Chapter 497 Debate in the Moonlight (Two Chapters in One)
"This Great Qing, if you say that he has no merits, there are some. Especially there is an emperor named Yinzhen, whose reign name is Yongzheng.

Although this Emperor Yongzheng had many faults, he made the government and gentry payment of food together, which added a lot of silver to the country's treasury.

When he was in power, he rectified the administration of officials, and the world did not dare to say that the sea was clean and the river was clean, but it was relatively peaceful.He didn't make any serious mistakes when he was emperor, but his son was far worse.

His son, known as the perfect old man, wrote tens of thousands of poems in his life, but none of these poems have been handed down, and they are all nonsense doggerel.

He considers himself lofty and extraordinary, and thinks he is the most talented and capable emperor in the world.Indeed, in the first few years of his administration, the Qing Dynasty was indeed doing well, but in the middle and late stages, it became more and more unbearable.

Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River six times, and when he went to the south of the Yangtze River, he was so extravagant and extravagant that he almost emptied the entire treasury, and almost all the national finances were squandered by him.

In terms of squandering, even the first emperor could not compare to him.Throughout history, there are very few emperors who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.In addition to going to the south of the Yangtze River, he also loved villains and ministers far away, raised countless corrupt officials, and the country began to decline from his hands.

During the period when he was in power, there were constant rebellions in the world. In the later period, the world was full of smoldering smoke, the country was in turmoil, and the society was in chaos. "

Zhao Wen looked at the moonlight in the sky, his eyes were full of complexities, he sighed long, and said meaningfully: "The dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, from the founding of the country, was full of gold and jade.

Although on the surface it looks like a heaven and a kingdom, but the inside is already dilapidated and dilapidated.If it hadn't been for Yongzheng Ji to set things right, I'm afraid they would have perished long ago! "

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he quietly looked at Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji was tied up and sat on the ground by Wu Huada. Hearing Zhao Wen's voice, he was disapproving, "What's the use of telling me these things? If you want to kill me, come on, why are you talking so much nonsense? "

Huang Taiji didn't know that the Qing Dynasty that Zhao Wen said was the one he created in the future, so when he heard what Zhao Wen said, he was completely unmoved in his heart, and even had some sarcasm, saying that Zhao Wenxian was fine. Dry.

"Why is it useless? Let me ask you, what do you think of this Qing Dynasty?" Zhao Wen asked again.

"Hehe!" Huang Taiji sneered. "How do I see it? How else can I see it? What does this Qing Dynasty have to do with me? How else can I see it? It has nothing to do with me, so why should I worry about it?

What's more, I really don't know where you heard this story from, and I don't know the significance of you telling me this story. Just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush here. "

"Hahahaha!" Zhao Wen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, the laughter spread far and wide, drifting non-stop in the dark night.

Zhao Wen shook his head with a smile, and then turned his attention back to Huang Taiji, "It has nothing to do with you? How could it have nothing to do with you? The relationship here is too big!"

"Oh? Then tell me, what does it have to do with me?" Huang Taiji frowned, looking at Zhao Wen with disdain.

Zhao Wen didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "Do you know my origin?"

"Your origin? According to the news I got from the capital of the Ming Dynasty, you are from Xuanzhen, and your father is from a rural area." Although Huang Taiji was very puzzled why Zhao Wen asked such a question, he still told himself what he knew. Speak up.

Zhao Wen put his hands behind his back, holding the big black star in his right hand, and kept rubbing the handle of the gun with his thumb.

"Yes, the official record is indeed like this, but have you ever thought about the authenticity of this record?" Zhao Wen asked back.

"Hehe!" Huang Taiji sneered and said, "Reality? I have heard some different rumors. Some people say that you are a fairy descended from the sky, that you are a god.

But for this statement, I do not believe it 1 times. Since ancient times, rebels have used this trick, and you can only deceive ordinary people with this trick. "

Of course Huang Taiji had heard the statement that Zhao Wen was a god, but when he heard this statement, Huang Taiji didn't believe it at all, and directly ruled out this statement.

From ancient times to the present, as long as they are rebels, they have almost always used this trick, and this kind of trick has been used to death. In Huang Taiji's view, this is exactly what Zhao Wen used to fool ordinary people, so naturally he would not Believe it.

