Chapter 496 Let me tell you a story
Looking at the hysterical Huang Taiji, Zhao Wen not only did not have any anger, but also quietly listened to Huang Taiji's scolding.

When Huang Taiji's scolding sound subsided, Zhao Wen said calmly: "You are sweating profusely anyway, how can you curse like a shrew? What about your dignity? What about your sweaty face?"

"Dignity? Face? Hmph, I'm yuck." Huang Taiji spit out thick phlegm towards Zhao Wen, but Zhao Wen dodged it.

"If you are betrayed by the subject you think is the most loyal, and then you are betrayed by the general you trust the most when you are fleeing for your life, and finally get you to your enemy, if you can calm down, I admire you."

It wasn't that Huang Taiji didn't have the decency of sweating profusely, or that Huang Taiji was like a shrew swearing at the street, the key was that Huang Taiji was full of anger.

First, he was fooled by Fan Wencheng, and then Zhao Wen sent troops to attack Liaodong inexplicably.

That's all, the strength is not as good as others, the weapons are not as good as others, Huang Taiji recognizes them all.

But his fourteenth brother led the army to escape after the city was broken, and then he was captured alive by the person he trusted most on the way to escape. All kinds of things added together, how could Huang Taiji not hold his breath?Not angry?
It's an upright battle, and if you lose, you lose.But who could not be angry when being teased by his subordinate brother again and again like this?

Huang Taiji's face was gloomy and cold, and he stared fiercely at Omubu standing beside Zhao Wen, as if he had eaten Omubu alive.

"What are you looking at me for? You are guilty of a lot of crimes, and you still despise yourself and betray your relatives? Everything that happened today is what you deserve, and you deserve it!" Omubu didn't flinch, pointing at Huang Taiji and shouting.

Huang Taiji snorted coldly, looked away, and looked at Zhao Wen.

"To be honest, this is the first time I saw you. The time I was in the capital, even though I chased you to fight, I didn't see you with my own eyes." Zhao Wen looked at Huang Taiji quietly.

Huang Taiji's body is very fat, and his face is also a big round face that is very common in Jiannu, with single eyelids, and his eyes are half drooping as if he is not awake.

The bridge of the nose is collapsed, and some pockmarks can be vaguely seen around it.

There are two beards on the lips, which look like a character horoscope, and there is a circle of fat around the neck.

His face was covered with dried blood scabs and black ashes, and because he didn't have a helmet, his blue-black scalp was very conspicuous.

The money rattail on the back of the head hangs down to the neck, moving under the wind.

"I don't understand why you want to attack Liaodong? There is no hatred between me and you, right? Last time at the foot of the capital, you chased me and I didn't hurt anyone.

And we all have the same enemy, why are you attacking me?You are in Xuanzhen, with your weapons and equipment, you can take down the Ming capital and the Central Plains with your own hands.These two places are infinitely better than Liaodong. Why did you attack Liaodong?

I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no hatred in recent days. I really don't understand why you do this? "

Huang Taiji calmed down and didn't yell at Zhao Wen.

He looked at Zhao Wen, his face changed again and again, and finally he asked all the doubts in his heart.

"Why do you think I want to attack Liaodong? What do you think?" Zhao Wen didn't answer, but looked at Huang Taiji and asked.

Huang Taiji snorted coldly: "Hmph, if I can figure out why you want to attack Liaodong, will I be reduced to this point?"

"It seems that you really want to know the reason why I attacked Liaodong. If that's the case, then I might as well tell you and let you be a fool." After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he looked around, "All of you step back fifty steps , I want to talk to Huang Taiji alone!"

"My lord, you can't. Huang Taiji is tall and fat. Although he is being pinned to the ground now, he has to be guarded."

As soon as Zhao Wen's voice fell, Li Xiaosan shouted hastily.

"Yes, my lord, Huang Taiji has been fighting with Nurhachi since he was a child, and he is very powerful. What if he suddenly explodes and hurts your lord?" Bu He also hurriedly persuaded.

"No adults!"

"It's absolutely impossible for adults!"

Almost everyone around persuaded.

Zhao Wen took out the big black star stuck in his waist, and said with a smile: "No matter how powerful Huang Taiji is, can he be as powerful as the big black star in my hand? Don't talk anymore, just do as I say. If I can't subdue Huang Taiji, how can I conquer the world in the future?"

Seeing that Zhao Wen insisted on this, everyone had no choice but to disperse around.

When they left, they took everyone away except Huang Taiji and Zhao Wen, leaving behind the braziers placed around for lighting.

Although the soldiers holding Huang Taiji left, the rope on Huang Taiji's body did not loosen, and was even tightened a little.

After the people around left Zhao Wen, they surrounded Zhao Wen and Huang Taiji [-] steps away.At the same time, they put their hands on the weapons, and if there was any change in Huang Taiji, they would rush out.

Seeing that there was no one else around, Zhao Wen stood on the spot, stroking the big black star in his hand, and started pacing in front of Huang Taiji.

"How to tell you, let me tell you a story!"

After a while, Zhao Wen stopped in front of Huang Taiji.

