Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 498 Completely wiped out, troops dispatched to Liaoyang City

Chapter 498 Completely wiped out, troops dispatched to Liaoyang City
After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he glanced at Huang Taiji who was lying on the ground, and then walked towards the back, leaving Huang Taiji alone in place.

Just after Zhao Wen walked a few steps, Huang Taiji shouted at the top of his voice.


Huang Taiji's voice was like that of a night owl, with madness in his paranoia and a little sadness.

Not long after shouting, Huang Taiji burst into tears again.

Maybe it was because he was sad about his own life, maybe it was because the kingdom of Jin was destroyed after he was sad, maybe it was because he was sad about his own people.

Obai and the others, who were being escorted by Omubu's men, heard Huang Taiji's voice, their eyes protruded, and their mouths were blocked, so they could only make a whining sound.

They were controlled by Omubu's men to turn their backs to Zhao Wen, so they didn't see the scene where Zhao Wen disappeared just now.

Although they couldn't hear Huang Taiji and Zhao Wen's voices clearly just now because of the distance, but this time they heard Huang Taiji's hysterical howls clearly.

Zhao Wen faced west and walked slowly towards Li Xiaosan.

At this moment, the dawn light pierced the night sky, the sun rose from the horizon, and Zhao Wen's shadow was stretched very long.

Zhao Wen turned his head to look at the sun behind him, and smiled.

"grown ups!"

Li Xiaosan rushed to Zhao Wen with his personal guards and protected Zhao Wen.

Buhe and others and Omubu and others followed closely behind Li Xiaosan.

When Buhe, Omubu and their men looked at Zhao Wen, their eyes were full of fear.

The scene where Zhao Wen disappeared just now really scared them enough.

Zhao Wen pointed to Huang Taiji at the back, and said: "Put Huang Taiji down for me, and take care of him. Don't let him die. After recovering all Liaodong, I will use him to commemorate the Liao people and the people they slaughtered." Soldiers who died here."

Li Xiaosan cupped his fists at Zhao Wen, and rushed towards Huang Taiji with a few personal guards.

"Master Zong Bing Bing Bing, this is Li Yongfang!" Trembling, Omubu appeared in front of Zhao Wen, pointing tremblingly at a man in a state of embarrassment behind him.

Zhao Wen's gaze was like a sharp eagle's eye, looking in the direction of Omubu's finger.

A middle-aged man with a bare head and a money rattail was pinned to the ground by two soldiers with a trembling face.

"Are you Li Yongfang?" Zhao Wen looked at Li Yongfang and asked.

The soldiers guarding him hurriedly took out the rag from his mouth.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I was forced by Jiannu, I was forced by Jiannu, I really have no choice." Li Yongfang looked at Zhao Wen, her body was shaking like chaff, and she couldn't stop. Shaking his head, he kept begging for mercy.

"Forced? What a forced one. I don't care if you were forced or not. I don't watch the process, I only saw it."

Zhao Wen shook his head slightly, pointed at Li Yongfang expressionlessly, and looked at Omubu, "Pull it down and deal with it!"

Emubu cupped his fists at Zhao Wen, walked up to Li Yongfang, and pulled out the waist knife from his waist.

Obviously, Ombu wanted to do it himself.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm still useful, I'm still useful, don't kill me!"

Li Yongfang is not a fool either. When he heard Zhao Wen's words, he immediately understood what he was trying to do.

Under the trend of living, Li Yongfang kept begging for mercy.

Zhao Wen turned around, too lazy to look at Li Yongfang.

Li Yongfang was the first official who surrendered to become a slave, and he was a real hardcore traitor. For such a person, living a second longer is a crime.

"How dare you act presumptuously in front of Mr. Chief Soldier? You really don't know how to live or die!"

Omubu clenched his left hand into a fist, and punched Li Yongfang's chin, knocking out three or four teeth in an instant.

Omubu shook his left hand, and said to the soldiers guarding Li Yongfang: "Take them and follow me!"

After Li Yongfang finished speaking, she walked towards the distance.

Li Yongfang was also escorted behind Omubu.

Li Yongfang howled and struggled hysterically, but she couldn't escape her fate.

Looking at Omubu in front of her, Li Yongfang was full of fear.

