Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 492 Capture Huang Taiji Alive

Chapter 492 Capture Huang Taiji Alive
"Khan, you can either go to the north, or go further north, as long as we can escape, everything is easy to talk about.

The current Shengjing City has become a dead city. There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty that people can save people and lose land, and everyone and land will survive.If you lose your land, you will lose your land.

So, as long as we can escape, relying on the remaining troops in our hands, we might vomit in the future! "

Aobai knelt in front of the trembling Huang Taiji who was leaning on the pillar, and wept bitterly to persuade Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji clenched his right fists tightly, and beat the pillar with sadness and anger on his face, "Why? Why is this? If there is no Xuanzhen Zhao Wen, without him, relying on the continuous calamities and disasters of Daming today, my future In less than 20 years, Jin will definitely be able to rule the Central Plains, but why did Zhao Wen suddenly appear? Why did he appear?
Just like Yue Fei back then, why?Why can there be so many generals who save the country in the Central Plains Dynasty? Why?
From ancient times to the present, when did the Central Plains dynasty look at us?One barbarian, one slave, why do they say that about us?

They occupy the best land in the world. Those Central Plains emperors and Central Plains dynasties can live and work in peace and contentment. Why do we have to survive in this remote and remote place?Why?Ben Khan refuses to accept, Ben Khan refuses to accept.

When Kublai Khan was able to swing his whip into the Central Plains, why couldn't I, Huang Taiji? "

Huang Taiji beat the pillar, his eyes were wide open, filled with red blood, and he roared to the sky.

"Report, a Xuanzhen army and Horqin army with nearly a thousand soldiers are coming towards the palace!"

At this moment, a soldier covered in blood rushed in, shouting at Huang Taiji and Oboi in panic.

Obai glanced at the soldier, and then hurriedly looked at Huang Taiji, "Khan, make a decision quickly, or it will be too late if you don't make a decision!"


Huang Taiji let out a long sigh, and his complexion became completely sluggish, like someone who hasn't slept for several days.


Huang Taiji looked at Oboi, took several deep breaths, and hesitated for a long time before saying this word.

This word seemed to drain all his strength. After he finished saying this word, his whole body seemed to collapse, and he sat under the pillar, gasping for breath.

There were two bright lights in Aobai's eyes, he first rushed to the door and shouted loudly, "Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw, the Khan has an order, withdraw!"

After shouting, Oboi hurriedly returned to Huang Taiji's side and helped Huang Taiji up.

The sky also began to darken, and the sun, which had been struggling on the horizon for a long time, finally set.

Although the sun has set, the fighting in the city is not over yet.

There are 17 troops in Shenyang City, and apart from those who were killed and injured by shells, many survived. These people fought with Xuanzhen and Horqin's soldiers and horses.

Zhao Wen rode on the horse, looked at the darkened sky, and said to the messenger beside him: "If you pass the order, you can't relax just because the sun goes down. This battle will definitely wipe out all the living forces of Jiannu. To wipe out, all soldiers and horses are not allowed to sleep, when to wipe out, when to sleep again."

"Obey!" The messenger clasped his fists at Zhao Wen, and rushed towards Shenyang City with Zhao Wen's order.

Seeing the messengers leaving, Li Xiaosan came back to his senses, and said to Zhao Wen: "My lord, it will be dark soon, should we set up camp first?"

Looking at Shenyang City in front of him, Zhao Wen said calmly, "What kind of camp should we set up? Let's talk about it after we wipe out all the slaves in the city!"

"Fan Wencheng? How long do you think it will take me to completely take down Shenyang City?" Zhao Wen gently shook the horse's rein in his hand, and walked in front of Fan Wencheng.

Fan Wencheng huddled in the prison car like a frightened bird, not daring to look directly at Zhao Wen.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything. I estimate that within three days at most, Shenyang City will be completely taken down. At that time, I will bring you to the top of Shenyang City to commemorate the memory of Daming who died here. Soldiers!" Zhao Wenyun said calmly.