"It is said that in the far east there is a continent called Asia, and there is a country on the continent called the Qing Dynasty."

In the Qing Dynasty, the name of the country was changed when Huang Taiji officially ascended the throne in Shenyang City in the ninth year of Chongzhen.

And now it is the seventh year of Chongzhen, plus Jiannu was severely injured by Zhao Wen before, so Huang Taiji has no plan to change the country name, so Huang Taiji at this time does not know that the Qing Dynasty is actually them.

Zhao Wen's voice was very calm, he said: "The Qing Dynasty lasted for 270 years from its establishment to its demise, and there were ten emperors in total.

You can say that this dynasty has no advantages, but you can still find some.In general, the disadvantages of this dynasty outweigh the advantages.

The Qing Dynasty rose in the northeast of the world, and there was an empire in the south of the Qing Dynasty. This empire existed for more than 200 years and nearly 300 years.

This empire is the orthodox dynasty in this land, and the Qing Dynasty is a barbarian in the eyes of people in this empire.

In the last years of this empire, natural disasters and man-made disasters continued, making the people in the country unable to eat, leading to continuous rebellion within the country.

The Qing Dynasty seized this great opportunity, and under the leadership of treacherous ministers, led troops and horses to break into the pass and occupy the dynasty.

It's not all smooth sailing while occupying.Because they are barbarians, although the dynasty was destroyed, the forces of resistance emerged in endlessly.

Many years had passed by the time the world was completely settled down.During the process of pacification, the character of the barbarians was fully revealed. Wherever they passed, there were always corpses strewn across the fields, bleeding and floating on the oars.

All the places attacked by them were almost slaughtered and turned into white ground by them.

The Qing Dynasty was built on the basis of human life. During the nearly 200 years of the Qing Dynasty's rule of more than 300 years, they were weak and incompetent externally, and brutally suppressed internally.

In the last years of the dynasty, the regime of the dynasty was controlled by an empress dowager named Cixi.Because the emperor died early, and the new emperor was too young at that time, Cixi took power.

This Empress Dowager Cixi has not studied for a few days, and does not know a few big characters. Do you think such a person can govern the country well?

When the whole world is developing rapidly, Cixi said, my country has everything, so why do I need the strange skills of other countries?

Under such thinking, the Qing Dynasty was gradually distanced by the enemy country.

When the great powers from the West blasted open the gate of the Qing Dynasty with strong ships and guns, Cixi suddenly realized.

But it was too late at this time, and the whole country had no way to resist the Western powers.

Under the strong ships and guns of the western powers, they fought all the way to the vicinity of the capital.Cixi, who was squatting in the capital, was so frightened that she was at a loss and fled all the way west. In the end, she had no choice but to sign various treaties with the big powers that forfeited power and humiliated the country.

In the eyes of the royal family of the Qing Dynasty, anything on this land can be abandoned, as long as they can maintain their rule, anything can be abandoned.

Empress Dowager Cixi once said that the material resources of the world should be measured to make all countries happy.In Cixi's eyes, everything on this land can be given up.In Cixi's eyes, the world is just a plaything in her hands.

In the end, the Qing Dynasty has become a plaything in the hands of the Western powers, and all the materials in the Qing Dynasty have become the hands of the great powers. "

Having said that, Zhao Wen let out a long sigh.When Li Bin was a student, he almost died of anger when he read modern history.

Zhao Wenping regained his composure, and began to talk again, "There is a small country to the east of the Qing Dynasty, and the small country has become stronger and stronger because of the reform.

After becoming stronger, the small country wanted to challenge the majesty of the heavenly kingdom, and launched an attack on the Qing Dynasty in the Jiawu year.

At that time, the Qing Dynasty spent a lot of money to build the world's best fleet in the West. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a small country to be an opponent of the Qing Dynasty.

But on the eve of the outbreak of the war, Cixi celebrated her birthday.But at that time, the country had already reached the point where the sun was declining, and the national treasury was empty, so there was no extra money to hold a birthday banquet.

At this time, Cixi put her mind on the fleet and mobilized the fleet's military expenditure.

And this batch of military expenditures is military expenditures for updating weapons. When this batch of military expenditures is mobilized, there is no way to update weapons and equipment, and the artillery has become a squib.

The war in the Jiawu year lasted less than a day, and the fleet of the Qing Dynasty was completely wiped out by the small country, and the entire army was wiped out.

After losing the fleet, Xiaoguo opened his bloody mouth, as if he wanted to swallow the Qing Dynasty.

Cixi was frightened by the war, and quickly sent someone to make peace.

The result of the peace talks was very poor, and finally the small country was paid [-] million taels of silver, that is, [-] million taels of silver.In addition to the silver, a large tract of land was also ceded.

National dignity, national dignity, and national sovereignty have been trampled on the ground.

Daqing never regarded this country as its own country. Daqing would only fool the people of the world, and only cared about the throne under itself.

After this war, the Qing Dynasty was completely lonely, and the small country also rose by relying on these indemnities. Decades later, it caused unspeakable pain to this country. "

(End of this chapter)

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