Chapter 495 Are You Huang Taiji?

Two waves of soldiers and horses fought together, and because of the superiority in numbers, Omubu's side quickly overwhelmed Huang Taiji's side.

In order to survive, Huang Taiji, on the other hand, broke out a powerful force and fought hard.

However, mass production will cause qualitative changes. Although Huang Taiji and others fought hard, they still could not beat Omubu. The number of soldiers and horses under Omubu was several times that of Huang Taiji.

A few quarters of an hour later, the ground was full of corpses. After careful calculation, the number of corpses under Omubu's men was much more than that under Huang Taiji's men.

Although Omubu lost a lot of manpower, he finally captured Huang Taiji alive.

"Huang Taiji, Azige, Jierhalang, Yuetuo, Obai, and Gushan Ezhen from the Eight Banners of Mongolia and Han. Haha, catch them all in one sweep, catch them all in one sweep."

Omubu looked at the people who were tied up in front of him, touched his bloody face, and laughed.

The people who could follow Huang Taiji and escape with horses were all high-ranking officials and generals with important positions, and almost all of these people were captured alive by Omubu now.

"Go to the west gate, I'm afraid the chief soldier has not entered the city at this time, let's take these people directly to the west gate to ask for credit from the chief soldier.

Remember, the speed must be fast. There are more and more Jiannu infantry coming out of the east gate. We need to speed up, bypass the east gate and go directly to the west gate.

The prosperity and wealth of our Urad tribe is all on the people of Huang Taiji. "

Ombu pointed to the west of Shenyang City, and shouted at the remaining soldiers and horses behind him.

Following Omubu's order, Omubu's soldiers tied Huang Taiji and others to the horses and rushed towards the east gate.

"Shoot directly and kill them!"

A Xuanzhen Qiangu jumped off his horse and shouted angrily as he watched the defeated Jiannu soldiers blocking the east gate.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the Xuanzhen soldiers following him jumped off their horses and took off all the weapons on their backs.

"Brother Wen, don't worry, if you do this, how can we make a contribution? Why don't we charge a few times first?"

Horqin Qiangu, who was following Qiangu, hurriedly jumped off his horse, walked to Wen Qiangu's side, and pointed at the crowded Jiannu in front of him.

Jiannu crowded at the exit of the city wall, which is the best time to kill the enemy.

If there is no way to survive, the rout soldiers will often fight with the chasing soldiers for a chance of survival.

But if there is a way to survive, especially now that there is a way to survive, the defeated soldiers will not fight desperately with the pursuers in order to escape.

From the perspective of the rout soldiers, if I fight the enemy, then my companions are very likely to escape.

Human nature is selfish, let alone the current situation of life and death?
"Haha, what are you afraid of? There are many Jiannu here. I will fire a few times to completely destroy these Jiannu, and then let you hunt them down. Don't worry, you will definitely have a chance to make meritorious deeds." Wen Qiangu Ha ha laughed.

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved!" Horqin's Qiangu felt relieved after hearing Wen Qiangu's assurance.

"Everyone, attack freely and kill me!" Wen Qiangu pulled out the big black star on his waist, fired a shot into the sky, and shouted angrily.

"Da da da!"

After a gunshot, the gunshots rang out continuously like a rainstorm hitting the canopy.

The Jiannu who were crowded at the back were like harvested wheat, falling down one after another.

Under the attack of Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses behind, the Jiannu soldiers crowded at the city gate became even more flustered. They crowded forward desperately, sometimes in order to let themselves take a step forward, they would not hesitate to face their own soldiers. The comrades waved their knives at each other.

When Xuanzhen soldiers and Horqin soldiers and horses all focused their attention on Jiannu at the east gate, the Jiannu soldiers and horses who fled in the city took advantage of this gap and began to flee towards the bombed city walls in the west, south and north of the city. .

There were no guards in the south and north of the city, so the Jiannu who fled towards these two places escaped very smoothly.

But those in the west of the city were not so lucky. They had just stepped over the ruins when they were spotted by Zhao Wen's personal guards cruising nearby.