After walking about a hundred steps, Omubu stopped on a wasteland.

He looked at the sun in the sky, and then rubbed the waist knife drawn out of his hand on the sleeve of his left arm.

"Just here, put Li Yongfang on the ground for me." Omubu pointed to the open space in front of him and said.

The soldiers escorting Li Yongfang brought Li Yongfang to Omubu, kicked him to the ground, and kept lifting Li Yongfang's arm.

Because of the pain from her shoulder, Li Yongfang kept poking her head to the ground.

Omubu held the waist knife in both hands, stood beside Li Yongfang's head, and kept probing.


Omubu suddenly shouted, and the knife in his hand quickly slashed towards Li Yongfang's neck.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, ah!!!"

With a scream, Li Yongfang's body was separated.

Omubu wiped the blood from his face, leaned down and grabbed the money rattail on Li Yongfang's head, and walked towards Zhao Wen.

A moment later, Omubu stood in front of Zhao Wen holding Li Yongfang's head in both hands, "Master Chief Soldier, Li Yongfang has been punished!"

Smelling the bloody smell coming from his head, Zhao Wen waved his hands and said, "Find a place, burn Li Yongfang's body, and give me his head to be nitrated with lime, and I will cast his head into his body in the future." Among the kneeling statues, kneeling outside the city of Shenyang."

"Li Yongfang's clan, kill them all, leave no one behind!" Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan who had come back, and said coldly.

"Of order!" Li Xiaosan replied loudly.

"Order all the soldiers and horses, don't be in a hurry to chase and kill the routs who have escaped from the city, and try to kill all the remnants in the city, and strive to wipe out all the remnants in Shenyang City within two days. I will enter Shenyang City at noon the day after tomorrow! "

Zhao Wen pointed to Shenyang City ahead and shouted loudly.

The sun rose and set in the east, and the place where Zhao Wen was was billowed with smoke.

Zhao Wen sat on a low stool and ate a heated canned beef.

Li Xiaosan and other guards surrounded Zhao Wen, devouring the canned food in their hands.

Omubu and Buhe were squatting in an open space not far from Zhao Wen, also holding a can and devouring it.

Their personal guards squatted around the two of them, like starved ghosts reincarnated, chomping on the canned food provided by Zhao Wen.

"It's really fragrant, it's really fragrant, it's so fragrant." Omubu swallowed the last piece of meat in the can, and finally drank all the soup in the can without being satisfied.


Omubu put the finished can on the ground, burped for a long time, and looked at Buhe with satisfaction.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I can't say it, I can't say it, I can't say it if I hang out with Xuanzhen. This canned food is really delicious and fragrant.

The beef inside is so soft that you can swallow it without chewing.There is a lot of oil and water in it, and you are willing to put salt, it is really fresh and fragrant.

How can I say that I am also a profuse sweat from the Urad tribe, but I have never eaten meat that is so full of salt. "

Omubu clutched his stomach, sat on the ground without any image, and looked at Buhe with a smile on his face.

Bu He put the finished can in front of him, then loosened his belt.

"Look at what you said, let me tell you, don't say it's you. When I didn't take refuge in my son-in-law, I had a life similar to yours.

It is not a day or two that the grassland is short of salt. When I eat on weekdays, I dare not add more salt at all, for fear that I will eat up all the salt.

You know, in the past, a handful of salt could be exchanged for a cow, and this was coarse salt.At that time, it was not easy to eat a meal with enough salt. "

Sitting on the ground, Buhe looked at the sun slanting towards the west of the building in the sky, and recalled the days when he didn't take refuge in Zhao Wen.

"Since I took refuge with my son-in-law, hehe, I dare not say anything else, tea and salt are indispensable to me.

Let me tell you, I am in Horqin City now, and I eat a lot of salt in my meals. After eating, I drink a cup of hot tea to relieve my tiredness. This life is so comfortable.

Especially in winter, when I sit in the royal palace, the underground fire dragon is burned, and then I drink the fine wine produced in Xuanzhen. I feel happy, really happy.Even if it is given to a god, I will not change it. "

As if showing off on purpose, Buhe told Omubu about various things in his tribe.

"If staying in the palace is boring, go to the theater outside to listen to a play. Or take a few guards out of the city to hunt. This kind of life, I didn't even dare to think about it before."

