Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 493 Capture Huang Taiji Alive

Chapter 493 Capture Huang Taiji Alive
"Hehe, the words and songs are nice, but it's just success and failure. History is written by the victors. As long as you conquer the world, you can write about the previous dynasty as you want.

If today Liaodong soldiers and horses attacked Daming capital, or Xuanzhen, would you still say that?

If the Great Khan has already established himself, how do you write the history of the Ming Dynasty? "Fan Wencheng squatted in the prison car, heaved a sigh of relief, and sneered.

Zhao Wenqing glanced at Fan Wencheng, and said: "It's a pity that there is no if, no possibility, and no maybe in this world. You are right, history is written by the victors, but unfortunately you are not the victors. You know Qin Hui? He was made of iron and knelt in front of Yue Wumu for hundreds of years. I think this method is very good for you.

After Liaodong is completely recovered, I will cast iron into a kneeling statue of you and kneel in front of the tomb of your ancestor Fan Wenzheng, so that he can take a good look at what his descendants are like.

I also want to write the biography of the second minister, and you are the first biography of the second minister.In addition to the biography of the second official, I will also let people turn you into various scripts and dramas, so that you can continue to be circulated among the market.

Fan Wencheng, from now on, you don't want to be single anymore.Like Qin Hui, you will be passed down through the ages. "

"You are shameless, you are shameless!!!"

Fan Wencheng seemed to be crazy, holding the railing on the prison car with both hands, his eyes were protruding, and he shouted at Zhao Wen with excitement.

The most important thing for a scholar is his reputation. Although all scholars hope that they can be single-handedly recorded in the history books and be famous through the ages, they definitely don't want to be famous through the ages like Qin Hui.

Although Fan Wencheng took refuge in Jiannu, except for his own interests, he hoped to leave a great reputation in the history books, but this reputation must not be passed down through the ages like Qin Hui's.How can this be passed down through the ages, this is a legacy that will last forever.

Zhao Wen's move was like killing people and punishing his heart, which severely frightened Fan Wencheng.

"Shameless, shameless, you are shameless, you are shameless." Fan Wencheng roared at Zhao Wen again and again.

Zhao Wen shook his head, pointed at Fan Wencheng with a bored face, and said, "Come on, shut up his mouth, it's really noisy!"

Li Xiaosan came over, he got a bunch of filthy rags from somewhere, and walked in front of Fan Wencheng.

After a dozen or so breaths, Fan Wencheng was tied up by Wuhuada, with the rag that Li Xiaosan took just now stuffed in his mouth.

"Woooooo!" Fan Wencheng kept whining in Zhao Wen's direction, but Zhao Wen didn't respond.


"Khan, let's go!" Obai supported Huang Taiji and rushed out of the imperial study, towards the outside of the palace.


When they came outside the palace, Azig and Jierharang hurriedly surrounded them.

Huang Taiji looked at the crowd and pointed to the east, "There is a horse farm in the east, and there are still a lot of horses left there, let's go there quickly. At this time, Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses have not yet attacked, so let's hurry Get the horses, and then retreat to the east gate, there are no soldiers and horses from Xuanzhen."

"Slave leads the decree!" Azige and Jierhalang roared at Huang Taiji, and after passing on Huang Taiji's order, they led the gathered soldiers and horses to guard Huang Taiji towards the east. Run to that racecourse.

When the soldiers and horses outside the palace heard the order, they hurriedly fled towards the east.

Because of the large number of defeated soldiers in the city, there were not many Xuanzhen soldiers and horses rushing around the palace at this time.

The soldiers and horses who rushed around the palace saw a large group of people moving towards the east, and hurriedly conveyed the news to others, and at the same time chased forward on their horses.

However, the number of Xuanzhen soldiers rushing over was too small, and the number of Jiannu soldiers gathered together was too large, so for a while these Xuanzhen soldiers could only chase after these Jiannu buttocks, and could not rush forward.

Because of the urgency of escaping, Huang Taiji did not notify the concubines in the palace at all.