When Zhao Wen heard the news, he sent more than 20 personal guards with light machine guns to guard outside the ruins of the collapsed western city wall.

Later, Jiannu, who escaped from the west city wall, was shot and killed by a hail of bullets as soon as he stepped over the ruins.

When Jiannu behind heard gunshots from this side, he hurriedly backed away and fled in the north-south direction.

In addition to passing through the west of the city, Zhao Wen also mobilized a total of forty personal guards with light machine guns to the south and north of the city.

As a result, there were only about 50 personal guards beside Zhao Wen.

The Chinese army led by Zhao Wen was his personal guard battalion soldiers. After the Shenyang city was broken just now, Zhao Wen only left about 110 personal guards, and the rest were all sent out.

Although there were still fifty people, there were only twenty or so who really protected Zhao Wen. As for the remaining 30 people, they were all riding war horses, cruising around Shenyang City, and guarding the surroundings.

Standing on the ground, Zhao Wen held up the binoculars and looked at the Shenyang City in front of him, full of emotions.

Although Zhao Wen was five miles away from Shenyang City, he could vaguely hear the shouts of killing in Shenyang City.

The flames in Shenyang City are getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, half of the sky is dyed red.

"I'm afraid that Huang Taiji's palace will be completely destroyed by this fire!" Bu He stood beside Zhao Wen, holding up a telescope, looking at the flames in Shenyang City, and said worriedly.

Zhao Wen turned to look at Bu He, "Aren't you worried about the safety of your sister and your daughter? Huang Taiji probably won't think about your sister and your daughter at this time, right?"

"The place where the flames are the biggest is Huang Taiji's palace, although my sister and daughter are Fujin of Huang Taiji, I'm not worried at all.

Just now, I asked the messenger to go to Shenyang City with my news, and asked Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili to go straight to the palace to rescue Bumbutai and Zhezhe.

Bumbutai and Zhezhe grew up on the prairie. They have been with me all year round. They have some software skills and are very vigilant against danger. I believe they will be safe. "

Although Bu He said it easily, the worried look on his face became more and more serious.

Holding up the binoculars, he stared intently at Shenyang City, "Wealth depends on fate, and life and death depend on the sky. If something really happens to the two of them, it can only be blamed on their bad fate.

When they were young, I had someone tell their fortunes for both of them.According to the fortune-telling results, Bumbutai and Zhezhe did not die young. "

Seeing Bu He like this, Zhao Wen didn't say anything.


With a loud shout, a personal guard riding a horse stopped in front of Zhao Wen.

The personal guard jumped off the horse, rushed to Zhao Wen, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, a group of cavalry who claimed to be from the Urad tribe appeared five miles east of us, claiming to have captured Huang Taiji and others alive. "

Before Zhao Wen could speak, Bu He handed the binoculars to the guard beside him and hurried over.

"Urad tribe? The leader is called Omubu? Is the news accurate? Omubu really captured Huang Taiji alive?" Bu He's eyes widened, and his body began to tremble because of excitement.

"That's right, that's exactly the case. Omubu did capture Huang Taiji alive. He told me this himself. He shouldn't dare to lie to us about this kind of thing!" The guard hurriedly replied.

After hearing the affirmative answer from the personal guard, Buhe slapped his thigh and shouted excitedly, "Omu Bu is really lucky, really lucky. I have been clamoring to capture Huang Taiji alive, I At that time, I thought he was farting, but I didn't expect him to do it."

Buhe turned around twice on the ground excitedly, and then shouted at Zhao Wen: "My lord, this Omubu is the Urad Omubu who I told you to go to Xuanzhen."

"I know this, but I was really surprised that Huang Taiji was captured alive by Omubu." Zhao Wen became excited, "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Huang Taiji was captured by Omubu .

I heard you say before that this Ombu and his Urad tribe are Huang Taiji's most loyal henchmen. Now that Huang Taiji has been caught by his most loyal henchmen, I really want to see what kind of expression Huang Taiji has now. . "

At the beginning, when Omubu came to Horqin and said that he would return to Xuanzhen, Buhe told Zhao Wen the news immediately.