To Fan Wencheng's ears, Zhao Wen's words were like a reminder from Lord Hades.

He suddenly stood up from the prison car, leaned on the pillar above the prison car, and shouted at Zhao Wen: "Didn't you all rebel? Why do you still use my head to pay homage to the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty? What is the reason for this?" ? Shouldn’t the generals of the Ming Dynasty be your mortal enemies?”

Zhao Wen smiled and shook his head, "You don't understand, and you will never understand. People like you who have no national righteousness will never understand.

When Emperor Shi Jingtang Yier dedicated the Sixteen States of Yanyun to Khitan, the Sixteen States of Yanyun were lost for more than 400 years.

In the 400 years since the loss of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, the Song Dynasty was always under the threat of iron cavalry from the strong tribes in the north.Back then, Yue Wumu had the opportunity to regain the Central Plains and the Sixteen States of Yanyun, but Qin Hui's twelve gold medals transferred Yue Wumu back, and finally died unjustly in the Fengbo Pavilion.It was not until the first year of Hongwu that Marshal Xu Da regained the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun.So far, the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, which had been lost for 400 years, were finally recovered.

400 years, a total of 400 years.In the past 400 years, I don't know how many heroes and heroes wanted to regain the Yanyun Sixteen States, but in the end they fell to the north.

The sixteen prefectures of Yanyun are the land of ancestors, how can they be lost?Now that Jiannu is ruling Liaodong, how can I make him do what he wants?

After Xu Da conquered Dadu, he found something from Dadu. When Xu Da sent this thing back to Jinling, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty knelt down to welcome it, and Emperor Hongwu wept bitterly. Do you know what this thing is? ? "

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he jumped off his horse and looked at Shenyang City in the distance.

Zhao Wen turned around and said, "That's Song Lizong's skull that was made into a wine cup by the former Yuan Tartars. To be honest, Song Lizong was not a good emperor, but a foolish emperor.

However, no matter how stupid he is, he is still an emperor and the emperor of Song Dynasty.Not to mention the grave of a dead emperor was dug up, and the skull was made into a wine cup, and everyone was allowed to drink and have fun. What do you think is this?This is a great shame, a great shame!
People like you don't understand such things at all.After all, your ancestor was also Fan Wenzheng, but unfortunately, you didn't inherit Fan Wenzheng's integrity at all.Look at the pigtail braid on your head, where does it look like a human being? "

Fan Wencheng hid in the prison car again after listening to Zhao Wen's words.

After a while, Fan Wencheng looked at Zhao Wen, and retorted: "What's the use of the hype you said? You and I are not the same, and you are also rebelling against Ming Dynasty? No matter how nice you say, there will be no such thing in the history books." It is recorded that you are in line of succession."

"Hehe, I'm the same as you? No, no, I'm not the same as you. I rebelled against Ming Dynasty because I didn't want to see the great country left by my ancestors perish. What's more, the Zhu family and I are the same kind of people .

Let me tell you, in this world, everyone in the world can sit, except Jiannu.Anyone can inherit the kingdom of Ming Dynasty, except Jiannu.

Jian slaves sit in the world, will they regard the world as their own?Just like Qian Yuan, when the Qian Yuan Palace was intoxicated with money and money every day, when did it care about the common people in the world?

The things in the world are taken and taken away, used like sand and discarded like shoes, without mercy.

I can tell you clearly that if someone wants to rebel against me hundreds of years later, as long as he is not an outsider and is thinking about the world, then I will not blame him. "Zhao Wen said coldly, looking at Fan Wencheng, who was a dead duck with a stubborn mouth.

"Actually, if you have taken refuge with other people, as long as you are not an outsider, maybe I will not kill you. Unfortunately, you don't know the fun, why did you take refuge with Jiannu? I really don't understand, I miss you What is this kind of person thinking in his heart?" Zhao Wen walked to the front of the prison cart, slapped the wooden stakes of the prison cart, and said in other words.

(End of this chapter)

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