"Haha, although this statement is inaccurate, it is half correct. Although I am not a god, I am not a person in this world either.

In other words, I was not a person in this world at all. Zhao Wen chuckled and looked at Huang Taiji.

"Hmph, are you lying to ghosts? Are you not from this world? If you are not from this world, then which world are you from?" Huang Taiji snorted coldly and looked at Zhao Wen coldly.

"Let me tell you the truth, I come from more than 300 years and nearly 400 years later. I am a person from the future, and the weapons I use are all brought by me from later generations.

Forgot to tell you, the story I just told you is not fictional, it is real.

Do you know who the Emperor Taizu and Emperor Taizong of the Qing Empire are? "Zhao Wen leaned in front of Huang Taiji and said slowly.

At this time, Zhao Wen didn't want to hide from Huang Taiji anymore, and chose to tell Huang Taiji all the truth about the matter.

Anyway, now that Huang Taiji is about to disappear, it doesn't matter if I tell him.Even if he wanted to spread the news, no one would believe it.

Besides, only by letting Huang Taiji know the real truth can Huang Taiji completely give up.

"Who?" Huang Taiji still didn't believe what Zhao Wen said, with a look of disdain.

"The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, with a total of twelve emperors, and the ruler was the Aixinjueluo family.

It has been 296 years since Nurhachi was established.It was 276 years since Huang Taiji changed the name of the country to Qing Dynasty.It has been 268 years since the Qing soldiers entered the customs and established a national regime.

The great ancestors of the Qing Empire were Nurhachi, Emperor Taizong Huang Taiji, Emperor Chengzong Dorgon, Emperor Shizu Fulin, Emperor Shengzu Xuanye, Emperor Sejong Yinzhen, Emperor Gaozong Hongli, Emperor Renzong Yongyan, Xuanzong Emperor Minning, Wenzong Emperor Yipin, Muzong Emperor Zaichun, Dezong Emperor Zaitan and the last emperor Puyi.

The Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, and Dorgon I mentioned are none other than your father, you and your fourteenth brother.

In other words, if there is no me, if there are no accidents, then you will be enthroned as emperor in Shengjing City in the ninth year of Chongzhen, and at the same time change the name of the country to Qing Dynasty.And you, the Aixinjueluo family, will also enjoy the country for nearly 300 years. Unfortunately, all this will not happen in the future. "

Zhao Wen's voice was like a thunderbolt in Huang Taiji's ears. He looked at Zhao Wen, his face flushed red, and his body kept shaking.

"Is what you said true? Are you lying to me, are you lying to me? I don't believe it's true, I don't believe it's true at all. You must be trying to make me give up And the fabricated lie is not, you are lying to me!"

Although Huang Taiji had a stubborn mouth and said he didn't believe it, his heart had already begun to waver.

After all, Zhao Wen didn't need to fabricate these things to deceive himself. He was already a prisoner, so he had no reason to deceive himself.

However, if what he said is true, it proves that he really came from more than 300 years and nearly 400 years later.But this kind of thing is less likely than meeting a god. There are rumors of gods from ancient times to the present, but there has never been such a thing as Zhao Wen.

"You don't believe it? Well, I'll dispel your doubts now." Zhao Wen walked into the warehouse as soon as he said that.

A white light flashed on the spot, and Zhao Wen disappeared there.

Huang Taiji's eyes widened, looking at Zhao Wen who disappeared in place, with an expression of disbelief.

"Where is your lord? Where did your lord go? Why is your lord gone?"

At the same time, Bu He, who was surrounded by Zhao Wen, looked at Zhao Wen who disappeared out of nowhere, and shouted directly.

He rubbed his eyes again and again, but he didn't see Zhao Wen's figure.

As if seeing a ghost, Bu He yelled loudly, "My lord is gone, what should I do now!"

"It must be Huang Taiji's trick, let's rush up and kill Huang Taiji, save your lord!"

Not only Buhe, but also the guards of Buhe panicked. They looked at the direction where Zhao Wen disappeared and yelled loudly, saying they wanted to rush to rescue Zhao Wen.

Li Xiaosan hurriedly reprimanded: "Give me peace, your lord is fine, and your lord will show up later!"