So it is not surprising that Zhao Wen knew this Ombu.

It's just that it really didn't make Zhao Wen think that this Ombu actually captured Huang Taiji.

"Hey, back then Omubu and Huang Taiji of the Urad tribe were almost wearing a pair of pants. But since Huang Taiji was defeated when he entered the customs, Huang Taiji wanted to search for the tribes that surrendered to him in order to replenish his troops. .

At that time, the grassland of the Urad tribe moved far away from Liaodong. In addition, Huang Taiji sent troops too quickly, so he only sent some troops to help Huang Taiji symbolically. Therefore, after the defeat of Huang Taiji in the second year of Chongzhen, the Urad tribe did not Nothing to lose.

The Urad tribe is also a well-known tribe on the grassland. Although its strength is not as good as that of Horqin, it is still good.

For various reasons, the Urad tribe became one of Huang Taiji's important targets.

But in the past few years, Huang Taiji's appetite has grown, and the Urad tribe has become poorer and weaker under Huang Taiji's plunder. Huang Taiji even wants to annex the Urad tribe directly.

In the end, it aroused Omubu's dissatisfaction. If Huang Taiji hadn't pushed too hard, Omubu might not have surrendered to us. You must know that Omubu is Huang Taiji's hard-core henchman.

Although Omubu had surrendered to us before, Huang Taiji thought he was his hard-core dog, but he didn't expect to be sold by his hard-core dog now. " Buhe explained to Zhao Wen with great interest the love and hatred between the Urad tribe and Huang Taiji.

"Hehe, the first hero of Huang Taiji, I didn't expect to capsize in the gutter now!" Zhao Wen smiled playfully, and then looked at the guard standing in front of him. "Let Ombu bring Huang Taiji and others up."

"Obey!" The guards replied to Zhao Wen, then stepped on their horses and rushed in the direction they came from.

A quarter of an hour later, Omubu led fifty cavalrymen and escorted Huang Taiji to stop thirty steps away from Zhao Wen.


Huang Taiji had just been taken off the horse by Omubu, before Omubu brought Huang Taiji to Zhao Wen, Fan Wencheng, who was squatting in the prison cart, shouted at Huang Taiji in horror.

Although Huang Taiji was in a terrible state of distress, Fan Wencheng recognized Huang Taiji at a glance under the surrounding braziers and torches and the moonlight.

When the guard said that Omubu had captured Huang Taiji alive, Fan Wencheng didn't quite believe it.

In Fan Wencheng's view, Huang Taiji was an exceptionally witty and vigilant person, and it was not so easy to catch him.According to Fan Wencheng's estimate, the one who caught should be Huang Taiji's double.

But now when he saw Huang Taiji, Fan Wencheng only felt that his conjectures just now were all bullshit.


Fan Wencheng lay on his back in the prison car and yelled at Huang Taiji again.

Huang Taiji raised his head and looked along the place where the sound came from.

"Fan Wencheng, you bastard, you bastard!"

There was no imagined amazement, no imagined astonishment, and no imagined generosity.

At the moment when he saw Huang Taiji, Fan Wencheng thought in his heart that when Huang Taiji saw him, he should be surprised and surprised first, and then say some generous words to himself, but he didn't expect that the first time he saw him was actually Swear.

In Fan Wencheng's impression, Huang Taiji seldom swears so disregarding his face.

"Dog, dog, you are still alive, why are you still alive, you must be a spy of Xuanzhen Zhao Wen, I value you so much, I really didn't expect you to be a dog who eats inside and out, why don't you die !" Huang Taiji spat at Xingzi Hu Fei, staring at Fan Wencheng as if he was watching the killing of his father and enemy.

From Huang Taiji's point of view, he was played by Fan Wencheng, and the entry into the house was not due to Fan Wencheng's previous miscalculation, so he would never have ended up in such a fate.

So when he saw Fan Wencheng who was still alive, Huang Taiji was instantly furious.

"Bah, why are you still alive? Why don't you die, you niggan Nikan!"