When Huang Taiji ran out of the palace, the remaining concubines in the palace panicked instantly.

The imperial palace in Shenyang City was in a mess instantly, and some eunuchs and maids who wanted to take advantage of the fire with evil intentions set fire to robbery in the imperial palace in an organized way.

Aobai led Huang Taiji to a horse farm not far from the palace under the guard of Azige and Jierhalang.

After arriving at the field, Huang Taiji ordered the soldiers and horses guarding him to set up a simple line of defense behind the racecourse to stop the speed of Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses from advancing.

At this time, the sky was completely dark. Although the moon was still hanging in the sky, the light was really limited.

"Charge!" A Horqin soldier trailing behind Huang Taiji looked at the Jiannu soldiers gathered in front, and rushed forward with a waist knife in his hand.

Jiannu, who was at the back, looked at the Horqin soldiers rushing towards him, and wanted to escape, but the way of escape was tightly blocked by the crowded soldiers. In order to survive, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward.

"Khan, let's go!" Aobai rushed out from the racecourse with several horses, and handed the reins of one of the horses to Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji took the reins of the horse and stepped up without saying a word.

"Crack!" Huang Taiji slammed the whip in his hand towards the buttocks of the horse under his crotch.

Aobai hurriedly followed behind Huang Taiji on his war horse.

Azige, Shuer Halang and others also got some war horses from the racecourse, and they rode the war horses and led the soldiers and horses to follow closely behind Huang Taiji.

The horses in this racecourse are limited, only more than 2000 horses, and now there are more than 5 soldiers and horses gathered by Aobai, Azig, and Jierhalang, and these horses are not enough.

In this way, a large number of soldiers and horses can only follow behind them with their legs.

"Great Khan, the leader of the Urad tribe, Ombu, led the troops to the rescue!"

Just a few steps away from the racecourse, Ombu, the great Khan of the Urad tribe, led his soldiers and horses and appeared in front of Huang Taiji head-on.

During the battle of defending the city, Huang Taiji was not very worried about the combat effectiveness of Omubu's soldiers, fearing that Omubu's soldiers would drag them down, so he let Omubu and his men serve as mobile forces.If there is a shortage of manpower, let Omubu's men fill it up.

It is precisely because he does not directly guard the city that the forces in Ombu's hands have to be preserved.

At the beginning of the siege battle, Omubu gathered his soldiers and horses, and kept dangling on the edge of the city wall.

When he heard the explosion on the top of the city, Ombu led his men and horses to flee. As for the soldiers and horses under his command, they hardly suffered any losses, and there were still 5000 people.

The men and horses under Ombu's command are all cavalry, and the war horses were gathered by him in the city before, so the war horses were much more frightened than Jiannu who gathered the war horses near the city wall, and the war horses in his hands did not lose much .

Because he ran fast, and Omubu had no intention of defending the city at all, so the manpower in Omubu's hands was not lost.

Omubu is not stupid. In the previous siege battle, a large number of horses in Huang Taiji's hands fled because of fright, and there was only this horse farm in the city.

According to Omboo's estimate, if Huang Taiji wanted to escape, he would not be able to escape with bare feet, so Huang Taiji would definitely come to this racecourse to get the horses.

Sure enough, after Omubu waited for a long time, Huang Taiji led a large group of routs here.

When Huang Taiji first appeared, Omubu planned to lead the troops to charge directly, but after seeing the number of soldiers and horses beside Huang Taiji, Omubu decisively gave up this method.

Now Jiannu has reached the point where he is desperate. Although Jiannu has no guts to be bombarded by Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, there are still a large number of soldiers around Huang Taiji. Such a huge soldier will inevitably die in order to survive under such circumstances Fighting hard, but the number of troops in his hands is limited, so it is very likely that he is not Huang Taiji's opponent.

Huang Taiji pulled the reins of the horse in his hand and forced the horse to stop. He looked at Omubu with a puzzled face, "Why are you here?"

"Back to Khan, after the city was broken just now, I led the soldiers and horses and ran towards the palace. When I arrived at the palace, I happened to meet the soldiers retreating outside the palace, so I followed these soldiers. Came here." Omubu replied cautiously, for fear of arousing Huang Taiji's suspicion.