Li Xiaosan had seen this situation more than once before, so he was used to Zhao Wen's situation.

And Zhao Wen's personal guards had seen it once or twice, so they didn't panic like Bu He who had never seen this scene before.

While speaking, Zhao Wen reappeared in place.

Looking at Zhao Wen who reappeared, Bu He said in horror: "Could it be that those rumors of Mr. Zongbing are true?"

Bu He had also heard rumors that Zhao Wen was a god, but like Huang Taiji, Bu He didn't believe it.

But now after seeing Zhao Wen who disappeared out of thin air, Bu He couldn't help but think of those rumors about Zhao Wen.

Now Bu He can't believe it, otherwise how can he explain the matter in front of him clearly?
"No one is allowed to say what happened today, otherwise, no matter who it is, be careful!" Li Xiaosan looked at Zhao Wen who reappeared in the same place, and then looked at Bu He and the others coldly.

"Don't worry, this matter will rot in my stomach!" Bu He hurriedly stated.

"So do we!" Buhe's personal guard also said hastily.

"You, you, you really came from more than 300 years and nearly 400 years later?" Huang Taiji opened his mouth wide, looked at Zhao Wen who reappeared in front of him in horror, and stammered.

Zhao Wen opened his arms and twirled around, "What do you think? Didn't I just say that I came from more than 300 years ago and nearly 400 years later!"

"So, what you said just now is true? If it weren't for you, if there were no accidents, I would have entered Shanhaiguan, conquered the whole world, and enjoyed the entire country? Are what you said true?" Huang Taiji His body was shaking like chaff, and he shouted at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen squatted in front of Huang Taiji, and said: "You are right. Without me, you would have entered the pass. However, the person who led the troops to enter the pass was not you, but your fourteenth brother Dole." Dagon. Because you were already dead at that time, do you know how you died? You died suddenly in the 16th year of Chongzhen. Before that, you just won the Songjin battle.

When the battle was halfway through, your concubine Hai Lanzhu suddenly fell ill and passed away, and you hurried back to Shengjing City at this time to hold a funeral for your concubine.

That's right, your concubine is my current daughter-in-law, Buhe's daughter Hai Lanzhu.Although the Battle of Songjin was won, you also died suddenly not long after Hai Lanzhu passed away.

It is said in history that you were trapped by love and died suddenly in the end.But what I don't understand is that after your sudden death, it is none other than your fourteenth brother Dorgon who holds the power.

There is a rumor that you were poisoned to death by Dorgon.If you think about it, during the battle of Songjin, the whole army of Guanning cavalry was wiped out, and Daming was no longer able to defend Liaodong. In addition, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others also ascended the throne and became emperor at that time, Daming had completely lost his way of life.

And less than a year after your death, the capital was captured by Li Zicheng, and Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself on Meishan Mountain.

After Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself, Dorgon avenged Emperor Chongzhen by pretending to be a courtier in the name of punishing the people.

Under the leadership of Dorgon, Daming North was laid down very quickly, and the speed was not so fast.

Coincidentally, if you can persist for another year, with your ability, you will definitely sit in the middle of the capital, facing south and enjoying the worship of all the officials.

Moreover, after you died, all your concubines in the harem surrendered to Dorgon. If it wasn't for your daughter-in-law Bumbutai's ability, I'm afraid your heirs would also be killed by Dorgon. "

Hearing Zhao Wen's voice, Huang Taiji was already lying on the ground in anger, his body was trembling constantly, and there was a low growl in his throat. Obviously, Huang Taiji had been angered to the extreme.

"Dorgon, I should have thought of it earlier. I should have killed you together when I knew that Abahai was forced to death. Damn, damn, damn, damn you, damn you." Huang Taiji heard the history. When I was so miserable, and Dorgon abandoned the city and fled before, I felt resentful towards Dorgon in my heart.

Although Huang Taiji didn't quite believe in Zhao Wen before, after Zhao Wen disappeared out of thin air and appeared suddenly, even if Huang Taiji had 1 reluctances in his heart, he still had to believe in this fact.

