Chapter 491 Khan, let's run

"Pass down the order to gather all the rout soldiers, Ben Khan will live and die with Shengjing City!" Huang Taiji shouted to the guards behind him after running into the palace gate.

At this time, there were only a dozen personal guards left behind Huang Taiji, and these personal guards glanced at each other, and then rushed out again.

Before Huang Taiji set off, he took out almost all the guards in the palace. After the guards behind him left, there was no one else except the guards of the palace.

Huang Taiji pointed at the palace gate, and shouted at the soldiers guarding the palace gate: "You guard here steadfastly, and no one is allowed to enter except the defeated soldiers!"

After leaving a word, Huang Taiji hurriedly fled towards the depths of the palace.

Aobai, Azige, Jierharang and others led the remaining soldiers and horses to shrink towards the palace, and they encountered these personal guards sent by Huang Taiji not long after.

Aobai and others gathered more than 5 soldiers and horses. Originally, there were as many as 17 defenders in Shenyang City. However, under the bombardment of Xuanzhen Town, many soldiers and horses were killed and injured. In addition to fleeing in all directions and the soldiers and horses taken away by Dorgon and Duo Duo, Aobai and others only gathered so many soldiers and horses.

"The Great Khan asked you to bring your soldiers and horses to the vicinity of the palace to defend the palace!"

A personal guard rushed in front of Oboi and shouted loudly at Oboi.

Aobai's face was completely black, and the armor on his body was stained with blood.

He squinted his eyes and nodded at the guard, and rushed towards the palace as you choose.

Apart from Aobai, Azig, Jierharang and others also led the gathered soldiers and horses towards the palace.

In addition to the soldiers and horses they gathered, there were also a large number of rout soldiers scattered in the city.

These rout soldiers were constantly chased and killed by the soldiers of Xuanzhen and Horqin in the city, and there were rout soldiers everywhere in Shenyang City.

There are shouts of killing everywhere, the sound of weapons colliding everywhere, the sound of gunshots and exploding grenades everywhere.

The residents of the city hid in their homes and were in constant fear.

The residents in Shenyang City are basically Jiannu, and the soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen and Horqin were not so polite to Jiannu.

When attacking Taiyuan, Zhao Wen asked his troops to restrain themselves and not disturb the people.But in Shenyang City, Zhao Wen didn't give an order not to disturb the people at all.

Zhao Wen did not make any statement on how to treat the Jian slaves in Shenyang City.

Although Zhao Wen did not express his position, it represented Zhao Wen's attitude.

The soldiers who rushed into the city didn't care about disturbing the people or not. Their main goal was to chase and kill the rout soldiers. If the rout soldiers rushed into the houses, they would rush in without mercy.

In a house not far from the imperial palace, Shu Erha's family members were all hiding in a room in the backyard of their house. They were terrified to the extreme when they heard the constant shouts and screams coming from their ears.

This room is not very big, it is a room for storing groceries, and all Shuerha's immediate family members are hiding in it.

Those servant girls in the mansion either hid outside the room or hid in other rooms.

"The southern barbarians rushed in, they rushed into the city!" Shuerha's mother looked in the direction of the gate, sat on a low stool in the middle of the room, held Shuerha tightly in her arms, with a serious look on her face. Panic.

Shuerha's mother is a collateral relative of Huang Taiji, the concubine daughter of Nurhachi's younger brother, named Ubri.In order to win over and make Shuerha's father work for him, Huang Taiji married her to Shuerha's father.

Shuerha could clearly feel the trembling on his mother's body. Although Shuerha is only seven or eight years old now, he heard the screams and screams outside, as well as his mother's reaction, and quickly understood Come here, Shenyang City has been breached.

"Emiang, has Shengjing City been breached by the Nanmanzi?" Shuerha broke free from Ubri's arms, looked at his mother, and asked.

"Where is Ama? Ama is very powerful, how can the southern barbarians break through the city wall?"

In the past, when Shuerha mentioned his father, his face was full of pride, but now, he was full of horror.

The continuous sound of gunfire on the top of the city had already shattered Shuerha's pride, but now he is pale and frightened.

Ubri burst into tears when Shu Erha said his father.

She hugged Shuerha directly, and burst into tears, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this Lol on !

Although Ubli is unwilling to face it, the situation is so clear now that the enemy troops have already rushed into the city, and Tong Jiagen is the defender of the city. In Ubli's view, Tong Jiagen may be in danger. .


At this moment, the door of Shuerha's house was knocked open from the outside, and seven or eight soldiers in bright yellow cotton armor rushed in from the outside under the leadership of a big man.

Their bodies were covered with blood and black, and their eyes were full of fear and panic.

After they rushed in, they began to search the front yard.

When the search was over, he went straight to the backyard.

