, I want him to see how Huang Taiji died with his own eyes!" Zhao Wen glared at Fan Wencheng coldly, and said coldly.

Zhao Wen withdrew his gaze and looked at Shenyang City in front of him.

As time passed slowly, a quarter of an hour finally passed, and the bombing on the artillery position also stopped.

When the gunpowder smoke completely dissipated, Zhao Wen drew out the waist knife from his waist, pointed at Shenyang City, and roared angrily: "The whole army obeys the order, kill!!!"

Following Zhao Wen's order, the soldiers and horses behind Zhao Wen who couldn't hold back were holding on to the reins in their hands, their legs were tightly clamping the horse's belly, their eyes were staring at Shenyang City in front of them, and they were looking at the city in front of them. Shenyang City rushed.



For a moment, the sound of shouting and killing and the sound of horseshoes intertwined, resounding through the sky.

At this time, the city walls in the south and north of the city were similar to the walls in the west of the city, and they were destroyed in pieces.

When the soldiers and horses in the west of the city that Zhao Wen was in charge of rushed out, the soldiers and horses in the south and north of the city also began to attack Shenyang City.

Zhao Wen did not rush forward with the soldiers, but stayed at the end.

It wasn't that Zhao Wen didn't want to be the first to rush into the city, but his personal guards didn't let him rush into the city.

For the current Zhao Wen, there can be no mistakes for Xuanzhen soldiers and horses.

Anyone in Xuan Town can have an accident, except Zhao Wen.

Especially now that it is Jiannu's old lair that is attacking, and if the old lair is breached, Jiannu will inevitably resist, so for the sake of safety, these personal guards will not let Zhao Wen rush into the city at this time.

Because of his age, Bu He didn't rush in, and stayed where he was with Zhao Wen.

"Shenyang City can be said to have been taken!" Bu He looked at the soldiers and horses rushing towards Shenyang City, heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Zhao Wen with a relaxed face.

Zhao Wen nodded, "Yes, Shenyang City has been captured, but Huang Taiji's family has not been captured yet."

"Well, my lord, can I ask you something?" Bu He suddenly looked at Zhao Wen cautiously.

Zhao Wen chuckled, "Oh? Why, what do you ask of me at this juncture?"

"It's about Bumbutai and Zhezhe." Buhe lowered his head, like a parent who has made a mistake seeing his father.

When Zhao Wen heard this, he immediately understood.

Bumbutai is Buhe's daughter, Hai Lanzhu's younger sister, Huang Taiji's side Fujin, and later the famous Empress Xiaozhuang.

Zhezhe is the younger sister of Buhe, the aunt of Hailanzhu and Bumubutai, the third Dafu Jin of Huang Taiji, and the later Empress Xiaoduanwen.

These two are both family members of Buhe, and they are also close relatives. Now that Huang Taiji is about to be destroyed, although these two are Huang Taiji's wives, Buhe doesn't want these two to die like this, and wants to fight fight.

Zhao Wen didn't answer directly, but stared at Bu He's flustered face calmly.

Bu He became a little nervous being stared at by Zhao Wen, he looked at Zhao Wen, and begged, "I hope the adults can see that Hai Lanzhu gave birth to a pair of children for the sake of bypassing the two of them.

Bumbutai and Zhezhe were still young when they married Huang Taiji, and Nurhachi and Huang Taiji forced them to marry Huang Taiji in desperation.I also ask the adults to show mercy! "

Logically speaking, grassland tribes like Buhe Khan generally only valued interests, not family ties.

But Buhe is not the same. Although Buhe also values ​​the interests of the tribe, he also values ​​family affection.

At this time, Bu He didn't look like Horqin was sweating profusely. He looked at Zhao Wen who had been silent for a long time, and hurriedly jumped off the horse, and was about to kneel to the ground as he spoke.

Seeing Bu He's posture, Zhao Wen hurriedly jumped off his horse and supported Bu He's shoulders, "Don't kneel, what are you kneeling for?"

"Hehe, Buhe, Buhe, do you still hope that this bastard Zhao Wen will let the two Fujins go? I advise you to stop thinking about it. I think you know more about Zhao Wen than I do!"

Fan Wencheng, who was squatting in the prison car, looked at Bu He and said sarcastically.

Fan Wencheng knew that he would not survive, so he no longer tabooed anything.

(End of this chapter)

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