"To be honest, after more than 300 years and nearly 400 years, when I was studying, I actually admired you. Do you know why I admire you?
That's because if it weren't for you, Huang Taiji, Hou Jin would have been just a gang of bandits from beginning to end.Although your father Nurhachi rebelled against the Ming Dynasty and established Houjin, Houjin was in chaos at that time. It was not so much a country as a gang of bandits.

During the period when Nurhachi was in power, Hou Jin occupied a large amount of land in Liaodong, but fundamentally speaking, you Hou Jin are just a bunch of bandits with no political goals. Although you are brave, you are like a bandit like Li Zicheng Generally, they only do things like burning, killing and looting.

On the surface, it looks like they have robbed a lot of supplies and occupied a lot of land, but once Daming frees up their hands, it will be gone if you say no.The only policies formulated by your father are the Eight Banners System and the Eight Kings Discussion of Government. Tell me, is this policy formulated by your father good? "Zhao Wen squatted in front of Huang Taiji and said in a flat tone.

Huang Taiji groaned a few times, howled a few times, and then stammered: "The Eight Banners system is somewhat useful, but the Eight Kings' discussion of politics is useless at all."

"You are right, if the Eight Kings' Deliberations had not been abolished, then Houjin would always be a gang of bandits, and it would be impossible to become a country.

When you became a Great Khan, you first abolished the eight kings' governance and gathered all your rights.Then reuse Ming people like Ning Wan and me, Fan Wencheng, to actively learn from the Ming Dynasty, and establish institutions similar to the Ming Dynasty, such as the Six Departments of Shangshu and so on.

It can be said that without you, there would be no future Qing Dynasty.Unfortunately, all this will end in my hands.The reason why I came all the way to attack Liaodong is that I don't want the tragedy in history to repeat itself.

Actually, the person I hate the most is not you, but your father Nurhachi and your fourteenth brother Dorgon.

Nurhachi captured Liaodong and massacred hundreds of thousands of Liao people.Dorgon entered the customs and issued an order to shave his head, and issued an order to keep his hair but not his head.All of a sudden, the clothes that China had inherited for thousands of years were cut off.

When the head is shaved and braided, the heads of thousands of miles in China are rolling, bleeding and drifting.When the braids are cut, the heads of the killed are also bleeding and floating on the oars.For a single braid, I don't know how many people died and how many common people were harmed?

When the western world was developing vigorously, the land of Huaxia was fighting non-stop for a braid.

That story I just told, and what I'm saying now, is all because of you people.Don't worry, you won't be alive, and there won't be any Jurchens in the future! "

At the end of Zhao Wen's speech, his words became fierce, and his tone was full of murderous intent.

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he stood up from the ground, sighed, and said in a long voice: "There will be no more Jurchen in the future!"

"You want to kill all the Jurchens?" Huang Taiji struggled to sit up straight, looking at Zhao Wen in horror.

"Why do you want to kill all the Jurchens? Why do you kill all the Jurchens? Although I believe what you just said is true, but now that you exist, there will be no Qing Dynasty in the future, and there will be no order to shave your head. Everything is impossible to reappear, why did you kill all the Jurchens? Why do you?" Huang Taiji screamed hysterically at Zhao Wen.

"Kill all the Jurchens? With your weapons and equipment, you can do it easily. But what do you do? What qualifications do you have?
Jurchen, also known as Zhulizhen, Nuzhen, and Nuzhi, was called Yilou from the Han to Jin Dynasties, Wuji from the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Heishui Mohe from the Sui to Tang Dynasties, and "Jurchen" and "Nvzhi" from the Liao Dynasty. "

Huang Taiji first roared angrily at Zhao Wen a few times, then he let out a long breath and spoke.

"We live in the land of white mountains and black waters, which is covered by ice and snow all the year round. Our ancestors wore deerskins and carried spears cut from wood to shuttle between the white mountains and black waters to hunt wild animals. Or they used hemp rope to make nets and fished on the Songhua River. .

We are not born on extremely fertile arable land like you Central Plains people, and we don't have to learn hunting skills like us since childhood.

Whenever winter comes, you people in the Central Plains will hide in homes full of grain and sing songs around the fire, and even some scholar-bureaucrats wear long-sleeved robes and sit in pavilions drinking and composing poems.We don't even dare to think about your life.