Without even thinking about it, Huang Taiji said: "You came at the right time, quickly escort Ben Khan to escape, after Ben Khan escapes, he plans to reset the eight kings to discuss politics, as long as you can escort Ben Khan to escape, then Ben Khan will Khan will definitely give you a place in the eight kings' discussion."

Huang Taiji was eager to run for his life at this time, and he didn't care about anything, so he directly drew a big cake for Omubu.

"Still leave me a seat in the Eight Kings' Discussion? It's really possible. If it was before, I might be speechless with excitement, but this time it's different. Your Eight Kings' Discussion and Xuanzhen Compared with your thigh, it is really worthless, and the gold is gone, what is the use of your eight kings to discuss politics?" Although Omubu didn't think so, he still looked flattered on the surface, "Thank you Big Khan, thank you Big Khan!"

"Boys, the guards, Khan, retreat!" Omubu turned the direction of the horse under his crotch, shouted at the soldiers and horses following him, and then moved towards Huang Taiji's side.

"My men and horses are definitely not your opponents. I will pretend to protect you for a while, and then take advantage of your unpreparedness on the way and arrest you directly, and go to the general soldier of Xuanzhen to ask for business!" Omubu had a small plan in his heart .

How could Ombu protect Huang Taiji wholeheartedly?If it wasn't because Huang Taiji still had a large number of soldiers and horses in his hands, Ombu would have taken Huang Taiji down a long time ago, so how could he have made such a bad move?
Looking at Omubu approaching, Huang Taiji had no doubts.

"Withdraw!" Huang Taiji looked to the east, roared, and controlled the horse to rush towards the east gate.

After Huang Taiji and the others left on their horses, the soldiers at the rear didn't dare to pester them any more, and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

The soldiers at the back didn't have horses at all, so how could they run past the Xuanzhen soldiers and Horqin soldiers on horses with their two legs?
As the news spread, more and more Xuanzhen soldiers and Horqin soldiers gathered here.

After Xuanzhen soldiers and horses and Horqin soldiers and horses arrived, they directly attacked the soldiers without horses behind Huang Taiji.

Xuan Zhen and Horqin's soldiers and horses were like steel knives, they stabbed at the soldiers and horses behind Huang Taiji again and again.

Every time they charge, Xuanzhen soldiers and Horqin soldiers can tear a piece of meat from the troops behind Huang Taiji.

When Huang Taiji came to Dongcheng Gate, there were less than 3 soldiers and horses left behind Huang Taiji.

As for the 2 people who disappeared, they were either killed by the pursuers behind them, or they fled in all directions.

"Damn it, there is no one on the east city wall!" When Huang Taiji came to the east city gate on his horse, he saw the wide open east city gate and the silent east city gate, and shouted loudly, "Dorgon He is really shameless, shameless, he is a disgrace to our post-Jin country, a shame to our post-Jin country."

Huang Taiji walked through the east gate with a bad expression on his face.

When passing through, Huang Taiji yelled at Oboi and others beside him: "Send the order, after leaving the city, everyone disperses and flees, aiming at the old village!"

Most of the soldiers and horses behind Huang Taiji were infantry, especially in this case, the infantry would definitely block the gate of the city.

The blocking of the city gate is of great benefit to Huang Taiji's escape, but it may also lose a large number of troops.

Although the East City Gate is large, it is impossible for more than 3 people to rush through it at once.

For this situation, Huang Taiji had to escape first.As for the infantry behind them, let them go to the old village by themselves. As for how much they can go, just let fate.

Huang Taiji, Aobai and others rode war horses and could easily pass through the city gate, but for the remaining infantry, it was not so easy.

When Huang Taiji and others passed through, Jiannu infantry without horses behind them crowded at the gate of the city.

After Huang Taiji rushed through the city gate, he didn't care how many people rushed out, he just went forward to escape for his life.