Hearing Buhe's voice, Omubu's face was full of longing.

"Hey, your luck is really good. If I had your vision and took refuge in Xuanzhen early, then the life you mentioned would be mine." Omubu said with envy and regret.

"It's just you? I think it's better to forget it. Speaking of which, I can have my current life thanks to Huang Taiji. If it weren't for Huang Taiji, I'm afraid I'm like you now." Bu He looked at E Mu with disdain Cloth glance.

When Emubu heard that Buhe said it was thanks to Huang Taiji, he immediately became interested.

Although everyone on the grassland knew about Buhe's defection to Zhao Wen, no one knew how he had defected to Zhao Wen. Omubu was also very curious about it.

"Then how did you join Xuanzhen? How did you marry your daughter to your son-in-law, tell me." Omubu asked hastily.

"Haha." Bu He first laughed twice, and then continued: "Back then, Huang Taiji sent people to Shanxi to find Shanxi merchants to buy grain. To be on the safe side, Huang Taiji asked Shanxi merchants to hire a Ming army horse from the mainland to help them along the way. Escort the grain to Jibeikou along the side wall.

At that time, all of Huang Taiji's troops were hoarded in Shanhaiguan to contain the Ming army. In addition, I, Horqin, suffered a severe disaster, and there was a severe shortage of food in the tribe. Huang Taiji was afraid that we would take advantage of this batch of food, so he had to make this decision. .

After all, with the Ming army as cover, even the frontier army can pass through the inspection.And it is close to the side wall, so we can still let Horqin throw a mouse.

At that time, Horqin was severely affected by the disaster, and there were not even one cattle and sheep in the tribe. The food in my hands was really difficult to survive, so after I learned the news, I planned to do my best to rob this batch of food.

Coincidentally, the Ming army hired by Huang Taiji was exactly the team of my son-in-law. "

"Is your son-in-law also thinking about this batch of grain?" Before Buhe finished speaking, Omubu couldn't wait to talk.

Bu He breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, you are right. My son-in-law is indeed planning on this batch of grain, and he did it faster than I, Horqin.

When Wu Keshan arrived with the soldiers and horses, my son-in-law had already got the food in his hands, and also arrested my son Wu Keshan.

At that time, I didn't even know that this son-in-law had robbed this batch of food. I thought that Huang Taiji sent someone to get the food back. At the same time, I thought my son Wu Keshan was killed by Huang Taiji.

People who have the same idea as me include Huang Taiji. My son-in-law killed all the people who received food from Huang Taiji. He thought that the food was robbed by me, so he brought troops to attack me in Horqin.

At the time of the battle, my son Wu Keshan brought my son-in-law to Horqin.It's just that I was supervising the battle at the front at that time, so I didn't know about it.

When I realized it, I knew it when I ran away after the defeat and found my daughter Hai Lanzhu missing.

My daughter was also very courageous. She ran out alone and was kidnapped by my son-in-law.My son-in-law finally led Wu Keshan and Hai Lanzhu to my big tent and threatened me to submit to him. I didn't believe it at first, and asked someone to kill my son-in-law.But when my son-in-law showed his strength, I dismissed the idea.On the second day, my son-in-law also helped me defeat Huang Taiji.

When he returned to Xuan Town, I asked Hai Lanzhu to go back with him, and finally married Hai Lanzhu to him smoothly. "

"Tsk tsk tsk, good luck, really good luck." Hearing Buhe's voice, Omubu was speechless with envy.

"I really don't understand, it's amazing how lucky you are to get such a thigh with a batch of ordinary food.

If only I were so lucky. "Omubu said enviously.

"Okay, you made a great contribution this time. You directly captured Huang Taiji and others alive. The commander-in-chief will not treat you badly." Bu He patted Omu Bu's shoulder and said with a smile on his face. .

After lunch, it was getting late.The fire in Shenyang City has been burning for a day and a night and has not been extinguished, and there is fighting in the city.

Huang Taiji has hoarded 15 troops and [-] young and strong men in Shenyang City. This is not counting the ordinary slaves in the city who can take up arms to resist. In addition, Zhao Wen's troops are limited, and Shenyang City is still relatively large. Therefore, the resistance force in Shenyang City has not been completely wiped out for a while.