You say that auspicious snow heralds a good year, but heavy snow is a disaster in our eyes.Once the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, hunting will be a hundred times more difficult. We have no food and no land to cultivate food. After the heavy snow blocks the mountains, if we cannot hunt and kill prey, we will starve to death or freeze to death.

Every winter, I don’t know how many people will freeze to death and starve to death, you will never understand.

If you have heavy snow in winter and suffer disasters, at least the emperor and the court will provide relief. Even if there are corrupt officials, at least you have someone to take care of you.

But what about us?Who cares about us?When winter comes and the mountains are covered by heavy snow, everyone is in danger. Who cares about our lives?
You say that we enter the customs to plunder, but if we don't enter the customs to plunder, we will be frozen to death and starved to death.What's wrong with us doing it for our lives?

You people, on the left are barbarians, and on the right are slaves.In your eyes, when have you looked at us?Since when did you see us as adults?
Said that we are illiterate and disobedient to Wang Hua.Let me ask you, if you can't even eat enough, how can you care about other things?
Have you ever seen that in the deep mountains in winter, you can't close your eyes for several days and nights in order to catch a wild deer?Have you ever seen a newborn child freeze to death and starve to death with his mother because his father did not come back from hunting?

You joke that our fathers and servants are inherited, and brothers and daughters-in-law are inherited, but have you ever thought that if you are as ethical and orderly as you, then these people will be frozen to death and starved to death.

We also think that we have no culture and no saints, but tell me, can a saint like Confucius be born in this environment? "Huang Taiji kept yelling at Zhao Wen as if he had lost his mind.

"When did your Central Plains dynasty look at us? You occupied the most arable land in the world, and then built a long Great Wall to keep us out and not allow us to enter.

You said that we robbed you, but do you know that your original territory was only a little bit bigger in the Central Plains, but now you have thousands of miles of land and countless fertile fields, tell me how you got here?Did you rely on the words of your saints?
Nanrong Beidi, in your eyes, you are the most orthodox race with the noblest blood in the whole world.In your eyes, we deserve to die.From ancient times to the present, although countless tribes have surrendered to your Central Plains dynasty, have you seen it with your own eyes?In your eyes, we barbarians are only worthy of crawling at your feet, and you have never seen us as equals.

You have been glorious for thousands of years, and your ancestors were all heroes. We are ants on the ground, trampled by you.You all sing the praises of warriors who opened up territories, and you remember people like Wei Qinghuo Qubing, but do you know how many bloody and weeping barbarians are behind the feats established by these people?
Huo Qubing sealed the wolf as a Xu, and Dou Xian swallowed it like a stone. Thousands of honors are added to them. They are your heroes.But do you know that the loss of Qilian Mountain will make my animals inhabitable, and the loss of Yanzhi Mountain will make my women colorless?
Why?Why can you sit and enjoy the best place in the world, but we have to suffer and suffer in the ice and snow?I don't accept it, I don't accept it.We are all human, why are you noble and we are humble, why?You can brag about how brilliant your ancestors were and how much glory they had, but what about us?How to be a grandson of your ancestors?

Liaodong has always been our territory, and you took it from us.Now all I do is take it all back, what's wrong with me taking back our own land?Now that you want to kill all the Jurchens, I will ask you, what qualifications do you have?Why do you? "

Huang Taiji sat on the ground, unable to stand up because of the tight rope on his body, he yelled hysterically at Zhao Wen, as if he had countless grievances in his heart.

"Don't you guys like us barbarians to be your slaves? Let me tell you, without you, the future will be exactly as you said, I will definitely trample all of you in the mud, and I will take away your backbone , break your spine.

What Wei Qinghuo Qubing, what Yue Fei Wen Tianxiang, all die for me.I will trample all of you to death, and you will never stand up again. "Huang Taiji was full of resentment, and shouted at Zhao Wen with a look of anger.

"Hehe, well said, well said, well said!" Zhao Wen sneered again and again, squinting his eyes at Huang Taiji, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Well said, well said. You said it so perfectly, I almost believed you.

Humph, don't put you in the victim position because you don't deserve it.

You are right, in our eyes, you will always be barbarians.But have you ever thought about why we look down on you, why we always treat you as barbarians?