"Go to the backyard, they must be in the backyard!" The big man in the lead pointed in the direction of the backyard and ran towards the backyard.

The leading sweat is none other than Shu Erha's father, Tong Jiagen.

Tong Jiagen used to be a defender on the north city wall, not far from the stairs of the city wall. Because of luck and running fast, he survived.

Although he survived, his soldiers and horses were scattered, and many soldiers were killed.

After the city was broken, Tong Jiagen knew that the city wall could no longer be defended, so he led the remaining troops and ran directly towards his home, and sent his family out before Xuanzhen soldiers and horses completely captured Shengjing City.

When Tong Jiagen came to the backyard, Ubri, everyone in the room, and nearby servants heard Tong Jiagen's footsteps.

Ubri thought that the person who rushed in was an enemy, and hurriedly hugged Shuerha tightly in his arms, and looked at the door in panic.

As the footsteps got closer, everyone in the room began to panic.

They held their breath, held some wooden sticks they had found before, and stood vigilantly in the middle of the room.

"Ubri, Shulha!"

Tong Jiagen's shout came from outside the door.

Ubri's eyes lit up, and the panic on his face dissipated a lot in an instant.

"It's your Ama, your Ama is here."

She hurriedly stood up from the low stool, shouted at Shuerha a few times, and then hurriedly rushed outside.

"I'm here!" Ubri pushed open the door and shouted in the direction of Tong Jiagen's voice.

"Ama, Ama, I'm here!" Shuerha hurriedly followed behind Ubri, rushed out the door, and shouted loudly.

Tong Jiagen, who was looking from house to house in the backyard, hurriedly led his men towards the sound coming from after hearing the voices of Ubri and Shuerha.

After a dozen or so breaths, Tong Jiagen came in front of Ubri and Shuerha.

Ubri looked at Tong Jiagen, who was in a state of embarrassment, like a beggar, and tears flowed out instantly, pouring into Tong Jiagen's arms.

"Wooooow, I thought you would never come back again, I thought you died in battle, do you know that the explosion just now can scare us to death!" Ubri hugged Tong Jiagen tightly, afraid As soon as I let go, Tong Jiagen was gone.

Shu Erha also hurriedly hugged Tong Jiagen's thigh, crying loudly: "Ama, I thought I would never see you again, woohoo, I'm so scared, Ama!"

Tong Jiagen threw the knife in his hand on the ground and hurriedly comforted the two.

"Okay, don't cry, the enemy army has already entered the city. This time the enemy army is Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses. They are fierce and powerful. We are not their opponents at all. Our people can't stop them at all.

These soldiers and horses are not good stubble, let's run quickly.Run out of Shengjing City, run north or south, wait for a while, when the wind dies down, we will come back. "Tong Jiagen supported Ubuli's shoulder, and said to Ubuli anxiously.

Ubri rubbed his eyes and nodded, "Everything is at your disposal!"

Tong Jiagen nodded, then picked up the knife thrown on the ground, and said to the people behind Ubri: "Let's go through the back door, and go directly to the east gate after going out. There will be fewer enemy troops in the east gate!"

After Tong Jiagen finished speaking, he led his remaining men towards the back door.

Shu Erha was hugged by one of Tong Jiagen's personal guards, and followed closely behind Tong Jiagen.

Ubri led the relatives behind him and hurriedly chased after Tong Jiagen.

The maids and servants at home hurriedly followed behind them.

After a while, Tong Jiagen rushed to the back door.

He looked at the back door locked by iron chains in front of him, without saying a word, he picked up the waist knife in his hand and slashed towards the iron chain on the iron lock.

After a burst of sparks, the iron chain on the back door was split by Tong Jiagen.

Tong Jiagen didn't care about anything, opened the back door and was about to rush outside.

"Hey Law!"

At this moment, seven or eight war horses neighed and appeared in front of Tong Jiagen.

Among the seven or eight people, soldiers from Xuanzhen and soldiers from Horqin each accounted for half.

"Hehe, Liu Le, what do we find? Looking at this posture, it seems to be a Niu Luzhang Jing!" A Horqin soldier looked at a Xuanzhen soldier, speaking broken Chinese, and said in surprise.

The soldier named Liu Le laughed and said, "Whoever cuts off the head of Niu Luzhangjing will own it. Don't grab it from me!"

As Liu Le spoke, he shook the reins of the horse in his hand and controlled the horse to rush towards Tong Jiagen.

Tong Jiagen is a wise man, so of course he could understand Liu Le's words. When he saw Liu Le rushing towards him, he hurriedly shouted: "Quick retreat!"

As Tong Jiagen said that, he fled towards the rear, and the soldiers and horses behind him also hurriedly fled towards the rear.

However, how and how can their speed compare to the speed of war horses?