At the end of the second day, the resistance force in the city became more and more scarce, and the main area of ​​the city had been taken over by Xuanzhen soldiers and horses.

When the third day dawned, all of Shenyang City had fallen into Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses.

Zhao Wen rode on a war horse, looking at the calm Shenyang City in front of him, his expression eased a lot.

"Report, Shenyang City has been completely taken down, all the fires in Shenyang City have been extinguished, General Zhou, General Wang and General Zhang have cleared the Shenyang Imperial Palace, and the commander-in-chief can move in!"

A soldier conveying military information came to Zhao Wen on a horse and told Zhao Wen about the situation in Shenyang City.

Zhao Wen nodded to the messenger, and then shouted to Li Xiaosan who was behind him: "Go down and enter Shenyang City!"

"Stationed in Shenyang City, stationed in Shenyang City, stationed in Shenyang City!" Li Xiaosan shouted loudly and conveyed the news on his horse.

Zhao Wen waved the whip in his hand and rushed towards Shenyang City in front of him.

The guards protecting Zhao Wen hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen and rushed forward.

Buhe, Omubu and others also hurriedly mounted their horses and followed behind Zhao Wen.

Not long after, Zhao Wen arrived outside the broken city wall of Shenyang City.

Zhou Laoliu, Zhang He and Wang Chong stood outside the broken city wall of Shenyang City, waiting respectfully for Zhao Wen.

"Welcome, my lord!"

Seeing Zhao Wen approaching, they hurriedly knelt on one knee and saluted Zhao Wen with fists cupped.

Zhao Wen nodded at them and said, "Let's go into the city!"

"As ordered!"

They stood up from the ground, then stood beside them, quietly watching Zhao Wen walk in.

Zhao Wen slowed down after entering Shenyang City. He looked at the corpses of Jiannu lying on both sides of the street and the charred houses burned by the flames, without any expression on his face.

The soldiers who were maintaining order in the city saw Zhao Wen's team approaching, and hurriedly stood where they were, and shouted at Zhao Wen: "Master Chief Soldier, Wan Sheng!"

"Xuanzhen Wansheng!" Zhao Wen pulled out the waist knife from his waist, pointed at the sky, and shouted loudly.

"Master Chief Soldier, Wan Sheng!" Xuanzhen soldiers shouted loudly again after hearing Zhao Wen's voice.

"Xuanzhen Wansheng!"

"Master Chief Soldier, all victories! Lord Chief Soldier, all victories!"

The sound waves flowed towards the depths of Shenyang City like Haikang, until finally, the whole Shenyang City cheered.

Because of the fierce fighting, the bluestone paved ground in the city was pitted by shells and bullets, and the speed of Zhao Wen's horse was relatively slow.

On both sides of the road, apart from soldiers and horses from Xuanzhen, Horqin, and grassland tribes, there were also captured Jiannu soldiers and rebellious Jiannu people. They were escorted by Xuanzhen soldiers to kneel on the ground.
Huang Taiji was tied up and packed in a prison cart. Looking at the collapsed and charred houses on both sides of the road, his face was full of pain.

"Sweat, sweat!!!"

A sharp-eyed Jiannu soldier prisoner recognized Huang Taiji in the prison cart, and hurriedly shouted at Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji wanted to reply, but his mouth was stuffed tightly with rags so he couldn't utter a word.

"Khan, the sky is going to kill my empress, the sky is going to kill my empress, woo woo woo!"

"Khan, you have been caught, then we are really doomed, Shaman God, please open your eyes and take a look, you can walk us!"

When the Jiannu soldier called out just now, many Jiannu prisoners recognized Huang Taiji.

They looked at Huang Taiji who was in a state of embarrassment in the prison car, and felt sad for a moment, knocked their heads on the ground and cried loudly.

"It's me, Huang Taiji, who's sorry for you, it's me, Huang Taiji, who's sorry for you, it's me who's sorry for you!" Huang Taiji cried out loudly in his heart.

"The country has been destroyed, the Great Khan has been captured, the capital city has been destroyed, what a shame, what a shame, my Empress Jin has made the same mistakes as the Great King, what a shame, what a shame!"