In addition to Huang Taiji, Omubu and his subordinates also rushed out from the gate of the city. After all, cavalry had the advantage of speed when they left the city.

Ombu looked at the fewer and fewer Jiannu soldiers around him, and his heart beat violently.

Although the cavalry has the advantage of speed when they go out of the city, there are still less than half of them in Ombu. About 2000 people did not rush out, and they were crowded with the Jiannu cavalry behind.

Not only did a small number of Omubu's soldiers and horses not rush out, but even Huang Taiji's more than 2000 cavalry with horses only rushed out half.

After Omubu saw clearly the distribution of soldiers and horses around him, his body began to tremble slightly because of tension.

The moonlight shone on his face, making his face extremely pale.

He panted heavily, calming down his excited and nervous mood.

Although the number of soldiers and horses around Huang Taiji is getting smaller and smaller, Huang Taiji has been gaining power for a long time. Now that Ombu decides to take action against Huang Taiji, he will inevitably be nervous.

He looked at the adjutant who was following him, and made several gestures towards him.

The adjutant understood it instantly. He controlled the horse, slowed down the speed of the horse, and gathered towards the Ombu people and horses behind.

"Big Khan, there are too few soldiers and horses rushing out. All the infantry guarding Big Khan are blocked at the city gate!" Omboo came to Huang Taiji's side, pointed to the city gate behind, and pointed at the city gate. Huang Taiji shouted.

Huang Taiji looked back, with a bitter expression on his face, and said helplessly: "There is no other way, we can only resign ourselves to fate. How many of your soldiers and horses rushed out?"

"Hui Dahan, more than half of it has rushed out, and a little half has not rushed out." Ombu looked at it.

At the same time, the speed of Omubu's soldiers and horses began to slow down. After they were all separated from Jiannu, Omubu's soldiers and horses gathered together.

Because of his eagerness to escape for his life, Huang Taiji did not notice this phenomenon.

After a dozen or so breaths, Omubu's soldiers and horses began to increase their speed again, chasing after Huang Taiji in a fan-shaped encirclement.

"Although there are not many soldiers rushing out, once we leave the city, it will not be so easy for Xuanzhen to catch us." Huang Taiji squinted his eyes and looked ahead, shouting loudly, comforting Ombu .

Ombu didn't speak, he turned his head and looked behind.

When he saw clearly where his soldiers and horses were, a smile appeared on his face.

"Khan, I have something I don't know if I should say it or not?" Omubu withdrew his gaze, and controlled the horse to move to the right side less than two steps away from Huang Taiji.

Although Huang Taiji saw Omubu approaching from the corner of his eye, he didn't doubt it.

"What should I say? It's already reached the point,? Is there anything worse than now?" Huang Taiji roared.

For Huang Taiji, the fall of Shengjing City is the worst thing in the world. Could it be that there is anything worse in this world than the fall of Shengjing City?

Omubu's temples began to pulsate, he turned his body slightly towards Huang Taiji, and at the same time put his left hand on the waist knife at his waist.

Omboo's eyes were full of cold light, and his face became completely cold.

"Hey, this thing is, you said I would use your head to exchange with Xuanzhen, what do you think they will give me?" Omubu sneered, and suddenly pulled out the waist knife with his left hand, and pointed at the emperor. The neck of Tai Chi's horse was cut off.

The waist knife reflected the moonlight and flashed across Huang Taiji's face. Huang Taiji hurriedly looked at Omubu, his pupils shrank.

"What are you doing?" Huang Taiji hissed while tugging on the horse's reins.


The moment he swung the knife, Omubu roared.

After hearing Omubu's order, the Omubu soldiers and horses behind them pulled out the waist knives from their waists in unison, and slashed towards the Jiannu beside him.

"How dare you, thief?" Aobai looked at the gleaming waist knife in Omubu's hand, hurriedly touched the waist knife at his waist, and burst out drinking at the same time.

Azig, Jierharang and others also looked at Ombu with horror.


In the eyes of everyone, the knife in Omubu's hand slashed at the neck of the horse under Huang Taiji's crotch.

(End of this chapter)

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