Say we occupy the best place in the world, say we look down on you.Have you ever wondered why we do this?
In the early Tang Dynasty, the imperial court did not shy away from Hu Han, and reused many foreigners, but what was the result?The result was the Anshi Rebellion, the Anshi Rebellion, Chang'an City was destroyed, and it has not recovered until today.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the national power of the first Tang Dynasty took a sharp turn, and it didn't take long for it to perish.After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, there were Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. In this, the land of the Central Plains was smashed. If Song Taizu did not establish the Great Song Dynasty, how many people would die in the future?
Do you know why Song Taizu wanted to build the capital in Kaifeng Mansion, which is indefensible?Do you know why?If Song Taizu didn't build the capital in Kaifeng, would the Central Plains still be able to persist for so many years?
The shame of Jingkang, the emperor's family was plundered by you, and died in a foreign land. This is your last resort, just to survive?
During the Jin Dynasty, the Central Plains fell, how many people survived?Where are these people?Where did you tell me?What is the two-legged sheep, you tell me?You tell me what this is?
He also said that the glory on Wei Qinghuo Qubing's body was covered with blood. Do you know how many people were killed by the Huns when they invaded Chang'an before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?Did you know that Liu Bangbai almost died in the siege of climbing the mountain?Do you know the shame of the queen mother of a country being named by the Xiongnu to let her come to sleep?

Do you know why the Spring and Autumn and Warring States have the rule of respecting the king and rejecting barbarians?what do you know?You don't know anything, you say every day that we call you barbarians, that we don't accept you, how dare we accept you like you are?
Since the founding of our country, has it really stopped?You tell me which year there was no war?In the Western Zhou Dynasty, did King Mu of Zhou go on a western expedition full of food?During the Qin Dynasty, the first emperor asked the Meng family brothers to station on the grassland. Was there nothing to do?Is there too much money to spend on building Chidao?
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty vacated the family property of the Wenjingzhizhi, and the Chang'an City is just for the prodigal?Did the Sui and Tang dynasties conquer Goguryeo in order to visit mountains and rivers?
Since the Warring States period, countries have built the Great Wall. Until now, the Great Wall has been built for more than 2000 years.Why do we build the Great Wall? Are we full of food?You tell me, are we full?
What are we building the city wall for? We just want to avoid being bullied, that's all.In the past dynasties, as long as there is a foreigner's surrender, which time did the Central Plains Dynasty not announce it to the world, and which time did it not confer kings and rewards?But what is the result of this switch?
During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was called Tian Khan by the people in the grassland, and he looked respected.But after the Anshi Rebellion, they were the ones who stabbed the most fiercely.

Your people are human beings, but our people are not human beings?Do we deserve to be bullied?The glory of our ancestors was achieved by our ancestors fighting with guns and knives, breaking through the sea of ​​blood from the corpses.

You will never understand but let the flying generals of Dragon City stay, don't teach Huma to cross the Yinshan Mountain.You will never understand Lord Grim drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times.

You will never understand that the poor bone beside the Wuding River is still a person in a boudoir's dream.You will never understand that no one in life has died since ancient times, and you will keep your loyalty to reflect the history.

And we sat around the fire and sang, pooh.Have you ever seen people working in the fields in the dark for spring plowing?Have you ever seen the sacrifice of living people in front of the Dragon King Temple in severe drought and no rain?Have you ever seen the sadness on the faces of the people when the locusts are all over the sky?
Do we deserve to be robbed of the food we have worked so hard to grow?You have never seen anything, you only have your people in your heart.It sounds sanctimonious, but it is actually selfish.Our things are bought with the blood of our ancestors. If you refuse to accept it, go down and ask your ancestors, and don't guess us with your dirty mind. "

Zhao Wen pointed at Huang Taiji, his face was full of madness, and shouted at Huang Taiji.

"Everyone is human, why are we noble and you humble. You really have sharp teeth and sharp mouths, and the words are better than the songs. All our things are made with our hands.

We just want to farm well, and none of you should disturb us.I, Zhao Wen, swear here today that if anyone dares to bully our Chinese people, I, Zhao Wen, are not talented, and I will send troops to attack them, destroy their country, exterminate their species, and dig out their roots. "

(End of this chapter)

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