Chapter 494 Provoking Discord?

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the knife in Omubu's hand slashed at the neck of the horse under Huang Taiji's crotch.


There was a sound of piercing into the flesh, and the knife in Omubu's hand was cut in half.

Blood spurted out from the wound, splashing on Huang Taiji's face.

Driven by inertia, the war horse ran forward two steps, and then fell to the ground.

Huang Taiji's fat body was thrown from the horse's back and landed on the ground in front of him.

"Puff, puff!!!"


Omumu's soldiers and horses took advantage of this gap, and slashed the knives in their hands at the soldiers and horses under Huang Taiji's command.

For a while, the soldiers under Huang Taiji's command had no time to evade, and were hacked to death and injured many by Ombu's soldiers and horses.

When the soldiers and horses under Huang Taiji's command were fleeing, their spirits were tense, and their attention reached the peak. When they were attacked by the soldiers and horses under Omubu's command, they reacted instantly and drew out their waist knives to fight with the soldiers and horses under Omubu's command. together.

However, the number of soldiers and horses under Huang Taiji's command is too small. Although they have the courage of all men now, they can't support alone, and they are soon divided and surrounded by Omubu's soldiers and horses.

"Omubu, how dare you betray the Great Khan!" Aobai swung his knife, swung away the knife that was coming towards him, roared at Omubu, and then controlled the horse to charge towards Huang Taiji go.

Ombai followed closely behind, closely following Aobai to the front of Huang Taiji.

Aobai controlled the horse and stopped, standing in front of Huang Taiji, looking at Omubu warily.

Azige, Jierharang and the others did not entangle with Omubu's subordinates, and rushed towards Huang Taiji after forcing them back, and surrounded Huang Taiji together with Aobai.

Apart from them, there are only about 500 people left.These more than [-] people surrounded Huang Taiji and protected them inside.

During Omboo's sudden attack just now, many Jiannu soldiers were hacked to death by Omboo's men before they had time to react.However, Omboo's subordinates lost very little, only about two hundred people.

Two hundred or so people are not worth mentioning to Omubu, which has more than 3000 people.

Omubu's subordinates walked towards Omubu and at the same time surrounded Huang Taiji.

Emubu pointed the knife in his hand at Oboi, "Oboi, I advise you to catch him without a fight. If you can cut off Huang Taiji's head, maybe you can still have a way out."

"Bah, dog slave, rebellious boy!" Aobai spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm towards Omubu, but because of the distance, Aobai did not spit out the thick phlegm on Omubu's body.

Huang Taiji was thrown to pieces, and he lay on the ground for a long time before recovering. He stood up tremblingly from the ground, and said angrily, "Why did you betray me?"

Ombu sneered and said, "Hehe, betraying you? It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. Why do you say I betrayed you? Although my Urad tribe is not a big tribe, it is well-known on the grassland.

Since I took refuge in you, I have been hungry for six meals in two days, and I can’t even eat enough. Why do you think I betrayed you?On the surface, it's called being affectionate to me, but what about behind the scenes?I can't wait to eat up my Urad tribe. If I don't betray you, I'm afraid that sooner or later my Urad tribe will be gone. "

"Hmph, is that why you betrayed me? Did you betray me because you wanted to seek refuge with Zhao Wen in Xuanzhen? I advise you to save yourself. Who is Zhao Wen in Xuanzhen? I think you should understand that he can If you send troops to attack Liaodong without warning, he can send troops to attack you Urad without warning, don't look at Horqin's prosperity now, let me tell you, sooner or later, Horqin will step into Houjin's footsteps." Huang Taiji stood where he was, looked at Omubu and said coldly.

"Ha ha!"

As if hearing some very funny joke, Omubu looked up to the sky and laughed.

"You still refuse to accept that you are a barbarian. You are really a barbarian. Have you ever been to Xuan Town? Do you know what is there in Xuan Town? Although I have never been to Xuan Town, I have been to Horqin.

Do you know how luxurious the Horqin City that Xuanzhen built for Horqin is?Let me tell you, each of the small Shengjing cities has no way to compare with Horqin City.

You said Horqin will sooner or later follow in the footsteps of Houjin?I think you are worrying too much, do you know who the jewel in the palm of Horqin Dahanbuhe married?Do you know why Horqin wants to seek refuge in Xuanzhen? "Ombu looked at Huang Taiji with a sarcasm on his face.

Compared with Xuanzhen, Omubu would rather believe in Xuanzhen than Huang Taiji.

Among other things, the Horqin City that Xuanzhen built for Horqin is enough to attract people's attention, not to mention the various facilities inside.

In this situation, only Xuanzhen would do this, and it was simply impossible for Huang Taiji to do so.

"I already knew about Hai Lanzhu's marriage to Zhao Wen, but don't forget that Ming people are different. In their eyes, women are just dispensable items. If Zhao Wen really wants to attack the grassland, attack Horqin, do you think just a Hailanzhu can stop it?"

Hai Lanzhu has been married to Zhao Wen for a long time. This matter has been rumored in the grasslands. Of course, Huang Taiji has heard of it.