Liu Le was holding the reins of the horse with his left hand, and waving a gleaming waist knife with his right hand, his face was full of excitement.

"I saw this first, don't fight me!" The former Horqin soldier rushed towards Tong Jiagen not to be outdone.

However, his speed was much slower than Liu Le's.

Before he could catch up with Liu Le, Liu Le had already rushed past Tong Jiagen.

When Liu Le rushed over, Tong Jiagen's head soared into the sky, and the blood from his neck spurted out instantly.

The people following Tong Jiagen saw that Tong Jiagen lost his head, and panicked instantly.


Ubri couldn't believe the scene in front of him, screaming loudly as if he was crazy.

Known by Tong Jiagen, Shu Erha, who was held in his arms by his subordinates, watched his father's head being chopped off, and kept crying.

How can the current Shuerha have the ruthlessness to kill a little girl?


The remnant soldiers behind Tong Jiagen looked at the dead Tong Jiagen, turned around and ran away hastily.

"Liu Le, I saw this first!" The former Horqin soldier glared at Liu Le, and then vented his anger on the soldiers under Tong Jiagen's command.

"Kill them all for me!!!" The Horqin soldier pointed at the remnant soldiers who were about to flee behind him, roared, and rushed forward.

The Horqin soldiers following him followed behind him like wolves pouncing on their prey.

After killing Tong Jiagen, Liu Le didn't stay idle, and led the Xuanzhen soldiers behind him to rush over.

It was a charge, and all the soldiers and horses brought by Tong Jiagen were killed to the ground.

The soldier holding Shu Erha was beheaded and fell to the ground, throwing Shu Erha in his arms to the ground heavily.

Shu Erha crawled to Tong Jiagen, crying loudly.

Ubri followed closely behind, kneeling in front of Tong Jiagen, weeping non-stop.

Tong Jiagen's remaining relatives hurriedly knelt on the ground, trembling all the time.

The servants in the mansion wanted to escape, but looking at the backyard littered with corpses, their legs seemed to be filled with lead, and they couldn't move.

"What are you going to do with the rest?" The Horqin soldier pointed at the remaining man and looked at Liu Le.

Liu Le said blankly: "Before rushing in, Lord Zongbing didn't say anything, remember, he didn't say anything, he didn't say to treat them well!"

"Hey, I understand!" How could that Horqin soldier not understand the meaning behind Liu Le's words?He licked his lips, revealing a bloodthirsty light, and looked at the rest of these people.

"Don't kill us, don't kill us, we are Ming people, we are Ming people, we all became their servants in desperation. I want to report, I want to report Tong Jiagen's son Shuerha, Shuer Ha killed a little Mingren girl a few days ago, what I said is true, if you lie, you will kill me, they can all testify!"

Just when the Horqin soldier was about to raise the butcher knife, a servant hurriedly knelt on the ground, pointed at Shu Erha who was kneeling beside Tong Jiagen, and shouted in surprise.

"That's right, we can all testify!" The servants around shouted hastily.

The servants in Tong Jiagen's family are basically Ming people. These people don't care about whether they are in charge or not when they are living and dying. As long as they can survive, they can do anything.

"You slaves, these are dog slaves. I treat you well on weekdays. Is this how you treat me?" Upon hearing these people's words, Ubri turned his head and yelled at these servants.

"Fuck, you dead woman, are you still ashamed to say it? You bastard!" The servant who just started to speak spit a mouthful of thick phlegm at Ubri, and then shouted at Liu Le, " This woman is the concubine daughter of Nurhachi's younger brother Shuerhaqi!"

The former Horqin soldier's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Liu Le, you can't rob me this time!"

Liu Le chuckled, looked at the servants, Ubri and Shuerha, and said, "Except for these servants, you can figure out the rest."

"Understood!" The Horqin soldier replied, and then rushed towards Ubri and Shuerha.

When passing by Shuerha, he pulled the reins of the horse in his hand, and the horseman under his crotch stood up and stepped directly towards Shuerha.

"No!" Seeing the horse's hooves falling towards Shu Erha, Ubri screamed in despair.

“Wow wow wow!!!”

Shuerha looked at the falling horse's hooves, her body stiffened, and she cried loudly.


The horse's hoof stepped on Shu Erha's head, and then slapped the ground, red and white flowed all over the ground.

Looking at her husband and son who died tragically years ago, Ubri choked up twice and passed out.

"Kill, except for these servants and this woman, don't keep any of them!"

After trampling Shu Erha to death, the Horqin soldier yelled and chopped the knife in his hand towards these people.

When Liu Le came out with him, there was a woman on his horse, and this woman was just Ubri.


Huang Taiji put on a new set of armor, and walked around anxiously in the imperial study room, the sweat on his forehead flowed like in the afternoon.