Not only Huang Taiji, but the people behind Huang Taiji also kept yelling and cursing at Fan Wencheng, as if scolding his father-killing enemy.

If it wasn't for being controlled by others, these people would definitely go up and tear Fan Wencheng alive.

Fan Wencheng froze there with a dazed look on his face. He didn't know why these people hated and scolded him after seeing him.

Omubu pointed at Huang Taiji and the others, looked at the soldiers who were escorting Huang Taiji and the others, frowned and said, "How can you make noise in front of the commander-in-chief? Come, tell them to shut up!"

Emubu had just walked two steps, before he came to Zhao Wen, he heard Huang Taiji yelling at him.

Zhao Wen stood where he was, with his hands crossed over his chest, watching the scene with great interest.

"To shut up!"

A soldier rushed in front of Huang Taiji, rounded his arms, and slapped Huang Taiji's face with a big mouth, his face was full of excitement when he was slapping.

Where did this soldier beat such a big person, especially when Huang Taiji was Ombu's boss before.

When he thought that it was Jiannu Khan he was beating, the soldier became very excited.


The soldier tore off a piece of cloth from his armpit, spit on it twice, and stuffed it into Huang Taiji's mouth.

As soon as it was stuffed in, a sour smell filled Huang Taiji's mouth, almost fainting him.

As for the others, they also enjoyed this policy.

"This is Zhao Wen, the chief soldier of Xuan Town!"

As soon as Omubu walked in front of Zhao Wen, Bu He, who was standing next to Zhao Wen, hurriedly pointed at Zhao Wen and said to Omubu.

Emubu looked at Zhao Wen in front of him, knelt on the ground, and bowed respectfully to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen did not refuse, nor did he help him up, and accepted Omubu's gift throughout the process.

"Slave Omubu has met the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen!" Omubu raised his head and looked at Zhao Wen excitedly.

Zhao Wen chuckled and said: "I don't allow calling myself a slave here, don't call yourself like that in front of me in the future, from now on, you can call yourself a general, but don't call yourself a slave.

Alright, get up, and bring Huang Taiji up to me. "

"Obey!" Omubu stood up from the ground, walked to the side, looked at the soldiers and horses behind him, and shouted: "Bring me Huang Taiji and the others!"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers who were escorting Huang Taiji and the others escorted Huang Taiji up.

"Kneel down!" The soldiers escorting Huang Taiji brought Huang Taiji in front of Zhao Wen, roared, and kicked Huang Taiji's calf, directly kneeling Huang Taiji in front of Zhao Wen.

Huang Taiji still wanted to struggle to get up, but his shoulders were firmly held down.

"My lord, this is Huang Taiji!" Omubu pointed at Huang Taiji, and looked at Zhao Wen with a flattering expression.

Zhao Wen nodded, then looked down at Huang Taiji condescendingly, "Are you the unstoppable Huang Taiji who is unstoppable across Liaodong and disturbing the peace of the Ming border?"


Huang Taiji's eyes were scarlet, staring at Zhao Wen, as if he could eat people.

"You still dare to be presumptuous!" Omubu looked at Huang Taiji in this state, rushed to Huang Taiji in a hurry, rounded his arms and drew towards Huang Taiji's face.


After a crisp slap sounded, a clearly visible slap print appeared on Huang Taiji's face.

"My lord, the Jiannu barbarians are not convinced by Wang Hua, so they are a little arrogant." After Omubu finished smoking, he returned to Zhao Wen's side and said flatteringly.

Zhao Wen didn't answer, but pointed at Huang Taiji, "Get the rag out of his mouth!"

"My lord, if you take it away, Huang Taiji will definitely scold you!" Omubu said flatteringly.

Zhao Wendao: "It's okay, I just want to see how he scolds me!"

Seeing that Zhao Wen insisted on this, Emubu had no choice but to come to Huang Taiji and take out the rag from Huang Taiji's mouth.

"One Omubu villain, I'm a ****, Zhao Wengou is a ****, I'm a ****!"

As soon as he took out the rag, Huang Taiji cursed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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