A Jiannu prisoner kneeling on both sides of the street and guarded by two Xuanzhen soldiers suddenly yelled fiercely at Huang Taiji.

He kowtowed twice to Huang Taiji, then stood up directly from the ground, and hit the half-burned blackened wall behind him with lightning speed.


This Jiannu's head was dented by the impact, and he died instantly.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Wen said calmly: "He has integrity and backbone, but unfortunately he is my enemy. He is a hero, and I only hate bandits."

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he turned around and stopped talking.

Huang Taiji looked at the Jiannu who had been bumped to death, and recognized him instantly. This is his Minister of the Household Department, a very capable and loyal official.

Normally, Huang Taiji would despise him for being a bit petty, but now he didn't expect him to be so staunch.

"Why did Aiqing come to this, why did he come to this!" Huang Taiji sat slumped in the prison car, crying with his head on his back, but because his mouth was blocked, all his voices turned into whining.

At noon, Zhao Wen arrived in front of the Shenyang Imperial Palace on a horse.

Looking at the burnt Shenyang Imperial Palace, Zhao Wen took a deep breath, and said with some emotion: "The Shenyang Imperial Palace Nurhachi started construction in the fifth year of Tianqi, and it has been nine years and nearly ten years since now.

Nurhachi conquered Shenyang in the first year of Tianqi. It has been 14 years since now, and now it has finally been recovered. "

"My lord holds the world's mightiest soldiers in his hands, and it's easy to regain Shenyang City."

Li Xiaosan who was following Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Wen and said with a smile.

Zhao Wen chuckled and said, "Get off the horse!"

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he jumped off the horse.

"My lord, the main hall of the Shenyang Imperial Palace has not been damaged much, and it has been almost cleaned up now!"

At this moment, Zhou Laoliu, Wang Chong, Zhang He and the others hurried up from behind.

Zhao Wen nodded, "Then go in!"

"Obey!" Zhou Laoliu and the others replied, and hurriedly walked on both sides of Zhao Wen's front to lead the way for Zhao Wen.

Not long after, Zhao Wen came to the main hall of the Shenyang Imperial Palace.

The layout of the imperial palace in Shenyang City was built according to the layout of the imperial palace in the capital city, and the general plan was similar to that of the imperial palace in the capital city.

Although the main hall in Shenyang City was not damaged much, it was also burned.

The pillars supporting the center of the hall were originally supposed to be vermilion, but now they are covered with scorched black.

The silk decorations that originally hung in the main hall were also burned to black charcoal.

Fortunately, the pillars and beams were not burned, otherwise the palace would have collapsed long ago.

"My lord, we have inspected the pillars in the palace hall, but the outside is blackened by smoke, but the inside is still strong, and the beams are the same."

Zhou Laoliu looked at Zhao Wen who was standing in the center of the hall and kept looking up, and said hurriedly.

Zhao Wen nodded, and then walked in the direction of the throne.

Standing in front of the throne, Zhao Wen burst out laughing as he looked at the polished throne in front of him.

The throne should have been burned before, and the dragon-shaped carvings on it should have been burned away.

The original dragon shape should be a majestic and bold dragon pattern, or at least a neat, angular dragon pattern.

But the current dragon pattern is crooked, with two horns, which looks a bit like a sculpture of a donkey.

Not only does it look weird, but the workmanship is also very rough, it doesn't look like a dragon pattern at first glance.

Moreover, there are still traces of filling on the dragon pattern, and the gold color on it is also directly brushed with gold powder, which looks very rough.

Obviously, the dragon-shaped carving on the dragon chair has been patched.As for who it is, it is self-evident.

"Is the carving on this dragon chair repaired by you?"

Zhao Wen turned around and looked at Zhou Laoliu and the others.

Zhou Lao Liu scratched his head in embarrassment, his face flushed, and he stammered: "When we arrived at the main hall, the dragon chair was already on fire. Although we extinguished it in time, the dragon chair was still half full. Consumed by flames.

So I found some wood and mended the dragon chair.Although I have worked as a carpenter before, this is the first time I am repairing this dragon chair, and I don't know how to draw dragon patterns, so it is a bit ugly, but it looks like a dragon.