At this moment, Oboi rushed in from the outside with a distressed face, knelt down in front of Huang Taiji, and cried loudly, "Khan, all the outer cities have fallen, and the three city walls in the northwest and south have been completely destroyed." Destroyed, Xuanzhen and Horqin's soldiers and horses all rushed in.

They will kill anyone they see, as long as they are not people of the Ming Dynasty, they will kill anyone they see, they will not show mercy at all, and some of them have even rushed around the palace.

The original Ming laborers and Ming servants in the city also rebelled after seeing Xuanzhen soldiers and horses entering the city.They didn't show any mercy when they killed our people, merciless.No matter men, women or children, kill them all!
Now the outer city has become a mess, and the inner city has also begun to riot.The slaves, Azigbeile, Jierhalangbeile and others gathered a total of 5 horses, which are now hoarded around the palace.Except for the slaves, they are all relying on the buildings around the palace to organize a defense line. "

Huang Taiji looked at Oboi who was kneeling on the ground and kept kowtowing, his temples kept bulging, and his body began to tremble involuntarily.

"Dorgon, where are the Duoduo brothers? Where are they?" Huang Taiji hurriedly supported the pillar next to him and asked.

Just now I asked Dorgon to lead the soldiers and horses to the city to get the gathered Ming laborers onto the city wall, but I didn't see Dorgon's shadow until I ran down the city wall, even when the city was broken. See his shadow.

Presumably, Dorgon should not have suffered any damage, and his soldiers and horses were transferred to the east wall, which was not attacked.If Dorgon could lead the soldiers to the palace at this time, then the chances of winning the palace would be greater.

Aobai sighed, and cursed: "Khan, Dorgon and Duoduo, these two bastards ran away. They had transferred the two white flags to the east wall before. When the city was broken just now, the servant listened and pulled it down for comparison." The early soldiers said that when they had just withdrawn, they saw Dorgon leading his personal guard battalion and running towards the east wall when the city was broken. The slaves finally understood why Dorgon and Duoduo would When the two white flags were transferred to the east wall, it turned out that they had no intention of resisting at all.

As for Duoduo, he originally supervised the army at the northern end of the west city wall, but two quarters of an hour before the city was broken, he led his personal guards and ran away, also going to the east city wall.Big Khan, these two things have sold us. The two white flags in their hands have been on the east wall and have not been attacked. Now they have already fled. "

"Run away?" Huang Taiji immediately became angry when he heard this, he pointed at Oboi who was kneeling on the ground, panting heavily, as if a fire was burning in his lungs.

"Dorgon, Duoduo, you two betray the country, betray the country!!!"

Huang Taiji looked up to the sky and sighed, shouting loudly.


Huang Taiji was furious, blood welled up, his eyes darkened, and he fell straight to the ground.


Aobai rushed up from the ground, helped Huang Taiji who had fallen to the ground, and at the same time pinched at Huang Taiji's people.

"Da Khan, Da Khan, Da Khan, you can't have an accident at this time. If you have an accident at this time, Jin will really be finished." Obai shouted at Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji's chest kept rising and falling, suddenly there was a surge, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, spraying Oboi's face.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Huang Taiji got better.

Huang Taiji opened his eyes, looked at Oboi with a pale face, and shouted: "Call Azig, Jierhalang and the others in quickly, Ben Khan has something to say to them."

"Khan, let's not talk about it. Let's run, let's go to Laozhai, to Hetuala, there is our dragon's place, as long as we lie dormant there for a few years, we will definitely be able to prosper again.

We still have [-] troops in Liaoyang City. At that time, all the defenders of Liaoyang City will be evacuated from Liaoyang City and go to Hetuala together.

Xuanzhen soldiers are attacking Shengjing City now, and they must not have many troops in Liaoyang City. As long as we really want to leave, Xuanzhen will definitely not be able to stop it! "Oboi looked at the sluggish Huang Taiji and shouted anxiously.

"We can't go, we can't go. Even if I die, I will die in Shengjing City. We managed to escape from the small place of Hetuala. If we go back, we will not be able to get out from now on.

I am afraid that our clan will never have a chance to prosper again. The weapons of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses are too powerful, and powerful ones should not appear in this world.

Even if we escape to Hetuala, Xuanzhen soldiers and horses will come after us.We can't leave. Once we leave, we will lose our temper and we will really be finished. "

Huang Taiji struggled to stand up from the ground, took out a slice of ginseng from his sleeve, stuffed it into his mouth, and kept talking to Ao Bai.

Ever since the previous faint, Huang Taiji would put some ginseng slices on his body for emergencies.

"Big Khan, we are not afraid of running out of firewood if we keep the green hills. As long as we can escape, even if Xuanzhen attacks Hetuala, then we can go to the north, even further north."

(End of this chapter)

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