At the beginning, Huang Taiji was still very angry about Hai Lanzhu's marriage to Zhao Wen, but as time passed, coupled with Horqin's complete defection, Huang Taiji also slowly accepted the result, the key is not to accept it Not by him.

"Do you know what the Central Plains Dynasty liked to do the most when they were strong? That was conquering the grasslands. From the Qin and Han Dynasties to Zhu Di in the Ming Dynasty, as long as they had the strength in their hands, they would never let go of conquering the grasslands.

Don't look at Horqin and Xuanzhen now, once Zhao Wen becomes emperor, the first thing he will do is to conquer the grassland.Don't forget, enfeoffing wolves and living in Xu, Yan Ran and Le Shi are the highest honors of the Central Plains dynasty.

I advise you to give up your heart to rely on Zhao Wen, Zhao Wen is not an ordinary person, he will definitely send troops to attack the grassland after becoming emperor, with Zhao Wen's strength, you have no power to fight back at all..."

"Enough, shut up for me!"

Huang Taiji still wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Omubu.

"Hehe, what you're talking about is farting, I'm too lazy to explain to you. Once the grasslands all surrender to Zhao Wen, there will be no conflict between the two at that time. Zhao Wen and Zhao Zongbing will be idle and have nothing to do when they eat too much. Conquer us ? Your mouth is full of dung, you can't smell it!" Emubu yelled at Huang Taiji without saving any face.

"You are the descendants of Changshengtian. When Kublai Khan entered the Central Plains and killed countless people, you have a deep blood feud with them. They will let you go? Your Borzigit clan is a branch of the Borjijin clan. , You have the blood of the Jin family flowing through your body, so you are willing to be a dog for the Ming people?" Huang Taiji didn't want to die, let alone be captured, so he wanted to see if he could persuade Omubu to give up his idea of ​​dealing with him.

After all, Omubu now has more troops than himself. If Omubu directly fights, he will probably be caught by Omubu.

Besides, even if you can't convince Omubu, it's always good to delay for a while. Once the remaining soldiers escape from the city gate, you can turn against the enemy and kill Omubu.

"Bah, this is a matter of hundreds of years of old sesame seeds and rotten millet. It's been a long time ago. You still have the nerve to mention it? Yes, when Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan came to rule the Central Plains, he killed many people. But Later, both Xu Da and Lan Yu had avenged their revenge.

At that time, Sapphire defeated the main force of the former Yuan in Yu'erhai, beheaded countless times, only the Yuan Lord and the crown prince Tian Baonu and other dozens of riders escaped.

Captured more than 3000 people below Dibaonu, concubines, and princesses, the second son of the Lord Yuan, and then captured Wu Wang Duoerzhi, Dai Wang Dalima, and 15 officials below Pingzhang, more than [-] men and women, as well as Baoxi, Talismans, gold and silver seals and other items, more than [-] horses, camels, cattle, and sheep, and all camps in the former Yuan Dynasty were burned.

Not to mention Taizu Bazheng Grassland, Ming Chengzu Wuzheng Grassland, the revenge to be avenged has long been exhausted, how can it last until now?
Besides, my Borzigit family is only a concubine of the Borjijin family, and I am not a direct descendant. I have already produced five clothes. Zhao Wen and Zhao Zongbing have no reason to blame me.

The relationship between the grassland and the Central Plains has long been cleared, but it is you Huang Taiji, when you captured Liaodong and killed many people, they have not yet avenged them. "Huang Taiji's low-level and rough instigation of dissension is really childish in Ombu's eyes.

Ombu admitted that many people were killed when Yuan Yuan entered the Central Plains, but these enmities had already been avenged by Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, the father and son.

When Zhu Yuanzhang sent Lan Yu to the grassland, the entire grassland was scarlet, and the remnant army of the former Yuan Dynasty was beaten and killed countless times.

You know, Lan Yu is not a good stubble, just like Chang Yuchun, he likes to kill.

If it wasn't for this reason, how could the Wala rise later?
"Stop talking nonsense, let's catch him with nothing." Omubu narrowed his eyes, and rushed towards Huang Taiji, waving the waist knife in his hand.

"Kill, those who capture Huang Taiji alive will be rewarded ten thousand gold. Except for Huang Taiji, I will capture the rest of the people alive. These people are all powerful people, and the living are more valuable than the dead.

It depends on whether Urad can stand up this time. Do you want to live in a warm and comfortable city like Horqin?Kill me if you want! "

Omboo yelled loudly, saying some demagogic words.



Omubu's subordinates were extremely excited when they were bewitched by Omubu.

Huang Taiji looked at the rushing Omubu soldiers and horses, and cursed: "Omubu, you rebellious boy!"

"Get me on the horse quickly!" Huang Taiji looked at Oboi and shouted hastily.

Aobai stretched out his left hand, grabbed Huang Taiji's arm, and pulled towards the horse.

But Huang Taiji is really too fat, he won't be able to go up for a while.


Ombub's adjutant, with scarlet eyes, led the troops and rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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