As for the gold powder on it, I found a gold ingot from the treasury, then found a millstone, and ground it bit by bit. "

"Haha, let me tell you, why do you have nothing to do when you have nothing to do? The dragon chair is good, but it's not for you to sit on now." Of course Zhao Wen knew what Zhou Laoliu was thinking, and it was nothing more than wanting to become emperor.

Although it is good to become emperor, it is not now, let alone in Shenyang.

Although it was just a small dragon chair, if Zhao Wen sat on it at this time, it meant that he couldn't wait to be the emperor, but now Zhao Wen didn't want to be the emperor in such a hurry.

Everyone standing in the hall looked at Zhao Wen with piercing eyes.

"Okay, let's remove the dragon chair. The time has not come yet, let's talk about it when the world is completely pacified and the country is rectified." Zhao Wen pointed to the dragon chair behind him and shouted loudly.

When everyone in the hall heard Zhao Wen's voice, they couldn't help but relax a little.But the slack lasted for a short time before recovering.

Zhou Laoliu hurriedly found an ordinary chair and replaced the dragon chair.

After Zhou Lao Liu went down, Zhao Wen sat on an ordinary chair and asked, "How is the situation in the city?"

"Returning to my lord, Shenyang City has been completely taken down by us, and the remaining Jiannu in the city have been killed or captured by us. Now our troops are flooding the entire Shenyang City, and the foundation of Jiannu in Shenyang City has been completely destroyed by us.

In addition, we took Huang Taiji out of the pot, and we arrested everyone except Guo Bumbutai and Zhe Zhe.

There are also those Ming people who surrendered and became slaves. We have not spared any of these people, and we have arrested all their nine clans.

In this battle, we killed a total of 200 Jiannu and captured 200 Jiannu, and our Xuanzhen soldiers and horses lost almost 50 people. Among these [-] people, [-] were killed in battle, and the rest were all injured.

The Horqin cavalry died more, reaching more than 700 people. As for the remaining grassland tribes, even more people died in battle. The total number may be 5000.

The soldiers and horses of Khalkha's three tribes suffered relatively heavy casualties because of their poor equipment. Now they have been defeated, and many soldiers and horses were beaten and fled.

Therefore, the great khans of the three tribes of Khalkha are now gathering the defeated soldiers in the city, while the great khans of other tribes are rushing here to meet the adults. "

Although the Horqin cavalry is well-equipped, they use cold weapons after all. Although Jiannu is at the end of its strength, Jiannu's combat effectiveness is still there. Although they are not opponents of Xuanzhen soldiers, they still have the power to fight when they meet Horqin soldiers. Coupled with the large number of Jiannu soldiers and horses, it is very normal for Horqin to kill more than 700 people in battle.

As for the other prairie tribes, because Zhao Wen didn't take care of them, their weapons and equipment were very backward. They were not the opponents of Jiannu in the past, let alone now.

Zhou Laoliu stood in the center of the hall and told Zhao Wen the situation of the battle in detail.

"According to the information we got, after the city was broken, Dorgon took the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner under his command and fled towards the east with Duoduo. Casualties, their strength is about 3 people.

According to our estimation, Dorgon should have fled to Laozhai Hetuala.In addition to the 3 people who escaped, about 3 people escaped. "

Zhou Lao Liu's voice kept echoing in the hall.

"Don't worry about Dorgon and those remnants who escaped from the city. Even if they escape, they won't be able to make a fortune. The most urgent task now is to solve Liaodong.

Yesterday afternoon, I received military information from Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan.They said that they did not have enough firepower to attack the walls of Liaoyang City.

Although they have cut off the connection between Liaoyang City and the outside world, according to the situation in the past few days, the defenders in Liaoyang City show signs of breaking through the city wall and fleeing.

There are about 10 defenders in Liaoyang City. If these people escape, it will not be so easy for us to hunt down, so I took Liaoyang City in the shortest time and completely defeated the Jiannu inside. "

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he stood up from his chair, "I order, Zhou Laoliu, Zhang He, and Wang Chong, you lead your soldiers and horsemen to increase troops in Liaoyang City in two ways, and you must send them to me in the shortest possible time. Take Liaoyang City.

Remember, we must take down Liaoyang City in the shortest possible time. Only when Liaoyang City is taken down can Jiannu's power in Liaodong be completely uprooted. Do you hear me clearly? "

(End of this chapter)

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